(Comments from Sylectra)
<style type="text/css"></style>Adams and Neela already were in the Pavilion when I arrived.
Sylectra: Hi Adams, Neela
Adams Rubble: Hi Sylectra
Neela Blaisdale: Hi Sylectra
At this point Pema popped in.
Neela Blaisdale: Hi Pema
Adams Rubble: Hi Pema
Sylectra: Hi Pema!!
Sylectra: How is everybody?
Pema Pera: Hi Adams, Neela, Syl!
Adams Rubble: I am fine
Sylectra: Good deal, I am better now that I am here with you
Neela Blaisdale: Me too, SL is so calming
Friedrich joined the group.
Neela Blaisdale: Especially in this area
Sylectra: Sweet people like yourselves are so calming
Neela Blaisdale: :)
Adams Rubble: :)
Pema Pera: Hi Fred!
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: hey hey
Adams Rubble: Hi Fred
Sylectra: Hey Friedrich!
Neela Blaisdale: Hello Fred
Sylectra: I hear you but don't see you
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: boo!
Pema Pera: For me too, these meetings are stations of calm in the middle of a very busy period in my life
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: like a good child? or is that the other way around? (seen, not heard?)
Sylectra: THERE you are!
Pia joined us at that moment.
Adams Rubble: Hello Pia
Sylectra: Hi Pia!
Neela Blaisdale: Hi Pia
Pema Pera: Hi Pia!
Pia Iger: Hi, Friends.
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: hi pia
Sylectra: Fred, I am glad you didn't use the other form of that saying, which would be like a good wife, haha
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: snicker. well, its good to be seen.
Neela Blaisdale: and heard!
Pia Iger: I just read today 1pm blog, now it is posted so fast.
Pia Iger: on wiki
Adams Rubble: Fael and I have a very different view of Being :)
Sylectra: Oh that's great!
Pema Pera: tell us all about it, Adams!
Pia Iger: yes. interesting confliction.
Adams Rubble: Well, I started working on anxiety yesterday...
Adams Rubble: and somehow it switched to Being
Stevenaia popped in and waited to fully “rez”.
Sylectra: Steven!
Pema Pera: Hi Steve!
Pia Iger: Hi Steve!
Adams Rubble: and I think I began to understand Being a bit
Sylectra: Adams, you have a knack for this stuff! smiles
stevenaia Michinaga: hello
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: hey steve
Sylectra: Steve, come sit by me
Neela Blaisdale: Hello Steven
Adams Rubble: and I see it as a large, all encompassing thing
Adams Rubble: Hello Steven
Adams Rubble: sort of like a very abstract God
stevenaia Michinaga: one moment, I don;t want to sit on anyone..uninvited anyway
Adams Rubble: in any case I have been thinking that out on my log the last couple of days
Adams Rubble: Fael sent me a message questioning my viewpoint
Adams Rubble: and we discussed it today at the 1 pm session
Friedrich Ochsenhorn catches up on the past
Adams Rubble: Fael sees Being from an individual standpoint
Pia Iger: quote: Fael Illyar: Wouldn't surprise me. Although, the funny thing is that claiming Being is exactly you also screams incorrect to me :P
Adams Rubble: a small Being so to speak
Adams Rubble: I don;t want to misquote Fael
Pia Iger: I just copied from the blog.
Adams Rubble: I am thinking that fael and I are approaching this from different ends
Sylectra: but perhaps there is room to play with our concept of being?
Bertrum had just arrived. The conversation was moving toward the dichotomy of perception about what is Being and how you can know if you have glimpsed/experienced it.
Sylectra: Hello Bertrum!
Pema Pera: Hi Bert!
Adams Rubble: I think Fael has had more of a personal experience than I have
Bertrum Quan: Hi
Pia Iger: Hello, Bert.
Adams Rubble: Hi Bertram
Neela Blaisdale: Wouldn't the Zen view be that is both you and not you at the same time
Adams Rubble: I am approaching this from the other end
stevenaia Michinaga: Degrees of personal experience..?
