2011.10.12 07:00 - Wednesday too

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways taking over for no assigned GoC.
    SL and PaB may have conspired to get Riddle over to Wednesday.  Even the 'Region Restart' moved to Wednesday in honour of my paranoia :)
    Eliza reports that the region never restarted on Wednesday until now.  Ergo, my point.
    Lucinda Lavender: HI Riddle!
    Riddle Sideways: Hi Cinda and Ari
    Lucinda Lavender: Cinda is looking for her hair
    Riddle Sideways: was just goiing to ask about your new hair
    Arisia Vita: ah, very nice
    Riddle Sideways: there, but it did rez slowly
    Riddle Sideways: growing in in spurts
    Lucinda Lavender: I was thinking that perhaps I would speed things up without the hair but it seems to not have any been a help
    Riddle Sideways: Storm was explaining that... oh can't remember if it is prims or AOs or other that affects lag
    Lucinda Lavender: hmm
    Riddle Sideways: Hi Xir
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hi Rid, Eliza, Arisia:)
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hi Luuci!!
    Lucinda Lavender: Hi Xirana:)
    Lucinda Lavender: :))
         we all seem to be wondering about the Vespa parked nearby and coffee table in the sky.
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): Rid, have you come with the moto?? :)
    Riddle Sideways: nope, that is Aph's
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): ahh :)
    Riddle Sideways: as is the coffee table in the air over there
    Riddle Sideways: was wondering why Aph's objects are all over :)
    Lucinda Lavender: Luci looks and does not see ...
    Riddle Sideways: in the clearing behind us
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I don't see the cofee table either:)
    Lucinda Lavender: I see the moto now:)
    Riddle Sideways: beyond the second sign
    Riddle Sideways: beyond the donations board
    Lucinda Lavender: ah yes up in the air abit...
    Riddle Sideways: not sure of the usefulness of a coffee table that high off the ground
    Riddle Sideways: "High Tea"
    Lucinda Lavender: perhaps in preparation for our themed discussion of the retreat...

    Lucinda Lavender: When attending a retreat in Rl we did some drawing on a coffee table...
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): oh!..'on' a cofee table?
    Lucinda Lavender: on paper on the table
    Arisia Vita: welcome Be
    Lucinda Lavender: with markers
    Riddle Sideways: Hi Be
    Be (be.ewing): thank you
    Lucinda Lavender: HI Be...nice to meet you
    Be (be.ewing): Hello to All :)
    Be (be.ewing): Lucinda -- nice to see you too
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hello Be
    Lucinda Lavender: Moon sets in 1 minute for me...
    Lucinda Lavender: was just checking...
    Lucinda Lavender: sun rises in 11 minutes
    Lucinda Lavender: enjoy keepint track:)
    Riddle Sideways: the Moon was way toooo bright last night
    Lucinda Lavender: wow...very yes
    Lucinda Lavender: some lovely high clouds near it lighting up the whole sky
    Riddle Sideways: driving up the hill last night, just wanted to flash brights at that moon to dim it :)
    Lucinda Lavender: :)))
    Lucinda Lavender: naughty moon
    Be (be.ewing): raining here finally :)
    Be (be.ewing): another way to dim the moon
    Lucinda Lavender: much awaited?
    Be (be.ewing): much, much awaited
    Lucinda Lavender: ah...
                       ++  bell  ++ 
    Riddle Sideways: Scientists tell us that this moon is not bigger or closer then last months version
    Riddle Sideways: but anybody can tell
    Lucinda Lavender: just noticing that we have not claimed the session..
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): you see it closer?
    Riddle Sideways: that it is bigger, brighter and nearer, then last
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): yesterday here I was also seeing the moon and having the feeling it was bigger
    Riddle Sideways: whoops, thought you had
    Lucinda Lavender: no I forgot
    Lucinda Lavender: whoops
    Riddle Sideways: ummmm, can't claim it
    Lucinda Lavender: me neither...
