The guardian for this meeting was Maxine Walden. The comments are hers.
When I got to the Pavilion Scathach and Wester were in conversation and very soon Tarmel joined us.
Tarmel Udimo: hi everyone
Maxine Walden: hi Tarmel
Wester Kiranov: hi tarmel
Wester Kiranov: we hadn't started yet, really
Maxine Walden: OK
I was moved by the difference between RL out my window (snowing) and the SL scene next to the pool and fountain and clam balmy weather.
Maxine Walden: so interesting, outside my RL window it is snowing
and here there is lovely weather and a fountain...
Scathach Rhiadra: :)
Tarmel Udimo: smiles
Tarmel begins our conversation about dreams and related issues. Riddle soon joins us.
Tarmel Udimo: I read the log of your talk Maxine and found it quite
Maxine Walden: oh? glad you enjoyed it
Maxine Walden: the talk about dreams ?
Maxine Walden: hi Riddle
Riddle Sideways: Hi Everybody
Scathach Rhiadra: Hello Riddle
Tarmel Udimo: hi riddle
Wester Kiranov: hi riddle
Tarmel Udimo: yes maxine and the dreaming awake reality
Wester Kiranov: i liked that talk too
Maxine Walden: rigjht, did you have some impressions, thoughts etc
which came out of those thoughts re dreams/dreaming?
Tarmel Udimo: well it reminded me how much I used to dream and into
looking at dreams I was into
In the midst of the discusison Pema makes his first of several appearances, experiencing crashing several times during the session, which may have created a kind of dreamscape for him re our session as we pursue the discusison of dreams and our conscious relation to our dreaming selves
Wester Kiranov: hi pema
Pema Pera: Hi everybody!
Scathach Rhiadra: Hello Pema
Riddle Sideways: hi Pema
Maxine Walden: hi, Pema.
Maxine Walden: Interesting, Tarmel
Tarmel Udimo: and it made me realise how now I almost never but seem
to sometimes expereince those intuitice moments when awake
Tarmel Udimo: hi pema
Tarmel Udimo: *intuitive connections
Maxine Walden: I find that interesting as well, how at different
times, under different conditions we recall or not our dreams and
perhaps relate/become aware of our intuitions differently
Maxine Walden: so many factors internal and external which play into
our recalling or connecting with our inner dream/fantasy life, at
least for me
Riddle Sideways: is your talk stored somewhere?
Tarmel Udimo: so you think one is still dreaming all the time even
though one doesn't recall them?
Wester graciously offers the address where Kira talks are stored, in this case the recent talk on dreams I gave.
Wester Kiranov: The talk is here option=com_content&task=view&id=88&Itemid=119 I just looked it up myself
Maxine Walden: I believe that genesis has sent is a message that it
is stored at the Kira site...logs of events and talks...oh, thanks
Riddle Sideways: TY
Maxine Walden: yes, Tarmel, my understanding is that we are dreaming
all the time, even now when awake, in that the dreaming process is
constantly processing all the input from our inner and outer
experience and we probably recall only small fragments of the ongoing
dream, as it were
Fefonz joins us as we continue our exploration of the dreaming process and the unconscious regions of experience
Fefonz Quan: Hello all
Maxine Walden: for me the unconscious region of experience, that we
do not have immediate connection with when awake , is a vital and deep-
going part of 'us' and of being...something I would love to have a
deep conversation with Pema and others about
Riddle Sideways: hi fefonz
Tarmel Udimo: hi fefonz
Scathach Rhiadra: Hello Fefonz
Maxine Walden: hi Fefonz
Wester Kiranov: hi fefonz
Riddle Sideways: so this deep is going on at all time.
Fefonz Quan: Hi :)
Riddle Sideways: and sometimes we call it dreaming
Riddle Sideways: sometimes call it fantasy
Maxine Walden: that is my current understanding Riddle, all the
time, and we sometimes call it dreaming sometimes fantasy, yes
Riddle Sideways: sometimes can't recall it
Riddle Sideways: maybe sometimes call it thinking
Riddle Sideways: simulating
Maxine Walden: maybe so, Riddle...simulating thinking?
