Adams Rubble was the guardian and provided the comments which is mostly a record of comings and goings. There is some discussion between the hellos, intros and goodbuyes
I arrived first and was soon joined by Geo
Adams Rubble: Hello Geo :)
Geo Netizen: Hi Adams
Adams Rubble: How are you today?
Storm joined us
Geo Netizen: There is a blizzard here, I am inside and warm so I am great
Geo Netizen: Waitin for my coffee to brew thought
Geo Netizen: Hi Storm
Adams Rubble: Wow
Adams Rubble: Hello Storm :)
Storm Nordwind: Hi!
Storm Nordwind: I'm not staying. Very busy. But just to say the Cafe is open again, if you haven't read your email yet
Geo Netizen: Yes, I saw the notice
A newcomer then arrived...
Geo Netizen: Haven't had a chance to check it out yet
Adams Rubble: Yes. I have. I thought you might be here to make the fountain dispense Champaign for this afternoons session
..and then Fael
Adams Rubble: Hello Fael :)
Storm Nordwind: Hmmm...
Geo Netizen laughs
Adams Rubble: Hello Yumi :)
Newcomer: Hello
Geo Netizen: Hi Yumi, Fael
Fael Illyar: Hi Adams, Geo, Yumi, Storm :)
Adams Rubble: Is this your first time here Yumi?
Newcomer: Do You speak French?
Adams Rubble: No, sorry
Newcomer: ok
Fael Illyar doesn't speak French either, sorry.
Storm Nordwind: Je parle Francais seulement un peu, mes excuses
Geo Netizen: Do you have a translator?
Geo's translator: Avez-vous un traducteur?
Fael Illyar only speaks Finnish, English and Japanese.
Yumi crashed and so left us briefly
Adams Rubble: Whoops
Storm Nordwind: Et voila!
Adams Rubble: :)
Faenik: なるほど^^
Newcomer: Probleme
Adams Rubble: wb Yumi
Newcomer: ^^
Storm Nordwind: Bienvenue encore
Newcomer: merci
Storm Nordwind: Desole, mais on parle Anglais tout les temps ici Yumi
Adams Rubble: I have given you a notecard with an introduction to our group Yumi
Newcomer: No problem
Newcomer: ^^
Newcomer accepted your inventory offer.
Faenik: ah :)
Fael began the thread
Fael Illyar: I realized today that the reason it's more difficult to accept things in people we're closer to is that it gets easier and easier to imagine you know the person as you get closer.
Newcomer: Bye bye
Newcomer: ^^
Fael Illyar: When, what really happens is that you just build an image, like your own self-image of the other person.
Adams Rubble: Newcomer, we record our conversations. Do you have a problem with that?
Adams Rubble: Yes Fael, that is part of it
Adams Rubble: I have also found thatmy own expectations get in the way of my seeing clearly
The newcomer diasppeared and Wol arrived. Wol's head and shoulders were the only part visible on top of the cushion
Fael Illyar: Hi Wol :)
Adams Rubble: Hello Wol :)
Geo Netizen: Hi Wol
Wol Euler: hello adams, geo, fael, storm
Geo Netizen: Wol seems to be a bit low :)
Wol Euler: ah, how true.
Storm Nordwind: We welcome low-down bums to this meeting too ;)
Wol Euler: hehehehe
Fael Illyar: Like Crusty has been emphasizing lately, we know nothing. All we have is guesses, which, granted, can quite likely be right.
Wol Euler waves her bottle and drools
Geo Netizen: I think we can make a whole list of why it can be difficult
Fael Illyar: umm... bums?
Crusty was next....
Storm Nordwind: It's a pun Fael
Adams Rubble: Hello Crusty :)
Wol Euler: hi crusty
Geo Netizen: Hi Crusty
Crusty Goldshark: hi guys
Fael Illyar: Hi Crusty :)
Storm Nordwind is going to continue scripting in the Cafe. Please excuse :)
Wol Euler: bye storm
Storm Nordwind: Namaste
Adams Rubble: bye Storm :)
Geo Netizen: Bye Storm
Storm left...
Fael Illyar: perhaps I was too hasty in starting to talk :)
Fael Illyar: [7:08] Fael Illyar: I realized today that the reason it's more difficult to accept things in people we're closer to is that it gets easier and easier to imagine you know the person as you get closer.
Fael Illyar: [7:09] Fael Illyar: When, what really happens is that you just build an image, like your own self-image of the other person.
