2009.01.28 19:00 - auras and healing

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    stevenaia Michinaga was Guardian on call and the comments are stevenaia's


    Susi Alcott and  Pila Mulligan joined me to start.  Susi was a glow with an SL aura generator

    Susi Alcott: good evening steve
    stevenaia Michinaga: hello susi, nice of you to join me tonight
    Susi Alcott: _/!\_
    stevenaia Michinaga: I read you made the fountain colors in a log
    Susi Alcott: aha
    Susi Alcott: believe you mean that colour 'play' there was with Tarmel and Corvir
    stevenaia Michinaga: hmmm, why did I think it was the fountain
    Susi Alcott: I can understand it this way;
    Susi Alcott: you may have 'seen' the energies we created to be like a fountain
    Susi Alcott: in RL/SL
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: hi Pila
    Susi Alcott: hi Pila
    Pila Mulligan: hi Steve and Susi
    Pila Mulligan: I hope you are both well and happy
    Susi Alcott: _/!\_
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes
    stevenaia Michinaga: seems to be terminal
    Pila Mulligan: let's hope so
    Susi Alcott gave you Aura Generator K1.91(wear).
    Susi Alcott: this was in a question how we created that
    Pila Mulligan: hello Claire
    stevenaia Michinaga: hello claire
    Claire Beltran: Hello, all.
    Susi Alcott: hi Claire
    Claire Beltran: Hello ^-^/
    Claire Beltran: I may be back i a minute.
    Pila Mulligan: ok
    stevenaia Michinaga: ok, I;m trying out my aura
    Pila Mulligan: steve glows :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: ..smiles
    Susi Alcott: you can do that too; that aura generator is it
    Pila Mulligan: my SL connection is so weak that I am reluctant to try anything new ;)
    Susi Alcott: ah
    Pila Mulligan: I can barely walk around :)
    Susi Alcott: _/!\_
    Pila Mulligan: without crashing
    Pila Mulligan: thank you nonetheless Susi -- some day :)
    Pila Mulligan: some day I'll have an aura, that is
    stevenaia Michinaga: how do you connect Pila
    Pila Mulligan: I use mobile broadband -- about 500k
    stevenaia Michinaga: aww, do you are not to far away from civilization
    stevenaia Michinaga: *so
    Susi Alcott: so mean while we need to look at your real aura _/!\_
    Pila Mulligan: well, I also need an outside antenna on a 20' pole :)
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: and I need to support the antenna and the pole with my real aura :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: a powerful thing an aura is
    Pila Mulligan: yep
    Pila Mulligan: have you seen the videos of a tai chi master repelling a charging football player with one hand (and his aura)?
    stevenaia Michinaga: no, was fascinated by the one you sent
    stevenaia Michinaga: I will look through the related videos
    Pila Mulligan: I have seen it on the internet a few years ago -- an old master at a park in China with several people, including a visiting american football player
    stevenaia Michinaga: hi Corvi
    Pila Mulligan: the football player stands back about ten yards and takes a running start at the master
    Pila Mulligan: hi Corvi
    Susi Alcott: hi Corvi
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: Hello, Fafhrd.
    Fafhrd Morigi bows.
    Pila Mulligan: the master holds up an open palm and the football player looks like he is running into the water as the approaches the hand, then he comes to a brief stop, then goes uncontrollably backwards, without the two ever touching
    Pila Mulligan: hi fathrd
    stevenaia Michinaga: have you been here before Fafhrd?
    stevenaia Michinaga: here
    Fafhrd Morigi: not during a discussion
    Susi Alcott: hi Fafhrd
    Fafhrd Morigi: sorry to interrupt coming in late.

