That afternoon, Dakini was the guardian, and sent me the following log with her comments. The title is hers too.
When I arrived, I found Quilty had preceded me. We were soon joined by Fael, Pia, and Sky.
Quilty Bookmite: Hi Dakini
Dakini Rhode: hi Quilty :)
Faenik is a hairy black ball with eyes and ears.
Fael Illyar: Hi Dakini, Quilty
Dakini Rhode: Hi Fael and Faenik
Quilty Bookmite: Thought I’d get here early for a change. I’m usually late. :-)
Quilty Bookmite: Hi Fael.
Faenik: Hi Dakini
Dakini Rhode: you did good, quilty
Quilty Bookmite: :-)
Fael Illyar: Hi Pia
Quilty Bookmite: Hi Pia
Pia Iger: Hi,
Dakini Rhode: no Pia so far for me…
Dakini Rhode: oh there you are :-)
Fael Illyar: Radar allows you to detect people you can’t see yet :)
Dakini Rhode: indeed
Quilty Bookmite: I just used the old fashioned technique of looking behind me. :-)
Pia Iger: hehe. that is cool.
Fael Illyar: I just look at my chat history screen, I get line informing me of people entering chat range :)
Fael Illyar: Hi Sky
Quilty Bookmite: Hi Sky
Sky Szimmer: hey y’all
Quilty had something sparkly on his forehead, in fact, as I used my camera to zoom in, I saw he was wearing the PaB logo on his brow!
Dakini Rhode: Quilty, I see you’ve used the PaB logo as decoration, and it works!
Quilty Bookmite: Do you mean it works aesthetically? :-)
Fael Illyar: I’m using it too :P
Quilty Bookmite: Moon gave it to me.
Sky Szimmer: i haven’t seen it. possible to show me?
Dakini Rhode: cool
Dakini Rhode: i see Quilty is wearing it on his brow
Fael Illyar: the wearable PaB logo? just look at mine or Quilty’s forehead :)
Pia Iger: I can’t see on Fael
Dakini Rhode: i need to zoom closer to Fael to see it
Fael Illyar: I wonder if mine is smaller
Dakini Rhode: i think it’s closer to your forehead
Fael Illyar: Yes, that could be it
Sky Szimmer: don’t have a good view of either of you. but i just haven’t figured the controls out yet. will see it better another time, i’m sure.
Fael Illyar: Did Dakini see the “sirens, steam and neon” version of PaB logo yet?
Sky Szimmer: thanks guilty
Dakini Rhode: Sky, if you want to zoom in closer…
Dakini Rhode: hold down the Alt key
Dakini Rhode: and then point closer ( i think you could use the middle mouse button, i have a touchpad)
Fael Illyar: no, middle mouse button doesn’t work for me
Dakini Rhode: how do you zoom in, Fael?
Dakini Rhode: i hold down the Alt key, the Left mouse button, and i use the touchpad
Fael Illyar: press and hold alt, click on what I want to zoom on in and move the mouse forward
Dakini Rhode: it’s so automatic now i don’t know what i do
Sky Szimmer: ah. thanks. got it. the logo is nice
Dakini Rhode: :)
Sky Szimmer: never saw myself close up like this either.
Quilty Bookmite: Very cool!
Dakini Rhode: i’m glad you learned a new skill, Sky :)
Quilty Bookmite: I didn’t know you could do that.
Fael Illyar: so, who wants a copy of it? I’ve got one version that goes on mouth and another that goes on nose.
Dakini Rhode: once you get used to it, you keep trying to zoom in on things on the internet (at least i do)
Quilty Bookmite: :-)
Dakini Rhode: i’d like one, but i think i need to wear it on my nose
Pia Iger: mouth version?
Dakini Rhode: as my forehead doesn’t quite show
Fael Illyar: it’s the attachment point
Fael Illyar: it’s on forehead in either case
Dakini Rhode: need new hair..
