The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The wise crack comments are Riddle's.
The morning's session got off to a slow start with 10 or more minutes of just listening to the in-world. Which was very good because it got hectic later.
Maxine Walden: hi, Riddle
Riddle Sideways: good morning Maxine
Riddle Sideways: these bells, birds and sounds always calm me
Maxine Walden: nice to just have birdsong in the morning, yes
Maxine Walden: and align me with nature
Regretfully, I broke the silence
Riddle Sideways: did you speak in qwaq sunday?
Maxine Walden: yes, I did, about a psychoanalytic perspective on insight. Are you coming to those much?
Riddle Sideways: very sorry I missed it
Riddle Sideways: that almost always a bad time for me
Maxine Walden: life is so busy...I can imagine, is it your Sunday afternoon then?
Riddle Sideways: if I am home, I am amid my honey-do list
Riddle Sideways: how many were there?
Maxine Walden: of course, RL and honey to do is essential on the weekends, well anytime
Maxine Walden: oh, there were about 8 or so, nice group and we spoke for nearly 90 minutes
Riddle Sideways: wow, very good turn out
Adams Rubble joins us and hellos must be said.
Adams Rubble is Online
Riddle Sideways: hi Adams
Maxine Walden: hi, Adams
Adams Rubble: Hello Everyone
Adams Rubble: Riddle, I haven't responded to your request for a replacement because it is too far ahead for me
Maxine Walden: I'm coming to sit closer to you both, too far away over here
Riddle Sideways: understand
Riddle Sideways: good
I tried to get back to finding out what I had missed in Maxine's led/guided/MC session.
Riddle Sideways: we were just talking about Maxines talk in another virtual world Qwaq
Adams Rubble: Oh?
Maxine Walden: yes, I spoke about insight from a psychoanalytic perspective in a virtual space which uses voice rather than text
Maxine Walden: another format, would you say, Riddle?
Riddle Sideways: yes, a very different format
Adams Rubble: Qwaq uses voice then?
Riddle Sideways: that shapes the chat very differently
Caspian enters and we stop to say HI.
Adams Rubble: Hello Caspian
Adams Rubble: Yes it would
Riddle Sideways: Hi Caspian
Adams Rubble: I was thinking about that overnight
Caspian Inglewood takes a humble bow
Maxine Walden: hello, Caspian, nice to meet you
Adams Rubble: Yesterday Doug expressed concern over all the Hi's when someone walks in
Caspian Inglewood: the feeling is mutual
Adams Rubble: if we were using voice it would like one big HI
Maxine Walden: a barrage of his
Maxine Walden: His
Very amusing that the plural of "Hi" is "His" :)
Adams Rubble: Of course that is far afield from what you probably talked about Maxine
Riddle Sideways: using voice has become more like lecturing too
Caspian Inglewood: lol, I think many hi is okay
Maxine Walden: I was speaking about how we need to be able to verbalize experience in order to think about it and understand it; just one way to view insight, but it was an interesting discussion
Adams Rubble: I think so to, but he had a point about the interruptions of thought
Riddle Sideways: many times somebodies mike is buzzy or too soft
Adams Rubble: hmmm, that is interesting. How do you see that as different from writing the thoughts?
Caspian Inglewood: I think voice is more intrusive than anything
Riddle Sideways: both are verbalizing
Riddle Sideways: but different
Maxine Walden: voice can indeed be intrusive, depending on one's state of mind...
Adams Rubble: I agree with caspian that I like the peacefulness of the typewritten discussion
Maxine Walden: yes, agree writing is perhaps verbalizing to oneself
Adams Rubble: hmmm
Caspian Inglewood: is much quieter
Caspian Inglewood: and is even more effective at conveying thought
Riddle Sideways: many times we have 3-6 threads being typed at the same time here
Adams Rubble: but are we writing to ourselves, interesting
Maxine Walden: and there may be space for all those different strands in the quiet of the texting
Caspian Inglewood: at my temple in Little Yoshiwara
Caspian Inglewood: ha ha
Caspian Inglewood: we don't even talk
Caspian Inglewood: we only sit
Maxine Walden: Adams, are we writing for anyone else really other than ourselves, I wonder?
Maxine Walden: only sit, Caspian, that is interesting
Adams Rubble: I may do both, maybe at different times
We started out using the term 'worlds' as places. That we might visit these RL, SL, Qwaq, etc. worlds. Then how we comunicate in those worlds. Now 'worlds' takes on a more personal usage. Wherein we all demonstrate our seperate 'world'ness by not listening to each other.