Riddle Sideways: playing what-if
Scathach Rhiadra: could our 'stream of consciousness' be part of the
ongoing dreaming?
Wester Kiranov: perception, as well
Riddle Sideways: faenik= why not
Maxine Walden: yes, I think so Scatch...
Tarmel Udimo: well if that is the case the more awake/aware become
the more that 'unconscious part' could no longer be unconscious
Wester Kiranov: when we dram all that we see is made up by
ourselves, and when we are awake not all of it is, that is an
important difference
Tarmel Udimo: and that's where our intuitive almost telepathic
moments come from
Wester Kiranov: *dream
Riddle Sideways: perhaps any processing that is not derived from
input simuli
Umbriel Levenque: Peace and Love
Maxine Walden: interesting the unconscious for me, it
is as vast as the external cosmos...likely never to be fully explored
Umbriel and then doug join us as we coninue to explore this inner psychic region. One topic that seems to capture interest and diverse discussion is the notion that our inner psychic states form the lens for our perception and experiece of the outer world.
Riddle Sideways: hi Umbriel
Fefonz Quan: although dreams do build on the day time experiences
Fefonz Quan: (sometimes)
Maxine Walden: well, here is an interesting thought for me: that the
world we see outside, what we perceive externally, is really comprised
from our inner perceptions
Riddle Sideways: Hi Doug, get out of the fountain
doug Sosa: quietly: hi
Maxine Walden: For instance, if I am feeling good, what I see 'out
there' is mainly seen as peaceful; when I am upset, angry I 'see' more
disturbance 'out there'
Umbriel Levenque: Hi doug :-)
Maxine Walden: hi, doug
Fefonz Quan: hi, doug
doug Sosa: :)
Tarmel Udimo: hi doug
Wester Kiranov: so you choose what to see because of what you are
Maxine Walden: the lens of my feeling state greatly impacts 'what' I
Fefonz Quan: i feel quite similar to what Maxine descries
Fefonz Quan: describes
Tarmel Udimo: yes I experience this and so moment by moment (when
I'me up for it) I try refreshing the outlook in a way
Fefonz Quan: but does it effect only the "emotion" of things or
things themselves like in a dream?
Umbriel Levenque: Yes Maxine. I've started to question my
perceptions more.
Maxine Walden: for me, Fefonz, my inner state affects what I feel I
truly 'see' out there, not just the emotion of things out there. Does
that coincide with others' experience?
Wester Kiranov: affect, yes, detemines no
Tarmel Udimo: yes,
Wester Kiranov: *determines
Fefonz Quan: affect surely determines - i still wonder
Fefonz Quan: (surely,)
Tarmel Udimo: often when I am on beam I call it things unfold as they
should be, I think of something and it happens
doug Sosa: well, amix for me. i can be in a tight mood and see
something beautiful suddenly and i respond to it.
Fefonz Quan: right doug, i feel to that there is some mutual
Fefonz Quan: *too
doug Sosa: right,and not completely deterministic in either direction.
Maxine Walden: yes, doug, that is wonderful when that happens, and
maybe you are reminding us or me that it is not 100% but the tighter I
am inside the more constricted does the world out there seem,
Maxine Walden: and vice these thoughts of ours connect
with PaB or Being?
doug Sosa: closer,noticed :)
doug Sosa: good question.
Riddle Sideways: if we extend the dreaming all the time model...
then the seeing what we want to see mode is easier to understand
Riddle Sideways: then the usual automatic no that is not real...
doug Sosa: you mean we dream what we want to dream?
Riddle Sideways: we see in our dreams what we choose to concentrate on
doug Sosa: chose? Really? not my experience.
Riddle Sideways: we can not focus on ALL all the dream
Wester Kiranov: but dreams can get our attention to things we din't
see, too
Wester Kiranov: didn't want to see, amybe
Riddle Sideways: yes, isn't that really neat
Fefonz Quan: i don't have a feeling that i choose the plots of my
doug Sosa: I am not smart enough to make up the plots in my dreams.