    Sylectra Darwin arrives with her three new SL dogs, sophy, kiska and Edison

    Sylectra Darwin: brb
    stevenaia Michinaga: we record our comments and post them on the groups wiki, is it ok of we record yours
    Susi Alcott: wcb Pila
    stevenaia Michinaga: welcome back Pila
    Pila Mulligan: thanks
    Fafhrd Morigi: yes
    stevenaia Michinaga: I thought I saw Sylectra arrive
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: she did..and left again.
    Pila Mulligan: hi Sylectra
    Sylectra Darwin: Hi again, sorry.
    Sylectra Darwin: My viewer is acting up really badly tonight.
    Susi Alcott: hi Sylectra
    stevenaia Michinaga: hi Sylectra
    Sylectra Darwin: hihi!
    Pila Mulligan: mine is also troubled, as usual :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: where are your pets?
    Sylectra Darwin: I will rez them if no one would consider them distracting.
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: the dog?
    Corvuscorva Nightfire grins
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: fine with me.
    Susi Alcott: _/!\_
    stevenaia Michinaga: as long as they are virtual, I;m ok with dogs
    Pila Mulligan: arf
    Sylectra Darwin: okies. if they get in the way, let me know and I will put them up.
    stevenaia Michinaga: how did you find our group Fafhrd
    Sylectra Darwin: sophy stay 10
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: but what were you all saying when I got here? Pla, Susi, Steve?
    Sylectra Darwin: kiska stay 10
    Sylectra Darwin: Edison stay 10
    Susi Alcott: aura was the topic
    Sylectra Darwin: Oh, interesting!

    The discussion turns to auras and communication

    Sylectra Darwin: Like personal auras?
    Susi Alcott: and energyfield that one can create fo be effective even it's not to be seen to all
    Pila Mulligan: yep
    Neela Blaisdale: Hello everyone, sorry to be late
    Pila Mulligan: hi Neela
    Susi Alcott: hi Neela
    stevenaia Michinaga: hello neela
    Pila Mulligan: arf sophy
    stevenaia Michinaga: I really don't know about aura's although I know everyone has one and some see them
    stevenaia Michinaga: down sophie
    stevenaia Michinaga: pet pet
    Neela Blaisdale: Nice doggies
    Sylectra Darwin: I can't say I have ever seen auras but I wish I had.
    Susi Alcott gave you Tarmel, Corvi and Susi as 'trifocecolour'.
    Sylectra Darwin: It seems like those who are able to see them learn quite a lot about the state of mind of a person.
    Fafhrd Morigi: maybe some people are disposed to feel them more than see them
    Corvuscorva Nightfire considers this idea..You mean..one could feel an aura?
    Susi Alcott: sadly so many of the ppl who see, do not understand what they see
    stevenaia Michinaga: you see/sense them in RL, Susi?
    Fafhrd Morigi: well, do you ever feel something about someone when you first meet them without them speaking ?
    Fafhrd Morigi: "get a bad vibe" possibly?
    Sylectra Darwin: Yes, Fafhrd, I think I do.
    Susi Alcott: as that is also other ppls aura's effecting; depends on the person's openness to receive
    Pila Mulligan: yes, their vibe, as the hippies said
    Susi Alcott: sometimes I see, sometimes I only sense
    Susi Alcott: depends of the purpose
    Pila Mulligan: welcome back Claire
    Susi Alcott gave you Faels birthday snapshots.
    Corvuscorva Nightfire pats the seat beside her..sit here, Claire?
    Sylectra Darwin: Is claire here?
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: she was for just a moment.
    Susi Alcott: for example I turned my look to see your aura; I nearly got it but then there came so much more that I cannot anymore easily depart
    stevenaia Michinaga: so is an aura another form of communication for those who can "hear" it
    Sylectra Darwin: Hope she'll be back. I haven't visited with her in a while.
    Sylectra Darwin: Maybe it's the perception of something which is nonvisual in a visual manner just to make it easier.
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: synesthesia?
    Sylectra Darwin: Like how some people envision certain colors that go with certain numbers.
    Corvuscorva Nightfire nods.
    Fafhrd Morigi: they claim to be able to take pictures of auras though
    stevenaia Michinaga: perhaps it's as Fadhrd said... like sensing passion from someone
    stevenaia Michinaga: or love, openness, happiness
    Susi Alcott: that's not true yet, but by the kirlian system, and it's not possible but with 'millions' of small photos of the small spot of body
    Susi Alcott: that is much the same, but not quite
    stevenaia Michinaga: all powerful, yet there must be energy associated with such power, some may be sensitive to it
    Susi Alcott: >steve
    Pila Mulligan: the dogs seem to be floating away Syl :)
    Pila Mulligan: now they landed
    Sylectra Darwin: They do drift; sorry.
    Pila Mulligan: :) funny
    Susi Alcott: one day I gave healing to one person here
    Susi Alcott: she said she keeps herself open
    Susi Alcott: yet she noticed that she had not been open at all

