Wol Euler was guardian for this session.
Wol Euler: hello berti
Bertram Jacobus: a lonely wol !
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: how are you this morning?
Bertram Jacobus: ty. fine so far - how are you ? :-)
Wol Euler: hungry :) woke up too late, haven't had breakvast yet
Wol Euler: not even coffee!
Wol Euler sobs
Wol Euler: oh yes, but I missed it :((((((
Wol Euler: first heard about it *after* it aired
Bertram Jacobus: but here you can see it ! :-)
Wol Euler: and I can't get it to play ---- ah, let me try again
Bertram Jacobus: i have so many players on my computer lol
Bertram Jacobus: so i can see nearly everything ;-)
Bertram Jacobus: but ... no coffee yet and no breakfast - that is hard !
Bertram Jacobus: don't you wanna take / eat something then, now, perhaps ?
Wol Euler: oh wow (it works)
Wol Euler: ty
Bertram Jacobus: good :-)
Bertram Jacobus: i think i will watch it afterwards
Wol Euler: yeah, just paused it :)
Bertram Jacobus: and miralee from perfect paradise said "a friend of her" had made that movie (!?) -
Wol Euler: okay, coffeemachine has stopped rattling, brb
Bertram Jacobus: great ! :-)
Bertram Jacobus: can i say that ? : i grant you your coffee and breakfast so very much ! (?) :-)
Wol Euler: awwww <3
Bertram Jacobus: :-)
Wol Euler: coffee yes, but for now only a Mozartkugel for breakfast :)
Bertram Jacobus laughs
Wol Euler: what? as if you don't have Mozartkugel too :)
Bertram Jacobus: ehm - no : that was a happy laughter
Wol Euler: just making a joke :)
Bertram Jacobus: because i think, that is a really nice breakfast or starting the day : coffee and mozartkugel(n) ! ;-)
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: only one :) I allow myself one a day
Bertram Jacobus: and i had some, sure. i'm german. i know them. but they are ... a bit luxury ...
Wol Euler: otherwise I'd eat them all within an hour
Bertram Jacobus: hehe. you have that 100 package of them ? ;-)
Wol Euler: ha! no
Bertram Jacobus giggles
Wol Euler: that would be too much
Wol Euler: but I will admit that I looked for it
Wol Euler grins.
Bertram Jacobus: would last for a bit more then 3 month *g*
Wol Euler: mmhmm
Wol Euler: oh!
Wol Euler: if I had known that, I could have tied it in to the 99 days thing
Wol Euler: still wouldn't have kept me going during the last two weeks on site :/
Wol Euler: ah well
Bertram Jacobus: 99 days thing ? what is that ?
Wol Euler: an idea that came up in Halifax, which started on the wiki on september 1
Wol Euler: every day, for 99 days (100 actually but we love 9's)
Wol Euler: do a meditation (or something else) that you wish to make into a habit
Wol Euler: and write a comment about it on the wiki
Bertram Jacobus: ah. sounds very good
Wol Euler: http://wiki.playasbeing.org/Classes_and_Sessions/The_99_Days_project
Bertram Jacobus: or must i write very well ?
Wol Euler: nah
Wol Euler: of course not
Wol Euler: it's not about writing, it's about doing
Bertram Jacobus: ah. nice ! :-)
Bertram Jacobus: sure. that was a misunderstanding. but now understood here ;-)
Wol Euler smiles.
Bertram Jacobus: did i mention, that i start taking part with a buddhist so called dharma class ? it will be for between 1 and 3 years and i chose the lodjong class - mind training. while that time a practise, one hour every day, must be done amongst other learnings, weekends, some weeks of classes etc
Wol Euler: that would be perfect as an exercise for the 99 days
Wol Euler: if you wanted to join up
Wol Euler: just write something about how it went htat day, how you felt, insights or problems that came up etc
Bertram Jacobus: i see. every day ?
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: ideally
Bertram Jacobus: from the 18th of november on ? (then it starts)
Wol Euler: oh, I see, I thought you were already doing it
Wol Euler: but yes, sure, there will be a second 99 day cycle
Wol Euler: so join in whenever you wish
Bertram Jacobus: no. sry. may be i expressed that wrongly -
Wol Euler: today, even :)
Bertram Jacobus: today ? another 99 day circle starts ?