Neela Blaisdale: Hello Bert
Sylectra: smiles
Adams Rubble: Yes Steve
stevenaia Michinaga: thinking you have one or you don't
Adams Rubble: Yes I don't
stevenaia Michinaga: so your Being experience is personal?
Adams Rubble: So I guess I am wondering if we both are looking in the right direction
Adams Rubble: Steve, mine is not personal
Adams Rubble: not that I don;t think it can be
Adams Rubble: I just have not experienced it yet
stevenaia Michinaga: I wonder how that is possible? right unless you haven;t had one, or haven;t recognized it for what it is
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: i once had a teacher explain to me that we somehow need to /simultaneously/ recognize that we are the center of the universe, at the same time recognize our infinitesimal insignificance in the face of all-there-is
Pema Pera: I have not read the 1 pm blog, nor Adams' recent blog entries; will do that soon! As for what Being is, and how we can deal with it, or how it can deal with us, that's a question that I expect will unfold here over months and years . . . . but glad to see the discussion starting!
Sylectra: I like that
Adams Rubble: Steve, I don;t quite understand what you are saying
Pema Pera: Yes, Fred, both!
Adams Rubble: I think I agree Fred
Neela Blaisdale: I also
Pia Iger: nods to what Fred said.
Neela Blaisdale: Agree with freds teacher
Pia Iger: thanks for correction. Neela:)
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: tnx. well, its plenty to juggle, and words don't help that much.
stevenaia Michinaga: Being is what we are.. whether we see it in ourselves or not, in time I sure you you will, I view us all as wired for Being, just a matter of making the connections over time to see that.
Pia Iger: since I quote Fael above, feel need to quote the other sentence she said to give a whole pic. "Fael Illyar: But for some reason trying to hold that Being is something larger than you just screams "not correct" to me.'
stevenaia Michinaga: you are just asking "Are we there yet"
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: hehe
Pema Pera: What is essential is that we find new degrees of freedom in the world and life we thought we already knew . . . .
Pema Pera: very direct, very experimental
Pema Pera: in your face
Pema Pera: words come later
Pema Pera: to share, communicate, help each other to see better
Adams Rubble: Thank you Steve and Pema
Pia Iger: woops, Neela disappeared
Pia describes her experience washing dishes.
Pia Iger: I have been avoiding to use the word Being,
Pia Iger: since I did feel I really understand it
Pia Iger: but today when I was washing dishes
Adams Rubble: I was too until yesterday :)
Pia Iger: the cool water ran over my hands
Pia Iger: I suddenly feel: this is being. The word just came out automatically
Pia Iger: *since I did not
Pia Iger: or the word came out from the inside of myself.
Pema Pera: That's a very nice and direct description, Pia
Sylectra: wow, Pia
Pema Pera: that is how we really need to start, to communicate
Pema Pera: and from there we can circle outward to concepts, theories . . . .
stevenaia Michinaga: examples are a wonderful starting place to share
Sylectra: I love analogies because the force my brain to perceive something differently, but along structured pattern lines
Pema Pera: art can help here too
stevenaia Michinaga: art?
Adams Rubble likes art
Pema Pera: I remember Miyazaki's anime movie Princess Momonoke, where it started to rain, and then you saw a single close up of a single rain drop landing in a puddle
Pema Pera: somehow it gave me the shivers
Pema Pera: wb Neela!
Neela Blaisdale: Thanks had very bad lag but I can't see you all yet
The discussion began to move into the difference between an active and a passive approach, between grasping for and discovering Being.
Pema Pera: Being is at the base of everything, that's why we cannot find it when we search, but we can recognize it sometimes in its ongoing expressions, as Pia indicated
Pema Pera: and more and more we can feel it penetrating our lives
Pema Pera: from the inside out
Pema Pera: nothing is outside Being
Pema Pera: all is expressions of Being
Pema Pera: Being is closer to us than our skin
Pema Pera: closer than our emotions
Pema Pera: closer than our thoughts
Pema Pera: very very odd and strange . . . .
