Riddle Sideways: Hi Susan, you're early today
Riddle Sideways: and you can move around :)
iwandertoo Resident: haha
Riddle Sideways: whatz up?
iwandertoo Resident: lol
iwandertoo Resident: how are you?
Riddle Sideways: trying to figure out boxy's box
iwandertoo Resident: whens the restart going to kick-in?
iwandertoo Resident: ah
Riddle Sideways: Hi Arisia
Riddle Sideways: Hi Yak
Arisia Vita: Hi all
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey everyone
Riddle Sideways: the website (from the boxy box) says abcnews, but something looks not right
Riddle Sideways: Alf really wants to win a free trip to Japan, hmmm
Riddle Sideways is wondering if this is spam, Alf
Riddle Sideways: Hi Alf
Alfred Kelberry: hi :)
Riddle Sideways: were just wondering about the boxy box
Yakuzza Lethecus: hi boxy :)
Alfred Kelberry: what spam?
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Riddle Sideways: are we suppose to tweet for your trip to japan
Alfred Kelberry: ah, it's a live feed from twitter
Riddle Sideways: and is that the 'real' abc news site
Alfred Kelberry: i wouldn't know what urls did you click on :)
Alfred Kelberry: actually, i left it as a topic helper, cause sometimes we have trouble finding a new one
Riddle Sideways: it is a tinyURL to abcnews.GO.com
Riddle Sideways: nice topic "10,000" free tickets to Japan
Alfred Kelberry: yes, tweets use url shorteners
Alfred Kelberry: heh, yep
Alfred Kelberry: i wonder if pema is eligible for one :)
Riddle Sideways: Pema has freq flyer miles
Riddle Sideways: not sure the topic of Demi Moore using Kabbalah as a crutch is a good topic :)
Riddle Sideways: but thanks for the topic box
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Alfred Kelberry: someone's having a birthday
Riddle Sideways: ?
Alfred Kelberry: the tweet
Alfred Kelberry: um, it updates every minute
Alfred Kelberry: oh, susan, have you looked at the table page?
iwandertoo Resident: no...
Alfred Kelberry: ok
Riddle Sideways: do we have tables now?
Alfred Kelberry: yaku-san, how are you doing?
Alfred Kelberry: riddle, it's susan's project
Riddle Sideways: ok
iwandertoo Resident: hi boxy, perfect
Alfred Kelberry: not sure i'm allowed to talk about it :) *looks at susan*
Riddle Sideways: which of us gets to sit at the kid's table
Riddle Sideways: 90-sec is a long time
Riddle Sideways: how many of us got distracted
Alfred Kelberry: when you count :)
Riddle Sideways: into some other project?
Alfred Kelberry: sorry, i have :)
Riddle Sideways: boxy, am wanting the tweet box to stay, but can it be more out of the circle?
Riddle Sideways: hard to change topic every minute
Riddle Sideways: how are tweets a metaphor?
Alfred Kelberry: ah, sure
Riddle Sideways: almost everything is a metaphor
Riddle Sideways: but, how are twitters
Alfred Kelberry: ok now?
Riddle Sideways: thank you
Riddle Sideways: sorry to be so pushy
Riddle Sideways: maybe tweets are like those random thoughts that pass by
Riddle Sideways: when trying to be still
Riddle Sideways: new input all the time
Yakuzza Lethecus: i wonder about the sense i am making of all the input i percieve or maybe only recieve during the day
Yakuzza Lethecus: everyday financial crisis in the news
Yakuzza Lethecus: selection, which news does really matter for me, should i even stop watching the daily news
Alfred Kelberry: riddle, yes, random thoughts is how i felt about them
Alfred Kelberry: no time to settle in too as next one is on the way
Riddle Sideways: almost like the random thoughts firing off as soon as one is picked for concentration
Alfred Kelberry: yaku, if i may, i'd like to suggest spending less time reading media. it does help :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: is there selection possible in the tweets boxy ? like only tweets about thoughts on meditation as a startable topic giver ?
iwandertoo Resident: best to everyone
Riddle Sideways: buy buy susan
iwandertoo Resident: yes buy!
iwandertoo Resident: hehe
iwandertoo Resident: i'm rubbing off on you, riddle!
iwandertoo Resident: jk...see you later
Riddle Sideways: :)
Alfred Kelberry: yaku, yes. currently, it looks for "japan".
Alfred Kelberry: let me try "meditation"
Alfred Kelberry: there
Riddle Sideways: you subscribe/follow publishers
Riddle Sideways: not so much as subjects
Alfred Kelberry: i use twitter search api
Riddle Sideways: ok, those tweets are now peacefuller
Riddle Sideways: a little less noise
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Riddle Sideways: Hi suckerpunch
Alfred Kelberry: that was fast :)
Riddle Sideways: bye sucker :)
Alfred Kelberry: this is my a-student sit :)
Alfred Kelberry: proper pup
Riddle Sideways: like that you can sit down on the box now, boxy
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Alfred Kelberry: that's all i can build :)
Riddle Sideways: :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: the smartes boxes by boxy
Alfred Kelberry: heh
Riddle Sideways: store soon to open: "Boxy's Smart Boxes"
Alfred Kelberry: um... i think i'd like a little cosy cafe instead :)
Alfred Kelberry: clutter free japanese style
Riddle Sideways: made of boxes
Alfred Kelberry: oops, phone...
Riddle Sideways: take one down and pass it around
Arisia Vita: rl found my number again, and is calling....sigh...be well and happy till we meet again, which will be soon I hope... :)
Riddle Sideways: old song: "Tiny boxes"
Riddle Sideways: ok, thanks and by Arisia
Arisia Vita: my pleasure
Alfred Kelberry: riddle, which one is it?