Caspian Inglewood: Maxine, I would say right now there are 4 worlds present in room
Adams Rubble: we still are communicating with each other
Caspian Inglewood: yah, I mean we converse after
Caspian Inglewood: upstairs for tea
Caspian Inglewood: but during zazen, only sit
Caspian Inglewood: everyone gathers
Maxine Walden: yes, Adams, agree. Caspian, 4 worlds, each of us being one of those worlds?
Riddle Sideways: I agree, caspian, but would add another world is what we combine to be
Caspian Inglewood: yes, for every human being there is different world
Caspian Inglewood: but originally there is only one world
Caspian Inglewood: minus all me, my and I
Adams Rubble: I learn so much from everyone
Caspian Inglewood: you know?
Caspian Inglewood: yes, but who is watching other world?
Caspian Inglewood: ha ha
Adams Rubble: Lately I have been watching caspian
Caspian Inglewood: reality never is what is
Adams Rubble: ,Caspian
Caspian Inglewood: always what we make it
Then we all look up from typing and try to react to some portion of what some of us said :)
Caspian Inglewood: watching Caspian?
Caspian Inglewood: ha ha ha
Adams Rubble: I see people going througgh times of agitation
Adams Rubble: and other times of feeling peacefulness
Riddle Sideways: lately (every 15 min) I have been trying to watch the other
Caspian Inglewood: yah
Caspian Inglewood: originally I think everyone is of one mind
Caspian Inglewood: but then we think
Caspian Inglewood: ha ha, we make opposites worlds
Caspian Inglewood: I and you
Caspian Inglewood: and then every mind is different
Adams Rubble: But many of us are here looking for much the same thing
Caspian Inglewood: hai
Adams Rubble: we share our struggles
Caspian Inglewood: oh I include myself in this human problem
Adams Rubble: and offer each other insights
Caspian Inglewood: like human beings
Maxine Walden: we share and discover our common humanity amidst our struggles and feelings of aloneness
Caspian is wound up on a roll here. This is confusing and deep both in meaning and language phrasing.
Caspian Inglewood: only Buddha, you know, don't want to be stupid
Adams Rubble: ?
Caspian Inglewood: So I ask you, everybody! When you come, when you are born here, why do you come here in this world? What do you DO here?
Caspian Inglewood: When you die where do you go? DON'T UNDERSTAND! So you are stupid you see, everybody stupid. So, human beings appear in this
Caspian Inglewood: world already big mistake. Only Buddha don't want to be, you know, stupid.
Caspian Inglewood: And don't want this mistake of human beings. So he wants to understand! What is life? What is death?
Caspian Inglewood takes a humble bow
Caspian Inglewood: I hope was not intrustive
Adams Rubble: Well, Caspian, there is the ideal (the goal) and the place where most of are
Caspian Inglewood: yah?
Adams Rubble: yah
Caspian Inglewood: 2+2=4
Caspian Inglewood: ha ha ha
Adams Rubble: :)
Caspian Inglewood: only mean that many human being do not understand job
Maxine and I tried to get back into the conversation. Hard to do with so many points and moving so fast.
Riddle Sideways: there is our goals and hearing Maxine helps me to know a not known or forgotten step toward goal
Maxine Walden: one view is to look down upon human frailty and another is to have compassion for our uncertainty and often present doubt
Caspian Inglewood: they come in world, but don't understand
Caspian Inglewood: even lion understands, okay
Caspian Inglewood: roar roar!
Caspian Inglewood: lion knows lion job
Caspian Inglewood: but human beings
Caspian Inglewood: how to say
Caspian Inglewood: are stupid
Riddle Sideways wonders why that is true?
Maxine Walden: most of us don't understand most of the time; maybe the search in the dark and the courage to do so and to face our ever present doubts is part of the human journey
Caspian Inglewood: what is correct way of human being?
Caspian Inglewood: falling down, getting up
Caspian Inglewood: all same point
Caspian Inglewood: yes, this is part
Caspian Inglewood: I hope you do not take criticism as personal attack
Caspian Inglewood: obviously all beings are included in this
Caspian Inglewood: is not meant to be derrogatory
Maxine Walden: it may be a taunting idealization to think that there is a CORRECT way, and that taunting quality can lead to great distress
Riddle Sideways: oops, I missed the attack :)
Caspian Inglewood: good, because was none
Caspian Inglewood: there is always correct way
Adams Rubble: No Caspian, but it a bit too strong
Caspian Inglewood: ha ha ha
Caspian Inglewood: but it manifests differently always
Caspian Inglewood: so we say, "Only help all beings"
Caspian Inglewood: that is human job
When trying to catch onto a speeding train of thought you must grab whatever handle comes nearest first. It is often not the choicest nor best handle. Three of us tried to latch on to the many thoughts.