Pema Pera: and yet totally natural, like a home coming . . . .
Pema Pera: but yes, starting with examples seems best
Sylectra: I love the contrast in what you said, Pema
Pema Pera: like Fred's contrast
Bertrum Quan: Pema, would you say when one begins to study the works of art over the ages, one begins to glimpse human collective consciousness?
Pema Pera: Well, we ALL have had experiences of Being, but we generally don't tend to notice/know it . . . and all it takes is to have one clear sense of recognition, ideally with the help of a teacher who can give some additional guidance, and from there on Being can unfold all by itself, very naturally . . . .
Pema Pera: so art can help
Pema Pera: the smile of a child
Pema Pera: water over dirty dishes
Pema Pera: :)
Bertrum Quan: What I'm suggesting, it art may be a way to get a sense of the magnitude...
Sylectra: the icy rings around the moon on a cold night
Bertrum Quan: from the outside...
Pema Pera: Yes, it may help -- and anything may help, but the core is:
Pema Pera: Being is the "AM" in I am
Pema Pera: we can say "I am" every day
Pema Pera: I am this I am that
Pema Pera: I am happy
Pema Pera: I am sad
Pema Pera: but if we drop
Pema Pera: I and happy and sad and everything
Pema Pera: and REALLY focus on the AM
Pema Pera: like with a magnifying glass
Pema Pera: in bright sunlight
Pema Pera: setting fire on a twig of wood
Pema Pera: we can recognize AM
Pema Pera: and hence Being
Pema transitions out with a silly goodbye.
Pema Pera: Alas, . . .
Pema Pera: . . . my colleagues have arrived
Pema Pera: in RL here in Nakameguro
Pema Pera: in Tokyo
Pema Pera: and they're coming to take me away, haha,
Pema Pera: . . . .
Sylectra: lol
Pema Pera: (to a happy farm?)
Sylectra: That was great , Pema
Neela Blaisdale: :)
Adams Rubble: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: you bringing them here?
Pema Pera: would be nice!
Pema Pera: but alas,
Pema Pera: They're coming to take me away, HA HA They're coming to take me away, HO HO HEE HEE HA HA To the funny farm Where life is beautiful all the time
stevenaia Michinaga: thanks for your comments pema, always
Sylectra: LOL
Pema Pera: see you soon, when I come out again :-)
stevenaia Michinaga: I had that 45 pema
Sylectra: Have fun, Pema
Pema Pera: (this was an age check)
Pia Iger: bye, Pema
Pema Pera: bye everybody
stevenaia Michinaga: before is was banned
Adams Rubble: bye Pema, thanks :)
Neela Blaisdale: Bye Pema
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: ha ha, ho ho, he he
stevenaia Michinaga: lol
Bertrum Quan: bye
Sylectra: A pleasure, Pema
Pema Pera: bfn
Pia Iger: Neela, were you typing something before your crashed?
Pia Iger: I am still waiting... curiously
Words versus pictures for communicating ideas about Being.
Neela Blaisdale: Yes I was saying in response to fred that I think words can be helpful especially when describing or sharing universal feelings, like laughing with Pema!
Sylectra: smiles
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: oh, I'm a big fan of words. but, they are often more confusing than clarifying
Sylectra: that's an interesting debate I have heard here in this group
Sylectra: It has many sides
Pia Iger: on the other side, a good pc of art can speak more than thousands of word in a second
Adams Rubble: I'd like to respond to something Bertram said
Sylectra: OK..
Adams Rubble: Art through the ages is at least as varied as the world today
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: though, i wonder sometimes - art is great at posing questions, but I am not sure how well it presents answers
Adams Rubble: some contradictory
Adams Rubble: There are so many ideas and nuances
Sylectra: Perhaps the questions matter as much or more...
Adams Rubble: and so much art has been lost
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: perhaps q/a is yet another false dichotomy to transcend, and asking the right questions is harder/more important than the answers
Adams Rubble: I think we need to look at art works individually for meaning
Adams Rubble: much as Pema is saying we should look for Being
Adams Rubble: :)
Bertrum Quan: My point was attempt move toward the magnitude of Being.
