The Guardian for this meeting was Storm Nordwind. This long session is only lightly commented by Storm Nordwind. The title is a reference to two men (both mentioned below) who passed away yesterday, each of whom brought joy in different ways.
Retreaters gather.
Storm Nordwind: Good morning Riddle!
Riddle Sideways: ah godd mornign my friend
Storm Nordwind: Great to see you :)
Riddle Sideways: yes, was writting that same too
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Storm Nordwind: I've hardly been in SL since the retreat, for one reason or another, so I'm completely out of touch with "news" here (if there is any). :)
Riddle Sideways: hmmmm,
Riddle Sideways: I have been in several mornings and some 1pms
Riddle Sideways: but, not much news
Riddle Sideways: more Finnish guests
Storm Nordwind: Oh that's interesting. I wonder why the sudden take up from Finland
Riddle Sideways: friends of friends
Riddle Sideways: most of us have forgotten how to use the translators
Storm Nordwind: I guess having friends of friends coming along is always good. Perhaps we have some kind of reputation! ;)
Riddle Sideways: Hi Luci
Storm Nordwind: Hi there Luci!
Riddle Sideways: nice to see the fireball again
Storm Nordwind: hehe
Lucinda Lavender: HI nice to see you folks:)
Storm Nordwind: Three retreaters together - how lovely :)
Riddle Sideways: :) growing up watching cowboy/western on tv and movies taught me not to let somebody sit behind me
Storm Nordwind: Can't seem to get the grass to flow up and down though ;)
Riddle Sideways: :)
Lucinda Lavender: :) it puts us all in a picture together...for me ...since I have a view rotated around to view from the front
Storm Nordwind: Nice :)
Bringing joy.
Lucinda Lavender: wearing my little apple rainbow pin today with a bite out of it:)
Riddle Sideways: can hear the neighbors putting out their garbage and recycling
Lucinda Lavender: clang!
Riddle Sideways: this is one of the biggest days of the week on the street
Storm Nordwind: One person can make a huge impact on the world. I suspect that we each do without realizing it.
Lucinda Lavender: nodding...
Riddle Sideways: the world is a better place because Steve was in it
Lucinda Lavender: his products brought a lot of joy
Riddle Sideways: read his bio/timeline on web last night
Lucinda Lavender: I was sharing ipad with father-in Law yesterday...
Riddle Sideways: he had some troubles in life
Lucinda Lavender: yes..sounded like it from things had read last night
Lucinda Lavender: Storm I fixed the dream circle time notice
Lucinda Lavender: left the rest for Aph if that is ok
Riddle Sideways: what did father-in-law think of expensive strange thingie
Lucinda Lavender: he was smiling!!!
Storm Nordwind: Ah OK - though the board here still says 2011.07.27 so I guess that's what the wiki page says
Lucinda Lavender: as he used the touch screen
Riddle Sideways: yes, that is what wiki says
Riddle Sideways: so it was not silly purchase to him
Lucinda Lavender: he was delighted to see it...he has these bear paw hands with one finger missing from accident in the shop
Lucinda Lavender: no...I think even tho using a cordless phone is challenging in terms of signing up for the need for instant info...
Lucinda Lavender: the visual ability of the ipad to display well was very inexiting to see
Lucinda Lavender: exciting
Lucinda Lavender: showed him the drawing pad and the cook book...he really like those
Storm Nordwind: Hi Samúð!
Lucinda Lavender: Hi Santo
Lucinda Lavender: sorry Samud
Riddle Sideways: Hi San
Lucinda Lavender: brb
oO0Oo Resident: :) Hi Storm, Riddle, Lucinda :) Good to see you all.
Riddle Sideways: hi O
Riddle Sideways: opps, chatted through the beel again
Storm Nordwind: The bell seems somehow not to be perturbed by it though :)
Who could expect more?
Storm Nordwind: I remember when I was still living in England...
