2012.05.14 _ 34

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    May 14, 2012


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    Karuna-metta, mantras, and an interview with EO Wilson that reminded me of recent discussions. Among the things he said, I took the following notes:

    Big changes not come from 'group think' - usually comes when one mind, enterprising, decides to do something new and goes for it - a real innovator… Spirit of entrepreneurship is more important than high IQ - then that individual gathers collaborators. Then there is a group, but it isn't that the 'group' innovated the changes. (http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/305870-1 )

    This seemed contrasted with Jonah Leher saying that the problems of our time are not going to be solved by one lone genius, but will take collective imagination and collaboration.

    Unless one steps back and holds both ideas in an open space for a while... then what is seen is a picture of collaborators energizing innovators, and innovators can take turns in various contexts. It is a complex dynamic, but as Wilson also suggested, holding 'conflicting' ideas can be highly creative. edited 21:58, 14 May 2012
    Posted 17:50, 14 May 2012
    Our Western societies seem to like to ascribe greatness to lone individuals. We love to hang medals and honors on people. But the ideas themselves, like memes or something, seem to evolve and be ready to be discovered at at certain stage of our technological development. I was watching a series about the evolution of electricity lately and it is remarkable that the same ideas came up at around the same time in two or more places, like Edison and Swan inventing the light bulb. It was chance, or who was the best self promoter, that determined who got the credit. I remember studying E O Wilson's ideas of Sociobiology many years ago. Quite controversial.
    PS Nice painting Aph:) Must take a lot of patience for those intricate details. edited 22:14, 14 May 2012
    Posted 21:47, 14 May 2012
    Thanks Zen. It is a drawing believe it or not made up of many little strokes of the coloured pencil. Truly a meditative experience.

    It was a magical day today for me - heightend by my discussions with the Original Face group. I keep rediscovering old cliches about life and seeing them as new. I re-realized how important it is to keep the body well and alive along with the mind/brain/I/me. A Healthy mind in a healthy body. We need both to function effectively.

    I let go of something today, something that has been acting as an emotional crutch for almost a year. This release came as a result of lots of mental work combined with sitting quietly and meditating. I am now hobbling on my own two feet. So far so good. edited 01:26, 15 May 2012
    Posted 01:22, 15 May 2012
    A big hug to Aphrodite. Sister, you have come far. And you have far yet to travel! :)

    Posting the day after... sleep came only at 4am and I was late rising. A little walking and then karuna-metta. Then only a short contribution to Pema's 7pm session and bed again. Mixed up schedule!

    I was invited a few days ago to play a game, online. It's a slow moving web-based thing called NationStates that's been going for 10 years now, simulating the political growth of nations. It can be fun, and doubtless many participate simply to live out their fantasies of extreme stereotypes and power. But the social issues that get raised regularly make you think, and - if you choose - you can use them as a tool for self-analysis and personal growth.
    Posted 13:29, 15 May 2012
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