2011.10.12 13:00 - Benevolent Souls

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    Eliza posted this session from the auto-listener genie...

    [13:05] Fefonz Quan: yes, something got rong with the recorder and it didn't start on time
    [13:05] Wol Euler: it's started now
    [13:05] Wol Euler: I had to restart it
    [13:05] Wol Euler: it sometiems stops overnight, I don't know why
    [13:05] Archmage Atlantis: Santo, Wol....pleasant day, night, or even ing
    [13:05] Santoshima Resident: ty
    [13:06] Archmage Atlantis: Perhaps, Wol, the recorder has it's own opinions
    [13:06] Archmage Atlantis: It is after all, a machina

    [13:06] Wol Euler: perhaps :)
    [13:06] Wol Euler: they have souls too
    [13:06] Wol Euler: for certain values of "soul"
    [13:07] Wol Euler: excuse me while I continue to geek about for a while :)
    [13:07] Wol Euler: talk amongst yourselves

    [13:07] Santoshima Resident: ok
    [13:07] Archmage Atlantis: I like geek - ing
    [13:08] Fefonz Quan: Needless to say Wol, we count on your geeking
    [13:08] Fefonz Quan: abilities
    [13:08] Archmage Atlantis: I also like the antihesis of geek
    [13:08] Archmage Atlantis: All are in the creation
    [13:08] Fefonz Quan: which is?
    [13:09] Fefonz Quan: (the antithesis)
    [13:10] Archmage Atlantis: Wol said it.....talk among yourselves
    [13:10] Archmage Atlantis: Actually, she said amoungst
    [13:10] Archmage Atlantis: which may be British
    [13:11] Archmage Atlantis: PPl seperated by a common language you know
    [13:11] Be Ewing: trying over here to come up with antithesis other non or anti

    [13:11] Fefonz Quan: hello Be
    [13:11] Be Ewing: Hi Fefonz and All :)
    [13:12] Santoshima Resident: hi bee!
    [13:12] Wol Euler: hello Be, have you been here before?
    [13:12] Be Ewing: one of my aunt's is a total non-geek
    [13:12] Archmage Atlantis: hello to BE, or not to Be
    [13:12] Archmage Atlantis: Cheap, I admit it
    [13:12] Be Ewing: Wol -- yes at least twice before
    [13:12] Be Ewing: I've got the cards etc
    [13:12] Santoshima Resident: wb, be
    [13:12] Be Ewing: know about the 15 minute break
    [13:12] Santoshima Resident: hi susan :)

    [13:12] Wol Euler: good, and you know about the recorder ... good :)
    [13:12] Be Ewing: (if my eyes will just register it with my mind :) )
    [13:12] Fefonz Quan: so what is the oposite of geek? Cool?
    [13:13] Be Ewing: no
    [13:13] Be Ewing: Geeks are cool these days
    [13:13] Fefonz Quan: we record the tlaks here
    [13:13] Fefonz Quan: talks*
    [13:13] Wol Euler: I'd say it is the hyper-redneck-jock type
    [13:13] Santoshima Resident: that's the opposite?

    [13:13] Be Ewing: the antithesis is someone who uses no technology whatsoever in their lives
    [13:13] Wol Euler: to my mind, perhaps
    [13:13] Wol Euler: I'm thinking out loud
    [13:13] Santoshima Resident: :)

    [13:13] Fefonz Quan: so we need your persmission to include your chat messages in the record, which is in an (open) internet site
    [13:13] Wol Euler: thesis/antithesis/synthesis :)
    [13:14] iwandertoo Resident: waves
    [13:14] Be Ewing: intuitive is best I can come up with
    [13:14] Fefonz Quan: (at Be)
    [13:14] Be Ewing: in other words someone who used no technology -- only relies on intuitive knowledge
    [13:14] Santoshima Resident: intuition and a flint and sticks
    [13:15] Be Ewing: flint and sticks would not even be needed
    [13:16] Wol Euler: sorry, I have to slip out for a while, hope to be back later
    [13:16] Fefonz Quan: (Bye Wol, tkae care!
    [13:16] Fefonz Quan: )
    [13:16] iwandertoo Resident: tc wol
    [13:16] Be Ewing: okay -- actually it might be a very advanced form of geek

