The Guardian for this meeting was Adams Rubble. The comments are by Adams Rubble.
I had a chance to talk to Susan (iwandertoo) for a bit and found she already was trying the nine seconds.
Adams Rubble: Hello iwandertoo :)
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Adams Rubble: is this your first time here?
iwandertoo Resident: no
Adams Rubble: good I don't have to introduce PaB; nice to meet you :)
iwandertoo Resident: thank you. you as well.
Adams Rubble: It is a very interesting name :)
iwandertoo Resident: pardon?
Adams Rubble: your name
Adams Rubble: easy to remember :)
iwandertoo Resident: :)
Adams Rubble: Hmm. Sorry I missed that you are Susan. I saw the iwandertoo on my radar
Adams Rubble: do you prefer Susan?
iwandertoo Resident: yes, thanks
iwandertoo Resident: i didnt realize when i signed up that most use proper names
Adams Rubble: I always see the radar before the avatars :)
iwandertoo Resident: understand
Adams Rubble: Have you had a chance to try the 9 second stops yet?
iwandertoo Resident: yes
Adams Rubble: wonderful
Adams Rubble: some people have had surprising experiences
iwandertoo Resident: how so?
Adams Rubble: It can be surprising to see what we are doing at any particular time
iwandertoo Resident: nods
Adams Rubble: When I am at work, they make me concentrate better on what I am doing which always is a surprise to me
iwandertoo Resident: :)
iwandertoo Resident: makes sense. i've come to see how tense i generally am.
Adams Rubble: That's a good thing to learn :)
iwandertoo Resident: very much so
Adams Rubble: sometimes we are not always glad to see what we are learning about ourselves (hehe)
iwandertoo Resident: no...but we're better for it
Adams Rubble: but it is a step in the right direction
iwandertoo Resident: yes
Adams Rubble: yes, and better when we learn it is not really what we are
iwandertoo Resident: i think it is part of who we are
Fox Monacular: Hi Adams, Iwandertoo
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Adams Rubble: Hello Fox. Nice to see you again.
Fox Monacular: good to see you, Adams:) and nice to meet you, iwandertoo
iwandertoo Resident: you as well
Adams Rubble: Susan and I have been talking about the nine second stops and what we are seeing
Fox Monacular: :)
Adams Rubble: I see you have been hanging out with trees, Fox :)
Adams Rubble: nice outfit
Fox Monacular: a little too much perhaps
Fox Monacular: if you hugged my avatar, you would be a tree hugger:)
Adams Rubble laughs
iwandertoo Resident: haha
Fox Monacular: (i have a pretty bad lag, so if my comments appear out of place, please forgive)
Adams Rubble: no worries Fox, we all have been inconvenineced by lag
Adams Rubble: (and bad spelling)
Adams Rubble: How did you find us Susan?
iwandertoo Resident: wandering
Adams Rubble: :)
Fox Monacular: :)
Adams Rubble: It took me a while to find PaB :)
Fox Monacular: I like wandering and wondering during PaB sessions:)
iwandertoo Resident: yes, same.
Adams Rubble: as a group we do much of both
Fox Monacular: and we're having a party soon:)
Adams Rubble: yes
Adams Rubble: Do you have any questions about PaB Susan
iwandertoo Resident: not at this time
iwandertoo Resident: thank you
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: The sunshine is very bright here in RL and it looks like Spring but it is chilly like winter
Adams Rubble: My Spring fever is going to have to wait
iwandertoo Resident: similar here although rain is expected
Fox Monacular: same here, Adams, my avi feels like it's fall already
Adams Rubble: :)
Fox Monacular: skipped spring and summer
Fox Monacular: how long have you been with Pab, Adams?
Adams Rubble: Since June 2008, Fox
Adams Rubble: Hello Alfred :)
Fox Monacular: Hi Boxy
Adams Rubble: I came two months after it started
Alfred Kelberry: meep!
Fox Monacular: :)
Alfred Kelberry: hi :)
iwandertoo Resident: :)
Alfred Kelberry: hey, fancy dress, adams :)
Fox Monacular: nice halo, boxy
Alfred Kelberry: pab logo :)
Fox Monacular: I think, Adams, you are one of my first SL friends!
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Adams Rubble: I am honored Fox
Alfred Kelberry: what's the topic?
Fox Monacular: :)
Adams Rubble: When I first came, Pema said he thought Play as Being would last about three years and I was thinking maybe I could go three weeks
[Ed.note: The next line is a mistake. PaB will be celebrating its third anniversary and starting its fourth year.]
Adams Rubble: and now we are having our fourth anniversary
Fox Monacular: hehe
Alfred Kelberry: oh...
Alfred Kelberry: is it soon over? :)
Fox Monacular: wow, this is great:)
Adams Rubble: We started out talking about the nine seconds Boxy
Adams Rubble: I put together a slide show of the early PaB sessions over the weekend in the museum and have since been musing about it all which is good since I nneeed to get the Chronicles caught up
Fox Monacular: awesome, I'll go see it after the session!
Alfred Kelberry: yes, i've been wanting to see it, too
Adams Rubble: There are two shows at the top of the landing. Storm gave me a set of images and I made a second slide show
Adams Rubble: I am embarassed that I am in almost every picture on my slide show
Adams Rubble: I did not take any pictures of the sessions I did not attend
Adams Rubble: hehe
Fox Monacular: you should rather be proud:)
Adams Rubble: they are odd says coming out of that box :)
Adams Rubble: sayings
Adams Rubble: is it random?
