Wol Euler was guardian for this session.
Lugh Fehr: yay right on time hehe heyya wol
Wol Euler: good morning Lugh
Lugh Fehr: gm
Wol Euler: you made an interesting av choice this morning
Lugh Fehr: no just mix and macht hee
Wol Euler: the sum of your choices is interesting.
Lugh Fehr: i am flavious the drunk greek hero philosofer
Wol Euler: I should have recognized you!
Lugh Fehr: hehehe
Wol Euler: you change avatars more than anyone else here, Lugh.
Wol Euler: vastly different avs, I mean: from the frog king to this, with many stages between
Wol Euler: I wonder what your av's appearance means to you?
Lugh Fehr: not much its the thing i look at so i get board easliy with it and also it reflects my buzz towards the world same whit my desktop background
Lugh Fehr: hehe
Wol Euler smiles
Wol Euler: so your av appearance is just a "package" around you?
Lugh Fehr: yes but i always have a wierd story and a slitly different personalaty behinde then hehehe
Wol Euler: ah! so the appearances are stories, not just wrapping. Interesting.
Wol Euler: do you name them all? you said this was Flavious
Wol Euler: hello arch, good morning
Lugh Fehr: no flavious is just the name of my shirt hehe and its not exactly a stroy for example the alien dude i was yesterday was an alien soaked in human culture and you know if someone asks you you say yes born and reased on earth even dough i come from alukem nog nog or somthing hehehee
Archmage Atlantis: Hello Lugh
Archmage Atlantis: Hi Wol
Lugh Fehr: helllow acrh
Archmage Atlantis: I don't understand why, but I always prefer the blue cushions
Wol Euler: me too, it's because of the poses :)
Archmage Atlantis: But there is one that won't let me sit as I wish
Archmage Atlantis: Odd
Wol Euler: hmmm
Wol Euler: Arch, you look like Koya's older brother this morning
Lugh Fehr: wow cool ava
Archmage Atlantis: Oh, I am in snow panther blend
Wol Euler: buongiorno qt
Qt Core: hi all
Archmage Atlantis: Bartram has beem close to the surface of late
Lugh Fehr: hi qt
Wol Euler: ah :)
Lugh Fehr: oh my my arms are gone
Lugh Fehr: back
Archmage Atlantis: I let him come to a meeting once, and he thinks he's the cat's meow these days........if he is bothering anyone, I can make him go back inside
Wol Euler grins.
Wol Euler: no, he's fine.
Wol Euler: I was just curious
Archmage Atlantis: Anyway the the other 2 are tryin to come through also
Archmage Atlantis: So, it would be easier on me to push all of them back
Wol Euler: have you thought of making alts for them? That might be easierfor them to express themselves, and might give the original Arch some peace :)
Archmage Atlantis: You know, Coca-Cola was a way of distributing cocaine as a remedy at first
Wol Euler: hello Visitor
Archmage Atlantis: The all have alts
Visitor: hello
Wol Euler: welcome to second life
Wol Euler: and to play as being. have you been here before?
Lugh Fehr: hello Visitor
Qt Core: it may be that way even now seen how addicted to the beverage i am ;-)
Qt Core: hi Visitor
Visitor: thanks, no I am begginer what are you doing/
Archmage Atlantis: That's the corn syrup, no matter what they say, it is addictive
Wol Euler: this is a meeting of a meditation and discussion group called Play as Being
Wol Euler: I'll give you a notecard about us
Lugh Fehr: 1 weekhuh we got our self some freash blood hehehe
Archmage Atlantis: O
Wol Euler: twelve days old, yep :)
Visitor: heeeeheeeeeheeeee
Wol Euler: right-click on a cushion and select "sit" to join us
Archmage Atlantis: we are weird but mostly harmless
Visitor: i mean that in this pleace :)
Archmage Atlantis: And good ppl
Qt Core: and sometimes, depending on lag levels armless too
Wol Euler nods.
Archmage Atlantis: In my experience
Visitor: you are only 4 or more in your group?
Wol Euler puts a finger to her lips
Archmage Atlantis: Sometimes more.......
Visitor: interesting.....
Wol Euler: the group is well over 70 in total
Wol Euler: some meetings are larger than others
Wol Euler: the theme sessions are usually very well attended
Visitor: oho!
Wol Euler: we meet 4x daily, 1am 7am 1pm 7pm
Wol Euler: (not always the same people, obviuosly)
Archmage Atlantis: Wol, the silence is a guideline to meditation.........when someone is new, and arrives during a silence, then it is more important to inform, imo
Visitor: you are dicussing about something ?