Wol Euler: no, we are on day 52
Wol Euler: but you can join at any time, any old day you wish
Wol Euler: no need to wait for the next Day 1
Bertram Jacobus: ah. i see. cool. then i could start at november 18th ?
Wol Euler: sure
Bertram Jacobus: interesting ... and do we all write in own sections or do we fill a day section together or how dioes that work ? (okay - may be i can look at the site you gave me the link for and see then)
Wol Euler: yep :)
Wol Euler: see for yourself :)
Wol Euler: it's easier than you probably think, there is no structure
Wol Euler: really simple: do something, feel or see or think something while you do it, write a little about that
Wol Euler: Aph is painting every day, writes about what she painted
Wol Euler: Eden writes a haiku every day
Wol Euler: Pema is doing something typically Pema-ish: he reads the comments and picks one activity or thought that somebody had, which he then does himself on the next day
Bertram Jacobus: hehe. sounds nice again
Wol Euler: good :)
Wol Euler: tell me more about the dharma class please?
Bertram Jacobus: a totally different question : how is your work actually ? - and yes : i'll tell
Wol Euler: you first :)
Bertram Jacobus: it's about the so called lodjong / mind training. there are about 50 + sentences / advices how we can practise to get rid of our delusions
Bertram Jacobus: and our teachers say
Bertram Jacobus: these classes are created to integrate buddhisms more into western every day structure
Bertram Jacobus: very good to make a commitment to practise for a longer time period
Bertram Jacobus: so one could get deeper into the topics even with our daily profane duties we normally have in the west
Wol Euler nods.
Bertram Jacobus: buddhism still serachs for his forms and structures in the west i would say but is on a very good path with it - (ready so far, if you have more questions about it, pls ask. so i can answer more specifically)
Wol Euler: I was reading the wikipedia about Lojong (english spelling) during the pause
Bertram Jacobus: ah nice
Bertram Jacobus: there are also in german different spellings - lojong or lodjong
Wol Euler: I recognize some of that from early days of PaB :)
Wol Euler: "Find the consciousness you had before you were born." is someting Pema said to Adams when she was having difficulty
Bertram Jacobus: hmmm -
Bertram Jacobus: i personally am not sure whether there was something before we were born. i mean individually
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: but yes, agreed. I think it's meant as a koan, something to think about, not necessarily to agree with
Bertram Jacobus: i come more and to the idea that there was nothing and will not be as well. but for most, such ideas seem to be too disappointing (?)
Wol Euler: brb, need my inhaler
Bertram Jacobus: inhaler ? why is that ? asthma ? caught a cold ?
Bertram Jacobus: and koan is really nice
Wol Euler: bronchitis (nearly gone now)
Bertram Jacobus: to stop / break the terrifying thought chain(s) ! :o)
Wol Euler: yep
Bertram Jacobus: ah. good ! :-) (nearly gone) :-)
Wol Euler: Slogan 53. Don't vacillate. Slogan 54. Train wholeheartedly. Slogan 55. Liberate yourself by examining and analyzing. Slogan 56. Don't wallow in self-pity.
Wol Euler: (wikipedia)
Wol Euler: some of this speaks directly to me :)
Bertram Jacobus: yes. i looked it up in one of my books. very nice and helpful
Bertram Jacobus: we did kontemplate slogan nr. 4 today, s a t i a and i
Bertram Jacobus: this morning. meditating
Wol Euler: Slogan 4. Self-liberate even the antidote.
Wol Euler smiles.
Bertram Jacobus: yes ! and wrote about it. what it means
Wol Euler: "be moderate in all things, even in moderation itself"
Wol Euler: that would be an excellent way to take part in 99 Days!
Wol Euler: and feel free to write in German if that is easier
Bertram Jacobus: wow - okay ! may be i'll ask you again for some technical details when 18th of november comes nearer
Wol Euler: sure :)
Bertram Jacobus: i'll go and watch the movie now - ty vm for the nice sunday morning talk wol ! :-)
Wol Euler: my pleasure, it's nice to see you here again Bertram
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: take care, enjoy the day
Bertram Jacobus: ty ... :-)
Bertram Jacobus: and same same :-)