    13:17] Fefonz Quan: Be, I have to repeat my questions: "[13:13] Fefonz Quan: so we need your persmission to include your chat messages in the record, which is in an (open) internet site"\
    [13:17] Be Ewing: similar to Arthur C. Clarke's third law
    [13:17] Be Ewing: that most advanced technology often looks like magic
    [13:17] Be Ewing: perhaps Magician is opposite of Geek?
    [13:18] Fefonz Quan: well, that contradicts your previous sentence :)

    [13:18] Be Ewing: I thought I gave that permission yesterday
    [13:18] Fefonz Quan: ok thanks.
    [13:18] Be Ewing: Do I have to do it everyday?

    [13:18] Be Ewing: but right now Geeks use devices
    [13:18] Be Ewing: and no device would be apparent
    [13:18] Fefonz Quan: I hope not. I just thought you said to wall that you didn't know about th4e recording
    [13:19] Archmage Atlantis: Are the ppls different everyday, Be?
    [13:19] Be Ewing: I come only as this alt -- this is my primary avatar
    [13:19] Be Ewing: if ever I use another avatar I will then announce permission
    [13:19] Be Ewing: I only use them usually when I can't log on with my primary one
    [13:20] Fefonz Quan: i don't think that's what Arch meant
    [13:20] Archmage Atlantis: I understand segments
    [13:20] Archmage Atlantis: brb
    [13:20] Be Ewing: I am the same though:) ... I don't use bots

    [13:20] Fefonz Quan: he meant to say the participants and guardians (like myself today) change between days
    [13:21] Be Ewing: meaning others drive your avatar(s) ?
    [13:21] Fefonz Quan: no, there are other people here today, and we are not aware about your respolsese yeseterday.
    [13:21] Santoshima Resident: i sent you an Im Be, about this very thing
    [13:21] Fefonz Quan: responses*
    [13:22] Santoshima Resident: easy to answer that you give approval or not
    [13:22] Be Ewing: I gave approval in chat yesterday which reportedly is posted
    [13:22] Santoshima Resident: ! we don;t all go back and read the chats

    [13:22] Be Ewing: trust me I just assume all things are posted Universally -- IMs included
    [13:22] Santoshima Resident: IMs are NOT posted
    [13:23] Fefonz Quan: (yes, we have some Real Lifes too, .)
    [13:23] Santoshima Resident: nor shared
    [13:23] iwandertoo Resident: over communication is greatly appreciated
    [13:23] Santoshima Resident: greatly
    [13:23] Be Ewing: Santo -- you must have arrived after I gave my permission yesterday then
    [13:23] Santoshima Resident: ?
    [13:23] iwandertoo Resident: haha
    [13:23] Santoshima Resident: i wouldn't recall even if i had been here
    [13:23] Be Ewing: in no case -- no biggie with me at all
    [13:23] Santoshima Resident: i wasn't in charge of the session

    [13:23] Be Ewing: usually I'm at places that are recorded -- have been since day 1 as an avatar here in Second LIfe
    [13:24] iwandertoo Resident: waves to the team
    [13:24] Santoshima Resident: is the topic "recordings in SL"?
    [13:24] iwandertoo Resident: :)
    [13:24] Be Ewing: cannot you just not post a sign?
    [13:24] Be Ewing: letting people know such?
    [13:24] Fefonz Quan: some people claim that most of our internet activity is recorder nowadays
    [13:24] Be Ewing: * can you
    [13:24] Be Ewing: all are
    [13:25] Be Ewing: many communications companies are required to do such
    [13:25] Santoshima Resident: bye be, bye all
    [13:25] iwandertoo Resident: hey
    [13:25] iwandertoo Resident: santoshima
    [13:25] Fefonz Quan: hey Bert

