Eliza posted this session from the generous auto-listener...
[19:05] Sylectra Darwin: Hello, Fox
[19:05] Fox Monacular: hi Sylectra
[19:05] Sylectra Darwin: How are you?
[19:05] Fox Monacular: well, thank you, how are you?
[19:06] Sylectra Darwin: Doing well.
[19:06] Sylectra Darwin: A bit sad about Steve Jobs' passing.
[19:06] Fox Monacular: yes, me too
[19:07] Sylectra Darwin: Right after their latest product announcement, too. It's like he waited for a significant event.
[19:08] Sylectra Darwin: I read a wonderful book once about dying people called Final Gifts
[19:08] Fox Monacular: strange timing, yes... life is a pretty weird thing sometimes... synchronicities
[19:08] Fox Monacular: what was the book about?
[19:08] Sylectra Darwin: It discussed how people will often wait to die until after an event of their choosing, like a birthday or Christmas.
[19:09] Sylectra Darwin: It also discussed how aware the dying are and how their unique perspective can really be like a gift to those who are watching with an open heart.
[19:10] Sylectra Darwin: It was written by Margie Callanan, who I believe was a Hospice nurse.
[19:10] Fox Monacular: I'm sure there's something right about it... a great mystery indeed
[19:10] Fox Monacular: thanks for the reference, I'll look it up
[19:10] Sylectra Darwin: Yes, I think so. many people who are just about to pass on report that they are seeing a loved one that had already passed away, waiting for them in the room.
[19:11] Sylectra Darwin: Like maybe a guide just for them.
[19:11] Fox Monacular: must be a comforting experiences
[19:12] Sylectra Darwin: I would say so. I am not sure of course whether it's a hallucination or they actually see those people, but it doesn't seem to matter either way :)
[19:13] Fox Monacular: no, I don't think it matters... either way, a hallucination is just something that 'other' people cannot see:)
[19:13] Sylectra Darwin: Yes...did you see the movie, Big Fish?
[19:14] Fox Monacular: yes, some time ago, when it just came out
[19:14] Fox Monacular: i vaguely remember it, and I'm pretty sure I liked it:)
[19:14] Sylectra Darwin: haha, I guess it was a while ago now.
[19:14] Sylectra Darwin: I liked it because it lovingly dealt with a guy who exaggerated everything because of his fanciful imagination.
[19:15] Fox Monacular: :)
[19:17] Fox Monacular: (my internet is very very slow tonight... )
[19:17] Sylectra Darwin: I think the point I took from it was that it doesn't matter if someone has wishful thinking...if it comforts them to think of their memories in that way, what's the harm?
[19:17] Sylectra Darwin: sorry to hear that
[19:19] Fox Monacular: in any case the reality is relative
[19:19] Fox Monacular: to our lived engagement with the world
[19:20] Sylectra Darwin: yes, that's true for me, certainly
[19:20] Fox Monacular: SL is a good example of that too:)
[19:20] Fox Monacular: (as is art, music, philosophy and so on...)
[19:23] Fox Monacular: perhpas as adults we have to 'unlearn' to be able to experience world with the sense of wonder again:)
[19:24] Sylectra Darwin: definitely! :)
[19:25] Sylectra Darwin: unlearning is very freeing
[19:28] Fox Monacular: something we all should learn
[19:28] Fox Monacular: to unlearn:)
[19:29] Sylectra Darwin: lol
[19:29] Sylectra Darwin: good one!
[19:32] Fox Monacular: PAB might be a good place to start and to perfect the unlearning...
[19:32] Fox Monacular: playing:) again
[19:33] Sylectra Darwin: What are some ways to unlearn?
[19:34] Sylectra Darwin: Hi Boxy :)
[19:34] Fox Monacular: starting experiencing things as they present themselves?
[19:34] Fox Monacular: hey Boxy!
[19:35] Sylectra Darwin: Boxy, we were talking about how unlearning things can be wonderful, and ways to do that.
[19:35] Sylectra Darwin: that would be a good way
[19:36] Sylectra Darwin: experiencing things as they present themselves...could that lead to subjective thinking? Is that okay?
[19:36] Fox Monacular: starting by recognizing a habit too:)
[19:36] Fox Monacular: subjective is the only access we got!
[19:37] Sylectra Darwin: good points
[19:38] Sylectra Darwin: I unlearn things when I challenge my assumptions about something or someone.
[19:38] Fox Monacular: many subjectives bring us closer to the world I suppose
[19:39] Sylectra Darwin: well
[19:40] Sylectra Darwin: If I don't trust someone at work, I explore what it would be like if I knew they had positive intentions.
[19:41] Sylectra Darwin: When I feel kind of trapped by circumstances or my own choices, I ask my self, well, if you could do anything at all regardless of limitations, what eould it be?
[19:42] Sylectra Darwin: ty
[19:42] Sylectra Darwin: hi Steve!
[19:42] Fox Monacular: Hi Steve!
[19:42] Sylectra Darwin: hello observerm :)
[19:44] Sylectra Darwin: haha, thank you
[19:44] Sylectra Darwin: no, we were talking about unlearning stuff and the value of it
[19:44] Sylectra Darwin: hey Dash
[19:44] Fox Monacular: Hi Dash
[19:44] Sylectra Darwin: we didn't really specify did we Fox?
[19:44] Fox Monacular: not really, I don't think:)
[19:46] Sylectra Darwin: unlearning in a way that frees us, I think
[19:47] Fox Monacular: realize what you've learned and look at it again:)
[19:47] Fox Monacular: with the sense of wonder
[19:47] Sylectra Darwin: fox is inspiring with this idea
[19:47] Sylectra Darwin: :)
[19:49] Sylectra Darwin: hehe yes
[19:51] Sylectra Darwin: waves at Susan, Sanos
[19:52] Fox Monacular: Hi Susan
[19:53] Fox Monacular: Hi San
[19:59] Sylectra Darwin: and tinkertoys
[20:02] Sylectra Darwin: smiles
[20:02] Sylectra Darwin: friends, I am sleepy so I must be off
[20:02] Sylectra Darwin: thanks for the conversation
[20:07] Fox Monacular: we were talking about the unlearning and regaining a sense of wonder;)
[20:07] Fox Monacular: (my computer is having a hard time tonight...)
[20:09] Fox Monacular: :)
[20:13] Fox Monacular: i read about her. quite an amazin woman
[20:21] Fox Monacular: :)
[20:21] Fox Monacular: onigokko
[20:22] Fox Monacular: nice
[20:25] Fox Monacular: I need to go now:) thanks and good night everyone!
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