Wol Euler: avatar appearances and addiction to coca cola
Wol Euler grins.
Visitor: I like coca! Ok nice to meet you!
Wol Euler: We record these sessions and publish them on our website, so that members who weren't here can read what happened.
Archmage Atlantis: ouch, but correct\
Wol Euler: may we have your permission to include your SL name and your comments in the published log?
Visitor: no thanks i'am just walking :)
Wol Euler: all right, I'll edit you out of the log
Visitor: Byby !!!:)
Wol Euler: enjoy SL
Archmage Atlantis: 1 2 3 who are we rezzing for, don't ask me I don't give a d---, next top is ....
Archmage Atlantis: I need to go and come back Wol, 1 moment
Wol Euler: k
Wol Euler: wb lugh
Qt Core: wb lugh, hi Yaku
Lugh Fehr: tnx hey yaku
Wol Euler: hello yaku
Wol Euler: wb arch
Archmage Atlantis: I suppose sometimes one has to sit on the brown cushion
Lugh Fehr: hehee
Qt Core: i prefer the brown one myself ;-)
Wol Euler smiles.
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey arch
Archmage Atlantis: hey Yaku
Qt Core: i feel quite ironic the idea than while the current Art Project invite us to try different avatars i'm feeling/finding myself to this one, my standard one
Wol Euler nods.
Archmage Atlantis: I have always felt that this av represents
Archmage Atlantis: My other avs are inside
Qt Core: (i use avatar and outfit terms as interchangeable having only one av myself
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: it is a good question, though, what the appearance means to us
Archmage Atlantis: I have 3 other, with different names, and different species
Qt Core: i may really have to make another, if not for "exploring" goals to be ready if i got stuck
Wol Euler: it surprises me that the others still try to come through "arch" even they have their own beings
Wol Euler nods to Qt. You'll be surprised how much of a difference it makes.
Wol Euler: the alt is a different person, even if it's all "you"
Archmage Atlantis: I am not a multiple personality, my personalities reached a truce many decades ago
Qt Core: i think i can split my mind pretty good even in one form ;-) it will be just an emergency av
Wol Euler: hello tallin, we were just speaking about alts and identities :)
Qt Core: hi tallin
Tallin Dezno: lol - wie passend ! ;-)
Tallin Dezno: hi everybody ! ... :-)
Archmage Atlantis: I have been in relationships with some who had no communication between personalities
Lugh Fehr: is it possible to kill off a personalaty?
Archmage Atlantis: yes, it is Lugh
Archmage Atlantis: My experience of that with others who do it, is that it returns under a different name
Wol Euler: hmmmmm
Wol Euler: hello paradise, you're up early
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey paradise
Qt Core: hi paradise
Paradise Tennant: smiles and waves all round hello everyone :)
Archmage Atlantis: Greetings Paradise
Paradise Tennant: yes woke up very early :)
Wol Euler smiles.
Paradise Tennant: listens
Lugh Fehr: is it possible to give birth to a personalaty constiosly?
Wol Euler: roleplaying, or acting perhaps?
Wol Euler: acting a part that you write
Lugh Fehr: no a real life personalaty
Lugh Fehr: hehe
Wol Euler: people roleplay in real life too :)
Qt Core: most of the time too
Wol Euler: right
Archmage Atlantis: I am not an authority, I only know what I think I have seen, ......, I would say yes to Lugh
Wol Euler considers.
Lugh Fehr: and how do you do that?
Archmage Atlantis: I would also say, it is only another personality
Qt Core: enjoying the ride, lugh ?
Qt Core: :-)
Lugh Fehr: hehe what do you mean?
Archmage Atlantis: where is that d bell
Archmage Atlantis: ty, bell
Paradise Tennant: also thought the whole concept of personality was bit .. cloudy ..
Wol Euler: say more?
Qt Core: have to go... if i want to have something to eat at lunch ;-)
Qt Core: bye all
Lugh Fehr: byebye qt
Paradise Tennant: good nite good day qt :) namaste :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: bye qt
Wol Euler: bye qt, enjoy the day
Paradise Tennant: hmm well exactly what is a personality ..a set of trait we think we have .. a set behaviours .. a set of reflexes ????