Adams Rubble: No, Fael, it is a good topic if you would like to talk about it
Fael Illyar: [7:12] Fael Illyar: Like Crusty has been emphasizing lately, we know nothing. All we have is guesses, which, granted, can quite likely be right.
Fael Illyar: I just mean hasty as in, people were still incoming :)
Adams Rubble: ah
Geo Netizen: Another reason it can be difficult is that people we are close to we usually have know for a while and we may have accepted something that has now changed with the person and we need to change our acceptance
Fael Illyar: Geo, isn't that basically that the image we have suddenly no longer matches and thus we can't accept?
Adams Rubble: yes Geo
Faenik: indeed?
Geo Netizen: Could be just a better understanding, yes
Crusty Goldshark: Personally I find it difficult to accept flaws in myself or those around me - but that is a flaw . . .
Geo Netizen: or the person may have changed
Geo Netizen: in either case it can be difficult
Adams Rubble: Not everything goes out the window becauseof some changes
Geo Netizen: since we may have become comforatable with out acceptance
Geo Netizen smiles at Crusty
Prashant Joined us here
Geo Netizen: Hi Prashant
Crusty Goldshark: People are complex and at first on their best behaviour, character emerges and we see different things . . .
Fael Illyar: Hi Prashant :)
Prashant Parkin: hi
Prashant Parkin: hello
Crusty Goldshark: Hi Prashant
Prashant Parkin: so how r u guys
Adams Rubble: Hello Prashant
Wol Euler: the cushions are more comfortable than my shoulder, prashant.
Geo Netizen chuckles
Fael Illyar grins.
Prashant Parkin: oh im so sorry
Wol Euler: it happens
Prashant Parkin: i didnt see it
Fael Illyar: The water might be a bit cold :)
Prashant Parkin accepted your inventory offer.
Geo Netizen: perhaps you should wait till rez is finished :)
Geo Netizen: We certainly understand rez issues
Wol Euler nods
Prashant Parkin: i guess the net connection is slow
Wol Euler: that too happens :)
Geo Netizen nods
Adams Rubble: Yes and SL seems a bit slow today too
Prashant Parkin: so wat r u guys doing here
Crusty Goldshark: Waiting for Santa
Adams Rubble: The card I gave you will explain some
Prashant Parkin: ha ha ha
Crusty Goldshark: Have you seen him?
Geo Netizen nods towards Adams
Adams Rubble: We are a group exploring the nature of reality
Geo Netizen: Thanks
Prashant Parkin: il just see it
Crusty Goldshark: Something ironic about seeking reality in a simulation . . . No ?
Adams Rubble: Fael, we are not always equipped to understand things in others
Wol Euler: not really, no.
Wol Euler: we are real.
Crusty Goldshark: I'm not
Adams Rubble: Sometimes we understand things years later :)
Prashant Parkin: ok
Adams Rubble: Crusty, you're such an anarchist :)
Crusty Goldshark: :(
Geo Netizen: The sim help emphasis appearance
Fael Illyar: You know, we don't really understand ourselves, how could we understand others?
Adams Rubble: well there is that too Fael
Crusty Goldshark: Good point Fael
Prashant Parkin: so u guys r from which country
Fael Illyar: <-- Finland
Crusty Goldshark: I am still to be convinced I am a self . . .
Prashant Parkin: all
Adams Rubble: Prashant, we record our convertsations here and post them on a Wiki. do you have any problem with that?
Geo Netizen: <-- States
Adams Rubble: US
Prashant Parkin: not at all
Fael Illyar: Crusty, I fail to see where I suggested you are :)
Crusty Goldshark: I am in the UK but only in Real Life . . .
Wol Euler: Germany here
Prashant Parkin: im in india
Adams Rubble: Great to have you with us Prashant :)
Faenik: なるほど^^
Prashant Parkin: hey wol my bro is in germany right noe
Prashant Parkin: now
Geo Netizen: And Crusty is the one to use the term *Real Life* !!
Ilike Fall is Offline
Adams Rubble: :)
Moon Fargis is Online
Prashant Parkin: Wol my brother had just cald up from germany 5 mins back
Wol Euler smiles
Crusty Goldshark: So Prashant - any clues about reality?
Prashant Parkin: wat clues?
Crusty Goldshark: Is it real?
Prashant Parkin: way is real?
Prashant Parkin: wat is real
Crusty Goldshark: Do you feel reality is real?
Geo Netizen: Is Crusty just a figment of your imagination?
Prashant Parkin: well it is complete imagination
Crusty Goldshark: Exactly Geo - am a real or a projection?