Storm Nordwind: I was doing a radio broadcast...
Storm Nordwind: called Thought For The Day on BBC radio
Storm Nordwind: and I was talking about "making a difference" and "leaving a legacy"
Storm Nordwind: What I didn't mention then was the difference we each make anyway.
Storm Nordwind: It's wonderful when people touch the lives of millions.
Lucinda Lavender: ah..yes
Storm Nordwind: But a kind word can save a life.
Storm Nordwind: I have seen that.
Storm Nordwind: And just by being who we are, we can make such a difference to others.
Storm Nordwind: The question is, I suppose, what kind of difference?
Riddle Sideways: scary thought
Riddle Sideways: what if be our actions or inaction we cause harm to come to a human
Riddle Sideways: years later
Lucinda Lavender: nodding...have thought of that too
Riddle Sideways: if we insist that robots obey those rules
Riddle Sideways: why not us
Storm Nordwind: I suspect that we do the best we can with the information and wisdom we have at the time. Who could expect more?
taramudra Resident: hi everyone
Storm Nordwind: Hi tara!
Riddle Sideways: Hi San
oO0Oo Resident: Hi taramudra :)
Santoshima Resident: hello everyone
Storm Nordwind: Hi San :)
Riddle Sideways: hi Tara
taramudra Resident: hi storm!!!
Riddle Sideways: San, is that a new av
Santoshima Resident: hmm?
Santoshima Resident: this old thing?
Riddle Sideways: :))
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Buddha eyes.
taramudra Resident: wow i love those buddha eyes in ur shirt sam
oO0Oo Resident: Interesting discussion. Peoples hearts and intentions seem spot on to me.
Santoshima Resident: free buddha shirt
Santoshima Resident: free eyes
Storm Nordwind is reminded by the eyes to visit the Nepalese diner in the mountains near here ;)
taramudra Resident: :)
Santoshima Resident: sorry to be late ~ what were you talking about?
Storm Nordwind: Hearts and intentions, yes. And the knowledge and the willingness to mistake mistakes, accept responsibility, and learn.
Storm Nordwind: *make mistakes ;))
Santoshima Resident: :)
Storm Nordwind will leave that typo in the log!
taramudra Resident: lol
Lucinda Lavender: our influence on the people of the world
Riddle Sideways: Hi Susan :)
taramudra Resident: susan!
iwandertoo Resident: hi riddle
iwandertoo Resident: hi teamStorm Nordwind waves to a distant Susan
Santoshima Resident: hi coach!
taramudra Resident: are u on mobilegrid?
iwandertoo Resident: yes
iwandertoo Resident: haha, santoshima
taramudra Resident: i see! welcome!
iwandertoo Resident: ty, riddle
Riddle Sideways: wow 5 retreaters
oO0Oo Resident: nice
Lucinda Lavender: Susan, nice to see you...
iwandertoo Resident: you as well, cinda
Thoughts for the days.
Riddle Sideways: Storm, everytime you talk about your radio show "Thought for the day"
Storm Nordwind: Five retreaters... but somehow much less talkative in SL than we were when together in RL! ;-)
Riddle Sideways: am reminded of
Storm Nordwind: Interesting. Not seen that before. Thanks!
Lucinda Lavender: Luci is doing serveral things at once here
Storm Nordwind: Of course it wasn't just my radio show. I got a slot on it around once every 6 weeks.
Lucinda Lavender: feeding cats, chickens self, making lunch,
taramudra Resident: do u own a farm luci?
Riddle Sideways: Riddle is mis-typpin and lagging
iwandertoo Resident: susan is thinking about work...and smiling
Riddle Sideways: easier in RL to just blurt out something
iwandertoo Resident: haha
Storm Nordwind: haha!
A battle for territory.