    [13:25] Be Ewing: also -- given mass storage cheapness it is just as easy/cheap do do full screencapture along with everything else that goes on
    [13:25] Bartram Fenstalker: Posting a sign
    [13:26] Be Ewing: at least this is my understand per one of my major bank friends
    [13:26] Fefonz Quan: what a nice grey tigre you are
    [13:26] Fefonz Quan: tiger*

    [13:27] Bartram Fenstalker: I am an element of Arch, Fef...........as the banks and the corporations and the government are an element
    [13:28] Bartram Fenstalker: The answere is not to destroy
    [13:28] Bartram Fenstalker: It is to find the new way
    [13:28] Be Ewing: well perhaps the new way may be an old way?
    [13:29] Be Ewing: perhaps that is non-geek way ... thinking out loud over here
    [13:29] Bartram Fenstalker: Yes, it will have elements of an older way
    [13:29] Bartram Fenstalker: when 2 ppl in a group could speak directly
    [13:30] Be Ewing: Bertram ... perhaps thought transmission?
    [13:30] Be Ewing: although technology is very close to picking those up too

    [13:31] Be Ewing: what happens to comments during "silence" periods?
    [13:31] Be Ewing: I don't always see the message
    [13:32] iwandertoo Resident: doesn't seem u wish to
    [13:32] Be Ewing: often I am looking elsewhere while I think
    [13:32] iwandertoo Resident: yes, seems so

    [13:32] Fefonz Quan: they are the same as other comments. the oint of the silent period is to help the practice of the participants
    [13:32] Fefonz Quan: point*
    [13:33] Be Ewing: okay
    [13:33] Be Ewing: people who need breaks?
    [13:33] Fefonz Quan: yet it is just a recommendation of course, not an obligation
    [13:33] Bartram Fenstalker: Come gather round ppl, wherever your roam..............start swimming. ..... the chance won't come again.........no telling who it is naming

    [13:33] Fefonz Quan: well, the original purpose of thhose breaks was to contemplate
    [13:34] Be Ewing: ah
    [13:34] Bartram Fenstalker: There is battle outside
    [13:34] Be Ewing: but I contemplate things ongoing
    [13:34] Be Ewing: battle outside of where?
    [13:34] iwandertoo Resident: honor theis space, Be
    [13:34] Fefonz Quan: yet it helpps the ones with lesser abilities :)
    [13:35] Bartram Fenstalker: Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command

    [13:35] Be Ewing: Susan -- I am -- but to honor it I need to understand the rules and preferences of others
    [13:35] iwandertoo Resident: you should do this prior
    [13:35] iwandertoo Resident: as to not negatively impact others
    [13:35] Bartram Fenstalker: The times, are changing
    [13:36] Be Ewing: well I learn by doing
    [13:36] Be Ewing: I play to learn
    [13:36] iwandertoo Resident: do no harm, first
    [13:36] Be Ewing: each is unique
    [13:36] iwandertoo Resident: and in order to do no harm you have a responsibility to understand

    [13:36] Be Ewing: I am doing my best to do no harm:)
    [13:36] iwandertoo Resident: universally human
    [13:37] Be Ewing: perhaps my learning/playing style is somewhat different
    [13:37] Fefonz Quan: each of us has his/hers own style
    [13:37] iwandertoo Resident: check your premises
    [13:38] Fefonz Quan: so we allow everyone to contemplate silently in their own style during the 90-sec
    [13:38] Be Ewing: my premises seem to be doing well over here -- no intruders etc
    [13:38] iwandertoo Resident: and motivations
    [13:38] Santoshima Resident: :)
    [13:38] iwandertoo Resident: hey :)