Fefonz Quan: though they are remarkably complicated sometimes
Fefonz Quan: my point too, doug :)
Riddle Sideways: nice putting yourself down Doug, but we
don'tbelieve you
Maxine Walden: for me the dream plots and messages are so complex it
brings awe about an inner intelligence that is not under my control at
doug Sosa: yes,truly.
Fefonz Quan: i found that control over the dream is achieved only if
i recognize that it is a dream
And then be we begin to explore the notion of a greater intelligence at work/play which may sculpt our dreams and other unconscious elements
Wester Kiranov: right. it's a part of you that is much bigger than
the "day" you
doug Sosa: and even then it is control like driving a car,no that of
making the car.
Maxine Walden: that we all have that inner intelligence operating
but may not know it...does that seem too 'far out'?
Tarmel Udimo: not at all
Scathach Rhiadra: no:)
Riddle Sideways: nope
Fefonz Quan: for me it does seem a little far out
doug Sosa: I agree with maxine.but then the mystery is why is my dreamer
smarter than me the dream observer?
Fefonz Quan: we have very broad imagine, too
Wester Kiranov: but why is it so hard to recognize a dream as a dream?
Riddle Sideways: the trick is to know that intel and dreaming and
bring it into 'day'
Fefonz Quan: intel?
doug Sosa: O dreaming and seeing are quite similar.
Fefonz Quan: ok
doug Sosa: similar worlds.
Riddle Sideways: inteligence
Maxine Walden: (such great questions and observations in this
conversation, it seems to me)
doug Sosa: the question then is, what is the difference
Wester Kiranov: I once had a dream that I recognized as a typical
dream situation - and then I thought "oh, so this can happen in real
life too"
Riddle Sideways: who cares (is one good answer)
Tarmel Udimo: in fact I think the more we experience who we really
are ie being we are more and more fully in contact with this 'inner
doug Sosa: Seeing includes that stuff outside, whereas in dreaming
the "outside" is shut out. Te mind is freer
doug Sosa: in the dream state,not constrained by outer things.
Riddle Sideways: hi again pema
Maxine Walden: I would currently agree with Tarmel re being in touch
with that inner intelligence
Pema rejoins us. Several of us try to brief him as to what we have been discussing.
Umbriel Levenque: Hi Pema :-)
Pema Pera: hi again everybody -- severe crash and reboot and . . . .
long story
Maxine Walden: hi Pema, welcome back; hope we did not drive you away
Fefonz Quan: infact one of the signs i have for eing in a dream is
"ilogical things happen'
Tarmel Udimo: sorry to hear that very frustrating
Fefonz Quan: Hi Pema!
Wester Kiranov: hi pema - still discussing dreams here
Fefonz Quan: *being
Maxine Walden: we are talking about dreaming and being and related
items, Pema
Maxine Walden: and nearly all us us agreeing there is an inner
intelligence which is much greater that our 'daytime' intelligence
Riddle Sideways: ha, one of the signs that I am in RL is that
illogical things are happenings
Pema Pera: :-)
Fefonz Quan: we are in your dream riddle, wake up :)
doug Sosa: riddle sideways lives up to his name.
Riddle Sideways: i don'twant to wake up nor grow up
Fefonz Quan: easier to avoid one of them
Umbriel Levenque: :-)
We then begin to consider the dream quality of what is right before us, in this instance our very conversation, an idea which might have been difficult to digest.
Maxine Walden: for me it is interesting to think that for me and
all of us, this conversation is part of a dream...I see/understand
what each of you is saying according to an internal lens which is
affected by my inner state...and that may vary from moment to moment...
Maxine Walden: and that each of you may see/understand this
conversation slightly differently according to your inner lens of the
Fefonz Quan: slightly, sure
Riddle Sideways: it is soo much easier to see the 'lens' of SL,
virtual Reality, avs, computer tubes
Riddle Sideways: try this same understanding in RL converstaion
Fefonz Quan: yes, that's why i practice Pab not looking at the
computer Tarmel Udimo: yes I used that like a feed back mechanism
whether in RL or SL
Fefonz suggests we have a signifier DL for dream life. Several of us roll that thought around and further consider the differences/similarities of RL and DL
Fefonz Quan: should we defone DL - dream life?
