2013.07.02 19:00 - walk a mile in my flashing shoes


    The Guardian for this meeting was Eos Amaterasu. The comments are by Eos Amaterasu.


    Eos Amaterasu: Hi Eline
    Eline Adjani: hello
    Eos Amaterasu: welcome to Play as Being
    Eline Adjani: no crowd today, i see
    Eos Amaterasu: no.... a little unpredictable

    Eos Amaterasu: how have you found the sessions?
    Eline Adjani: i have only attended a few, but they have been interesting
    Eos Amaterasu: what is the attractor for you?

    Eline Adjani: intelligent conversation....that is a rarity on second life

    Eline Adjani: also tolerance, and spirituality

    Eos Amaterasu: :-)
    Eline Adjani: and a fairly wide range of topics...or so i have seen so far

    Eos Amaterasu: sounds like how the world could be :-)

    Eline Adjani: alas...

    Eos Amaterasu: this week's theme is "empathy, compassion, pity"....

    Eline Adjani: there is mileage in those

    Eos Amaterasu: so, how would you walk a mile in your shoes?

    Eline Adjani: its not something i would wish on anyone

    Eos Amaterasu: hmm

    Eos Amaterasu feels some empathy, feels some pain


    Eline Adjani: i find i cannot empathise with people who cannot empathise generally
    Eline Adjani: it is not a position i can understand
    Eos Amaterasu: I think some people hide their reactivity under a hard shell
    Eos Amaterasu: kind of a self protection
    Eline Adjani: certainly true for some
    Eos Amaterasu: which tries to forget what it's protecting, the object being not to feel it
    Eos Amaterasu: maybe we forget our inherent soft, aware nature
    Eos Amaterasu: even empaths, maybe especially empaths, need to protect themselves
    Eos Amaterasu: like what if you could really see other people's emotions and thoughts? would be overwhelming
    Eline Adjani: yes
    Eline Adjani: our own emotions and thougts are scary enough
    Eos Amaterasu: yes, maybe those are the first objects of our empathy
    Eos Amaterasu: softness, friendliness, with ourselves
    Eos Amaterasu: or, somewhat like the process of empathizing is held in a kind of clarity, without borders or opinions or protections
    Eos Amaterasu: just let be
    Eos Amaterasu: (maybe that's the most scary of all :-)
    Eos Amaterasu: that's a kind of gift I've noticed some people can give
    Eos Amaterasu: let you fully be, express your being, with complete acceptance (more than you give yourself), and yet not reinforcing
    Eos Amaterasu: not buying in
    Eline Adjani: yes
    Eline Adjani: it is a rare person
    Eos Amaterasu: maybe that's a kind of "playing as being"....
    Eline Adjani: being is a serious game
    Eos Amaterasu: say more?
    Eline Adjani: a game of life or death, indeed...
    Eline Adjani: being - life - is not something to take lightly. in my opinion
    Eos Amaterasu: personal pain?
    Eline Adjani: yes



    Eos Amaterasu: hmm... the 90 seconds, and times/spaces like that, are ways to experience that pain "in neutral" - let it be, no stickyness
    Eos Amaterasu: (if there is stickyness it's part of the pain)
    Eline Adjani: switching off is important
    Eline Adjani: if it can be achieved
    Eos Amaterasu: there's always little gaps, tiny moments of switched off
    Eos Amaterasu: they could be embarrassing to the felt importance of the pain, or whatever the emotion is
    Eos Amaterasu: true laugh, true pain
    Eos Amaterasu: all within the same bubble between life and death
    Eos Amaterasu: what comes after empathy?
    Eline Adjani: i do not know
    Eos Amaterasu: there's probably different sides
    Eos Amaterasu: one could be, how do I respond? how can I help? how can I concur?
    Malinson Resident: 's current display-name is "Malinson Bloobury".
    Malinson Resident: whats cookin?
    Eos Amaterasu: Another side could be, let it be, acknowledge through presence
    Eos Amaterasu: like not buying in, but not cashing out either
    Eos Amaterasu: Hi Malinson
    Malinson Resident: sup
    Eos Amaterasu: this very world :-)
    Eos Amaterasu: Have you been to Play as Being before?


    Eline Adjani: hello malinson
    Malinson Resident: which one?? I loose count
    Malinson Resident: 's current display-name is "Malinson Bloobury".
    Eos Amaterasu: I was thinking of one aspect of compassion
    Eos Amaterasu: has an aspect of being with someone else's passion
    Eline Adjani: how do you mean
    Eos Amaterasu: but also being with the heart of their passion, the heart that it's coming from
    Eos Amaterasu: and feeling that from the heart of the openness that allows empathy
    Eos Amaterasu: so something like feeling the heart of their passion from a totally open heart, which is really the nature of their heart
    Eos Amaterasu: maybe that is the gift that is not sticky
    Eos Amaterasu: that is the gift of the 90 seconds
    Eos Amaterasu: of a moment of playing as being
    Eline Adjani: sharing empathy
    Eos Amaterasu: being present
    Eos Amaterasu: your shoes are flashing :-)


    Eline Adjani: i was not aware
    Eos Amaterasu: :-)
    Eos Amaterasu: your shoes are playing
    Eos Amaterasu: even as you walk a mile in them
    Eline Adjani: they are independent thinkers
    Eos Amaterasu: not too independent, I hope (the shoes, that is)


    Eos Amaterasu: Well, must head to bed.... good night, Eline, nice to meet you
    Eline Adjani: ok goodnight
    Eline Adjani: sleep well

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