Lucinda Lavender: just have 5 chickens and 2 cats who have started having a terretorial battle lately
iwandertoo Resident: and giggle --->> looks at riddle
taramudra Resident: lol!
taramudra Resident: i love animals too
Lucinda Lavender: nodding
taramudra Resident: i have a guinea pig
taramudra Resident: :)
Riddle Sideways: oh, not one of those pointing looks
iwandertoo Resident: erm
Storm Nordwind: Hard to have a farm here on the 5th floor - but I do grow sprouts! :)
iwandertoo Resident: all the way down the coast!
Riddle Sideways: :)
iwandertoo Resident: who is winning, luci?
taramudra Resident: wow
Lucinda Lavender: not sure...silvie is the aggressor and
Riddle Sideways: think that the mouse in kitchen is winning
iwandertoo Resident: :)
Lucinda Lavender: yes...we have not seen the mouse since the first time
Lucinda Lavender: a few nights ago
Lucinda Lavender: I think I better go...
taramudra Resident: have a nice day luci
Lucinda Lavender: several things to do...
Santoshima Resident: bye luci, take good care
Storm Nordwind: Bye for now!
Lucinda Lavender: thanks for all:)
Lucinda Lavender: enjoy your day:)
Riddle Sideways: bye luci, go talk to those cats
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Lucinda Lavender: :)
oO0Oo Resident: Luci :)
taramudra Resident: :)
Storm Nordwind looks through the window and suspects that the golden eagle would win any battle over here
iwandertoo Resident: (((L))))
Riddle Sideways: gotta go put recycling out now. big day
taramudra Resident: bye riddle, good day!
Riddle Sideways: bye all and take care
Santoshima Resident: cheers riddle
Storm Nordwind: Great to see you. Bye for now :)
Playing together.
oO0Oo Resident: I wonder if Storm and Riddle might feel at all inclined to play a guitar piece together sunday over voice? (just a thought)
oO0Oo Resident: ah... missed Riddle there
iwandertoo Resident: (((R)))
oO0Oo Resident: ((((R))))
Storm Nordwind: Very hard to do Sam. One or the other would work. But together is too hard to sync on SL
oO0Oo Resident: I see Storm. :)
oO0Oo Resident: But since when did "hard" ever stop you ;)
Storm Nordwind: Haha!
Storm Nordwind: Well I have compassion for the ears of my audience ;)
iwandertoo Resident: :)
oO0Oo Resident: :)))
iwandertoo Resident: waves
oO0Oo Resident: Bye Susan. Fly well.
taramudra Resident: bye susan!
iwandertoo Resident: best to everyone
Storm Nordwind waves
Santoshima Resident: bye susan
taramudra Resident: hey we are lonely now :)
Storm Nordwind: So stories of our musical escapades at the retreat have carried to SL it seems :)
oO0Oo Resident: Oh yes. I think the widely held view was of great apprciation for the music made together.
oO0Oo Resident: _/\_bell
taramudra Resident: namaste samud :)
Storm Nordwind: That's nice to hear. My appreciation was to Luci who brought the instruments. I wasn't inclined to trust mine to the airline or the humidity!
Santoshima Resident: wish i had heard that
oO0Oo Resident: "Fireball" to the rescue on so many fronts it seems
Storm Nordwind: Yes!
oO0Oo Resident: hehe
About another great man passing.
Storm Nordwind: And we were talking about the effects that one person can make to world. Another great man died yesterday: Bert Jansch. He was a huge influence on guitarists like me.
Santoshima Resident: ah
taramudra Resident: sorry to hear that
Storm Nordwind: Sic transit gloria mundi.
oO0Oo Resident: (((Bert Jansch)))
Santoshima Resident:
taramudra Resident: got to go, cya all, hope you have a great day!
oO0Oo Resident: :) Tara
taramudra Resident waves
Santoshima Resident: so long tara, nice to meet you
Storm Nordwind: Bye tara
taramudra Resident: same here santoshima :)
taramudra Resident: bye strom, samud
Storm Nordwind: Ah Light Flight. I saw them perform that in 1969.
oO0Oo Resident: Let light take flight in lineage kite
Storm Nordwind: Thank you Sam. I find that very touching :)
oO0Oo Resident: :)
Santoshima Resident: please excuse me ~ a late night, and a few more things to do before sleep
Santoshima Resident: sometimes this avi
Storm Nordwind: Rest well!