    aura topic turns to healing

    Neela Blaisdale: How do you give healing Susi?
    Susi Alcott: ah; that depends of so many things, but this was what happened here then
    Susi Alcott: so it is that each one do have the shield, and most of the people do keep it closed even they think they are open
    Susi Alcott: the more closed the less experiences one has of healing
    Susi Alcott: so it sure took a while before she genuinely opened herself
    Susi Alcott: and that didn't happen with awakened mind
    Susi Alcott: but on the spiritual level
    Susi Alcott: as her spirit was the connector
    Fafhrd Morigi: im sorry, i thought all levels were spiritual levels
    Corvuscorva Nightfire smiles at Fafhrd.
    Susi Alcott: well ...how should I say better...
    Susi Alcott: meaning that this girl's mind was not open truly, but her spirit helped the connection to come
    Susi Alcott: and when that connection came, she noticed the difference
    Susi Alcott: of true openness and thought/imagined openness
    stevenaia Michinaga: what a wonderful and subtle communication
    Susi Alcott: well; human mind is much departed of one's spirit ....it's knowledge and awareness
    stevenaia Michinaga: it is not easy for some to remain open
    stevenaia Michinaga: for some the doors are open easily
    Susi Alcott: to Neelas question I can tell what I did here then; I sat on such pillow where is movement to certain meditation and went behind this girl and told what I did in my mind; as I did lay my hands on her shoulder
    Neela Blaisdale: and you did this in SL?
    Susi Alcott: after a short while I let my mind to do as the movements of my AV was
    Susi Alcott: yes
    Susi Alcott: hm
    Susi Alcott: usually I do not either speak or make the animation
    Susi Alcott: depends for what the healing is needed
    Susi Alcott: this girl was ill and had not have any expediencies of healing ever
    Susi Alcott: so her shield was so strong that it was needed both
    Neela Blaisdale: very powerful for this to translate from SL to RL...
    Susi Alcott: sadly there is no genuine animations to healing
    Susi Alcott: hm
    Susi Alcott: not any different that the distance healing cross the planet...
    stevenaia Michinaga: I would think your friend Fael could make you some
    Susi Alcott: Fael is very busy
    Sylectra Darwin: very interesting
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    Susi Alcott: to make true animations for healing might take many people's work
    Neela Blaisdale: :)yes
    Susi Alcott: would you Neela have some need to get help for your health ?
    Susi Alcott: (don't want to scan anybody ever)
    Neela Blaisdale: no.. not that I know of.. but good to know help is there if needed
    Susi Alcott: (only receive what I'm given)
    Susi Alcott: there is help around all the time
    Susi Alcott: we are never alone but if we want to
    Neela Blaisdale: :)
    Susi Alcott: like any of you for example may sense me still even I'm 'gone' because I must now log out
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: bye, Susi.
    Susi Alcott: wishing all the best to all of you and hope to see again
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: sleep well.
    Neela Blaisdale: Good night Susi, peaceful night
    stevenaia Michinaga: bye
    Sylectra Darwin: night Susi
    Pila Mulligan: bye susi
    Susi Alcott: _/!\_
    stevenaia Michinaga: anyone else have experience with auras?
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: wouldn't know one if I saw one.
    Sylectra Darwin: I knew people who said they had seen them but I haven't seen them.
    stevenaia Michinaga: always struck me as uncomfortable what "sensitive" people see, like seeing your underwear or something, you just don;t know some things are showing
    Corvuscorva Nightfire laughs.
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: but..if someone were that sensitive..would they likely be judging?
