The Guardian for this meeting was Bleu Oleander. The comments are by Bleu Oleander.
Bleu Oleander: 's current display-name is "Bleu".
DR42 Resident: 's current display-name is "Marjorie Chardin".
Bleu Oleander: hi Maude
DR42 Resident: Hi
Bleu Oleander: how are u?
DR42 Resident: Kind of tired, but otherwise fine. And you?
Bleu Oleander: pretty good
Bleu Oleander: our dogs got us up too early today :)
DR42 Resident: Our cat does that, too. Have you seen the "Simon's Cat" videos at all?
Bleu Oleander: no
Bleu Oleander: googling ... will watch ty!
DR42 Resident: is the first. about being woken up.
DR42 Resident: They are all under 2 minutes.
Bleu Oleander: very cute!
Bleu Oleander: that's what my dog does only she's almost 100 lbs!
Bleu Oleander: hiya Bert!
DR42 Resident: Hello
Bleu Oleander: haven't seen you in a while :)
Bleu Oleander: how's everything?
Bertram Jacobus: that´s right - first live takes most of my time (!) ... ;-)
Bleu Oleander: me too these days :)
Bertram Jacobus: ty ! a new gf since beginning of this year ... so - that´s fine ! :-)
Bertram Jacobus: but how about you !? :-)
Bleu Oleander: been pretty busy with rl too
Bleu Oleander: topic this week is intention
Bleu Oleander: what guides people to motivate them to come to PaB?
Bertram Jacobus: oh. i see ! ... hmmm ... :-)
Bleu Oleander: last week's topic was motivation ... so a followup week's topic intention
Bertram Jacobus: for me, it´s the fascination of meeting other interesting people ...
Bleu Oleander: yes for me too ... for sl in general
Bertram Jacobus: what is the difference between motivation and intension - aren´t the y very similar ?
Bleu Oleander: related ...
DR42 Resident: PaB drives my curiosity, unlike most of SL.
Bertram Jacobus: hehe. i see. nice ... majorie ... :-)
Bleu Oleander: you could have an intention to come to PaB, but no motivation to follow through perhaps ... so what pushes on you might ask
DR42 Resident: short term goals vs. desires
Bertram Jacobus: hmm - i see bleu - ty for the explaniation ...
Bleu Oleander: at least that's how I interpret it
Bertram Jacobus: and excuse my typos, pls ... ;-)
Bleu Oleander: np :)
Bleu Oleander: make many myself lol
Bertram Jacobus: hmmm - i tzhink, i can follow that interpretation, at least to have a talk about that, here ... ;-)
Bleu Oleander: ok good
Bertram Jacobus: so - i found pab by chance and i come again and again, i return, because the people here are serious mostly, in a way ... ;-)
Bertram Jacobus: i like to communicate and i found really good friends via the net ...
Bleu Oleander: is it an experiment to you? in the sense of using your mind as a lab to discover reality?
Bertram Jacobus: hmmm - let me think ...
Bleu Oleander: I think that was the general idea when it started
Bleu Oleander: seems to have gotten away from that a bit
Bertram Jacobus: not really - it´s more a game (!) i try to see the whole life as a game (!) ...
Bleu Oleander: life as a game?
Bertram Jacobus: serious and playing at the same time - i hope that can be understood (?) ...
Bleu Oleander: what are the game-like qualities of life to you?
Bertram Jacobus: yes ! i found that i don´t like to see life as a fight or as a kind of criminal movie - i prefere to play, as being ... ;o)
Bleu Oleander: nice :)
Bertram Jacobus: everything should be playful in taht way that we can call it "relaxed" - that is, what i meant ...
Bleu Oleander: who is playing?
Bertram Jacobus: nobody, at the end ... ;-) (is playing) - everything and everybody is without an eternal existence - that is how i understand it ...
Bertram Jacobus: only being lasts ...
Bleu Oleander: and what is being to you?
Bertram Jacobus: but not a "me" , an "ego" or such ...
Bertram Jacobus: being is being
Bertram Jacobus: existance
Bleu Oleander: so all life?
Bertram Jacobus: yes
Bertram Jacobus: life is mobvement to me ...
Bertram Jacobus: damn - i write like a horse - sry again pls ... :o)
Bleu Oleander: lol
Bertram Jacobus: :o))
Bleu Oleander: movement?
Bertram Jacobus: yes - is´nt live moved, moving ?
Bertram Jacobus: life*
Bleu Oleander: so movement of anything is life?
Bertram Jacobus: it´s an impression i have , yes
Bertram Jacobus: a kind of idea ...
Bleu Oleander: interesting ... very broad definition
Bertram Jacobus: let me look up broad in my dictionary ... i guess what it is but like to know it exactly ... ;-)
Bleu Oleander: wide
Bleu Oleander: all encompassing
Bertram Jacobus: yes. i see. ty ! :-)
Bleu Oleander: a large net that captures everything
Bleu Oleander: btw, speaking of typos .... can you read this?
Bleu Oleander:
7H15 M3554G3
53RV35 7O PR0V3
C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5!
1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5!
1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD
BU7 N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3
Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 17 4U70M471C4LLY
W17H 0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17,
B3 PROUD! 0NLY C3R741N P30PL3 C4N R3AD 7H15.