Santoshima Resident: get' outta hand
Santoshima Resident: thanks see you soon
oO0Oo Resident: Bye Santo
Santoshima Resident: bye sam
Santoshima Resident: and storm
Summarizing for a late arrival.
Storm Nordwind: Hello Tess
Tess Aristocrat: hello ㋡
oO0Oo Resident: Hi Tess
Tess Aristocrat: Hi ㋡
Storm Nordwind: The other people and any topic seems to have evaporated, but you're welcome :)
Tess Aristocrat: Ah, ok..I'm always late ㋡
Tess Aristocrat: What was the topic?
Storm Nordwind: We had been talking about the effect some people have on the world. Naturally Steve Jobs was mentioned. I also mentioned Bert Jansch. Both men left us yesterday. Though I was reminded of the lasting effects each of us can have, even if we don't know it.
Tess Aristocrat: mmm..
Tess Aristocrat: It is our choice whether they be positive or negative effects..
Storm Nordwind: Indeed so.
Tess Aristocrat: oh, and also, I have found that even negative effects can lead to positive results..again- choice
Storm Nordwind: It is very possible to see all things as a personal opportunity, yes.
Tess Aristocrat: ㋡
Storm Nordwind: And we also spoke about simply doing the best with what one has and knows at the time.
Tess Aristocrat: yes ㋡
New day.
Tess Aristocrat: today is a new day.
Tess Aristocrat: brand new!
oO0Oo Resident senses the sun rising continuously, always somewhere
Tess Aristocrat: yes :D
Storm Nordwind is reminded of "Morning has broken"
Tess Aristocrat: ㋡
oO0Oo Resident: :)
Tess Aristocrat: like the first morning..
Storm Nordwind: Perhaps some find it hard to visualize a personal outlook of childlike wonder and humble wisdom mixed, but it seems it is quite possible :)
Tess Aristocrat: its easy for me
oO0Oo Resident: :)))
Tess Aristocrat: I never left my child behind
Tess Aristocrat giggles
oO0Oo Resident: Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning... Eden saw play...
Storm Nordwind: Hello Yono
Tess Aristocrat: This is Yono, a friend ㋡
oO0Oo Resident: I said hi in IM, but hello again :)
Tess Aristocrat: Yono, Storm and Sam ㋡
Storm Nordwind: It is a long time since Yono last visited
Yono Imako: a pleasure hello
Yono Imako: is the meditation over?
Tess Aristocrat: the official 'dicussion' is..but the discussion continues..
Storm Nordwind: Well we still have 90 second pauses every 15 minutes, and the discussion we started 90 minutes ago has drifted somewhat :)
Storm Nordwind: And the recording also continues. The ON AIR signs are still on :)
Yono Imako: this is quiet a change for the lately hectic ph scene
Yono Imako: who are we broadcasting to?
Storm Nordwind: All things said here are recorded and put on our Wiki. I expect you were asked for permission to publish your name and words when you were here in January, but perhaps I'd better check it's still OK with you.
Yono Imako: np storm
Tess Aristocrat: You know, I've never looked at what has been said
Yono Imako: i donot remember the place
Storm Nordwind: Thank you Yono
Yono Imako: hope i was being a good boy
Storm Nordwind chuckles
oO0Oo Resident: well lol that sort of ties in with the discussion from earlier ;)
Storm Nordwind: Perhaps the grass was not here then.
Yono Imako: ive just started watching a documentary about garbage art but i guess it can wait
Storm Nordwind: There are many wonderful Art exhibitions in SL. Have you visited any?