Tarmel Udimo: I try to see which lens is looking why my
responses are they way they are
Fefonz Quan: define*
Maxine Walden: lol, fefonz, DL as dreamlife! Maybe close to
or is an aspect of Being or our connection with Being
Riddle Sideways: some of us where saying that there is no/
little difference betweeen DL and RL
Fefonz Quan: i find the declaration of no difference hard to
Wester Kiranov: not as much as some people think, anyway
Fefonz Quan: day to day live has some continuity, that dream
to dream do not have
Doug offers a couple of ways to consider the relationships of RL to DL: the constraints of RL sensory input vs the freedom of the dreaming state and the discontinuity similar to what one would find on different floors of a department store. Several of us ponder these and related views
doug Sosa: the diffeence is eal, but not absolute. when
perceiving, the mind is constrained by what the senses bring
dreaming the constraint is removed so the dream is a bit freer to do
odd things.
Wester Kiranov: that's because we don't have the feedback
from outside in DL
Wester Kiranov: (what fefonz said)
Riddle Sideways: many times I see much continuity in the dreams
doug Sosa: if you get in the elvator in the first floor of a
department store, there is no continuity with what happens when you
get off at 4.
Riddle Sideways: yes
Maxine Walden: lol, Doug
Fefonz Quan: memory, at least...
Fefonz Quan: (use the stairs next time...)
Riddle Sideways: was having a good dream.... cat jumps on me
and I awake for moment... then goback to same dream
Fefonz Quan: i had some continuities between dreams
Maxine Walden: for me doug is reminding us of varying levels
of experience (floors of the department store) which seem to have no
Fefonz Quan:b ut they are rare and short
And Wester brings up the window we can often have upon the dreaming life as we let go of waking life in our going to sleep.
Wester Kiranov: often when I am just falling asleep, I
suddenly remember what I was dreaming the day before
Wester Kiranov: and I can get into that same dream again
Fefonz Quan: that's impressive
Maxine Walden: yes, Wester, it is often thought that as we
let loose of our conscious selves in falling asleep we have more
access to our dreams and 'inner' life
Fefonz Quan: from movie to mini-series
Fefonz Quan: sometimes i wish i could to that
Riddle Sideways: and sometimes we ride the elevator back down
to floor 1 and find the same department :)
Perhaps naturally we consider the complexity of inner life in terms of levels of experience, and an inner intelligence which likely surpasses our conscious efforts in that regard. In addition the notion of labels comes up, what we label as awakeness and dreaming.
Maxine Walden: and the notion of many 'levels' of inner
experience, dialog with our inner selves, makes the notion of a very
complex inner self impressive to me
Wester Kiranov: i'm not doing it, it just happens
Maxine Walden: 'levels'
Tarmel Udimo: and what if we flipped it and saw it as not
'dreaming' but just in various stages of awakeness?
Fefonz Quan: in what sense?
Tarmel Udimo: which is 360 degrees
Umbriel Levenque: My experiences with dreams are similar to
yours Riddle
Tarmel Udimo: so therefore able to conect with multiple
levels of understanding
Riddle Sideways: yep, everything the same, just labeled
Maxine Walden: that would be interesting as well, Tarmel,
maybe we could use the term awakeness instead of dreaming...not get
hamstrung by labels
Wester Kiranov: there are very different ways you could mean
awake here - in short, as being more aware of dreaming or dreaming less
Tarmel Udimo: it brings us closer o see our reality as being
Tarmel Udimo: *seeing
I am very grateful to Umbriel for reminding me what I had said in the earlier talk, that we dream rather constantly and that what we are talking about when we discuss dreams are those dreams that we remember. it interests me that I can so easily fall back into using that shorthand of 'dreaming' when the more accurate notation would be 'remembered dreams'.
Umbriel Levenque: According to what you said during the talk
Maxine, we dream more or less same amount but remembering less rather
than dreaming less... am I remembering correctly here?
Fefonz Quan: for me a higher state of awareness in the dream
is to recognize it as such, why does the mere "dreaming" is highger
state of awareness then not dreaming?