    Lucinda Lavender: it is not allowing
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I can not ..it maust be broken
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): must*
    Riddle Sideways: oh, well. will use the viewers chat box for the wiki
    Lucinda Lavender: hmmwonder if this is because it is way past the
    Lucinda Lavender: start time
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I don't think so, Luci...
    Riddle Sideways: please pardon.... WOL
    Riddle Sideways: HEY WOL !!!!!
    Lucinda Lavender: Wol
    Riddle Sideways: THIS THING IS BROKE AGAIN
    Lucinda Lavender: Wol knows
    Riddle Sideways: sorry for shouting :)
    Lucinda Lavender: well I do not literally mean she knows but she knows lots
    Riddle Sideways: Hi Susan
    Lucinda Lavender: Wol knows lots ...
    Lucinda Lavender: Hi susan!!
    Be (be.ewing): Claim the session for what and why?
    Lucinda Lavender: we are struggling to clam the log
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hi Susan:)
    Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): waves
    Lucinda Lavender: Well Be this conversation is usually recorded and posted to a wiki
    Be (be.ewing): also something about Blood Moon in Aries tonight full moon
    Be (be.ewing): believe it may mean something to astrologers and similar people who follow heavenly bodies
    Lucinda Lavender: Yes Sanguine Moon I have heard it called
    Lucinda Lavender whispers: Be have you been here before?
    Be (be.ewing): Lucinda -- I learned that yesterday
    Lucinda Lavender: I will send you a note card about it...
    Be (be.ewing): yesterday for sure
    Be (be.ewing): I have one but thank you
    Lucinda Lavender: oh...ok:)
    Lucinda Lavender: claiming the log is what gets the recording started
    Lucinda Lavender: tho...the fountain in the middle says it is recording
    Riddle Sideways: the old style / old school is to just copy the chat box and paste into a text editor
    Riddle Sideways: which we did for years
    Be (be.ewing): does it record when "On Air" sign is on?
    Riddle Sideways: supposedly
    Be (be.ewing): Is that another indicator -- or does that no work either?
    Lucinda Lavender: do you have the ability to do that today? Riddle?
    Riddle Sideways: you can never tell with software
    Be (be.ewing): right now its says "ONAIR"
    Lucinda Lavender: then hmmmm
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): but, can you copy all the text box since we have met, Riddle?
    Riddle Sideways: yes, still have the old technology around
    Be (be.ewing): with space between ON and AIR implied by two rows of print :)
    Lucinda Lavender: :)
    Riddle Sideways: handy set of macros in a text editor
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): ok, I didn't know it was possible :)
    Lucinda Lavender: I have to go open up the chicken coop:)
    Lucinda Lavender: brb
    Santoshima: love that
    Santoshima: earthiness between the digital age stuff
    Riddle Sideways: Hi Santo (did not see you)
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hi San:)
    Santoshima: i saw you! HELLO!
    Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): hehe
    Be (be.ewing): Hi :)
    Santoshima: :))
                       ++  bell  ++ 
    Santoshima: what are you all talking about
    Santoshima: { shh }
    Be (be.ewing): a little about moon now and then
    Be (be.ewing): mostly silence though
    Be (be.ewing): feels similar to meditation today
             Play as Being 15 minute bell: Thank you.
    Riddle Sideways: hmmm, is the Moon an earthiness subject?
    Santoshima: chickens are
    Be (be.ewing): excuse me -- i did not see silence text
    Santoshima: np
    Riddle Sideways: ah, because some of us are silent during the 90-sec bell
    Be (be.ewing): I usually discount messages that color
    Be (be.ewing): amazing what one can be blind to :)
    Lucinda Lavender: back...
    Lucinda Lavender: chickens say hello
    Santoshima: how are the chckens, luci?
    Riddle Sideways: oh dear... Yesterday's missing Region restart is today
    Lucinda Lavender: they are fine:)
    Be (be.ewing): great :)
    Riddle Sideways: usually happens Tuesday 7;30+
    Santoshima: names?
    Lucinda Lavender: Usually your session riddle and it did not happen?