Tess Aristocrat: nods..
Tess Aristocrat: many
Yono Imako: not something in pertcular
Yono Imako: im an artist myself tho
Tess Aristocrat: oh?
Storm Nordwind: In what media?
Yono Imako: yes im mainly a children illustrator... murals.. graphic design..
Yono Imako: tattoos.. canvases..
Yono Imako: caricatures..
Yono Imako: anytime u wana see stuff..
oO0Oo Resident: oh! nice
Storm Nordwind: Interesting. Have you thought about working in SL too?
Yono Imako: no storm
Yono Imako: i just show my daily creations to my friends here
Storm Nordwind nods
Tess Aristocrat: ㋡
Yono Imako: and ive recieved some orders for works via sl via mail
Yono Imako: but lindens... come on...
Yono Imako: its pennies :D
Storm Nordwind: I do it for free here. :)
Yono Imako: ok since u all insist illshow u
Yono Imako: yea i do some free here to
(Yono handed out pictures to those present.)
oO0Oo Resident: ty Yono. I especially like the way the light radiates in that one :)
Yono Imako: i got tons but...
Yono Imako: which
Storm Nordwind: That all looks like a lot of hard work, but a lot of fun!
Yono Imako: yea im in the art of fun
Yono Imako: i suffer so much for it
Yono Imako: lol
oO0Oo Resident: hehehe ::wonders why Storm sees hard work as fun:: ;)
Yono Imako: i do things that joy ppl but its hard work yes
Yono Imako: and also having to carry an artist way of life..
Tess Aristocrat: hahaha..! Thomsen!
Storm Nordwind: I see hard work and fun as independent of each other Sam - at least for most people. But I do have fun in most things I do. :)
oO0Oo Resident: roger that Storm :)
Yono Imako: what about tomsen
Tess Aristocrat: the PI pic..
Yono Imako: yes works make me feel good
Yono Imako: is he like tomsen?
Tess Aristocrat: reminds me of the Tomsen fellow
Yono Imako: i just invented a logo for them once
Storm Nordwind: Michael?
Tess Aristocrat: umm..trying to think of his name..
Yono Imako: tomsen aka chatto aka larkum ok
Tess Aristocrat: um yes..:)
Storm Nordwind:
Yono Imako: michael would be the notorious patick?
Yono Imako: oh nice
Tess Aristocrat: no idea
Tess Aristocrat: I have enough keeping up with my single selves..
Tess Aristocrat: lovely lovely artwork, though ㋡
Yono Imako: selves? lol u got many alts?
Yono Imako: i have zero
Tess Aristocrat: no alts
Yono Imako: thanks
Yono Imako: ah ok
Yono Imako: the folks down at ph love alts
Tess Aristocrat: just internal selves
Yono Imako: oh yea lol me to
Tess Aristocrat: oh, very nice one of Albert!
Tess Aristocrat: very nice
Yono Imako: yes i didnt give yall the same textures
Storm Nordwind: When i started in SL 5 years ago I had many alts. This was my 4th. I only use them now for testing things around the village and as extra casting in the Molecule Theater!
Tess Aristocrat: I love to draw..color..
Yono Imako: u got einsten o got ann robinson
Yono Imako: yes i did them with a wacom
Yono Imako: in photoshop
Tess Aristocrat: wow
Tess Aristocrat: a wacom..
Yono Imako: the graphic pad and pen
Yono Imako: not really wacom just some chinese board
Yono Imako: small
Yono Imako: 10*15 cm
Yono Imako: its enough
Tess Aristocrat: I see..I have a friend Pema that would be interested in that..