Maxine Walden: it may be that the comment of 'stupid' is an attempt to get through frequent arrogance that we can surround ourselves with as would-be protection in the unknown
Caspian Inglewood: yah, most people just laugh
Caspian Inglewood: they already understand!
Caspian Inglewood: yah, I am stupid!
Riddle Sideways: getting up and falling down, has taught me many lessons.
Caspian Inglewood takes a humble bow
Riddle Sideways: for some reason I think that I should teach others
Maxine Walden: we all are searching...and that can be called stupid, or searching
Riddle Sideways: about my experiences
Riddle Sideways: when they already know falling
Caspian Inglewood: well but actually
Riddle Sideways: and getting up again
Caspian Inglewood: stupid is more for those who no search
Caspian Inglewood: you all are okay
Caspian Inglewood: ha ha ha
Caspian Inglewood: it is those who never question
Caspian Inglewood: they I worry bout
Maxine Walden: seems we are all questioning nearly all the time here
Riddle Sideways: not only here
Caspian Inglewood: but you all have met the type
Caspian Inglewood: never question
Caspian Inglewood: only accept own reality as truth
Caspian Inglewood: real questioning is not questioning outside
Caspian Inglewood: is questioning inside
Caspian Inglewood: questioning society is very easy
Caspian Inglewood: but questioning my beliefs, my opinion
Caspian Inglewood: not quite so fun
Riddle Sideways: and this personal questioning
Riddle Sideways: that we all go on
Maxine Walden: questioning oneself leads to uncertainty which can be painful because all our dreads reside there in uncertainty
Caspian Inglewood: exactly so
Maxine Walden: and when we let go of our 'certain' selves we fear facing those things we dread
Riddle Sideways: why is it that we seem to have to tell others about our questioning and lessons and ...
Caspian Inglewood: because human beings are stupid!
Caspian Inglewood: ha ha ha
Adams loses grip on speeding thoughts and many threads. Maybe I should have left the timestamps on for the last few seconds to show how fast we were typing. :)
Adams Rubble: Ahhhhhghhh!
Maxine Walden: Riddle, the rest of your question?
Caspian Inglewood: oh Adams, you are so sensitive
Adams Rubble: Blah!
Riddle Sideways: sorry, no question. it was retorical
Caspian Inglewood: yah, blah!
Maxine Walden: ah...
Slight slowdown, a breathe is taken, then we start picking up speed again.
Caspian Inglewood: I don't like potatos!
Caspian Inglewood: I like brocolli
Caspian Inglewood: well, we eat both
Riddle Sideways: we insist on becoming teachers to others (that may not want nor listen)
Riddle Sideways: then in our teachings
Caspian Inglewood: then why do you wish to teach?
Riddle Sideways: we use words that are not known to other
Adams Rubble: Teachers need to listem first, then teach
Caspian Inglewood: if nobody has ears, nobody has ears
Caspian Inglewood: to a beginner, many many poassability
Caspian Inglewood: to expert....very few
Maxine Walden: Caspian, I think Riddle and Adams are sublty suggesting that you might listen here as we try to do with each other before trying to offer your teachings
Thank you Maxine, but I think this is where things start to go south.
Caspian Inglewood: I am offering teachings?
Caspian Inglewood: I am not completely dull, I know exactly what they say
Caspian Inglewood: lol, no sharing!
Caspian Inglewood: I understand that when someone runs show
Caspian Inglewood: sometimes they really want to run show
Riddle Sideways: just before you came in Maxine was telling about another VW she was discussing this in
Caspian Inglewood: they don't like loss of control
Caspian Inglewood: especially of theme
Riddle Sideways: yes, sometimes I feel bad if a theme gets lost
Caspian Inglewood: what is VW?