    [13:38] Be Ewing: motivation is purely to play to learn, grow and have fun

    [13:38] Santoshima Resident: :)
    [13:38] Fefonz Quan: wb Arch\
    [13:38] Santoshima Resident: hey :))
    [13:39] iwandertoo Resident: :)))
    [13:39] iwandertoo Resident: ((s))
    [13:40] iwandertoo Resident: benevolence wins
    [13:40] iwandertoo Resident: always
    [13:40] Archmage Atlantis: I wish for that, Susan........I do not know that
    [13:41] Be Ewing: peace begets peace
    [13:41] Be Ewing: violence begets violence
    [13:41] Be Ewing: Is this what you mean Susan?
    [13:41] iwandertoo Resident: nope
    [13:41] Santoshima Resident: hi Arisia
    [13:41] Arisia Vita: Hi all, nice to be with you all again
    [13:41] Be Ewing: Susan -- what do you mean then?
    [13:41] iwandertoo Resident: waves
    [13:41] Fefonz Quan: hi Ari

    [13:42] Santoshima Resident: join us won't you
    [13:42] Santoshima Resident: we are taling about benevolence

    [13:42] iwandertoo Resident: I mean that the good wins over the bad
    [13:42] Be Ewing: Arisia - welcome
    [13:42] iwandertoo Resident: always
    [13:42] Be Ewing: but good and bad are relative
    [13:42] Santoshima Resident: hmm
    [13:42] Be Ewing: you can't have one without the other
    [13:42] iwandertoo Resident: absolutes

    [13:42] Be Ewing: for example, they become meaningless with the opposite?
    [13:43] Be Ewing: for me only love is absolute

    [13:43] iwandertoo Resident: nope
    [13:46] Santoshima Resident: http://www.cit-sakti.com/peace/peace...-for-peace.htm
    [13:46] Fefonz Quan: Friends, I apoligize but I have to leve now
    [13:47] Santoshima Resident: ty, Fefonz, take care
    [13:47] Be Ewing: Fefonz -- take care :)
    [13:47] Fefonz Quan: good night to you all
    [13:47] Arisia Vita: be well and happy fef
    [13:47] Santoshima Resident: rest well
    [13:47] Be Ewing: MIles of smiles Fefonz :)
    [13:47] Fefonz Quan: _/!\_
    [13:47] iwandertoo Resident: waves
    [13:49] Archmage Atlantis: I once asked a sister of mine to tell me the chararcteristics of a phophet
    [13:50] Santoshima Resident: a nun sister, or a sibling?
    [13:50] Archmage Atlantis: She said that a prophet is one who tells the truth
    [13:50] Archmage Atlantis: A celestial sister
    [13:50] Santoshima Resident: :)
    [13:51] iwandertoo Resident: :)
    [13:51] Arisia Vita: welcome Johan
    [13:51] Johanm89 Resident: hi :)
    [13:52] Be Ewing: Johanna89 ... Greetings :)
    [13:52] Santoshima Resident: greetings johanm89
    [13:52] Johanm89 Resident: thanks

    [13:52] Santoshima Resident: who's taken over the recording?
    [13:52] Santoshima Resident: anyone?
    [13:52] Archmage Atlantis: What brings you to this fountain, John
    [13:53] Santoshima Resident: and have you been here before to this meeting?
    [13:53] Johanm89 Resident: I don't know what do you mean
    [13:53] Santoshima Resident: ?
    [13:54] Santoshima Resident: have you come to a meeting here before today?
    [13:54] Johanm89 Resident: no
    [13:54] Johanm89 Resident: it's my first time here
    [13:54] Santoshima Resident: we record our sessions and post them on a public wiki site
    [13:54] Santoshima Resident: are you ok with having your words and name recorded?
    [13:54] Johanm89 Resident: yes
    [13:54] Santoshima Resident: ok, thanks
    [13:54] Archmage Atlantis: This is not a simple answere
    [13:55] Santoshima Resident: of, course, arch
    [13:55] Archmage Atlantis: Rocording is int he eternal record
    [13:55] Santoshima Resident: but it's all that is required at the moment

