2011.10.09 13:00 - a warm open pool of love

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    The guardain for this session is Maxine Walden.  The comments are hers.

    This session evolved into a very moving session, as reflected in the title, nearly the exact words which Wol mentioned late in the session about what it is like to be around little children.  My understanding of the session is that as we began to be able to address and appreciate some of the 'child feelings' we all have, when it was clear that we could be open to those feelings, that even more sharing occurred and that it did feel like an open pool of love.  Please have a read and see what you think about the session, whether it strikes you as filled with the warmth that it did us.

    Wol Euler: hello again maxine

    Maxine Walden: hi, again, Wol!

    Maxine Walden: how is your project, almost through?

    Wol Euler: yes, very much so. The opening celebration was on Saturday, as of today it is in normal use

    Wol Euler: there remains a lot of fiddly work to do patchng things up

    Maxine Walden: oh, yes, you mentioned that last week. Sorry I forgot that detail

    Wol Euler: no worries

    Wol Euler smiles.

    Maxine Walden: Ah, just fiddly stuff. You must be relieved, have more space...

    Wol Euler: at least we won't be on site every day any more

    Wol Euler nods.

    Maxine Walden: (envisioning Wol in her hard hat, on site every day) :)

    Wol Euler: heheheh

    Wol Euler: the health and safety inspector wisely stayed away

    Wol Euler: he'd have had to close us down.

    Maxine Walden: oh?

    Wol Euler: **nobody** wore a hard hat, or ear/eye protectors, or hard shoes

    Maxine Walden: Is that usual in Germany?

    Wol Euler: well :)

    Wol Euler: officially no, officially everyone always does (nods vigorously)

    Maxine Walden: :)

    Wol Euler: in practice, who can be bothered?

    FcSeeker Resident: Hello Max and Wol

    Wol Euler: hello fc

    Maxine Walden: I see!!

    Maxine Walden: hi, fc, welcome

    Maxine Walden: ah, cascade of hearts :)

    Maxine Walden: Last week Wol and I were talking about her project as I recall and I got the feeling that you may have felt left out, fc.

    Maxine Walden: Sorry if that occurred

    FcSeeker Resident: I dont remember such...

    Wol Euler: good :)

    Maxine Walden: OK, sometimes I feel overly sensitive about things....:)

    Maxine Walden: glad

    FcSeeker Resident: well; was left out for somebody else, but not you or Wol

    Maxine Walden: oh?

    Wol Euler raises an eyebrow.

    FcSeeker Resident: ah well; such happens a lot here that somebody else 'takes' the topic to elsewhere

    FcSeeker Resident: maybe people have not noticed as I so seldom try to suggest any topic...

    Maxine Walden: yes, guess that can happen. Do you have something you would like to mention here?

    FcSeeker Resident: but yes; freedom was the topic I would've like to 'have' ...

    FcSeeker Resident: thankfully there's much much more such people that loves me ; and I sure love them :)***

    Wol Euler smiles.

    FcSeeker Resident: that's one so huge thing in toy's life :)***

    Maxine Walden: love?

    FcSeeker Resident: to been loved so much and cuddled even cannot cuddle myself and so :)***

    FcSeeker Resident: I feel such grace for that that I cannot describe enough

    Maxine Walden: ah, sounds like you are very grateful for that

    FcSeeker Resident: I sure am

    Wol Euler nods.

    Maxine Walden: Life can be lonely at times. so good to feel loved

    FcSeeker Resident: that's something I experienced only as child; to be lonely

    Maxine Walden: hmm


    Maxine Walden: Wol, have you thought any more about your local retreat?

    FcSeeker Resident: but I myself felt love still; even to my evil sis and truly hard mom..

    Wol Euler: alas, no

    FcSeeker Resident: but already in teen age I couldn't feel love to my sis anymore because she tortured me so mcuh

    FcSeeker Resident: muhch

    Maxine Walden: very painful, fc, to feel one's family members as hard or evil, I would imagine

    Wol Euler nods.

    Wol Euler: hello susan

    FcSeeker Resident: well; the spirit chooses also the family to which shall be born, so there was something that teached me

    Maxine Walden: hi, susan!

    Maxine Walden: I see.

    iwandertoo Resident: waves. hi Fc, Wol, Maxine

    FcSeeker Resident: Hello O

    Maxine Walden: hi, O

    Wol Euler: hello sam

    oO0Oo Resident: 

    oO0Oo Resident:     ☻/

    oO0Oo Resident:     /   hi  :-)

    oO0Oo Resident:     / \ 

    Maxine Walden: :))

    Wol Euler: heheheh, nice graphics! I hope the log captures them

    oO0Oo Resident: :)

    FcSeeker Resident: rises a story...

    Wol Euler listens.