Prashant Parkin: reality is nothing but imagination in execution
Geo Netizen: And if projection, projected from ??
Wol Euler: you are a projection insofar as I make assumptions and inferences about you based on how you act
Wol Euler: those are not "you"
Crusty Goldshark: So you are seeing a little of me and a lot of yourself - perhaps?
Wol Euler: or vice versa. Mixed in any case.
Wol Euler: as are you when you look at us.
Faenik: could be
Geo Netizen: And if projection, projected from ??
Crusty Goldshark: m m m. . . I wonder about the vice versa - I feel most of us project and assume much more than we know . . .
Geo Netizen: Opppps
Prashant Parkin: yes crusty its true
Geo Netizen: to say our perception is flawed is to assume there is something real to perceive
Crusty Goldshark: I feel there is more reality to be aware of when we drop the assumptions . . .
Prashant Parkin: yes because we view reality according to our own perception
Wol Euler: do you own a refrigerator?
Prashant Parkin: who me?
Wol Euler: Geo, actually, but it can be a general uestion :)
Adams Rubble: I agree with Crusty's last statement
Geo Netizen: I do not own a regriderator
Adams Rubble: We can remove many of our assumptions if we try
Geo Netizen: but that is a special case
Another visitor came and went
Geo Netizen: Our perceptions are certainly colored by us
Crusty Goldshark: I think we can react 'as new' - we can treat each moment without past or future . . .
Geo Netizen: One reason why this group is so useful
Prashant Parkin: but we cant
Geo Netizen: It can challenge those assumptions
Prashant Parkin: because our minds cant think that way
Solobill arrived
Geo Netizen: Aren’t we all here to get a *reality* check on our assumptions?
Geo Netizen: Hi Solo
Wol Euler: hello solo
Crusty Goldshark: We don't have to use our minds to be aware - thinking yes - aware no
Adams Rubble: Hello Bill :)
Fael Illyar: Hi Solo:)
Solobill Laville: Hi, all [rezzing]
Crusty Goldshark: Hi SoloBill
Crusty Goldshark: what does rezzing mean?
Crusty Goldshark: reading resumes?
Adams Rubble: :)
Wol Euler: waiting fo the world to resolve
Crusty Goldshark: got it
Wol Euler: (in this instance)
Adams Rubble: thanks Wol
Wol Euler: can also mean placing something from inventory onto the ground
Adams Rubble: Wol, I am assuming by the refrigerator you were trying to point out the perception of cold?
Geo Netizen is looking for sympathy on the reality of his local weather forecast:
Snow and widespread blowing snow. The snow could be heavy at times. Temperature falling to around -14 by 5pm. Wind chill values as low as -45. Windy, with a north wind between 26 and 31 mph, with gusts as high as 44 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. Total snow accumulation of up to a foot is possible.
Wol Euler: actually, I would like to withdraw that. I am in an argumentative mood and am trying to overcome it. The question was intended to open a line of attack that would be unhelpful.
Faenik: indeed?
Wol Euler: ooh, lucky geo!
Adams Rubble: Geo seems to have enough cold for one person
Fael Illyar: certainly more snow than here.
Adams Rubble: You have my sympathy Geo
Wol Euler: I can see snow on the hills but there is none in town
Geo Netizen nods at the successful fishing expedition
Fael Illyar: 10 days left to get this thing called white christmas everyone is so hung up on here :)
Crusty Goldshark: Moods are hard Wol - sometimes they have to be allowed to pass without effecting others too . . .
Crusty Goldshark: The Buddha advocated Noble Silence
Geo Netizen agrees with the Buddha
Faenik: ah :)
Wol Euler is trying.
Crusty Goldshark: Ha - I am often trying . . .
Geo Netizen and wishes he followed that advice more often
Fael Illyar: Yet, sometimes it's the right choice (however you define that) to allow others to help you with your mood.
Crusty Goldshark: Depends how you work with moods - music changes mine
Adams Rubble: yes, recongizing them is much of the battle
Prashant needed to depart
Prashant Parkin: hey people got to go
Prashant Parkin: il see u guys later
Crusty Goldshark: bye prashat - keep it real . . .
Wol Euler: bye prashant, take care.
Fael Illyar: Ok, see you later Prashant :)
Prashant Parkin: bye :)
Fael Illyar: (did he get an introduction by the way?)