Pia Iger: Dakini:)
Quilty Bookmite: :-)
Fael Illyar: I just have other things that use nose attachment point so I had to make a mouth version :)
We were joined by Avastu…
Quilty Bookmite: Hi Avastu
Dakini Rhode: hi Avastu :)
Fael Illyar: Hi Avastu
Avastu Maruti: hello my friends
Fael Illyar: Today might become an interesting, if confusing conversation :)
Whatever did Fael mean?
Banana Nut Muffin whispers: Hmmm, a fresh baked muffin!
Faenik: why not?
Dakini Rhode: especially with the muffins talking…
Fael Illyar gave you pab logo kopf - mouth version (wear).
Dakini Rhode: thank you, Fael :)
Quilty Bookmite: Sorry, couldn’t resist. :-)
Dakini Rhode: oh yes, quite an interesting accesory :)
Quilty Bookmite: Why interesting and why confusing?
Dakini Rhode: the PaB logo is interesting…
Dakini Rhode: on the forehead
Pia Iger: we look like a scary group.
Dakini Rhode: sort of like a cult?
Pia Iger: mmm
Quilty Bookmite: Especially with my robes. :-)
Dakini Rhode: :)
Dakini Rhode: oh yes we could all wear those robes, too
Fael leads us further down the path…
Fael Illyar: Avastu came here :) We should talk about something to do with Being :)
Dakini Rhode: to be truly scarey
Dakini Rhode: thanks for turning us around, Fael
Sky Szimmer: Sure. what would you like to talk about
Fael Illyar: It’s always difficult to move the topic this way though :)
Dakini Rhode: yes indeed, i hadn’t tried yet
Sky Szimmer: i have a question to you all. it is about being appreciative and grateful
Dakini Rhode: cool, sky!
Pia Iger: good. sky
Sky Szimmer: so much of what we have we take for granted
Sky Szimmer: it seems like it must almost be a deliberate effort to be appreciative
Sky Szimmer: but yet that seems too pretentious, to much work
Dakini Rhode: unless you almost lose it…
Sky Szimmer: it is true, but that is extreme. most of us hopefully don’t have to go there
Sky Szimmer: for me, i have found I have to constantly remind myself of how magical it all is.
Quilty Bookmite: I think when I take a moment to think about what I have gratitude comes easily. I don;t always do that. :-)
Sky Szimmer: but then, is that OK?
Sky Szimmer: maybe OK is not the right question
Fael Illyar: If you are judgemental, doesn’t that make appreciation hard?
Quilty Bookmite: Gratitude expressed is never bad, no matter how pretentious it seems.
Dakini Rhode: when we feel gratitude
Sky Szimmer: i don’t know if it is judgemental, but I guess it would be nice if my natural state is of appreciation and gratitude
Dakini Rhode: is it associated with having?
Dakini Rhode: or being?
Sky Szimmer: what do you mean?
Fael Illyar: Wouldn’t being appreciative and gratitude as natural state implicate that you do not take having things for granted?
Dakini Rhode: well i was just thinking, when we play as being we let go of our view of “having”, and look for “being”…
Sky Szimmer: yes. so that would be nice if that is the more constant state of being
Dakini Rhode: not sure if i expressed that correctly
Sky Szimmer: I think I get it.
Fael Illyar: So, if you don’t assume you should have something, you can be grateful for having it.
Sky Szimmer: maybe that is why we practice so we let go of assuming we have something
Sky Szimmer: I see what you are saying Fael, that’s a good point. thus, it is the dropping that is often talked about here
Quilty Bookmite: It’s easy to get sucked into thinking we have a right to the things we have. But so many other people don’t have those things.
Sky Szimmer: yes.
Fael Illyar: Quilty, whether other people have or don’t have those is not relevant.
Dakini Rhode: seeing ourselves as being, do we truly “have” as much as we think we have?
Sky Szimmer: but even the very mundane things, such as waking up in the morning
Dakini Rhode: or are we merely “using” what we think we “have”
Quilty Bookmite: Well, I sort of agree with you Fael, but it just puts it in perspective that we have so much and should be grateful.
Sky Szimmer: Yes. we are constantly using.
Fael Illyar: It helps reducing your assumptions on what you should have but it doesn’t take them as low as they should be.