"an artist way of life"
Storm Nordwind: I'm interested in what you said earlier Yono. "having to carry an artist way of life" What did you mean by that? Or was it tongue-in-cheek? :)
Yono Imako: its a cheap one so if u break it u dont ache so much
Tess Aristocrat: she has done some art with paint/photoshop
Yono Imako: i think being an artist automaticaly qualifies u to have a psychological disorder
Tess Aristocrat: lolll
Yono Imako: an artist soul is a concept in psychology
Tess Aristocrat: not necessarily, but it helps ㋡
Yono Imako: artists think diferent than other ppl
Storm Nordwind: Oh i though being human was the qualification!
Yono Imako: that to
Yono Imako: but artists brain develop diferently
Tess Aristocrat: my son loves to draw too ㋡
Yono Imako: how old is he
Tess Aristocrat: I think it is inherited
Tess Aristocrat: he is 27
Yono Imako: some things genetic can lead u to want to do art
Tess Aristocrat: I have works of art from him all through his life..
Yono Imako: is he like a dreamer
Tess Aristocrat: wild stuffs..
Tess Aristocrat: yes :P
Tess Aristocrat: like his mom
Yono Imako: its not easy to take that path
Yono Imako: it takes a while till it starts paying off
Yono Imako: i see the ability to do art as somewhat autistic lol
Tess Aristocrat: I have tried to get him to pursue it..he just does it as a hobby
Tess Aristocrat: nods..maybe
Yono Imako: ah ok easier life for him then
Storm Nordwind: I think it's a shame that when some people want to "do art", they sometimes imply that it's separate from the rest of life, rather than integrated with it.
Tess Aristocrat: but then, we don't fully understand the autistic
Yono Imako: better work 9-5 and be an engeneer or lawyer
Yono Imako: no for me art is how i make my living
Yono Imako: i never work
Tess Aristocrat: ㋡
Tess Aristocrat: that's wonderful
oO0Oo Resident: :)
Yono Imako: sometimes
Yono Imako: lol
Storm Nordwind: My wife is a professional artist, full time
Yono Imako: sometimes its bordering with crazy
Tess Aristocrat: let me ask you this..
Yono Imako: so u might know what i mean lol
Storm Nordwind: I just combine it with the engineering and the teaching and the writing and... :)
Favorite color?
Tess Aristocrat: do you have a favorite color?
Yono Imako: i cant favour one color
Yono Imako: yes storm my dad is a mechanical engeneer i think he influenced me alot
Tess Aristocrat: For myself, I think it would be an insult to the other colors to have a favorite..I just can't choose
Yono Imako: i got good 3d perspective
Tess Aristocrat: lol
Yono Imako: i like black
Storm Nordwind: I have no favorites. In fact I'm always reminded of this story when people ask:
Yono Imako: yay banzan
Yono Imako: i always use all the colors of the rainbow+black+gold
Yono Imako: its kinda my pallete
Yono Imako: but its therefore childish
Yono Imako: naive
Yono Imako: some works requiere a diferent atitude
Tess Aristocrat: nods
Yono Imako: nods back
Dreams and ack of sleep.
Yono Imako: im so tired
Yono Imako: last night ive slept only 2 hours
Tess Aristocrat: you should go sleep ㋡
Yono Imako: friends were over till 4 am then the sunlight woke me up at 6
Tess Aristocrat: ah..
Yono Imako: i will at some point
oO0Oo Resident smiles the colours of sleep, the dreams of things to come
Yono Imako: its now 6 pm
Yono Imako: im guessing ill crash at 10-11 for two days
Yono Imako: lol
Tess Aristocrat: trying to remember a dream I had..
Yono Imako: lol me to
Yono Imako: i had a strong dream in those 2 hours
Yono Imako: it sucked but i was happy i remember it
Yono Imako: and more so that it was just a dream
Tess Aristocrat: do you ever dream about SL ?
Yono Imako: not that i recall
Tess Aristocrat: that can be strange..
Yono Imako: we had an accident and police and the car wasnt ours it was a mess
Tess Aristocrat: lol
Yono Imako: yea so happy to wake up
Yono Imako: ㋡
Tess Aristocrat: I've had several dreams where I'm trying to operate a car that seems to have no front end..