Geo Netizen: The effects of music and the **very** long history of it would be a good topic on its own
Adams Rubble: yes
Adams Rubble: Bye Prashant, nice to meet you :)
Geo Netizen: Bye Preshant
Solobill Laville: Bye, Prashant
I announce the 999th session but, alas, I am premature (see next session for explanation). The 1000th will be tomorrow at 1 pm
Adams Rubble: (for those of you who might have missed my email this morning, this is the 999th session of PaB)
Wol Euler: indeed!
Wol Euler: we need to arrange a celebration somehow...
Wol Euler: get Storm to rezz one of his champagne sets
Solobill Laville wonders if someone was making notches on their wall
Adams Rubble: or cell?
Solobill Laville: hehe, that too
Geo Netizen: So the 1pm session is #1,000?
Adams Rubble: yes
Moon came next and soon unching on a cookie
Geo Netizen: Hi Moon
Adams Rubble: Hello Moon :)
Wol Euler: yep!
Crusty Goldshark: hi moon
Wol Euler: hello moon
Moon Fargis: greetings
Geo Netizen: May have to redo my schedule
Fael Illyar: Hi Moon :)
Solobill Laville: HI, Moon
Warm Cookie whispers: Ahhh, Fresh from the oven. Yumm!!
Adams Rubble watches crumbs floating in the pool
Geo Netizen: Did you bring enough to share?
Wol Euler grin
Moon Fargis: hmmmm maybe :)
Wol Euler: +s
Moon gives us all a cookie
Warm Cookie whispers: Ahhh, Fresh from the oven. Yumm!!
Moon Fargis gave you Warm Cookie.
Adams Rubble: ty Moon :)
Warm Cookie whispers: Ahhh, Fresh from the oven. Yumm!!
Wol Euler: delicious!thanks moon
Warm Cookie whispers: Ahhh, Fresh from the oven. Yumm!!
Faenik: indeed?
Geo Netizen: Hmmm ... thanks Moon
Warm Cookie whispers: Ahhh, Fresh from the oven. Yumm!!
Warm Cookie whispers: Ahhh, Fresh from the oven. Yumm!!
Warm Cookie whispers: Ahhh, Fresh from the oven. Yumm!!
candy cookie* for kero whispers: Mmmmm... Cookie!
Moon Fargis: Cookies!
Fael Illyar smiles.
quen Oh is Online
Moon Fargis: hmmhmmm brb reboot
Moon Fargis is Offline
Crusty Goldshark: Has Moon gone for the hot chocolate?
Adams Rubble: :)
Wol Euler: hopefully
Geo Netizen: So back to music …
Geo Netizen: I found the book by Mithen to be very interesting: “The Singing Neanderthals”
Solobill Laville: Yay! Geo floats!
Geo Netizen: He made some very interesting points
Fael Illyar sees if she can float too.
Wol Euler googles
Geo Netizen: Cookies with my coffee will do that :)
Fael Illyar: nope, no floatie.
Fael Illyar: my cookie wasn't a float cookie :/
Adams Rubble: Geo?
Faenik: なるほど^^
Adams Rubble wonders what where the points
Geo Netizen: He proposesHe proposes that the making of music goes way back
Geo Netizen: and may be *wired* into us
candy cookie* for kero whispers: Mmmmm... Cookie!
Moon returns abd Crusty leaves; we find that when we detach the cookie we float in the air
Fael Illyar: wb Moon :)
Wol Euler: wb moon
Adams Rubble: wb Moon
PaB Listener Master: Removing "Crusty Goldshark" from list.
Fael Illyar: Well, it seems to me there are arts for every sense we have.
Fael Illyar: we like to control what we perceive :)
Adams Rubble thinking about people using classical music in barns to make cows give more milk
Fael Illyar: ah, yes, we like to control what others perceive as well
Wol Euler thinks about watching my boss's kid who can barely stand, dancing.
Wol Euler: to music, I meant
Adams Rubble: whoa
Solobill Laville: oh, yes, that is amazing...very Geo's point
Adams Rubble: strong cookies
Adams Rubble: :)
Fael Illyar: music or something similar was probably the only way we had to communicate before words.
Geo Netizen: One of Mithen's points
Geo Netizen: He provides some support to the thesis that music predated language
Solobill Laville: yes, i agree, Fael, and also a way to attempt to express the un-expressable
Another newcomer, Twang, joins us and is interested in the group
Solobill Laville: then and now
Geo Netizen: Hi Twang
Twang Rexen: hello
Wol Euler: hello twang
Adams Rubble: Hello Twang :)
Twang Rexen: is this a private place?
Fael Illyar: yes, no strict structure, yet it can be used to convey so much.