Alfred Kelberry: yes, i should write a notecard about it :)
Alfred Kelberry: it's my art of being project
Adams Rubble: ahhh
Alfred Kelberry: random quotes from 2008 chatlogs
Adams Rubble: In 2008 Fael had a shoulder pet named Faenik
Fox Monacular: hehe
Adams Rubble: and Faenik had some random things he would say at intervals
Fox Monacular: is anything truly random?
Adams Rubble: they were short things like "I agree"
Adams Rubble: the fuinny thing was that faenik sounded very profound :)
Adams Rubble: The sayings were so often right on target
Fox Monacular: hehe, sometimes I feel like my head is a random thought generator too:)
Adams Rubble: hehe Fox
Alfred Kelberry: i think i'm going to fetch 2 other years too
Fox Monacular: thank you for doing this, Adams, helps feel the continuity in the comminuty
Adams Rubble: It is amazing what a short time we were in the other two pavilions
Adams Rubble: It seemed very long at the time
Alfred Kelberry: i actually like the other place better :)
Boxy's box was sending out random quotations. It quoted a statement that Pema was leaving for a meeting in 10 minutes.
Adams Rubble: Haha to Pema having an astrophysics tour in ten minutes
Alfred Kelberry: wooden floors have a warm feeling
Fox Monacular: in ten minutes from nowÉ
Fox Monacular: ?
Adams Rubble: The teahouse was very intimate for small groups
Adams Rubble: (I was quoting Boxy's box Fix)
Adams Rubble: Fox
Alfred Kelberry: fox :)
Fox Monacular: oh, ok, thanks:)
Alfred Kelberry: yes, adams, teahouse
Alfred Kelberry: very cosy place
Adams Rubble: I liked it most when we were outside though
Adams Rubble: my fondest memories are there
Adams Rubble: This pavilion is able to seat more avatars without it looking like a crowd
Fox Monacular: I like this place very much
Adams Rubble: Yes I do too
Adams Rubble: Storm did a wonderful job on it
Adams Rubble: it encloses but is open at the same time
Fox Monacular: at first when I found 'play as being' in SL search, I was really sceptical about whether it is the same "being" as I was thingking of... :)
Fox Monacular: but it turned out even better:)
Adams Rubble: :)
Alfred Kelberry: i don't like the cold marble here :)
Fox Monacular: the pavilion is like a cell
Fox Monacular: closed but thermodynamically open
Fox Monacular: yet a closed system with its interna logic
Adams Rubble: and the fountain is here 24 hours a day :)
Alfred Kelberry: when did you move here?
Adams Rubble: I would have to look it up. It sat empty for a few months while the team worked out the autologging. We were definitely here by April 2009 but I think we moved in earlier. It will be in the Chronicles
Adams Rubble is looking
Adams Rubble: we moved here in November 2008
Alfred Kelberry: oh
Alfred Kelberry: pretty fast
Adams Rubble: yes
Adams Rubble: although it seemed like a long time then. hehe
Adams Rubble: phone
Alfred Kelberry: it's always been like that? never redesigned?
Adams Rubble: back
Adams Rubble: boxy? this pavilion?
Adams Rubble: Storm changes the landscaping periodically
Adams Rubble: the pavilion has stayed the same
Adams Rubble: many of the avatars have changed
Alfred Kelberry: i see
Adams Rubble: there is always an energy in a group of avatars who attend many sessions
Alfred Kelberry: maybe it's time to renovate a bit? :)
Alfred Kelberry: change cushion colors maybe :)
Fox Monacular: great talking to you, thank you! I must go now:)
Fox Monacular: take care everyone
Adams Rubble: bye Fox :)
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Adams Rubble: Have you been trying the nine seconds boxy?
Alfred Kelberry: i think so
Alfred Kelberry: hard to say
Adams Rubble: :)
Alfred Kelberry: i think the next retreat meeting is coming up
Alfred Kelberry: eternity...
Adams Rubble: The guardian meeting is at 8:00 am
Alfred Kelberry: ah!
Alfred Kelberry: ok, guardian then :)
Adams Rubble: Hello Xirana
Adams Rubble: Nice to meet you :)
Alfred Kelberry: xiry :)
Xirana Oximoxi: hello Adams, Susan and boxy:)
Alfred Kelberry: neko girl :)
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Alfred Kelberry: wuff :)
Adams Rubble: If you are here for the guardian sessiin, it is in the hall next door
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Alfred Kelberry: *pats kitty*
Xirana Oximoxi: ah ok...:)
Adams Rubble: Helo Sharon :)
Alfred Kelberry: oh, it's past 8 already
Alfred Kelberry: we should go
Alfred Kelberry: kitty kitty
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Xirana Oximoxi: yes... but I don't know exactly where it is :))
Alfred Kelberry: zulu girl :)
Xirana Oximoxi: still lost here:)
Adams Rubble: follow boxy
Xirana Oximoxi: ok
Alfred Kelberry: follow me, xir :)
Xirana Oximoxi: :)
Adams Rubble: We got a bit off topic
Alfred Kelberry: this way!
Alfred Kelberry: oh, my box
iwandertoo Resident: thank you
Adams Rubble: Thank you for coming Susan :)
Adams Rubble: I hope you come again :)
iwandertoo Resident: :)
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