Sky Szimmer: and taking it for granted.
Sky Szimmer: basically we have nothing.
Sky Szimmer: not even a self
Quilty Bookmite: Well, we could consider that we are very fortunate just to be born as human beings. :-)
Sky Szimmer: so it seems.
Sky Szimmer: but it is questioned about the fact that there is even something borned
Quilty Bookmite: Sky, do you feel that you have no self?
Sky Szimmer: yes.
Dakini Rhode: Sky, when you say we have nothing, what is the feeling of that?
Avastu’s SL avatar sat there smiling… why am I suddenly reminded of the folk tale “Tar Baby”?
Fael Illyar: Avastu, you’re quite quiet?
Avastu Maruti: what would you like me to say?
Pia Iger: haha
Sky Szimmer: Quilty. yes. sometimes when things are seen more clearly but not always
Sky Szimmer: i don’t know how to answer you Dakini
Dakini Rhode: Avastu, your avatar looks like sitting there quite content
Quilty Bookmite: I think gratitude is part of that path to disolving the self.
Dakini Rhode: when i read your words, i wasn’ tsure how you were feeling…
Dakini Rhode: when you said we have nothing…
Dakini Rhode: not even a self
Faenik: ah :)
Dakini Rhode: i wondered if you could tell me how that feels to you
Sky Szimmer: humm. feeling wise, there are all the senses which provides feedback.
Sky Szimmer: from a perspective point of view, everything is just given including the self
Sky Szimmer: for me, sometimes, I see clearly but it comes and goes.
Sky Szimmer: which is why I have to grapple with appreciation and gratitude
Dakini Rhode: there are more ways than one to see “no self”
Dakini Rhode: that’s why i asked you to clarify
Fael Illyar: Avastu, could focusing on self and seeing only self be likened to not seeing the forest for the trees?
Sky Szimmer: thanks. questions like that are very useful/
Dakini Rhode: you could analyze things logically and deduce that there is no self
Avastu Maruti: can you look anywhere and not see self?
Dakini Rhode: but that is very hard
Avastu Maruti: even the “one” who looks is THAT!
Sky Szimmer: but why the fluctuation?
Dakini Rhode: Avastu, are you referring to the interconnectedness of all phenomena?
Dakini Rhode: in other words, “all things are”…
Dakini Rhode: so there is no separate, solid self?
Avastu Maruti: interconnetedness assumes separation
Dakini Rhode: so many ways to talk about “no self”
Dakini Rhode: why do you say that?
Avastu Maruti: “things” which are interconnected
Dakini Rhode: is there a better word to use?
Avastu Maruti: a better word to use for what?
Dakini Rhode: interconnectedness
Dakini Rhode: interbeing
Dakini Rhode: being
Avastu Maruti: any word you use is fine
Dakini Rhode: well perhaps using a word that implies separateness is not the best…
Avastu Maruti: the word is never the “thing” - can the word “fire” burn?
Dakini Rhode: yes words are pointers, tags
Avastu Maruti: is being ever hidden?
Pia Iger: In what kind of situation does Sky feel hard to appreciate?
Sky Szimmer: Do you live in a state of constant graititude Avastu?
Avastu Maruti: “states” come and go
Avastu Maruti: what you are is not a state - it is THIS in which all states appear
Sky Szimmer: Pia, when I brush teeth, when I eat, etc.
Dakini Rhode: is there a better word to use than “state”?
Avastu Maruti: any word is fine
Avastu Maruti: what are you looking for?
Pia Iger: It is highly demanding to be appreciateive in 24/7.
Sky Szimmer: yes. I see that Avastu, but sometimes, it seems that I have to be reminded
Dakini Rhode: well on a few occasions when we have use certain words, you say “no, not that, that is not IT”
Avastu Maruti: WHO has to be reminded? BEING is never hidden
Dakini Rhode: so i wonder if you would substitute a different word
Dakini Rhode: or if you are just saying, “not this, not that…”
Sky Szimmer: wthe self that forgets
Avastu Maruti: what can be forgotten or remembered? these are only present thoughts
Sky Szimmer: but then there is no self
Avastu Maruti: “self”, “being”, “awareness”, “oneness”
Sky Szimmer: ah Avastu! present thoughts/
Dakini Rhode: Avastu, good words
Avastu Maruti: we create this image of “me” then try to apply shoulds and coulds
Sky Szimmer: thank you.