Alfred Kelberry: and, bye ari :)
Boxy. Making only boxes. Sitting on boxes. In a house made of lots of boxes. hmmmm......
Riddle Sideways: by Malvina Reynolds
Riddle Sideways: Little boxes on the hillside
Riddle Sideways: Little boxes made of ticky tacky
Riddle Sideways: Little boxes all the same
Riddle Sideways:
And the people in the houses
All went to the university,
Where they were put in boxes
And they came out all the same,
And there's doctors and lawyers,
And business executives,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.
Riddle Sideways: for completenss: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJjE-UtqQdU
Riddle Sideways: driving into south San Francisco, you can see the hillside of colorful boxy houses
Riddle Sideways: that the song was inspired by
At least that's what I always thought, but research points to either the above scene or Daly City (below)
Riddle Sideways: well Yak, the region restart might not come today
Riddle Sideways: you were probably here to bear witness
Yakuzza Lethecus: well i do not only come to pab to see the sim go down :)
Riddle Sideways: hehehe
Yakuzza Lethecus: this window often brings some good new thoughts
Riddle Sideways: maybe like the tweet box :)
Riddle Sideways: sometimes some good new thoughts come
Alfred Kelberry: back
Yakuzza Lethecus: wb
Alfred Kelberry: yes, yaku. i found this via one of the tweets last session...
Alfred Kelberry: http://up.keep.se/katase_rino.jpg
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Riddle Sideways: I like that tweet:
Riddle Sideways: Prayer is when you talk to G-d
Riddle Sideways: Meditation is when you listen to G-d
Alfred Kelberry: hmm
Alfred Kelberry: san :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey santo
Santoshima Resident: hey
Alfred Kelberry: yaku, any tech experiments you got yourself into lately?
Yakuzza Lethecus: not really, i started another gaming habit lately, so nothing senseful lately
Riddle Sideways: Hi Santo
Alfred Kelberry: heh
Yakuzza Lethecus: i got to go
Yakuzza Lethecus: nice to see everyone
Riddle Sideways: by
Santoshima Resident: bye yaku
Riddle Sideways: sorry, got distracted by the boxes thought generator
Alfred Kelberry: hehe
Alfred Kelberry: that's an interesting description
Santoshima Resident: huh?
Riddle Sideways: San, boxy left a twitter box over there
Santoshima Resident: is that what you are sitting on, boxy?
Riddle Sideways: it refreshing a new tweet every minute
Santoshima Resident: oh, wow
Alfred Kelberry: no, behind me
Riddle Sideways: blue box
Alfred Kelberry: the "t" box
Santoshima Resident: ok,
Santoshima Resident: ahhh
Alfred Kelberry: you have to zoom in to see the tweets
Santoshima Resident: very innovative
Santoshima Resident: i can see them
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Santoshima Resident: nice :)
Riddle Sideways: changing the search to 'meditation' makes it better now
Riddle Sideways: more like a proverb giver
Santoshima Resident: way cool
Riddle Sideways: then a link enticer
Alfred Kelberry: *wonders what the "war" search would bring*
Santoshima Resident: an invitation to havoc
Riddle Sideways: wonder what "peace" would bring :)
Alfred Kelberry: heh
Alfred Kelberry: "all what i'm sa-a-a-ying... is give peace a chance..."
Santoshima Resident: :))
Alfred Kelberry: oh! this reminded me of the tiny song of yours riddle which i missed. *scrolls up*
Riddle Sideways: Pete Seger sings it a lot too
Riddle Sideways: one of those kids songs that makes ya think
Alfred Kelberry: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_2lGkEU4Xs
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Santoshima Resident: what are you sitting on there, boxy? that box
Alfred Kelberry: youtube has it all :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=La21jYGIQ8k
Alfred Kelberry: san... a chair of sort :)
Santoshima Resident: hmm, understod .... but photos of bleu
Riddle Sideways: what other kind of chair would a cardboard box dog sit upon?
Alfred Kelberry: that's the first texture that picked up :)
Santoshima Resident: :)
Santoshima Resident: good to be elevated
Alfred Kelberry: besides, she's beautiful and i love her :)
Alf works so hard...
Riddle Sideways: Whoops, got lost off into YouTube link land again
Alfred Kelberry: heh
Santoshima Resident: easy to do
Riddle Sideways: so many great folk songs, so little time :)
Alfred Kelberry: i have a nice collection from the fairbanks folk festival
Riddle Sideways: fairbanks Alaska?
Alfred Kelberry: yep
Riddle Sideways: what month is that held in?
Alfred Kelberry: last frontier, no compromise, coup de deux...
Riddle Sideways: hope not Janurary
Alfred Kelberry: no :) summer, i think july
Santoshima Resident: needing to go / short but very sweet to see you both ~
Riddle Sideways: yes, bye San
Alfred Kelberry: thank you guys
Riddle Sideways: need to go too
Alfred Kelberry: be well
Riddle Sideways: bye boxy, thanks for the boxes
Riddle Sideways: ah, you take the blu box
Alfred Kelberry: very welcome :)
Alfred Kelberry: yes, it's my tiny chair :)
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boxy_pulling_rose.jpg No description | 5.55 kB | 02:30, 14 Oct 2011 | Riddle Sideways | Actions | ||
tinyboxes_dalycity.jpg No description | 16.24 kB | 02:30, 14 Oct 2011 | Riddle Sideways | Actions | ||
tinyboxes_sosanfran.jpg No description | 11.98 kB | 02:30, 14 Oct 2011 | Riddle Sideways | Actions |