(Bleu Oleander: sorry to throw that in there lol)
Bertram Jacobus: but ... isn´t it correct : life = movement ? ;-)
Bertram Jacobus: ehm - no (?) :o)
Bleu Oleander: well some things move that I wouldn't call life
Bertram Jacobus: (can´t read that) ! :o)
DR42 Resident: No, I will not forwared it, because I could not read it. :)
Bertram Jacobus: hmmm - which ones , for example ?
Bleu Oleander: atoms move
Bleu Oleander: electrons move
Bleu Oleander: light moves
Bertram Jacobus: may be they live (!) ... ;-)
Bleu Oleander: well then you could say everything is life
DR42 Resident: Heat moves.
Bertram Jacobus: mye be, all that is part of the life of the universe ...
Bleu Oleander: so no need to make a distinction then
Bertram Jacobus: i don´t have to do that, but i can do that and i do so i consder ... ;-)
Bleu Oleander: we call some entities "life" and base our values on that
Bleu Oleander: so we may treat our dogs differently then we treat the rocks in our backyard
Bertram Jacobus: i know the value of considering everything in a kind of same appreciation ...
Bleu Oleander: yes appreciation for everything
Bleu Oleander: but not necessarily because everything is life?
Bertram Jacobus: no :-)
Bertram Jacobus: it´s "enough" to learn, that appreciation in general is helpful, healthy so to say and so on ... good
Bleu Oleander: yes appreciation of all is a good thing
Bertram Jacobus: and i appreciate you company very much, play as beers ! ;-)
Bleu Oleander: and I yours!
Bertram Jacobus: hehe. ty ... :-)
Bleu Oleander: so lovely to have conversations with everyone and listen to their ideas on such a wide range of topics!
Bertram Jacobus: yes ...
Bleu Oleander: a good motivation to keep coming here!
Bertram Jacobus: very much so -
Bleu Oleander: do you both explore sl outside of PaB?
Bleu Oleander: or other virtual worlds?
Bertram Jacobus waits to give now a bit space to marjorie (!) ...
Bertram Jacobus: but as long as she doesn´t write ... i can say that i mostly do the weekly meditation here and sometime svisit dancing places here ...
Bleu Oleander: dancing is fun in sl :)
DR42 Resident: Yea, I will find the linden roads or trains and follow them just to see what I find.
Bertram Jacobus: and i am active on another caht platform , only text based ...
Bertram Jacobus: chat*
Bertram Jacobus: hehe. i find sl very exciting, but one needs to have time to explore and "live" in it - and not only few (!) ... ;-)
Bleu Oleander: yes :)
DR42 Resident: Meditation at the Buddha Center, music at various places, even a support group or two.
Bertram Jacobus: most of the time, sadly, i don´t have so much time anymore ...
Bleu Oleander: I don't find meditation in sl good for me
Bertram Jacobus: hehe. that sounds very similar to my interests here marjorine (!) ... :-)
Bleu Oleander: too distracting
Bertram Jacobus: hmm - why not bleu ?
Bertram Jacobus: - hmmm ;-)
Bleu Oleander: my computer is in a busy part of my home
Bertram Jacobus: it´s really an astonishing new form of meditation ! ...
Bertram Jacobus: oh . i see ...
Bleu Oleander: I like meditation out in nature
Bleu Oleander: listening to the sounds of "life"
Bertram Jacobus: i like meditation everywhere ...
DR42 Resident: 90 seconds seems so long today.
Bertram Jacobus: and i feel life everywhere ... not at least inside ...
Bertram Jacobus: hehe. sometimes long, sometimes short ... :-)
Bleu Oleander: :)
Bertram Jacobus: i ,ove the pauses ! ...
Bertram Jacobus: love*
Bleu Oleander: what happens in the pauses for you?
Bertram Jacobus: peace ...
Bertram Jacobus: awareness ...
Bleu Oleander: do you clear your mind?
Bleu Oleander: what are you aware of?
Bertram Jacobus: hmmm - i´m not sure, but it feels nice, mostly ...
Bertram Jacobus: aware of waht is
Bertram Jacobus: what*
Bertram Jacobus: feelings, perceptions, thoughts ... some examples
Bleu Oleander: for me new things expand within my perceptions
DR42 Resident: Clear my mind, but sometimes deal with interuptions.
Bleu Oleander: yes
Bleu Oleander: interruptions are a part of life
Bleu Oleander: its how we deal with them
Bertram Jacobus: dears - i´m sorry : i feel, i shoul relax a bit ... exhauting times these days for me. not bad, but exhausting. so excuse me pls ! ...
Bleu Oleander: sure, nice to see you Bert
Bleu Oleander: take care
DR42 Resident: bye
Bleu Oleander: thanks for stopping by
Bertram Jacobus: ty - same same ;-) - and ty for the chat ! "may all beings be happy pls" ! ... *wave* ...
Bleu Oleander: I must go also ... need to walk the pups before it gets too hot :)
DR42 Resident: kk
Bleu Oleander: take care Maude
DR42 Resident: you, too
Bleu Oleander: have a nice Sunday
DR42 Resident: Don't watch too many cat cartoons
Bleu Oleander: lol kk
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