The Guardian for this meeting was Bruce Mowbray. The comments are by Bruce Mowbray.
Bruce Mowbray: Greetings, Monarchy!
Bruce Mowbray: Welcome to PaB.
Bruce Mowbray: Hello, Maxine.
Maxine Walden: hi, Bruce, sorry, I should be going to the Kira cafe, for my dream workshop! Came here by habit :)
Maxine Walden: sorry, wish I could stay
Bruce Mowbray: OK == no problem.
Maxine Walden: see you
Bruce Mowbray: Bye for now.
Bruce Mowbray: Monarchy, may I ask if you've been here before?
Bruce Mowbray: I will give you a notecard about this place and about Play as Being.
FcSeeker Resident: Hello Bruce
FcSeeker Resident: Monarchy
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Fc!!
Bruce Mowbray: Haven't seen you in OH SO LONG!!
FcSeeker Resident: <3
Bruce Mowbray: <3
FcSeeker Resident: how are you ?
Monarchy Republic: hiya Fc :)
Monarchy Republic: sorry was in IM
Bruce Mowbray: Well, I have some RL issues with health. . . but in SL all is well.
Bruce Mowbray: How are you, Fc?
Bruce Mowbray: np about the IM.
FcSeeker Resident: I'm o.k.
Bruce Mowbray: take your time.
Monarchy Republic: hi Bruce :)
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Monarchy.
Bruce Mowbray: Is it OK with you that we post whatever you say in chat in our on-line wiki, Monarchy?
Monarchy Republic: how's the world of Tuesdays for you peeps ?
Bruce Mowbray: A good day -- beautiful sunshine. warm. perfect day for a walk with the dog.
Bruce Mowbray: How's your Tuesday, Monarchy?
FcSeeker Resident: <3
Monarchy Republic: oh post anything ..everything i do or say is whooshing across the universe like a big ripple on a huge lake anyway ...feel a bit guilty about it
Monarchy Republic: but if i said and did nothing, the ripple of nothingness would still be zooming
Monarchy Republic: :)
FcSeeker Resident: <3
Bruce Mowbray: Ahhhh! "the ripple of nothingness" --- THAT sounds like SOMETHINGness I should try!
Bruce Mowbray: Thanks, Monarchy. If you have any questions about PaB or about what we do at these sessions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Bruce Mowbray: I practice my typing here. . . (and need a LOT more practice...)
Monarchy Republic: :)
FcSeeker Resident: <3<3<3
Monarchy Republic: wth enough typos ,,new languages are born ;)
Bruce Mowbray: We "drop" (be silent) every 15 minutes -- when the bell rings and the fountain goes down. . .
FcSeeker Resident: <3<3<3
Bruce Mowbray: I love the idea of inventing new langgauges!
Bruce Mowbray: There! I just did!
Monarchy Republic: :)
FcSeeker Resident: ^J^ 0j0 us with <3
Monarchy Republic: its true ....the word langauge has giggles :)
FcSeeker Resident: = angels are looking us with love
Monarchy Republic: that's the vibe i got ..enough consonants to make a connection
FcSeeker Resident: Hello Dash
Monarchy Republic: hi Dash :)
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Dash!
Dash Earthboy: hye y'all
FcSeeker Resident: hi Bleu
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Bleu!
Monarchy Republic: hiya Bleu :)
Bruce Mowbray: There is a Dream Circle going on right now over at the Kira Café. . .
Bleu Oleander: hi all :)
Bruce Mowbray: So some folks will be coming through here on their way to that.
FcSeeker Resident: a story rises...
Bruce Mowbray listens intently for the rising story.
Monarchy Republic: well..i go to sleep to stop dreaming :)
FcSeeker Resident: good night Monarchy
Bleu Oleander: :)
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Dash Earthboy listens...
FcSeeker Resident: a man of 58 years age had the same dream for about 20 years
Monarchy Republic: wow..
FcSeeker Resident: hm
FcSeeker Resident: and each time he woke up from that dream he was exhausted
FcSeeker Resident: he dreamed how he built electricity into the house
Bleu Oleander: sorry, rl call ... brb
Monarchy Republic: i haven't had recurrence dreams for a while ...but sometimes its like my dream head is like a film studio ,,like the studios change sets ...the scenery has altered but you know the building from previous set arrangements ?
Bruce Mowbray: (bye, Bleu)
Monarchy Republic: hb Bleu :)
FcSeeker Resident: I told him how he had indeed brought 'electricity' to so many people's life
Bruce Mowbray continues to listen.