Avastu Maruti: being can never be found, simply because it is already THIS
Avastu Maruti: already everything
Fael Illyar: (this is what that interesting and confusing meant erlier :) )
Quilty Bookmite: :-)
Avastu Maruti: it is only confusion when the mind is used to analyze
Faenik: ah :)
Avastu Maruti: the mind/thoughts appear in THIS HERE NOW!
Fael Illyar: the mind wants to analyze.
Avastu Maruti: can you think a thought a moment ago or a moment in the future?
Pia Iger: sure.
Avastu Maruti: ok - do it now
Avastu Maruti: try to get outside of THIS moment
Quilty Bookmite: Not a moment in the future but a moment ago, yes.
Avastu Maruti: THIS Consciousness
Avastu Maruti: you are thinking a moment ago?
Avastu Maruti: aren’t these present thoughts?
Fael Illyar: The point is that there is no “moment ago”?
Quilty Bookmite: No, simply thinking of a thought I had a moment ago.
Avastu Maruti: isn’t that memory?
Quilty Bookmite: What is the difference?
Avastu Maruti: isn’t memory a PRESENT thought?
Avastu Maruti: BEING is only ever HERE NOW
Avastu Maruti: THIS!
Avastu Maruti: all the thoughts and all the questions and the shoulds and the image of “ME”
Avastu Maruti: seeking BEING is to never find it
Avastu Maruti: because you already ARE it
Avastu Maruti: you are looking directly at BEING, at Oneness, NOW!
Quilty Bookmite: Thank you. I haven’t looked at it from that point of view before.
Avastu Maruti: all points of view happen in BEING
Sky Szimmer: but saying you are looking at Being, implies some sense of separation
Avastu Maruti: yes!
Avastu Maruti: Being looking at itself!
Avastu Maruti: this very moment!
Sky Szimmer: so there is just looing
Sky Szimmer: looking
Avastu Maruti: yes!!!
Avastu Maruti: only seeing/knowing
Avastu Maruti: there is no “I” hearing the “bell”
Avastu Maruti: this is created in thoughts - subject/object
Avastu Maruti: there is only ever the hearing
Avastu Maruti: pure SEEing
Avastu Maruti: pure seeing/knowing
Avastu Maruti: and this is already happening, NOW!
Avastu Maruti: look!
Sky Szimmer: but hearing bell
Sky Szimmer: hearing and bell are the same?
Avastu Maruti: yes!
Sky Szimmer: hearing bell being are the same
Avastu Maruti: yes
Avastu Maruti: find the separation without using thoughts or concepts
Dakini Rhode: are we using the word “being” to mean hearing, looking, seeing, and all &etc.?
Avastu Maruti: BEING can never be defined or grased with words
Avastu Maruti: words appear IN being
Avastu Maruti: in THIS! THIS HERE NOW
Avastu Maruti: this moment
Faenik: なるほど^^
(not sure what Faenik said there…)
Avastu Maruti: being seems obscured simply because it is already everything
Avastu Maruti: so why seek it!
