Umbriel was filling in for Wol. Soon after I arrived, Crusty and Pila joins me.
Umbriel Levenque: Peace and Love
Crusty Goldshark: :) hi
Umbriel Levenque: How are you Crusty?
Crusty Goldshark: well - u?
Umbriel Levenque: Good thank you
Crusty Goldshark: just gonna get a tea and tobelerone brb
Umbriel Levenque: ok
Umbriel Levenque: Hi Pila :-)
Pila Mulligan: whoa
Pila Mulligan: whatis happening
Pila Mulligan: hi
Pila Mulligan: avi gone crazy
Umbriel Levenque: You look fine to me
Crusty Goldshark: back
Umbriel Levenque: wb
Umbriel Levenque: wb Pila
Crusty Goldshark: good christmas?
Pila Mulligan: thanks
Umbriel Levenque: Was good :-) yours?
Pila Mulligan: it is still Christmas here -- 45 minutes to go :)
Crusty Goldshark: yes fun
Umbriel Levenque: :-)
Crusty Goldshark: ah ok - how has it been?
Pila Mulligan: wet
Pila Mulligan: very rainy
Umbriel Levenque: It has been clear here
Crusty Goldshark: I am in London - quite sunny at the moment
Crusty plans to give PaB a go and we tell each other about our practices.
Crusty Goldshark: My mothers boyfriend expressed an interest in Buddhism - and I have decided to give the PatB medit a go . . .
Umbriel Levenque: How did it go?
Umbriel Levenque: You did some variation of it before though...
Umbriel Levenque: 18 sec, 27 sec etc :-)
Crusty Goldshark: Well I need a watch - have a couple of meditation watches - and may write a program . . .
Umbriel Levenque: There is a clock you can either install or run on web page
Crusty Goldshark: Oh yes - but these were one offs - I mean doing it every 15 minutes regularly . .
Umbriel Levenque: ah ok why isn't your mother's boyfriend doing it?
Crusty Goldshark: OK will look at the watch - I am running Linux so it needs to be in Flash or Javascript . .
Umbriel Levenque: You could try the website
Crusty Goldshark: Well I doubt he will do meditation - first needs some pointers on Buddhist philosophy
Crusty Goldshark: thanks
Umbriel Levenque: You're welcome
Umbriel Levenque: ah, you are helping him?
Crusty Goldshark: that's it
Crusty Goldshark: Yep that mindfullness bell is fine - thanks
Umbriel Levenque: You're going to try too?
Crusty Goldshark: Well I meditate but have not done the every 15 mins thing
Umbriel Levenque: Can you say more about what you do Crusty?
Crusty Goldshark: just sit - go into a bliss state (at the moment) it changes
Crusty Goldshark: Sometimes I chat
Crusty Goldshark: chant
Crusty Goldshark: Mindful chat is more advanced . . . :)
Umbriel Levenque: heheheh thought you meditate before your computer
Umbriel Levenque: :-)
Crusty Goldshark: That is a shrine - I need to consecrate this computer as it has a new motherboard in it . . .
Umbriel Levenque: :-)
Umbriel Levenque: How often do you meditate?
Crusty Goldshark: ever day - usually first thing
Crusty Goldshark: how about you?
Umbriel Levenque: So probably 9 sec would be relatively easy to do for you
Umbriel Levenque: I do it in the morning/evening if possible
Crusty Goldshark: Well I was surprised by memebers of my family who said it would be hard - I thought it would be easy - need to try it to see how it works out . .
Umbriel Levenque: Would be interesting to find out
Crusty Goldshark: yes
Pila Mulligan: do you do meditation each morignand evening, Umbriel, or are you refrrgn to PaB practice?
Umbriel Levenque: I do both Pila
Pila Mulligan: thanks
Crusty Goldshark: What do you do Pila?
Pila Mulligan: meditate moring and evneing, but not PaB
Crusty Goldshark: What sort?
Pila Mulligan: Chinese
Pila Mulligan: silent sitting
Crusty Goldshark: Buddhist? Shinto? Taoist?
Umbriel Levenque: Golden Flower IIRC...
Pila Mulligan: close to Taoist
Pila Mulligan: yes, Golden FLower
Crusty Goldshark: So that is for Chi?
Pila Mulligan: yes
Pila Mulligan: then I do tai chi after
Crusty Goldshark: How long have you been doing Tai Chi?
Pila Mulligan: what is 'IIRC' Umbriel?
Pila Mulligan: 34 years
Umbriel Levenque: if I remember correctly :-)
Crusty Goldshark: So a Beginner - almost?
Pila Mulligan: yep
Pila Mulligan: getting there :)
Crusty Goldshark: :)
Umbriel Levenque: heheheh
Umbriel Levenque: What 'kind' of meditation do you do Crusty?
Pila Mulligan: wu style
Crusty Goldshark: Well I just sit still - sometimes I go through the mind body complex looking for tightness and issues and let them go . . .
Umbriel Levenque: ah ok
Pila Mulligan: what kind of meditation do you do Umbriel?
Umbriel Levenque: Buddhist Pila, basic ones, sitting sometimes walking
Crusty Goldshark: I sometimes do Chi Kung exercises but lately more aggressive martial movements
Pila Mulligan: :0
Pila Mulligan: anything that gets the enrgy flwoing hepls
Umbriel Levenque: ah...
Umbriel Levenque: Any particular benefits of martial arts other than being a form of an exercise?
Pila Mulligan: we are all competing with rigor mortis :)
Umbriel Levenque: Competing...?
Crusty Goldshark: Yes I like to walk and do silent chanting - this morning I walked from my sisters place and chated to Guru Rinpoche (Tibetan Mantra) bothe silently and alod as it was early and took me 1.5 hours to get back
Umbriel Levenque: :-)
Crusty Goldshark: Martial arts placates my anger and agression
Pila Mulligan: cmpeting in the sense that rigor mortis beats us all, Umbriel, eventually
Pila Mulligan: meanwhile we try to fend it off :)
Umbriel Levenque: heheheh
Pila Mulligan: and keeping the enrgy moving helps
Pila Mulligan: a lot of older peole could be a lot less stiff with just a little effot
Umbriel Levenque: I heard Tai Chi is good for that yes
Pila Mulligan: it is
Pila Mulligan: od folks get stiff and cranky and think it is normal
Umbriel Levenque: I will find out soon enough
Pila Mulligan: are you starting tai chi?
Umbriel Levenque: No I meant soon enough about being stiff and cranky [did try Tai Chi but prefer yoga]
Pila Mulligan: yoga is also excleent for the same thing
Crusty Goldshark: I used to teach Chinese Yoga
Umbriel Levenque: Chinese yoga?
Pila Mulligan: how was it Chines vs. Indian Crusty?
Crusty Goldshark: More fluid - similar to Astanga - or Japnese OKi Yoga
Pila Mulligan: oh, lik chi Kung then?
Crusty Goldshark: Not really we concentrate more on the movement sequences . . .
Crusty Goldshark: phone brb
Umbriel Levenque: ok
Pila Mulligan: it is raning so hard her enow I feel a need to go checkm on some rl things outside ... see you both later Umbriel, say goodbye to Crusty for me please
Umbriel Levenque: Enjoy your day Pila
Pila Mulligan: thanks
Pila Mulligan: same to you :)
Crusty Goldshark: ok bye
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