FcSeeker Resident: to hear the truth was at first quite a shock to his human mind ,
FcSeeker Resident: so he asked a question to which I needed to answer with few words kind of 'plus'
FcSeeker Resident: then he gave up to the rising peace
FcSeeker Resident: that he heard the truth
FcSeeker Resident: he also has worked for other people being that so obvious, because he 'got' a plan when he was only 6 year old boy
FcSeeker Resident: plan for 50 years
FcSeeker Resident: which plan he worked to come through in many years less than this 50 years
FcSeeker Resident: so he never had time to realize, that it was not his duty
FcSeeker Resident: but something he had decided himself
Monarchy Republic: a good plan is worth waiting for :)
FcSeeker Resident: and which he did by himself; with his own working
FcSeeker Resident: that he didn't notice to thank himself at all
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
FcSeeker Resident: getting the answer of that dream helped him to look 'back' and see whole his life with new eyes
FcSeeker Resident: to realize
Bruce Mowbray: Hmmmm.
Monarchy Republic: self congratulation is the hardest thing ..because you want to improve all the time ...ask artists and musicians ...the next best thing is what they are about to do ...they are almost embarrassed of their previous incarnations!
Bruce Mowbray: Do you think dreams come THROUGH us . . . (not just from us)?
FcSeeker Resident: you are so right Monarchy
Monarchy Republic: like divine intervention?
FcSeeker Resident: they don't always come only for us, but mostly
FcSeeker Resident: but we get also messages for other people
FcSeeker Resident: and I've found that when people hear about opened messages to other people's dreams
FcSeeker Resident: have been help also to the listeners
Monarchy Republic: astral planing :) i haven't done that consciously since i was a teen
FcSeeker Resident: when they have been willing to learn to understand
Bruce Mowbray: Well, perhaps divine intervention. . . I was thinking more of the dreamer's ability to receive messages . . . perhaps . . . like telepathically.
FcSeeker Resident: some people get also messages for other people 'from' their dreams
Bruce Mowbray: when a dreamer knows about something that she/he couldn't possibly have known about. . .
Bruce Mowbray: except through telepathy.
FcSeeker Resident: so ...even dreams are not always for help to one person only
Monarchy Republic: absolutely's so funny when you are with a group of people ,,,and there's like a pregnant pause ..and nobody says anything for a few moments ..then everyone laughs because they are thinking the same thing :)
FcSeeker Resident: so much happens like Monarchy just told
Bruce Mowbray remembers when that happened to him.
Dash Earthboy: what makes a dream a nightmare?
FcSeeker Resident: meant that like a big ripple on the lake...but sometimes it's just that we don't notice the value of our own deeds
Bruce Mowbray: what makes a dream a nightmare...?
FcSeeker Resident: own fears makes the dream to be the nightmare
Bruce Mowbray: I agree with Fc on that.
Bruce Mowbray: How about you, Dash?
FcSeeker Resident: the more horrible nightmare is, the more strongly one deals with own fears
Bruce Mowbray: So, nightmares are really opportunities to do the work that needs to be done?
Monarchy Republic: well the Freudian theory is dreams are all anxieties ...and the dreams are like training runs to deal with those challenges
FcSeeker Resident: indeed and so truly
Monarchy Republic: though Freud was a bit of Drama Llama :P
Dash Earthboy: i suppose one must own one's fears...yet i think dream nightmares may be no more personal than RL nightmares as happens in some 3rd world countries
Bruce Mowbray: and anxieties come from resistance. . . ?
Bruce Mowbray: We get anxious about what we resist?
FcSeeker Resident: much that also Bruce
FcSeeker Resident: I know so many nightmares that has hounded people for years because they have 'explained' their dream for some catastrophe which has taken place in reality
Monarchy Republic: i had a recurring dreamy nightmare in my teens know the blackcurrant drink Ribena and the adverts for it ?
FcSeeker Resident: and each dream that hounds one is such that one has not realized it's message
FcSeeker Resident: but stops when does
Bruce Mowbray: So, these "training runs" - - - We dream all the worst scenarios so that when we confront these things in RL, we know how to deal with them?
FcSeeker Resident: I don't know that drink
Bruce Mowbray listens for more from Monarchy . . .
FcSeeker Resident: that's the way it is Bruce
Monarchy Republic: but also ..if we are all problem solvers ..monkey brains ...if we solve the issues of one nightmare ,,won we just look for the next less pressing issue we have a never ending series of less disturbing nightmares ?
Bruce Mowbray: (needing to take the same "classs" over and over until we get it right?)
Bruce Mowbray: cclasss*
Monarchy Republic: until we ended up having nightmares of having nothing to have nightmares about :)
Bruce Mowbray: cclasss*
FcSeeker Resident: depends from the person; to that there is no 'we'
Bruce Mowbray thinks there is something really wrong with this keyboard. . . hope I don't have nightmares about it.