Tarmel Udimo: maxine points by labeling a process differently
we could perhaps see things in a different way
Wester Kiranov: I gues being more aware of how much you are
dreaming makes you more awake
Maxine Walden: Umbriel, I believe I did say that we probably
dream rather constantly but do not remember ...and our common everyday
comment about 'dreaming' refers to our remembering our dreams, even
here as we talk
Riddle Sideways: I imagine Moon sneaking behind Maxine and
switching all her labeled states on the shelves
Tarmel Udimo: smiles
Umbriel Levenque: Thank you Maxine :-)
And it felt important to mention the caution about the potential hierarchy re renembering dreams vs not doing so...
Maxine Walden: I think we could get into difficulty if we
glean that remembering our dreams is 'better' in some way than not. I
know some people who feel they do not remember dreams but have other
experiences, such as awakening with the 'answer' to a
ther e may be many equivalents of 'dreaming' and we should not get
into a hierarchy about which is better
Maxine Walden: will watch for Moon! and possible
Fefonz Quan: i've read that we remember the dreams that were
dreamt just before we woke up
Fefonz Quan: and though this hierarchy may not be better,
this is the way we can discuss them
Riddle Sideways: or that we remember them in the way
conscience mind needs to deal with them (as maxinesaid)
Maxine Walden: I think some dream researchers say that is so,
Fefonz. My experience suggests that things may be more complex than
temporality to awakening
Wester brings in a sweet cartoon which should actually be added to the chatlog as a 'picture' our our common experience of forgetting dreams and may just be a reminder that the remembered dream may be/ likely is only a fraction of the 'actual dream'...
Wester Kiranov: - on remembering dreams
Riddle Sideways: ha, very good Wester
Fefonz Quan: i do agree that this point is more technical
than principal
Maxine Walden: It is often very difficult to 'not know' about
the inner complexities and we may try to 'simpligy' so that we feel we
can know. The terror of 'not knowing' can make us seek simple rather
than awe at the complexity...
Riddle Sideways: to some
Fefonz Quan: nods, awing at the complexity
Riddle Sideways: others might appreciate the appearances
And as we begin to leave we offer variations of 'have a good dream' to those heading for bed
Wester Kiranov: going from SL to RL to DL now.
Wester Kiranov: namaste
Umbriel Levenque: :-) Bye Wester
Pema Pera: bye Wester!
Fefonz Quan: good night wester :)
Riddle Sideways: bye Wester
Tarmel Udimo: bye wester
Maxine Walden: nice talking Wester. See you soon
Pema Pera: enjoy all transitions!
Scathach Rhiadra: namasté Wester
Umbriel Levenque: Off to bed here also. Enjoy your day
Maxine Walden: bye Umbriel
Pema Pera: happy dreams, Umbriel!
Riddle Sideways: niters Umbriel
Scathach Rhiadra: night Umbriel
Umbriel Levenque is Offline
Riddle Sideways: they go.... to sleep perchance to dream
Maxine Walden: An interesting conversation today...maybe we
can each think/dream about it an see how our understandings
evolve...yes, Riddle to sleep perchance to dream...
Pema Pera: yes, fascinating, sorry I missed part o fit
Pema Pera: I look forward to read the log, in due time!
Pema Pera: and I have to leave now too
Pema Pera: great seeing you all -- and I hope we can continue
this conversation soon(ish)!
Maxine Walden: Pema, I will of course put up th chatlog. bye
Scathach Rhiadra: Namasté Pema
Tarmel Udimo: bye pema
Fefonz Quan: Bye Peama
Pema Pera: ciao
Riddle Sideways: bye Pema
Fefonz Quan: it's 12pm for me here, so SL-RL-DL too soon :)
Maxine Walden: I will have to go as well...its been a great
Tarmel Udimo: yes thanks maxine - enjoyed it
Fefonz Quan: yes, thanks for the conversation
Riddle Sideways: and I have a cold, so might go back to bed
at 2pm
Scathach Rhiadra: night Maxine, fefonz
Maxine Walden: Please check the log and amend it if you like.
Riddle Sideways: thank you Maxine=