    FcSeeker Resident: ok

    Maxine Walden: :) yes, think we are all listening, fc

    FcSeeker Resident: there was a man who drove lorry for the very trusted and liked company

    FcSeeker Resident: he was not happy, because women made so much fun with him and he took that to be insult always

    Maxine Walden: hi, san

    FcSeeker Resident: so he finally arranged that he got own company

    FcSeeker Resident: Hello san

    FcSeeker Resident: then he became happy

    FcSeeker Resident: he had have all well fer few ten's of years when he met me

    FcSeeker Resident: but he still was bitter for those women and shared that with me

    FcSeeker Resident: and commented how much bad they did to him

    Santoshima Resident: { hello everyone, keyboard lag ... }

    Maxine Walden: :), San

    FcSeeker Resident: ...well...then I asked him that 'could it be that you found your own way by their behavior...so can it be that in the end they did such good to you which you wouldn't find other way...'

    FcSeeker Resident: ..he got rid of his bitterness

    FcSeeker Resident: that about that

    Wol Euler smiles.

    Maxine Walden: ah, you recast it for him, perhaps, recast the bitterness. Very interesting story, fc

    Wol Euler: thank you, fc

    FcSeeker Resident: thank you for listening

    Maxine Walden: helping to recast can drain the bitterness it seems

    Maxine Walden: yes, happy to listen

    Maxine Walden: and perhaps listening was what that gentleman in the story wanted all the time; to be listened to and taken seriously

    FcSeeker Resident: hi Zon

    FcSeeker Resident: yes

    FcSeeker Resident: you are so very right

    Santoshima Resident: hello zen :)

    Maxine Walden: mic on, san :)

    Wol Euler: hello zen

    Zen Arado: Hi all

    Zen Arado: lots of birds Santo?

    Wol Euler: aggerses

    Agatha Macbeth: Greetings

    Maxine Walden: hi, Aen, Agatha

    Zen Arado: Hi Aggers :)

    Maxine Walden: Zen

    Agatha Macbeth: Funny noises

    FcSeeker Resident: he had not met the person who understood him truly...nor to see what was meant to him by his karma

    FcSeeker Resident: hi Aggers

    Santoshima Resident: having bread and cheese

    FcSeeker Resident: by doing the worke he loved even more, because he started to serve individual persons as the taxi driver/owner

    Maxine Walden: maybe when we feel heard and understood we feel we have more care to offer...

    Maxine Walden: in return.

    Wol Euler nods.

    Santoshima Resident: yes

    FcSeeker Resident: I have much faith to that also to be true


    FcSeeker Resident: and I've been also happy that more of the people have learned that even the baby can communicate with thoughts when dont yet speak, because experiences in such age are quite permanent 'behavior effeting' things...but still most of the people dont 'speak' with babies and they feel themself 'not to exist' when nobody responds to their ecxpressions; meaning in publick places

    Santoshima Resident: ;)

    FcSeeker Resident: and mom's and pa's lookes only around for shopping or for some other events...

    Zen Arado: babies haven't learned many concepts yet

    Maxine Walden: yes, so much sensitivity in babies to be seen deeply and taken seriously...and as adults we often seem to forget that, perhaps becuase it is painful to remember that experience in our own lives

    Zen Arado: but they see life going on all around them just the same

    Zen Arado: they are more open to it too than we are I think

    Maxine Walden: agree, zen

    FcSeeker Resident: specially when nobody responds to their 'hello'

    FcSeeker Resident: most of the people closes the seeing in 3 year 'old' eyes

    Maxine Walden: we can turn away from our own inner child I think, often feeling we should 'be grown up'...not 'be so sensitive'

    Wol Euler nods.

    FcSeeker Resident: the most normal way of human life :)<3<3<3

    Wol Euler: "inappropriate"

    Maxine Walden: agree, wol. We can be so judgmental toward our own early feeling states and vulnerabilities...brutal even

    Maxine Walden: Takes energy and compassion, in my experience, to remain open and accepting of all the parts of ourselves

    Zen Arado: 'Become as a little child'

    Zen Arado: Jesus

    Wol Euler nods.

    Maxine Walden: :)

    FcSeeker Resident: or Mary

    Santoshima Resident: same

    FcSeeker Resident: thankfully the knowledge/awareness of what is this inner child; the subconciousness, is more and more spreading

    Zen Arado: I love to see little children in supermarket trollies

    FcSeeker Resident: and peole learn to find many fears to be irrelevant and get rid of them

    Zen Arado: I am at their level in an electric wheelchair

    FcSeeker Resident: <3<3<3

    Santoshima Resident: :)

    Wol Euler smiles.

    Maxine Walden: :)

    Zen Arado: they are so happy whiule their mother fuses with the shopping

    iwandertoo Resident: :)

    FcSeeker Resident: I be you can also communicate with them ?

    FcSeeker Resident: bet

    Zen Arado: they smile and I smile back :)

    FcSeeker Resident: that is to communicate :)<3<3<3<

    Zen Arado: wave their rattle at me

    FcSeeker Resident: smiles

    Wol Euler: :)

    Maxine Walden: mic open, san

    Santoshima Resident: sorry, i turned it off in pereferences ...