The micro and macro of Being.
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: i forget which ancients claimed to find the universe in a grain of sand, but i imagine if you look at /anything/ closely enough you ought to be able to discern Being
Bertrum Quan: In one sense we are all what went before and are...
Sylectra: or maybe if you squint a little and tilt your head to the side...
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: hard part is taking that proposition seriously, as more than just poetry
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: heh
Neela Blaisdale: So is it a question of the looking rather than the seeing?
Adams Rubble: I agree with you on the magnitude Bertrum
Adams Rubble: I maybe missed your point :)
Bertrum Quan: Pema mention that art is helpful in seeing.
Bertrum Quan: helpful
Adams Rubble: Yes, often the artist points us to something that he/she sees
Adams Rubble: Moon has been using the example of Japanese painters who focus on a single branch rather than a tree or a landscape
Adams Rubble: Look at enough of them and soon that is what you see when you go outside
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: heh. I'm thinking of Crumb's drawings of the visual urban clutter
Adams Rubble: clutter/garbage/rubble has its own aesthetic :)
Bertrum Quan: Yes. You can see magnitude in some Japanese woodblocks, for example. The focus of the image is off into infinity. The people are only small features in the frame.
Adams Rubble: aesthetic
Bertrum Quan: There is a sense of the larger world--Being,
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: Adams: yes, my apartment is full of, aesthetic ;-)
Adams Rubble: haha
Bertrum Quan: There are micro and macro views of Being...
Bertrum Quan: Each looking at it from a different perspective
Bertrum Quan: In art, in life...
Pia Iger: yes.
Adams Rubble: and with friends?...the views of Fael and I
Sylectra: that's fascinating
Adams Rubble: approaching from different directions
Adams Rubble: I hope so :)
Pia Iger: could be:)
Adams Rubble: (Fael and me)
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: well, the theologians may have been onto something when they talked about not being able to ascribe any positive attributes to the divine. You could only express what it wasn't
Adams Rubble: :)
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: even the infinite is in-finite - not-finite
Sylectra: does that sort of consign it to the negative space, though?
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: well, it leaves it up to the imagination
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: at best, you can gesture
stevenaia Michinaga: I must go, see you all soon
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: but, yeah, i think so. who knows.
stevenaia Michinaga is Offline
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: in-comprehensible (ultimately)
Sylectra: oh, we lost Steven
Adams Rubble: bye Steve
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: though, we have been talking about the value in striving
Neela Blaisdale: Goodnight all
Pia Iger: Nite, Neela
Adams Rubble: goodnight Neela
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: yes, sadly i too will not-be here, momentarily
Sylectra: nite, Neela
Adams Rubble: bye Fred
Sylectra: bye for now, Fred
Bertrum Quan: bye
Friedrich Ochsenhorn: cya! fun talking.. catch up soon.
Pia Iger: bye
Pia Iger: I enjoy everyone's different angles.
Sylectra: wonderful conversation tonight
Bertrum Quan: Many paths to the same place...
Adams Rubble agrees with all that
Pia Iger: Thanks for hosting this, Syl
Adams Rubble: yes Syl
Sylectra: anytime!
Sylectra: Thank you guys as well
Adams Rubble: I saw your house Pia, very nice
Pia Iger: just the default hut . need to start to work on it.
Pia Iger: I saw you have marshmallow in front of your house.
Adams Rubble: and hot dogs :)
Adams Rubble: help yourself
Sylectra: haha
Sylectra: cute
Bertrum Quan: I'd like to see that!
Sylectra: I have to be going too
Adams Rubble: There's a fire and they're there for the taking :)
Sylectra: Thanks all for a great discussion
Adams Rubble: Good night all :)
Pia Iger: cool, Adams.
Bertrum Quan: Bye Syl
Pia Iger: good night, all.
Sylectra: Night!
Sylectra: Take care, Pia!
Sylectra: :)