Paradise Tennant: and it so morphy because we change moment to moment
Lugh Fehr: a bit of all of that
Wol Euler ponders. I think it's the set of core behaviours and values that make peple think they know who we are
Archmage Atlantis: Can't wait till I see how you edit this log, St. Wol
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: minimally, Arch
Paradise Tennant: smiles .. the "think they know who we are" is the elephant in the room
Wol Euler: right
Wol Euler: but I said it that way deliberately, because that was my experience of it
Wol Euler: I thought as a kid that I had no personality and was surprised when people thought that there was a definite and clear "me"
Archmage Atlantis: Am thinking of one who comes as elephant
Paradise Tennant: at best my bet is we are .. a set of routines :) habits :) that may be consistent day to day but subject to big changes too ...
Paradise Tennant: blinking on a clear me
Paradise Tennant: lol dog just went back to bed .. he knows who he is :)
Wol Euler: :)
Lugh Fehr: human beings are the crazy scientists of the animal world the ones that say we got the technology hehee
Archmage Atlantis: do not disagree Lugh.......and my cat got out of bed and insists on being held
Wol Euler: that's the excitement and challenge of SL, then: that none of those things need to exist as they do in RL
Paradise Tennant: well like almost everything in life when you tinker with it and pull it apart it is a mental construct .. some kind of internal self image that we paint more with our thoughts than our actions often ;)
Wol Euler nods
Paradise Tennant: yes sl creates a new canvas
Paradise Tennant: smiles
Wol Euler: so an alt can be a chance to paint a new picture, using bits of us that don't get shown to RL
Wol Euler: (doesn't need to be, but can be)
Wol Euler: I'll have to go at the bell, it's a working day for me.
Paradise Tennant: ahh enjoy the day wol :) namaste
Wol Euler: please continue, I am curious to see how the discdussion resolves
Wol Euler: bye for now!
Yakuzza Lethecus: bye
Paradise Tennant: I suspect it is not just that bits don't get shown in life but also that new bits are created regularly
Paradise Tennant: we are in a constant process of creating me :)
Lugh Fehr: i agree but what creats them is it stuff we do in daily life?
Lugh Fehr: like are their little trick we can use to creat and amend as we wish?
Paradise Tennant: yes ... reference points what you do .. where you live .. how you dress .. but all those reference points are not ever really who you are
Yakuzza Lethecus: yes our experiences from the past new appearances in real life in the light of those creating a new framework and we shift slightly
Paradise Tennant: yes every single thought you have has an impact .. as does every emotion
Paradise Tennant: why it is so important to be careful with your thoughts :)
Lugh Fehr: you know how you wacht a movie or you hear a song and you tune into that atmosfer or you smell something and puts you in a new framwork can we use those stuff to alter our behaviours
Lugh Fehr: allot of people say that voilent movies make people violent if thats true its a great tool for self hypnosis
Archmage Atlantis: I apologize......my rl body is going to crash.....need to make it to bed.....Blessing, namaste, shleom
Paradise Tennant: smiles well I think our actions spring from a little net of thoughts
Lugh Fehr: gn arch
Paradise Tennant: smiles good nite arch ) namaste
Yakuzza Lethecus: night arch
Lugh Fehr: i see life alot like a motiff if im usein g that correctly
Yakuzza Lethecus: motiff ?
Paradise Tennant: a composite of little bits ..? a mosiac ? or motif .. a reccuring theme ?
Lugh Fehr: its like you can be anyone whitin the confinds of your current position and body limitations including witt so if you know the programing it can be usefull
Lugh Fehr: in creating a nice dream for you to live in and the motif i meant it as in the decor you like hehe
Paradise Tennant: yes
Paradise Tennant: really believe that too .. we create the fabric of our lives in our head and we never stop decorating :)
Paradise Tennant: which is a pity because less is more :)
Lugh Fehr: it realy will be a science in the futur i thinck
Lugh Fehr: and when it is easy it will become an art hehe
Paradise Tennant: yes
Paradise Tennant: life sciences .. meology :)
Lugh Fehr: :)
Lugh Fehr: plastic surgery for the carecter
Lugh Fehr: brb
Paradise Tennant: smiles getting sleepy again .and the cocoa is all gone ...so I think I will quietly go .. take the dog out for a quick break and try to go back to sleep :) thank you for the company .. for the conversation ..namaste :)
Paradise Tennant: good nite lugh .. yakuzza :)
Lugh Fehr: gn i need to go do some chores later par and yaku
Yakuzza Lethecus: night you both
Tallin Dezno: nachti yaku :o)
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey tallin :)
Tallin Dezno: hey ? *g*
Tallin Dezno: was wol wohl macht, wenn wir hier jetzt deutsch redeten ? *g*
Tallin Dezno: bzw. schrieben ... ;o)
Tallin Dezno: ich mach mich auch ma vom acker - bye yaku und schön tag noch ! *winks* ...