2011.03.25 01:00 - A Puppet Show

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    The Guardian for this meeting was No Self. The comments are by No Self.

    eggsalad Ormstein: heya wol! =hug=
    Wol Euler: hello egg!
    Wol Euler: nice to see you again
    eggsalad Ormstein: it's always good when I see you, dear!
    Wol Euler: awww :)
    Wol Euler: how are you?
    eggsalad Ormstein: very tired. I woke up too early
    Wol Euler: oh wow
    eggsalad Ormstein: and you?
    Wol Euler: you are usually up *late* when you come to the 1am's
    eggsalad Ormstein: no, I usually get to bed between 2-3am
    Wol Euler: oh, you woke up too early this morning (your time) and have now had a really long day :)
    eggsalad Ormstein: right!
    Wol Euler: god the roundness of the world still confuses me sometimes, despite geography and topography and *coughs* several decades of experience
    eggsalad Ormstein: I always forget that it's *always* tomorrow in Australia, but only *sometimes* tomorrow in europe
    Wol Euler grins.
    Wol Euler: exactly.
    eggsalad Ormstein: and I think some spot in europe is exactly 12 hours off of australia
    Wol Euler: portugal maybe, but I think probably not. There are 12 hours between Atlantic Canada and Japan, and five hours between AC and Germany
    eggsalad Ormstein: ac?
    Wol Euler: so mid-atlantic would be "opposite" Australia
    eggsalad Ormstein: oh
    Wol Euler: atlantic canada
    eggsalad Ormstein: isn't it about 8am in .de?
    Wol Euler: 9:12
    eggsalad Ormstein: am?
    Wol Euler: am
    eggsalad Ormstein: well, it's 7am in sydney. that's right close to 12 hours
    eggsalad Ormstein: sorry, 7PM in sydney
    Wol Euler: oh, I am surprised.
    eggsalad Ormstein: germany is 1 hour ahead of UK?
    Wol Euler: then you are right, portugal and ireland are probably 12 hrs off
    Wol Euler: yes
    eggsalad Ormstein: the ones that are 1/2 hour off really mess me up
    Wol Euler nods.
    eggsalad Ormstein: and a couple oddball places are 3/4 hour off
    Wol Euler: that's really strange. Perhaps they just want to be difficult?
    eggsalad Ormstein: yes, places like Iran and Burma
    Wol Euler: well, there we go :) point proven


    eggsalad Ormstein: I'm always leery of "women" with essentially no profile
    Wol Euler raises an eyebrow.
    Wol Euler: why women in particular?
    eggsalad Ormstein: the person in the B&C window
    Wol Euler: ah yes, and yet she's ancient, rezzed in 2006
    Wol Euler: I am generally dubious of anyone with a blank profile
    eggsalad Ormstein: yeah, 5 years, and no profile. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that out
    Wol Euler: it indicates to me that they don't really grok SL
    eggsalad Ormstein: or aren't what they claim to be
    Wol Euler smiles. Well, who of us is?
    eggsalad Ormstein: I'm pretty much me, rl or sl
    Wol Euler: well, the funny thing is that those of us who are serious about SL are like that too, however we embody here
    Wol Euler: I've met people from SL in RL, and without exception they are just like they are here
    Wol Euler: only the bodies are different
    eggsalad Ormstein: yes, I'm no hunk! LOL
    Wol Euler: and in my experience the oddness of meeting an unexpected body disappears after a half hour or so
    Wol Euler: it's just another avatar form
    Wol Euler: it doesn't worry me when Y presents as a wolf or as a bird in SL, why should it worry me when she presents as a man in RL?
    eggsalad Ormstein: it's just a puppet show
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Wol Euler: actually I was thinking about identity this morning, about the official outwardly-projected and documented kind of identity
    eggsalad Ormstein: and?
    Wol Euler: well, when somebody asks me to prove who I am, I show them one of a variety of standardized legal documents
    Wol Euler: issued by state authorities.


    eggsalad Ormstein: ok, so it's like a bad WWII movie... "Your papers, please!"
    Wol Euler: right. ANd these papers are known to be valid. The state guarantees my identity
    Wol Euler: it has a monopoly on declaring identification
    eggsalad Ormstein: by preventing counterfeiting as best they can
    Wol Euler: well, yes, there is that :)
    Wol Euler: it struck me this morning, not for the first time, how *new* this comcept of teh state-guaranteed identity is.
    eggsalad Ormstein: not only the concept, but the need to do so at all
    Wol Euler nods.
    Wol Euler: hello obs
    observerm Resident: hello
    eggsalad Ormstein: omg he/she spoke!
    Wol Euler: I'm reading a novel set 150 years ago, in which the hero has to identify himself to a solicitor
    Wol Euler grins.
    Wol Euler: it does happen :)
    Wol Euler: he proves his identity, to the satisfaction of the solicitor, by presenting a hand-written letter from somebody the lawyer doesn't know
    Wol Euler: and confirms that by presenting a second hand-written letter from somebody *else* whom the lawyer doesn'T know
    eggsalad Ormstein: long ago, when fewer people tried to commit fraud, it was easier
    Wol Euler: or perhaps there was less travelling and so less need.
    Wol Euler: perhaps the neighbours validated our identities as the state now does
    eggsalad Ormstein: fewer people were strangers
    Wol Euler nods.
    Wol Euler: it's also true (in that book and others, Dickens for examle) that the neighbours used to know *all* about us. Every detail.
    eggsalad Ormstein: because there wasn't tv
    Wol Euler: heheh
    Wol Euler: because there was social continuity
    Wol Euler: perhaps "stasis" even
    eggsalad Ormstein: now we know all about Paris Hilton
    Wol Euler: but nothing about hte old guy across the street
    eggsalad Ormstein: the old lady across the street died, and nobody knew for 3 days
    Wol Euler nods.
    Wol Euler: sad, and sadly typical of the way we live
    Wol Euler: we being western urban
    eggsalad Ormstein: it's very much worse in my city
    Wol Euler: yeah, you talked about that a few weeks back, how there are no "neighbours" in Vegas, just people passing through
    eggsalad Ormstein: but, I'm one of them, so I have no basis to complain


    Wol Euler: there's a long and dull blog post waiting to be written about this, I think; about the change from identity guaranteed by a stable community, to identity guaranteed by the state
    eggsalad Ormstein: bye woll. take care
    Wol Euler: bye egg, sleep well

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