    Santoshima Resident: don't know why

    Santoshima Resident: it comes on

    Maxine Walden: very direct communication, zen

    Zen Arado: yeh..never thought about it till now

    Maxine Walden: that can be a bit frustrating, san, probably more for you than for us

    FcSeeker Resident: grins

    FcSeeker Resident: to Zen

    Maxine Walden: yes, such direct communication can feel so moving...

    Zen Arado: little boys look at my electric wheelchair with eyes like saucers

    Maxine Walden: really?

    FcSeeker Resident: been so happy to hear people to notice beautiful things they have done not even noticing it <3

    Zen Arado: they would love to try it

    Maxine Walden: :))

    Maxine Walden: love a ride?

    Zen Arado: a big toy to them

    Zen Arado: when they get older they learn not to look

    FcSeeker Resident: and your attitude dont take a way their natural approaching it <3<3<3

    oO0Oo Resident: I think these smiles between little children and others in grocery stores are very poignant and important gestures.

    Maxine Walden: agree, O


    Wol Euler: agreed

    FcSeeker Resident: indeed

    FcSeeker Resident: you may even teach those little ones to remember that there's no need to turn they look seing a person in the wheel chair even they grow up to adults

    Wol Euler nods.

    Zen Arado: yes Sam

    Zen Arado: older people seem to communicate better with young children th\an their parents

    Zen Arado: things aren't so important any more

    FcSeeker Resident: they have learned more and has time to others more...

    Zen Arado: yes ..less impatient too

    iwandertoo Resident: i think most parents care deeply about their children...short glimpses into interactions may not allow you to fairly assess the relationships

    oO0Oo Resident: the parents need compassion too

    Zen Arado: oh yes agree

    Maxine Walden: important point, susan

    FcSeeker Resident: yes, but the most common society is that it demands so much from parents that they cannot do that all

    Zen Arado: wasn't criticizing the parents

    oO0Oo Resident: but when shopping they are sometimes in a very different space than the kids

    Wol Euler nods.

    iwandertoo Resident: how a child imteracts with you is indicative of the parenting

    Wol Euler: adults are often in a "hurry" space that kids just don't know aobout

    FcSeeker Resident: hear you Zen too

    Zen Arado: it's time pressure mostly maybe

    Zen Arado: yes

    Maxine Walden: This session feels quite moving in that we seem to be sharing rather openly around some deep issues. Just want to appreciate that

    Zen Arado: we don't realize the wonders of modern shopping

    Santoshima Resident: ty, maxine

    Maxine Walden: :)

    FcSeeker Resident: <3

    Zen Arado: the sheer choice and quality we have

    oO0Oo Resident: because the kids are generally so open... the magical moments acn occur... that you look at them in a way that says... "I see you, and am glad you are here on Earth"

    oO0Oo Resident: *can

    Wol Euler nods.

    Zen Arado: nods

    Wol Euler: being around small kids is like wading in a warm, shallow pool of love

    Wol Euler: (quoting myself, sorry :)

    oO0Oo Resident: sometimes a parent will glean this moment too and relax a bit

    Zen Arado: of course they throw tantrums too :)

    Maxine Walden: Lovely images of children's love

    Santoshima Resident: direct communication

    Zen Arado: when they get a little older

    oO0Oo Resident: yes then expressing sympathy for the carer is important

    Santoshima Resident: yes

    Zen Arado: yes

    Maxine Walden: Thinking of what to title this chatlog: one thought is 'a warm, shallow pool of love'; other thoughts as to a title?

    Zen Arado: hard to beat that Maxine :)

    Wol Euler smiles.

    oO0Oo Resident: I would replace shallow with "open"

    Zen Arado: have to go now to Bert's meditation

    Sunshine Vayandar is Online

    Maxine Walden: :) thanks for coming

    Wol Euler: oh yes, me too

    oO0Oo Resident: _/\_ Zen

    Wol Euler: thanks for the reminder

    Zen Arado: bye all

    Wol Euler: goodnight all

    Maxine Walden: I see your point, O, not shallow at all

    FcSeeker Resident: good night

    Agatha Macbeth: Bye for now

    iwandertoo Resident: waves

    Santoshima Resident: good night zen, and wol, pleasant dreams

    oO0Oo Resident: waves to departing folks

    oO0Oo Resident: mic san

    Maxine Walden: I will need to leave as well. See you all soon.

    FcSeeker Resident: waves to Maxine

    oO0Oo Resident: appreciate you Maxine take care

    iwandertoo Resident: ty Maxine

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    Viewing 1 of 1 comments: view all
    Wonderfully warm session Maxine:) Glad session about retreats is only next Sunday: gorgeous Indian summer here, spent the afternoon walking by the river :) Loved this vision of Zen in wheelchair smiling to little children in grocery shop:) Fc sharing so moving, ah sweet panda. Much love to you all!
    Posted 23:37, 9 Oct 2011
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