Dash Earthboy: :)
FcSeeker Resident: and the only 'classes' I can think that there is , is experiences
Monarchy Republic: so we can safely forgive 'cheese ' as a nightmare scapegoat :)lol
Bruce Mowbray: How about the experience of the dream, Fc?
Dash Earthboy: thanks Fc for that mantra "to that there is no 'we'"
Bruce Mowbray: "To that, there is no 'we.'"
FcSeeker Resident: ah yes; that's the most bad thing in case one stays in the emotions one has during the nightmare
Bruce Mowbray: You mean, I might be typing in my sleep?
FcSeeker Resident: but it is understandable that such also happens often
Bruce Mowbray: Maybe I'm having that dream right now!
Dash Earthboy: :) @ Bruce
FcSeeker Resident: ah no; mean that one may 'keep' the fear for the emotions there is keeping one 'in' the dream
Bruce Mowbray pinches his arm.
Bruce Mowbray: ahhh!
Bruce Mowbray: Now I understand, Fc.
Bruce Mowbray wonders if he is afraid of typing emotions.
Monarchy Republic: im glad to say ..the dreaming of waking up hasn't happened very much ..but the sensation afterwards and the shock of not being sure of things is nerve jangling :s
FcSeeker Resident: but as soon one does remember the truth, that already is to ease
FcSeeker Resident: ah yes; we so often do something to meet our fears
Bruce Mowbray: I agree, Fc.
FcSeeker Resident: yes Monarchy
Monarchy Republic: like the Tee Bruce :)
[Bruce is wearing a new Tee Shirt he made today: "Occupy yourself"]
FcSeeker Resident: smiles <3<3<3 Dash created the shelter circle <3<3<3
Bruce Mowbray: ty, Monarchy.
Monarchy Republic: be aware occupy all spaces ,,but make them all sharing :)
Bruce Mowbray: The idea is from one of our members whose name is Eos.
Monarchy Republic: cool
Monarchy Republic: :)
Bruce Mowbray: I will find his link. . .
Dash Earthboy: is occupy all spaces behind the "occupy Wall Street" idea?
Dash Earthboy: make them all share?
Bruce Mowbray:
Bruce Mowbray: I don't think people can be MADE to share. . . (nor should they be).
Bruce Mowbray: Perhaps greed can be cut back a little, though.
Dash Earthboy: so much for "christian" doctrine, huh?
Bruce Mowbray: No, I still have the ethic of sharing. . . I just don't think I can force anyone else into my ethic.
Bruce Mowbray: Eos' essay is really worth reading. . .
Bruce Mowbray: Monarchy has departed our midst. . .
Bruce Mowbray wonders how she got that name . . . (how she chose that name).
Dash Earthboy: perhaps you may ask on next meeting?
Bruce Mowbray: Yeah, I did check her profile . . . Just curious about the name "Monarchy."
Dash Earthboy: *considers it could be a "butterfly" metaphor
Bruce Mowbray: Farmers here are harvesting soybeans and corn . . . the rumbling roar of machinery all day and all night.
Bruce Mowbray: Rains come back tomorrow.
Dash Earthboy: nice Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Not much sleeping going on. . .
Dash Earthboy: * loves harvest season :)
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, it's always a relief to have the crops planted -- and then to have them harvested again.
FcSeeker Resident: <3<3<3
Dash Earthboy: * was speaking of karma :)
Bruce Mowbray: We were over a month late getting this year's crop in -- because of all the rains.
FcSeeker Resident: oh
Bruce Mowbray: "Harvest" = karma?
Dash Earthboy: Bruce, we're expecting 4-12" of snow tonight
Bruce Mowbray: OH WOW!!!
Dash Earthboy: and no, harvest HAPPENs to karma :)
Bruce Mowbray: Please keep it out there until we get the corn out.
Bruce Mowbray: oh, harvest HAPPENS TO karma. . .
Dash Earthboy: yah
FcSeeker Resident: to 'harvest' karma imo is to see when one has done huge work for it to come true...
Bruce Mowbray listens.
FcSeeker Resident: and can rest for a while
Dash Earthboy: <3
FcSeeker Resident: yet; that is to see also when there's 'new' mission to be seen
Dash Earthboy: hey San
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, San!
Santoshima Resident: hi dash, bruce, fc
FcSeeker Resident: such period is meant for each one to thank one's self
FcSeeker Resident: Hello san
Santoshima Resident: hi
FcSeeker Resident: ...often such is also needed that some other person helps one to realize such moment....
Bruce Mowbray: That's one of the things friends are for, Fc.
FcSeeker Resident: indeed
FcSeeker Resident: lol
FcSeeker Resident: sometimes even 'the stranger' brings that help :)
Bruce Mowbray: We're been talking abou8t dreams, nightmares, and how knowing of our karmic "work" happens.