Wol Euler: nope, everyone is welcome
Fael Illyar: Hello Twang :)
Twang Rexen: yay
Faenik: ah :)
Bill leaves
Solobill Laville: OK, friends, I must be off, thougth I'd stop by for a bit...
Wol Euler chuckles at Moon.
Geo Netizen: Bye Solo
Fael Illyar: See you later Solo :)
Wol Euler: bye solo, will you be here for the 1000 later?
Twang Rexen accepted your inventory offer.
Adams Rubble: bye Bill :)
Adams Rubble: Twang that is a notecard introducing our group
Geo Netizen: Say Adams, can you give one of those note cards that you give on PaB to me too.
Geo Netizen: Would be useful for my invetory
Fael Illyar: is it from the info dispenser here?
Geo Netizen accepted your inventory offer.
Geo Netizen: TY
Adams Rubble: Yes from the dispenser
Twang Rexen: ty
Fael Illyar: hmmh... the notecard could use an embedded landmark.
Adams Rubble: Twang, we record our conversations here. Do you have a problem with that?
Twang Rexen: no not at all
Moon transformed into a teddy bear and gave Twang a welcoming hug
Fael Illyar: Ah, our fluffy teddybear is welcoming Twang :)
Adams Rubble: We are at the end of this ession though. We meet four times a day at 1, 4, 1 and 4 SLT
Twang Rexen: ok
Fael Illyar: ummh... 1,7,1,7 I thought :)
Wol Euler: SL times
Adams Rubble: Thats for the correction Fael
Wol Euler: :)
Geo Netizen: Yes Fael is right
Twang Rexen: wow now that is a candy lolli
Twang Rexen: lol
Wol Euler: amusing to infer who uses the numeric keypad for numbers and who doesn't ...
Geo Netizen is confused
Adams Rubble remembers that 7 is 4 her time
Geo Netizen nods
Twang Rexen: may i ask in what part of the world u all from?
Moon Fargis: germany
Wol Euler: also germany
Adams Rubble: I am from the US, east coast
Geo Netizen: <-- States
Twang Rexen waves from the UK*
Geo Netizen loved the way Twang danced into our presence
Fael Illyar: <-- Finland
Twang Rexen: am i dancing rofl?
Moon Fargis: ok ialso need to go
Geo Netizen: Bye Moon
Moon Fargis: see you soon
Wol Euler: you were, yep
Adams Rubble: bye Moon :)
Wol Euler: bye moon, see you later perpahs
Twang Rexen: bye moon nice to have met u
Moon left
Fael Illyar: Yes, you were. If you teleport while dancing, you'll keep dancing on other's screens but not on your own.
Faenik: ah :)
Twang Rexen: hmm u live and learn lol
Wol Euler nods. It's a viewer bug.
Geo Netizen files that piece of info for future refence
Geo Netizen: *reference
Twang Rexen: how long have u been doing this?
Geo Netizen not that he dances much :)
Twang Rexen: rofl
Wol Euler: it'll be a year for me on Thursday
Adams Rubble: This is our 999th session
Twang Rexen: Oooo wow
Geo Netizen Adams is faster on the fingers
Adams Rubble stretches fingers
Geo Netizen: Not that we have made them all :))
Fael Illyar: Not quite a year of PaB though
Wol Euler slaps down her ego.
Adams Rubble: hehe
Geo Netizen: I have been attending for only around a month
Fael Illyar has been attending since late May.
Adams Rubble wonders if anyone read all 998 sessions
Twang Rexen: what do u all do in RL?
Twang Rexen: lol
Faenik: なるほど^^
Fael Illyar slacks off too much.
Twang Rexen: lol
Twang Rexen: i tend to do that too!
Geo Netizen: We have an over abundance of science and tech :)
Geo Netizen: Need more of the arts
Adams Rubble working on that Geo
Fael Illyar is kind of branching there a bit too. *points to her wings*
Geo Netizen: Perhaps Twang can help bring that balance
Wol Euler: me remembers. When does that exhibition open, Adams?
Twang Rexen: hmm i did fine art for 4 years
Twang Rexen: does that count?
Faenik: ah :)
Adams Rubble: Hopefully at the end o January Wol
Fael Illyar: perhaps :)
Wol Euler: ty
Geo Netizen smiles at Twang and hopes she become a regular member
Adams Rubble: Yes, that counts Twang
Twang Rexen: ok so
Twang Rexen: how do i read the last 998 sedssions rofl
Fael Illyar: but if you've done art, you might be able to make textures for things :)
Wol Euler: they#re on our website, twang
Wol Euler:
Fael Illyar:
Twang Rexen: ty
Adams Rubble: Thanks Wol and Fael
Wol Euler: there are the full logs, and also a series of "greatest hits" :)
Wol Euler: the concentrated essence, as it were.