Dakini Rhode: personally i think we should try to use words, even though they fall short of the mark
Sky Szimmer: it is just hard to remember that when someone is yelling at you
Avastu Maruti: the idea of “ME” is another appearance in BEING
Avastu Maruti: we have nothing except words to use
Dakini Rhode: right
Sky Szimmer: when someone is yelling at you or making demands, it is hard to remember that all are one
Avastu Maruti: the “I’m not remembering BEING because someone is yelling” is ALSO being
Sky Szimmer: yes. i understand that
Dakini Rhode: Sky, you make a good point, and that is (if i understand correctly) how to bring this philosophy into our lives
Sky Szimmer: but because it is a situation that causes a sense of self again
Avastu Maruti: there is no need to drop the sense of self
Avastu Maruti: that is part of the livingness, the actuality of BEING
Dakini Rhode: actually, if i may…
Avastu Maruti: only it is a mirage - once we know it holds no water, we no longer try to quench our thirst
Sky Szimmer: but for me, in that situation, it causes a perspective shift
Dakini Rhode: i actually have something to say about this…
Dakini Rhode: practical
Sky Szimmer: that causes duality
Sky Szimmer: yes. Dakini sorry to interrupt
Avastu Maruti: duality appears IN THIS
Dakini Rhode: we can have an experience of our essential unity / oneness / interconnectedness
Dakini Rhode: we don’t fully grok it without the experience
Avastu Maruti: WHO is there to have the experience?
Dakini Rhode: and even in the moment when someone is yelling at us…
Avastu finally got quite wound up in enlightening us…
Dakini Rhode: excuse me, Avastu
Dakini Rhode: if i can finish my train of thought
Avastu Maruti: yes my friend
Dakini Rhode: even in the moment of someone yelling at us, if we LOOK
Dakini Rhode: the experience of oneness is available
Dakini Rhode: we can see that we and the one who is yelling are connected
Dakini Rhode: and when we see that, we can have the utmost compassion for the one who is yeeling
Dakini Rhode: yelling
Sky Szimmer: yes. Dakini, oneness is all that is. hard to see sometimes
Dakini Rhode: because we see that they are us
Dakini Rhode: and i think that is what Caspian meant, the time he said someone was the homeless person
Dakini Rhode: not that we do this every time
Dakini Rhode: not that it’s easy
Dakini Rhode: but if we know it’s possible
Dakini Rhode: we might remember to look for it
Dakini Rhode: and we might see
Sky Szimmer: another way to see that is that the person yelling is another puppet that is in his own dream and that is has nothing to do with us
Dakini Rhode: indeed
Dakini Rhode: another “suffereing human being behaving unskillfully”
Avastu Maruti: “WHO” has an “experience of Oneness”?
Sky Szimmer: there is no experience of oneness, just oneness
Avastu Maruti: yes
Dakini Rhode: there is no WHO in oneness
Avastu Maruti: so all this is only thought, only beliefs
Avastu Maruti: only stories
Dakini Rhode: this is trying to describe experience with limited words
Sky Szimmer: there is no who that experiences
Avastu Maruti: if you like one part and don’t like another (yelling) - that is suffering
Avastu Maruti: ALL of it is THIS, all of it happens in YOU!
Dakini Rhode: well that is a good note
Dakini Rhode: on which i can remind us… that our hour is up
Dakini Rhode: and i must take my leave
Sky Szimmer: thanks Dakini.
Quilty Bookmite: Bye Dakini. I must go too.
Fael Illyar: See you later Dakini :)
Avastu Maruti: good bye my friend
Quilty Bookmite: Thank you all and especially thank you Avastu!
Dakini Rhode: if you’d like to continue the conversation, please feel welcome, and send Pema the transcript if you like
Sky Szimmer: yes Dakini
Dakini Rhode: goodbye friends, and thank you for all the discussion _/!\_
Pia Iger: bye, Dakini, Quilty
Fael Illyar: Bye Quilty :)
I have a feeling there may be a Part 2 to this blog entry…. :->
[Pema writing from here on:]
and indeed, there was! Later Pia would send me the remainder of the chat log. From here on the comments are mine.
Sky Szimmer: It is hard to bypass the conditioning to prefer this v. that.
Pia Iger: Avastu, can I understand what you said as “all is well”,
Avastu Maruti: yes - all is well
Pia Iger: “we don’t need to do anything” or nothing needs to be done?
Avastu Maruti: who is there to do anything?
Avastu Maruti: this “image” of you?
Sky Szimmer: but this does not mean no action
Pia Iger: right now, yes. Me has to write, cook, clean
Avastu Maruti: actions happen - the mind then places ownership and doership
Sky Szimmer: please explain that a bit Avastu
Avastu Maruti: WHO is reading these words?