Tess Aristocrat: flintstone-like even
Yono Imako: play as being.. interesting
Yono Imako: hmm
oO0Oo Resident: :)
Tess Aristocrat: loll
Tess Aristocrat: pushing it along with my feet!
Yono Imako: i think after the weekend ill have to take my car to the garage
Yono Imako: it started acting up just before
Storm Nordwind: Perhaps you could discuss them at the Dream circle sometime :)
Tess Aristocrat: there's a dream circle?
Storm Nordwind: There's one here every month
Storm Nordwind: Last Friday of the month
Tess Aristocrat: you know..I must find a way to get notices from here
Yono Imako: i dont put much emphesis on dreams nor meditation
Yono Imako: my dreams i dream in waking time
Yono Imako: and im always in meditation
oO0Oo Resident: Dream Circle:
Yono Imako: but oddly today i remembered the dream
Yono Imako: its not comon
What are we doing here?
Yono Imako: so what is play at being
Storm Nordwind: Now i can give you a quick answer - but that won't tell you much maybe. And/or you can look at our Wiki - I'll give you a URL
Storm Nordwind:
Yono Imako: no i hate reading
Yono Imako: ㋡
Yono Imako: just dialog
Storm Nordwind: I hate typing :)
Yono Imako: can u sum it up in one sentence or example?
Yono Imako: hehe ok
Storm Nordwind: OK
Tess Aristocrat: discussion ㋡
Yono Imako: i like examples
Tess Aristocrat: peeling away the layers of the onion of each subject.
In one sentence...
Storm Nordwind: A project, currently 3 years old, that involves pausing regularly for short intervals, and dropping all the stuff you have, mentally/emotionally, to see what you really are.
Yono Imako: like how
Storm Nordwind: We do it in a light, playful way, and in doing so we are playing and being.
oO0Oo Resident: nicely put Storm :)
Storm Nordwind: It's not dictaorial. Rather it's exploratory.
Yono Imako: example?
Yono Imako: like we play at being dolphins?
Storm Nordwind: And we've been meeting here 4 times a day since the start to discuss it :)
Yono Imako: ok
Storm Nordwind: Do you like playing as being a dolphin? :)
Yono Imako: never tried it
Storm Nordwind: Me neither
Yono Imako: but the little pool makes me wonder
Storm Nordwind: The pool is for the more troublesome visitors ;)
Yono Imako: why lol
Yono Imako: it can swalow me?
Yono Imako: tess crashed
Yono Imako: wb
Tess Aristocrat: ty
The time tax.
Yono Imako: so this silence now is the tax?
Tess Aristocrat: sits in a tiny seat..
Yono Imako: ㋡
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Storm Nordwind: Silence can be when you want it. But the time tax thing is a gimmick to encorage people to pause regularly
Yono Imako: rite
Yono Imako: u must excuse me im tired
Storm Nordwind wonders whether Tess is posing for a new profile pic ;)
Tess Aristocrat: Yono, please rest and take care ㋡
Yono Imako: yes good diea
Yono Imako: idea
Tess Aristocrat: pictures please
Yono Imako: k hopes to see u again o and storm
Storm Nordwind: Nice to see you. Re-create and come back again some time :)
Tess Aristocrat: ty for the Art
Yono Imako: will do ㋡
Yono Imako: so long for now
Yono Imako: my pleasure
oO0Oo Resident: tc Yono
Yono Imako: au revoir
oO0Oo Resident: the fountain changes, and the pool becomes misty, coordinated with a bell every 15 minutes. We then have an opportunity to "drop", given those signals.