    [13:56] Archmage Atlantis: I accept the yes

    [13:57] Johanm89 Resident: so whats the place where we are now?
    [13:57] Santoshima Resident: hang on, i'll see if i can find a notecard to give you ... t's not really my thing to do
    [13:57] Archmage Atlantis: The officical answer first
    [13:57] Archmage Atlantis: Read the card
    [13:58] Santoshima Resident: there you go, Johan, please read that
    [13:59] Johanm89 Resident: Interesting
    [13:59] Santoshima Resident: Johan, I notice that you were "born" yesterday ...
    [13:59] Johanm89 Resident: yes
    [13:59] Santoshima Resident: how did you find this group?
    [13:59] Santoshima Resident: wandering?
    [14:00] Archmage Atlantis: yet, in this world, bornis diiferent
    [14:00] Johanm89 Resident: So I was go for explore and find this place
    [14:00] Archmage Atlantis: Accept annix
    [14:00] Santoshima Resident: { shh }

    [14:01] Johanm89 Resident: I come here to SL to search solutions for my RL problems
    [14:01] Santoshima Resident: hmm
    [14:01] Arisia Vita: how can we help?
    [14:02] Archmage Atlantis: Johan, are you willing to share some elements of your rl problems.
    [14:02] Johanm89 Resident: I dont know I think I need be more social person
    [14:02] Archmage Atlantis: Take it Ari
    [14:03] Archmage Atlantis: I am totally asocial
    [14:03] Johanm89 Resident: I cant find motivation inside me to do a lot of important thinks
    [14:03] Santoshima Resident: just to note, we observe 90 seconds of silence at the bell
    [14:04] Archmage Atlantis: Santos......that is important to recall
    [14:04] Santoshima Resident: Arch, perhaps you could say more about it
    [14:05] Archmage Atlantis: OK

    [14:05] Archmage Atlantis: This place in SL was begun by a person
    [14:06] Archmage Atlantis: It was to become a place without ownership
    [14:07] Archmage Atlantis: No one individual is at the core, .....not even what may call God
    [14:08] Archmage Atlantis: God said, you guys, figure it out yourselves
    [14:08] Archmage Atlantis: I'm otta here
    [14:08] Archmage Atlantis: So we do
    [14:09] Santoshima Resident: hmmm, not what's on the wiki, but good
    [14:09] Archmage Atlantis: No phophets
    [14:09] Archmage Atlantis: Not destiny
    [14:09] Archmage Atlantis: only us
    [14:09] Archmage Atlantis: figuring it out
    [14:09] Santoshima Resident: :)
    [14:10] Be Ewing: very now
    [14:10] Santoshima Resident: ?
    [14:11] Be Ewing: meaning this is very much of a "now" place to be
    [14:11] Be Ewing: based on that description of Arch
    [14:12] Be Ewing: "only us figuring it out"
    [14:12] Be Ewing: at least that is my personal take of those words

    [14:14] Archmage Atlantis: The most important thing, in my dream walk, is that Arisia chose to sit here beside the tiny cushion.
    [14:14] Arisia Vita: I sat here to sit by you, not a cushion
    [14:14] Archmage Atlantis: Bother, there is infinity between us we gurard
    [14:17] Santoshima Resident: thank you everyone, peaceful day to you ~
    [14:17] Johanm89 Resident: thanks also to you
    [14:17] Be Ewing: All -- take care and miles of smiles :)
    [14:18] Arisia Vita: bye all, be well and happy
    [14:18] Johanm89 Resident: Bye to all
    [14:22] Archmage Atlantis: Osyeo
    [14:27] Archmage Atlantis: Kids, straighten and fly right

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