Fael Illyar: Is it only this mirage of “me” that doesn’t SEE?
Avastu Maruti: reading happens, then the mind says “I am reading”
Avastu Maruti: the “I AM” is the source of this illusion
Faenik: ah :)
Avastu Maruti: but what really is the I AM pointing or referring to?
Avastu Maruti: not the limited and constructed “reality” of this “image”
Avastu Maruti: but the very seeing/knowing itself
Sky Szimmer: but there is the deliberation that leads to action, though it is all Being
Sky Szimmer: right?
Avastu returned to the WHO question, again . . .
Avastu Maruti: yes - it appears so, but WHO is doing any of this?
Sky Szimmer: Being
Avastu Maruti: any “experience” can happen
Avastu Maruti: they all come and go, like clouds in the sky
Avastu Maruti: clouds never touch the sky
Faenik is a hairy black ball with eyes and ears.
Avastu Maruti: yet, the ARE they sky!
Avastu Maruti: “cloud” and “sky” are only words, which appear to break up reality
Sky Szimmer: there is deliberation that leads to action, but deliberation and action is the same?
Avastu Maruti: if we look up, do we need any words to KNOW the “sky”?
. . . and again . . .
Avastu Maruti: WHO deliberates?
Sky Szimmer: there is no Who but a sense of deliberation
Sky Szimmer: i mean there is the act of deliberation don’t you agree?
Avastu Maruti: of course
Avastu Maruti: but where does this happen?
Avastu Maruti: in what “container”?
Avastu Maruti: what is the ground of all experience?
Sky Szimmer: it is all part of Being
Sky Szimmer: no?
Avastu Maruti: “being” is only a word - what is it pointing to?
Sky Szimmer: Here Now
Sky Szimmer: Present
Avastu Maruti: yes
. . . and from there to Be/Are/Am.
Avastu Maruti: can you deny that you ARE?
Sky Szimmer: Who denies what?
Avastu Maruti: do you need any concepts to know that you ARE?
Sky Szimmer: no. there is just “am”
Avastu Maruti: yes!
Sky Szimmer: I am sorry but I must go. Thank you Avastu!
Sky Szimmer: Thank you everyone! Nice chatting!
Avastu Maruti: thank you, my friend
Fael Illyar: Ok, See you later Sky :)
Faenik: なるほど^^
Pia Iger: bye, Sky
stevenaia Michinaga: thank you
Pia Iger: Avastu, how shall I see that “I hate cleaning”? a very practical question.
Avastu once again cut through all questioning.
Avastu Maruti: cleaning happens
Avastu Maruti: hating cleaning happens
Avastu Maruti: or liking cleaning happens
Avastu Maruti: all experiences come and go
Avastu Maruti: in YOU!
Pia Iger: but I still have to do it.
Avastu Maruti: in THIS!
Avastu Maruti: there is no one who cleans
Pia Iger: not sure I am clear. Pls say more.
Avastu Maruti: you are not the body-mind
Avastu Maruti: you are not this limited “image” you have taken yourself to be
Avastu Maruti: we try to build up that image, make it more to our liking
Avastu Maruti: no matter what is added or removed, it never satisfies completely
Fael Illyar: whose liking?
Avastu Maruti: liking or not liking is another distinction
Avastu Maruti: this “image” is not what you are
Avastu Maruti: you are THAT in which it all appears, the liking and disliking
Avastu Maruti: not the mind, for that too appears in YOU
Avastu Maruti: even the ideas about birth and death, time and space, appear in THIS immediate knowingness
Avastu Maruti: being is overlooked, simply because it is ALREADY everything
Avastu Maruti: it is YOU
Avastu Maruti: no matter what the thought, the situation, the “good or bad”, YOU are the ground of any experience
Avastu Maruti: the “container”
Avastu Maruti: the “knowing”, which is never actually divided into a “ME” who knows “something”
Fael Illyar: If we are all Being, why do these “images” get polished?