Bruce Mowbray: We've*
Dash Earthboy: and other harvests :)
FcSeeker Resident: *yes*
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Santoshima Resident: good topic
FcSeeker Resident: feels need to 'add' a bit concerning nightmares...
Bruce Mowbray: Fc has said that nightmares can show us what "work" needs to be done on ourselves...
Santoshima Resident: ok
Bruce Mowbray: and that friends and strangers can also tell us, or help us know.
Santoshima Resident: sounds about right
Santoshima Resident: especially friends who are strangers :)
Bruce Mowbray: So, nightmares can be "good" -- by showing us our fears -- that we need to "work" on.
Santoshima Resident: sure
FcSeeker Resident: that even if we get the dream of very sad thing to come true as it comes, for example the dream of soon coming lost to so called death of somebody close
Bruce Mowbray ponders friends who are strangers. . .
FcSeeker Resident: even such dreams dont give us the emotions which nightmares do...
FcSeeker Resident: ah...well...I have more than often helped 'stranger' to understand one's dream when heard somebody telling one's dream to the friend in public place
Bruce Mowbray: really?
Dash Earthboy: Bruce, a wise man once said "A stranger is a friend I haven't met yet." :)
Bruce Mowbray: Oh, I like that one, Dash.
Bruce Mowbray: Fc is no stranger !!!
FcSeeker Resident: so much the truth affects also in dreams
Santoshima Resident: everyone is so mysterious and unique
Santoshima Resident: hence: stranger friend
Bruce Mowbray: <3
FcSeeker Resident: you said so urgent thing Dash
Dash Earthboy: * has been told he's strange
Dash Earthboy: same as stranger?
Santoshima Resident: dunno
Santoshima Resident: depends on the motivation of the speaker
FcSeeker Resident: like I once had to travel far not knowing anything of the place I was to go, but then I told to myself that I'm just going to meet friends...
Santoshima Resident: sounds like a compliment to me, dash
Dash Earthboy: :)
Santoshima Resident: fc :))
Bruce Mowbray: The reason I stay in hostels when I travel is to meet "friends" from all over the world.
Santoshima Resident: yes
FcSeeker Resident: lol; I have heard that quite often, but not exactly with that word
Dash Earthboy: yes, Fc, such was what I told myself before departing Georgia
FcSeeker Resident: to me that word also sounds that the speaker don't mean good
FcSeeker Resident: <3<3<3
Bruce Mowbray:
Dash Earthboy: yah, Bruce I still am in touch with new friends from hostel & shelters I stayed at on this journey
Bruce Mowbray: Yes! I am envious!
Dash Earthboy: it's called Facebook, Bruce :)
Bruce Mowbray: I discontinued my Facebook account. . .
FcSeeker Resident: is 'envious' based on the word to envy ?
Bruce Mowbray: yes, Fc.
FcSeeker Resident: so good if you feel that and can say it; it's then mostly got rid of :)****
Bruce Mowbray: I envy Dash's traveling. . . and his ability to meet new friends.
Bruce Mowbray: I travel twice a year, myself.
Bruce Mowbray: but I also need to be traveling right now -- to supper!
Santoshima Resident: didn't know one COULD discontinue fb. is that so?
Santoshima Resident: wait!
Santoshima Resident: bruce, this is a little off-topic, may i suggest a book for the discussions you are leading on metaphor?
FcSeeker Resident: reason to envy...but it's to be the human being that sometimes feels that also
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, one can deactivate one's FB account.
Dash Earthboy: good fare to you, Bruce...fare well :)
Bruce Mowbray: Please do suggest it!
Santoshima Resident: it's: Jan Zwicky / Wisdom & Metaphor
Santoshima Resident: it's great!
Santoshima Resident: enjoy
FcSeeker Resident: bon appetite Bruce
Santoshima Resident: see you soon, bruce ~
Santoshima Resident: were you just stretching?
Bruce Mowbray takes notes. . . Jan Zwicky. . . Wisdom and Metaphor.
Bruce Mowbray: THANKS!
Santoshima Resident: yw
Santoshima Resident: bye for now
Bruce Mowbray: Have a happy evening and happy dreams, everyone.
Dash Earthboy: bye Bruce
Dash Earthboy: another FB ex-pat
Santoshima Resident: good, somebody's got to do it
Dash Earthboy: i recently added another FB account for special friends :)
FcSeeker Resident: <3<3<3
Santoshima Resident: aww
Santoshima Resident: shall we turn off the recorder?
Dash Earthboy: didn't y'all get the invite?
FcSeeker Resident: one my special lady friend also canceled her fb because she experienced that to be so much too much
Santoshima Resident: not yet
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