    Neela Blaisdale: :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: true, perhaps unexpected may be a better word
    Sylectra Darwin: So we are assuming that those sensitive enough to see auras are also very spiritually advanced? Not just a random talent?
    stevenaia Michinaga: excuse me your aura is hanging out
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: I am suspecting it has nothing to do with spiritually advanced
    Sylectra Darwin: hehehe
    Corvuscorva Nightfire grins at Steve.
    Neela Blaisdale: It must be difficult if one senses auras when you run into one from someone who is dangerous or hurtful in some way
    Sylectra Darwin: sir, you have a little aura schmutz there...yes, you got it.
    Neela Blaisdale: lol
    Corvuscorva Nightfire guffaws at Sylectra
    stevenaia Michinaga: laughs
    Neela Blaisdale: aura what?
    Pila Mulligan: what was the name of the famous distance healer of the '50s -- from Tennessee I believe
    Sylectra Darwin: I was visiting this Buddhist temple once and during the meditation they turned on the golden Buddha's aura at the altar.
    Neela Blaisdale: is this in SL or RL?
    Corvuscorva Nightfire snickers at the vision of the light switched Aura.
    Sylectra Darwin: I had the hardest time not peeking at it while I was supposed to be meditating...fiber-optic joy on a ten-foot-tall buddha. Wow.
    stevenaia Michinaga: is that what you mean, Syl, a switch?
    Sylectra Darwin: yes, they literally switched his aura on.
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: Heya, Maggie!
    Sylectra Darwin: Hi Maggie.
    stevenaia Michinaga: eeek
    Magdalena Colclough: hi all :)
    Magdalena Colclough: eek what, Steven? I'm not that scary
    Neela Blaisdale: hello Maggie
    stevenaia Michinaga: hello maggie, you just missed Susi talking about auras
    Sylectra Darwin: Maggie, you're a vision tonight.
    Pila Mulligan: hi Maggie
    Magdalena Colclough: thanks! a friend gave me the red copy of her dress. my first real clothes lol
    stevenaia Michinaga: very nice dress
    Magdalena Colclough: hi Sophy
    Sylectra Darwin: smiles
    Corvuscorva Nightfire grins a the dress..nice first choice.
    Magdalena Colclough grins back at Corvie
    Magdalena Colclough: yeah, I didn't choose it though
    Sylectra Darwin: An excellent choice. What color did she choose?
    Magdalena Colclough: She kept all four of the others
    Magdalena Colclough: I think blue, grey, green
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: well..you have good taste in friends, then.
    Magdalena Colclough: not sure what the last one was
    Magdalena Colclough: lol
    Magdalena Colclough: that I will own

    Corvuscorva Nightfire grins.
    stevenaia Michinaga: it;s a real conversation stopper
    Magdalena Colclough blushes
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: auras, steve
    Magdalena Colclough: yeah, sorry about that
    stevenaia Michinaga: have a seat..grins
    stevenaia Michinaga: hmmm
    Pila Mulligan: even SOphy is adrift
    stevenaia Michinaga: we seem to be merging
    Sylectra Darwin: giggles
    Sylectra Darwin: kiska down
    Magdalena Colclough laughs
    Sylectra Darwin: For a second there, Steven could see all the way to heaven.
    Magdalena Colclough grins
    stevenaia Michinaga: laughs
    stevenaia Michinaga: well it;s time to call the end of a long day, unless we wish to continue
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: It's time for me to go.
    Magdalena Colclough: goodnight, beautiful Corvi
    Neela Blaisdale: yes I'm ready for sleep too
    Pila Mulligan: bye Corvi
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: Gnight, Maggie.
    stevenaia Michinaga: night all thanks for coming
    Corvuscorva Nightfire: G'night Pila, Neela..all..
    Neela Blaisdale: Night everyone
    Sylectra Darwin: Yes, it's getting late.
    Sylectra Darwin: So nice seeing you all again. 
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