Avastu Maruti: anything can “happen”
Avastu Maruti: there is no why
Fael Illyar: There is only Being, so … it’s these “images” that learn they’re mirages?
Avastu Maruti: nothing happens that is not being
Faenik: could be
Avastu Maruti: so if “images” learn, that’s being too
Avastu Maruti: it is only the mind which attempts to make these distinctions
Can we step out of awareness?
Avastu Maruti: but pause mind
Avastu Maruti: pause thought for a moment
Avastu Maruti: simply pause
Avastu Maruti: in that pause, did you fall apart, disappear? did “knowing” stop?
Pia Iger: seems not
Avastu Maruti: can you stop being aware?
Fael Illyar: no
Pia Iger: in sleep, maybe
Avastu Maruti: do you wake to an alarm?
Pia Iger: yep.
Avastu Maruti: what is aware of the alarm?
Avastu Maruti: if awareness stopped
Avastu Maruti: awarness witnesses the coming and going of all the “states”
Avastu Maruti: even “deep sleep”
Fael Illyar: what is it that is trying to understand Being?
Avastu Maruti: Being!
Pia Iger: what is the good of understand Being?
Avastu Maruti: what is “good” or “bad”?
Pia Iger: enlightened is good, normally thinking.
Avastu Maruti: what is enlightenment? WHO can BE that?
Avastu Maruti: isn’t that something else for the “image”?
Faenik: could be
Avastu Maruti: it is another “thing” to be added, something to make ME better, smarter, wiser
Avastu Maruti: there is no one here to become enlightened
Fael Illyar: … Being is trying to understand Being … Being doesn’t understand Being …
Avastu Maruti: Being is ALL of it
Avastu Maruti: it includes the “attempts to understand”
Avastu Maruti: and it includes the “forgetting about being”
Avastu Maruti: no matter where you turn, HERE YOU ARE
And here a one-liner, summing it all up.
Avastu Maruti: being is not hard to find, it is inescapable
Pia Iger: I try to apply this to daily life, not clear yet.
Faenik: なるほど^^
Avastu Maruti: when we see that no matter what we do, no matter where we turn, I-AM-NESS is the ground of all experience
Avastu Maruti: then daily life is ALSO THAT!
Avastu Maruti: even if it is “I don’t like cleaning”
Faenik: why not?
Avastu Maruti: you are ALREADY what you seek
Avastu Maruti: seeking it seemingly is what obscures it
Avastu Maruti: the search for a “better” experience
Avastu Maruti: a more “enlightened” experience
Avastu Maruti: it is all false
Avastu Maruti: THIS is it
Avastu Maruti: NOW
Pia Iger: how is it different from ” I am doomed”?
Avastu Maruti: “I am doomed” is THAT too!
Avastu continued his really radical approach.
Avastu Maruti: if it is not present NOW, how can it be reality? how can it be Truth?
Avastu Maruti: is reality something we find in the future, after so much seeking?
Pia Iger: but what we do now has effect on future, that is why we are weighing on the decision/visions.
Avastu Maruti: yes - this is a story
Avastu Maruti: what is present NOW and doesn’t require a “story” to know?
Faenik: ah :)
Pia Iger: can you rephrase this?
Avastu Maruti: a story requires beliefs, assumptions
Avastu Maruti: thoughts
Avastu Maruti: what is present NOW without using thoughts, beliefs or assumptions?
Avastu Maruti: maybe we say “I am hearing the birds”
Avastu Maruti: but this is a story
Avastu Maruti: an “I” which hears “birds”
Faenik loves wells!
Avastu Maruti: the “I” is an assumption
Avastu Maruti: it’s a false reference point
Avastu Maruti: all there truly IS, is pure SEEing
Avastu Maruti: pure experiencing
Avastu Maruti: without a ME there to experience
Avastu Maruti: without a “bird” or “world” to experience
Avastu Maruti: the subject and object are creations in thought
Avastu Maruti: stories
Avastu Maruti: seemingly breaking up Oneness
Pia Iger: so normally we live in a lot of stories.
Avastu Maruti: yes!