Riddle Sideways: virtual world
Caspian Inglewood: ah okay
Riddle Sideways: many times I read past logs
Caspian Inglewood: I come, I share, I listen
Caspian Inglewood: but somehow always is taken as "teaching"
Caspian Inglewood: this has happened before
Riddle Sideways: and read 3 comments on something very important to me
Riddle Sideways: and it gets lost
Riddle Sideways: sometimes in hellos :)
Caspian Inglewood: then please proceed
Maxine Walden: that is frustrating when an interesting theme gets lost, as often happens
I am noticing that I had a little trouble getting one complete thought out. I should type a lot faster.
Granted, I am trying to selfeshly force my one thought to get completely.
Doing such has put me trying to forcible steer the conversation.
Which only derails the entire train of thoughts.
Caspian Inglewood: so this is very closed group, then
Riddle Sideways: I think the opposite is true
Caspian Inglewood: actually, if may say
Caspian Inglewood: on occasions i come here
Caspian Inglewood: conversation is always steered
Caspian Inglewood: never flows natural
Adams Rubble: Caspian, that is so wrong
Caspian Inglewood: yes?
Maxine Walden: not a closed group, but we try to approach it with respect for what may be going on as we join,
Riddle Sideways: has not been my experience
Caspian Inglewood: interesting
Caspian Inglewood: perhaps you are all on same page then
Adams Rubble: You sometimes seem to be playing a role
Adams Rubble: wanting to disrupt
Caspian Inglewood: ah see
Riddle Sideways: each individual brings and receives
Caspian Inglewood: this is what I mean
Adams Rubble: It seems overdone sometimes
Caspian Inglewood: it must be my perception
Caspian Inglewood: because this always, always must come up
Caspian Inglewood: let us get out in air
Caspian Inglewood: you do not like
Caspian Inglewood: no problem
Adams Rubble: Look at the log to how much you say to what everyone else says
Caspian Inglewood: if it makes you feel better, i do not like dogs
Adams Rubble: you are dominating the conversation
Caspian Inglewood: more of cat person
Caspian Inglewood: but I never beat dog
Adams Rubble: see you keep talking
Adams Rubble: not listen
Maxine starts backing out of room.
Maxine Walden: I am sorry, but I need to leave in a moment
Caspian Inglewood: Adams
Caspian Inglewood: do you not see irony here?
Riddle Sideways: I have to leave in another 10 also
Caspian Inglewood: you all claim you do not steer conversation
Caspian Inglewood: but then someone shows up
Caspian Inglewood: maybe person nmamed Caspian
Maxine Walden: and I can see that this conversation is not concluded. Sorry i cannot stay longer
Caspian Inglewood: and he must conform
Caspian Inglewood: only to your liking
Maxine Walden: bye all. See you soon
Adams Rubble: Bye Maxine
Caspian Inglewood: bye Maxine
Riddle Sideways: ok, see you Maxine
Maxine leaves. Adams' typing starts getting a little hurried.
Please withstand my not having added comments below. There is no good breaking point within the next big section.
Adams Rubble: Cspian, we try to lsten to everyone
Caspian Inglewood: you do know that this is rude
Adams Rubble: Everyone has something to offer us
Caspian Inglewood: if my speaking is rude
Caspian Inglewood: maybe it is
Caspian Inglewood: your "corrections"
Caspian Inglewood: this is very, very rude
Adams Rubble: I am sorry I am being rude
Riddle Sideways: I think perhaps Maxine had something valuable to add
Adams Rubble: but it is in response to rudeness
Caspian Inglewood: why use fertilizer?
Riddle Sideways: and we overpowered her
Caspian Inglewood: why not just let grass grow naturally?
Caspian Inglewood: I cannot really say what motivates Maxine
Caspian Inglewood: maybe they would know best
Adams Rubble: I ould like to have heard Maxine
Caspian Inglewood: okay
Caspian Inglewood: but they had to leave
Caspian Inglewood: but you are saying
Riddle Sideways: we all started down our own trips rather then hear her
Caspian Inglewood: because I show up
Caspian Inglewood: you not hear Maxine
Caspian Inglewood: I completely understand you Adams
Caspian Inglewood: but I think this would be no problem
Caspian Inglewood: if no fuss was made
Adams Rubble: It is not your showing up. You are very welcome
Caspian Inglewood: is that so?
Adams Rubble: of course you are welcome
Caspian Inglewood: ah, tyvm then
Caspian Inglewood: I did not know that
Riddle Sideways: yes, your input is always welcome
Adams Rubble: tyvm?