Storm Nordwind: You know... I must take a break now too, though it is mid-morning for me. Please excuse me gentlefolk :)
Tess Aristocrat: Storm take good care
Storm Nordwind: Thank you :)
Storm Nordwind: Namaste
oO0Oo Resident: Take care Storm. :)))
Why favorite?
oO0Oo Resident: Was curious about "favourite colour" before Tess
Tess Aristocrat: oh?
oO0Oo Resident: yes.. why you asked
Tess Aristocrat: I just wonder what others think compared to what I think
oO0Oo Resident: can you say what you think in this regard?
Tess Aristocrat: especially if they love to draw
Tess Aristocrat: My thoughts are that I can never choose a favorite color. It would seem almost an insult to the other colors.
Tess Aristocrat: Indeed, Yono felt that he couldn't choose a fav color either
Tess Aristocrat: though, he liked black and gold undertones..which simply says he likes rich definitions
oO0Oo Resident: I would have to agree with no favourites generally, though perhaps unique moments of intentionality call for particular colours for me
Tess Aristocrat: yes ㋡
oO0Oo Resident: so incidental favourites
Tess Aristocrat: exactly
oO0Oo Resident: maybe just shear appreciation of what is flowing
Tess Aristocrat giggles
oO0Oo Resident: I know you see numbers as colours Tess. Do you do artwork yourself?
oO0Oo Resident: Hi Aph
Aphrodite Macbain: Hi. Comfy?
Aphrodite Macbain: Trying to figure out how to change the notice board.
Tess Aristocrat: yes, I like to mix color
oO0Oo Resident: and do the numbers reflect in the colours?
Aphrodite Macbain: Hi Tess
Tess Aristocrat: Hello ㋡
Aphrodite Macbain: Do you paint by numbers?
Tess Aristocrat: No, I've never tried that yet
Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
Tess Aristocrat: ㋡
Aphrodite Macbain: I'm taling a botanical drawing and painting course and in the process studying colour theory
Tess Aristocrat: it's not so much the colors reflecting the numbers, as when I think of the numbers, they are a color in my mind
Tess Aristocrat: oh? do tell ㋡
Making green.
Aphrodite Macbain: Apparently yellow and blue DONT make green
Aphrodite Macbain: Complicated to explain
Tess Aristocrat: chemistry thing?
oO0Oo Resident: depends on the colour mixing system
Aphrodite Macbain: But it has completely undone my undertanding of colour theory I learned 30 years ago
Aphrodite Macbain: yes sam but it also impliues that there are not 3 primary (pure) colours. All colour is a mix of others, some may be hard to see
Aphrodite Macbain: implies
Tess Aristocrat: yes
Tess Aristocrat: a rainbow within a rainbow ㋡
Aphrodite Macbain: so there is no pure yellow or pure blue to make a pure green
oO0Oo Resident:
Aphrodite Macbain: tthere are warm blues and cool blues, warm yellows and cool ones, each producing a sort of green, each different and one muddier than the other
oO0Oo Resident:
Aphrodite Macbain: That's the book I'm using Sam!
Aphrodite Macbain: the first one'
Aphrodite Macbain: mind bending after believing the other theory for so long
Tess Aristocrat: hehe..well we started with crayons
Aphrodite Macbain: It's almost like my mind is constructed to think the other way
Tess Aristocrat: nods
oO0Oo Resident: Yes. begs the question.. how many of these solid theories run our lives?
Tess Aristocrat: Good question.
Aphrodite Macbain: anyway, I'll be off (not like old salmon) Nice to meet you Tess
Tess Aristocrat: Nice to meet you too ㋡
Aphrodite Macbain: Bye
Aphrodite Macbain: Bye!
oO0Oo Resident: Bye Aph
Tess Aristocrat: Well, The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have miles to go before I sleep..
oO0Oo Resident: :)
Tess Aristocrat: So I should get about my day here
oO0Oo Resident: Good to see you Tess. Thanks for stopping by. Nice to meet Yono, your friend.
Tess Aristocrat: good to see you as weel, take care
oO0Oo Resident: All the best