Avastu Maruti: it’s ALL a story
Avastu Maruti: discard all stories, what remains?
Pia Iger: direct seeing?
Avastu Maruti: you tell me
Avastu refused to give a theory or explanation, wanted to stick to the invitation to just see.
Pia Iger: haha
Pia Iger: Fael, do you have questions?
Faenik: indeed?
Fael Illyar: So like when reading a story, it makes no difference what goes on in the story?
Avastu Maruti: I’m not talking about a paperback fiction
Avastu Maruti: I’m talking about the fiction that is “ME”
Pia Iger: If nothing, now I at least feel a bit relieved.
Fael Illyar: relieved?
Pia Iger: not much pressure of getting better or smarter, so on.
Avastu Maruti: the “good and bad” always happen in pure SEEing
Fael Illyar: No need :)
Avastu Maruti: the only YOU that is EVER affected is the FALSE YOU created in stories, in thought, in belief
Avastu Maruti: simply notice this
Avastu Maruti: you are the formless ocean of awareness in which all this seems to happen
Avastu Maruti: the “seeking” and the “finding” are irrelevant
Pia brought up a central question that is often misunderstood: does dropping a sense of “I” also means dropping responsibility?
Pia Iger: what about responsibilities we usually talk about in daily life?
Avastu Maruti: responsibilities happen
Avastu Maruti: this is not a denial of life
Avastu Maruti: only pointing to THAT IN WHICH life happens
Faenik loves wells!
Fael Illyar: it will all happen?
Avastu Maruti: what will all happen?
Fael Illyar: all :)
Avastu Maruti: ALL - IS happening or NOT happening
Avastu Maruti: if we use thoughts - we can point out lots of “things” happening
Avastu Maruti: but does thought ever create “things” or only label them?
Fael Illyar: maybe “whatever you can think of” instead of all
Avastu Maruti: do we require thoughts or labels to KNOW?
Avastu Maruti: to directly KNOW reality? THIS!
Avastu Maruti: but THIS HERE NOW is never “good enough”
Avastu Maruti: it always has to be something “more”
Avastu Maruti: something “better”
Avastu Maruti: “I want to find BEING!”
Avastu Maruti: it’s all false
Avastu Maruti: you ARE being
Avastu Maruti: THIS is being
Avastu Maruti: this moment
Avastu Maruti: nowhere else
Avastu Maruti: EVER
Faenik is a hairy black ball with eyes and ears.
Pia Iger: Sounds simple, how come most ppl don’t know?
With an occasional whisper from Faenik, Avastu pointed out how all of our questions tend to deflect us away from Being.
Avastu Maruti: well, we can say that there are no “other people”
Avastu Maruti: or we can say that everyone is looking for something “outside” of THIS
Avastu Maruti: something “better” than THIS
Avastu Maruti: NOW is never good enough
Avastu Maruti: NOW is the miracle!
Avastu Maruti: and whatever NOW is, that’s IT
Avastu Maruti: maybe NOW is “birds chirping”, or “cleaning”
Avastu Maruti: the fiction of “ME” requires us to go into memory or anticipation
Avastu Maruti: requires us to go outside of direct SEEing
Faenik: indeed?
Avastu Maruti: try to get out of NOW
Avastu Maruti: try to stop KNOWING
Avastu Maruti: not a “ME” that knows “this or that”
Avastu Maruti: the present and direct ACTIVITY of knowing
Avastu Maruti: that is going on now
Avastu Maruti: you are knowing these words
Avastu Maruti: you are knowing the sounds of birds
Avastu Maruti: you are knowing the butt pressing in chair
Avastu Maruti: knowing is happening
Avastu Maruti: but it can only ever happen NOW
Avastu Maruti: not a moment in the past or a moment in the future
Avastu Maruti: and that formless knowing, that ocean of awareness, is what you are
Avastu Maruti: IN WHICH the “idea” or “story” of “ME” happens
Pia Iger: Thanks a lot, Avastu.
Avastu Maruti: thank you, my friend
Fael Illyar: Yes, thank you.
Avastu Maruti: good bye, my friends