Caspian Inglewood: thank you very much
Caspian Inglewood: I always got impression am not welcome
Adams Rubble: We all know we are not Buddha, or Bodhissatvas
Adams Rubble: we are doing the best we can
Caspian Inglewood: so in other words, don't talk of Buddhism
Caspian Inglewood: ha ha ha
Caspian Inglewood: you ask too much
Adams Rubble: and we try to help one another
Riddle Sideways: ha ha
Riddle Sideways: not the point
Adams Rubble: I like to talk about Buddhism
Caspian Inglewood: well, is the point
Caspian Inglewood: basically saying, "Yeah yeah, we know. Shut up about Buddha."
Adams Rubble: You take a very hard view Caspian
Caspian Inglewood: we know, we know
While the battle rages all around, I wonder where senior moment Riddle went...
Caspian Inglewood: next subject
Adams Rubble: you talk as if everyone has to do just one thing
Caspian Inglewood: maybe we talk of turkeys instead
Caspian Inglewood: but, no....never steered
Adams Rubble: see, I don;t see how that helps us understand
Riddle Sideways: I wonder where the our turkeys went?
Adams Rubble: it is just arhumntative
Caspian Inglewood: well I don't wish for this anymore than you
Adams Rubble: argumentative
Caspian Inglewood: but problem arose, apparently
Caspian Inglewood: so am addressing
Riddle Sideways: last week there were 13 baby turkeys
Caspian Inglewood: ha ha ha
Caspian Inglewood: 13!
Caspian Inglewood: wow
Riddle Sideways: I have not seen them for days
Riddle Sideways: little football birds
Caspian Inglewood: argumentative?
Caspian Inglewood: ha ha
Caspian Inglewood: you don't know the half of it
Caspian Inglewood: I cried first time in Dharma combat
Long pause.
Caspian Inglewood: look, I know you come to discuss Play as Being
Caspian Inglewood: but when i hear things, maybe I connect in different way
Riddle Sideways: which is what I like
Adams Rubble: Caspian, we are used to a gentler form of discussion
Caspian Inglewood: unfortunately Zen has never been gentle, Adams
Riddle Sideways: I come to hear all members connect these things differently
Caspian Inglewood: which is much of the problem here
Adams Rubble: where we listen and try to understand what people are going through
I think this is the seventh line up from below, being referred to.
Caspian Inglewood: it is very confrontational
Caspian Inglewood: no cozy happy feeling
Adams Rubble: Do you read all the logs Caspian?
Caspian Inglewood: I have never read one
Adams Rubble: Then how can you say that?
Caspian Inglewood: how can i say what?
Adams Rubble: That our conversation is confrontational
Caspian Inglewood: I never did say that
Caspian Inglewood: was speaking of Zen
Adams Rubble: what did you say seven lines up?
Caspian Inglewood: unfortunately Zen has never been gentle, Adams; it is very confrontational
Riddle Sideways: occasionally (the logs show) that many conversations here are confrontational and others are overly supportive
Adams Rubble: But I am not Zen; I am not even a Buddhist. I respect Buddhism
Riddle Sideways: many times overly questioning
Caspian Inglewood: okay
Caspian Inglewood: but I am
Riddle Sideways: some times there are too many answers
Caspian Inglewood: so what are you saying?
Caspian Inglewood: it is not clear
Caspian Inglewood: for on one hand you say be self
Caspian Inglewood: then you say, do not be self
By now I have lost track of the score, but both sides are score at will.
Adams Rubble: I think you should read some logs to have a better understanding of what we are about
Caspian Inglewood: irony
Caspian Inglewood: how to play as being
Caspian Inglewood: lol
Caspian Inglewood: if cannot be who am?
Adams Rubble: That bsounds like "I" talking
Caspian Inglewood: yah it is I talking
Caspian Inglewood: right now I am having little I tangent
Adams Rubble: Do you think that PaB should be about Caspian whenever you are here?
Caspian Inglewood: but for Big I purpose
Caspian Inglewood: no I do not
Caspian Inglewood: in fact, I hope that is never the case
Caspian Inglewood: do you think I should put on game face when here?
Caspian Inglewood: only relate gentle, only calm
Caspian Inglewood: now now, it will all be better
Adams Rubble: There is a time to listen; there is a time to talk
Riddle Sideways: I use to think that you put on a game face here, but now I think you really are like you are
Caspian Inglewood: unfortunately this requires much talking
Caspian Inglewood: plus, expression nis in my nature
Riddle Sideways: yes it does
Adams Rubble: there is a time for acting; there is a time to refrain from acting
Adams Rubble: there is a time for worrk; there is a time for play
Caspian Inglewood: yes, and every time each manifests
Caspian Inglewood: that is the time!