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): oh yes! it 'follows' you Rid:))
    Riddle Sideways: maybe since Riddle is taking the wednesday session too :)
    Riddle Sideways: it restarts here too
    Santoshima: when?
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hehe yes! :)
    Riddle Sideways: maybe am getting a bit paranoid
    Santoshima: oh
    Santoshima: how long does it last?
    Be (be.ewing): less than 3 minutes to go here
    Riddle Sideways: maybe 10 minutes
    Lucinda Lavender: Hamburg, Red Hen, Silverlace, Speckled,Welsummer
    Be (be.ewing): you have them for eggs?
    Santoshima: name, names?
    Lucinda Lavender: yes Be
    Santoshima: individual names?
    Lucinda Lavender: and yes the names are related to the kind they are
    Santoshima: ah
    Lucinda Lavender: will see if I can show a picture...
    Santoshima: ok, :)
    Be (be.ewing): I need to welcome someone now
    Be (be.ewing): All ... Enjoy! :)
    Santoshima: bye all
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): ok bye bye all:)
    Riddle Sideways: going to walk to another sim
    Arisia Vita: bye all
    Riddle Sideways: and watch
    Riddle Sideways: bye all and thanks
        we watch the REGION RESTART from the Kira building.  Then come back.
       we were talking about Xirana's art exhibit.  Besides the great painting, there were these very nice scruptures of modern day heroes.  Xirana had a price of $0.00L on them so I took a Billy Holiday of the homestead plot.  We were discussing modifying it bigger or smaller in that environ.
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I've seen that in SL is not easy to have the feeling of proportion of the objects
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): in a place it seems ok in a more closed or small it seems very big
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): :)
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): well...but you must feel comfortable having it in the near
    Riddle Sideways: ah the sim has come back
    Riddle Sideways: can go to pavillion now
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): ok yes:)
    Riddle Sideways: restart log
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): it does not take a lot of time to restart a region:)
    Riddle Sideways: that time was about 5min!
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): yes:)
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): now the record is sleeping:)
    Riddle Sideways: still can not touch it
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): welll..not sure, maybe a little more
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): me either
    Riddle Sideways: excuse me, while writting an email to the recorder fixers
              our commentator screams "WOL   W O L    WWWWW OOOOOO LLLLLL"  (there)
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): ok:)
    Riddle Sideways: there reported to the great email list in the cloud
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): good:)
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): what do you mean 'in the clod' ?
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): cloud*
    Riddle Sideways notes that the coffee table and Vespa survived the region restart
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): metaphor?
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hehe yes!! :)
    Riddle Sideways: hmmmm, both metaphor and tech
    Riddle Sideways: email goes off to a google group that is hosted on a cloud server
    Riddle Sideways: but the web/internet as a Cloud metaphor is very apt
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I was wondering about places to do retreats near where I live
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): which kind of conditions are important?
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I find religious places like a monastery
    Riddle Sideways: let's see
    Riddle Sideways: large enough meeting room
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): ahh yes! a clud is in the sky and also moves following the push of the wind:)
    Riddle Sideways: to sit 6-12 maybe comfortably
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): this room must be only for the group?
    Riddle Sideways: there have been some "urban" retreats that did not have remote country away feeligns
    Riddle Sideways: *feel to them
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I would like 'urban' retreats:)) I am always in the country:)
    Riddle Sideways: but, is nicer (some think) to have the place a little remote
    Riddle Sideways: for less city/manmade noises
    Riddle Sideways: for meditations
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): well..in the country all silence and quiet is easier
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): yes
                         bell : : Thank you.
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): after next pause I will go to your plot..I am curious to see the sculpture there
    Riddle Sideways: making a 'retreating from normal' easier
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): :)
    Riddle Sideways: a City or sea of humanity still has the quiet under it
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): what I find important is that the place is well comunicated
    Riddle Sideways: but is often harder to grash
    Riddle Sideways: *grasp
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): yes
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I go to find your place, ok Rid?
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