Twang Rexen: hmm
Twang Rexen: I fear i may be to dim for this
Wol Euler: naaaaah.
Geo Netizen: In no way
Another newcomer joined us for awhile without giving permission
Geo Netizen: are we any brighter
Adams Rubble: no way Twang
Geo Netizen: I assure you :)
Wol Euler: the guff that gets spoken here is incidental to what the group is about.
Twang Rexen: uhm not that age makes a difference
Adams Rubble: It basically is stopping what we are doing to see what happens
Twang Rexen: what are the ages of the group?
Adams Rubble: There are many ages represented Twang
Wol Euler: immaterial :)
Twang Rexen: hmm
Wol Euler: but the average age of SL residents is probably much higher than one first thinks!
Twang Rexen: i think i might be liking this more and more
Geo Netizen: Any we always appreciate new topics if you have one
Wol Euler: most of us are "older" because meditation and sitting still tends not to attract the young and energetic :)
doug Sosa is Online
Twang Rexen: lol
Twang Rexen: and in i waltzed dancing hehehehe
Faenik loves wells!
PaB Listener Master: Removing "Richardefl Lauria" from list.
Geo Netizen: WE all act a little odd in Sl at time
Twang Rexen: u dont say
Twang Rexen: lol
Geo Netizen then thinks that may also be in FL
Adams Rubble: Geo !!?!
Adams Rubble: hehe
Wol Euler: wear that, twang :)
Wol Euler: it's invisible, a bit of harmless oddity.
Twang Rexen: what is it?
Wol Euler: try it, you'll like it
doug Sosa is Offline
Wol Euler: truly harmless
Twang Rexen: its on
Twang Rexen: lol
Wol Euler: unless someone says the magic word:
Wol Euler: onigokko
Twang Rexen: ROFL
Twang Rexen: LMFAO
Wol Euler: stop
Twang Rexen: andwhy am i standing up with my hands in the air
Wol Euler: ah, you are stuck in mid-animatoin
Wol Euler: that happens
Geo Netizen: Ah yes .... the Play part
Twang Rexen: that made me laugh out loud
Adams Rubble: :)
Wol Euler: there#s a command in the World menu called "stop all animations" for such cases
Geo Netizen: Happens a lot here ... the lol part
Twang Rexen: yes!
Wol Euler: PLAY as being.
Twang Rexen: this is oddly very soothing
Fael Illyar: fun is an integral part of life :)
Twang Rexen: very true
Wol Euler smiles. It is. I often come here and just sit and listen to the birds and the water
Twang Rexen: so how did playasbeing come to light
Geo Netizen: Sl, I find, can help support my meditation in Fl ... it is one of the interesting aspects
Wol Euler notices the time. Sorry, I must go. Bye everyone, enjoy your Sundays.
Geo Netizen: Bye Wol
Adams Rubble: bye wol
Fael Illyar: See you later Wol, have fun :)
Wol Euler: see you at 1pm fo the 1000!
Wol left us
Twang Rexen: bye wol
Adams Rubble: Play as Being grew out some other projects that tried to use the virtual worlds
Yet another newcomer joined us for a brief time and left without giving permission; Geo leaves
Twang Rexen: and what is our aim?
Adams Rubble: The basic pronciple is that we stop for just 9 sepcnds every 15 minutes
Adams Rubble: that doesn;t take any gtime
Geo Netizen: I sould tend to some things too
Adams Rubble: fits our modern schedules
Adams Rubble: bye Geo
Twang Rexen: bye geo
Wol Euler is Offline
Geo Netizen: This has been a fun session, nice to meet you Twang
Twang Rexen: nice to ha e met u
Faenik: why not?
Twang Rexen: Hmmm ladies I am truely sorry
Twang Rexen: i have to leave look forward to seeing u all again soon
Fael Illyar: Sure, see you later Twang :)
Adams Rubble: It was nice to meet you. Hope to see you again
PaB Listener Master: Removing "Twang Rexen" from list.
Fael Illyar: Lots of people popping in today :) Very clearly Sunday.
Adams Rubble: yes, I was just getting ready for another introduction. sigh
The hour past, Fael and I retired to a place a where we coould continue our conversation without interruptions