Caspian Inglewood: you don't see?
Caspian Inglewood: I cannot make apple orange
Caspian Inglewood: so why try?
Adams Rubble: I am sorry about that
Caspian Inglewood: sorry for?
Adams Rubble: that is apples and oranges
Caspian Inglewood: no game face, but maybe am a little crazy
Riddle Sideways: :)
Caspian Inglewood: well I cannot make wind bend to desire
Caspian Inglewood: I cannot make rain stop
Adams Rubble: but you are not wind
Caspian Inglewood: I cannot make any other do what they wish not do
Adams Rubble: you are not rain
Adams Rubble: you are Caspian
Caspian Inglewood: yes
Caspian Inglewood: so let me be Caspian
Caspian Inglewood: lol
Caspian Inglewood: otherwise, you only cause self distress
Caspian Inglewood: I am not to change for you
Caspian Inglewood: I am sorry, i love you
Caspian Inglewood: but this asks too much
Adams Rubble: I love you too Caspian
Caspian Inglewood takes a humble bow
Tension broken.
Caspian Inglewood: you should come sit at temple some time, join us for tea
Caspian Inglewood: then you will see me not talking
Adams Rubble: :)
Caspian Inglewood: ha ha ha
Riddle Sideways: I am very sorry, I do not know how to humble bow
Caspian Inglewood gave you Humble bow.
Riddle Sideways: ah, thank you so much
Caspian Inglewood: hai
Adams Rubble: thank you
Caspian Inglewood: no problem
Adams Rubble takes a humble bow
Adams Rubble: bow
Caspian Inglewood gave you MUDA.
Hard to discribe this in words. The MUDA gesture we recieved is a kata form complete with the kiai (scream). Both Caspian's flowing robes and Adam's flowing dress make whurling visions in the room.
Caspian Inglewood: that last one is fun gesture
Riddle Sideways takes a humble bow
Caspian Inglewood: ha ha ha
Caspian Inglewood: yes
Riddle Sideways: ha ha, very good
Adams Rubble: :)
Caspian Inglewood: okay
Caspian Inglewood: so now dust has settled
Riddle Sideways: the beauty of your robes flowing
Caspian Inglewood: nothing like gifts to make better of tension
Riddle Sideways: yes
Caspian Inglewood: that i make special
Caspian Inglewood: special gift
Caspian Inglewood gave you Seung Sahn wall hanging.
Caspian Inglewood: ty adams
Adams Rubble: :)
Caspian Inglewood: ha ha ha
Caspian Inglewood: nice, ty
I am such a n00b... I have no gifts stored up in inventory and do not really know how to give them away yet. [note to self: learn stuff]
Riddle Sideways: well, good people I need to go be RL for a while
Caspian Inglewood: yah, I should go too
Adams Rubble: bye Riddle :)
Caspian Inglewood: bandwidth
Adams Rubble: bye Caspian :)
Caspian Inglewood: bye Adams
Caspian Inglewood: hope next time we have better time
Adams Rubble: Yes, let's leave as friends :)
Riddle Sideways takes a humble bow
Caspian Inglewood: oh
Caspian Inglewood: 12 am SL time
Caspian Inglewood: we have sitting at doujou-ji
Riddle Sideways: bye all
Caspian Inglewood: you should both join us sometime
Caspian Inglewood is Online
Caspian Inglewood: i will send reminders
Adams Rubble: Thank you Caspian
Caspian Inglewood: hai
Oops, I got 12am confused with noon.
Riddle Sideways: noon is a busy time for me, but thank you
Caspian Inglewood: oh, 12 am is noon for you?
Caspian Inglewood: wow, you must be on different continent
Adams Rubble: no, it is 3 am for me
Riddle Sideways: yees, I am the same as SL time
Caspian Inglewood: ah okay
Caspian Inglewood: me, too
Please to note that Caspian lives in Pacific Time zone.
Caspian Inglewood: i am night person
Caspian Inglewood: ah well
Caspian Inglewood: maybe someday you are free then
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: will try
Caspian Inglewood: okay
Caspian Inglewood: goodbye
Adams Rubble: bye :)
Caspian Inglewood takes a humble bow
Riddle Sideways: goodbye
Riddle Sideways takes a humble bow
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