The Guardian for this meeting was (eventually ) Agatha Macbeth. The comments are by Agatha Macbeth. As the weekly Dream Session at Kira Café was winding down (Maxine had literally just that moment left) , the following unexpected dialogue suddenly occured:
Wol Euler: oh wow, fc is at the playgoda
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Wow
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Must go and see him
So I ran to the Pavilion to catch the little panda before he disappeared!
FcSeeker Resident: 's current display-name is "FcSeeker".
Agatha Macbeth: 's current display-name is "Aggers".
Agatha Macbeth: Hello FC ♥
Agatha Macbeth: So good to see you again
FcSeeker Resident dies from laughing....
Agatha Macbeth: Ah a Bruce gesture
Agatha Macbeth: How are you?
FcSeeker Resident: a bit lost right now...
Agatha Macbeth: Oh
FcSeeker: seems that I'm not able to type my normal 'hello' ;_/!
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Aww
FcSeeker: this little panda is now soooooooo sad...
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): I'm glad to see you back
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Oh why?
FcSeeker: cuz I've lost that sign....
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Oh dear
FcSeeker: *sigh*
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Here's Wollie
Wol Euler: hello dear FC, lovely to see you again
Wol Euler smiles and scritches your ears
FcSeeker: ***<3<3<3***
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): FC lost his hello gesture :(
FcSeeker: thought to come to test if I still might exist...
Wol Euler: awwww
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Yes you do :)
FcSeeker: ah; not the gesture....but I've lost the knowledge how to type it....
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Ah
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Not so bad then
Wol Euler: oh, rightclick on it once and select "open"
Wol Euler: that will show you
FcSeeker: ah well; I have not existed a year half a year...
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): So long :(
Wol Euler: you're looking well :)
Wol Euler: not even dusty :)
FcSeeker: so people say...and I mean with my speech the RL...
FcSeeker: ah yes; dusty would be soooooo good describtion how I've been this about one and half a year....
FcSeeker: of my whole existence; not only them brain
Aggers (agatha.macbeth) smiles
FcSeeker: but...that about that...
FcSeeker: hoping you are well
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): I am thank you
Wol Euler: yes thanks, doing well
FcSeeker: so good to hear that somebody in the world is well :) ********
Wol Euler: awwwww
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): I'm sure many people are
FcSeeker: sadly I have not had much opportunities to spend time with such people....
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Maybe it's a matter of luck?
FcSeeker: hm
Wol Euler: why is that? if I may ask, and if you wish to answer
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Conversations here are recorded when ON AIR. Please see
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
FcSeeker: interesting I've never believed in luck...but...well; I've belieaved in presents from life...yes...
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): :)
FcSeeker: might somebody be willing to try to help me to think that there can be luck also ???
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): I believe so
Wol Euler: perhaps presents from life are what poeple call luck
Wol Euler: or vice versa
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Thank you.
FcSeeker: so truly interesting thought...
FcSeeker: as I truly would like to think, that I've just been unlucky....not so huge stupido I've thought myself to turn to be...
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): I don't think you're stupid
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Far from it
FcSeeker: thank you *
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): YW ♥
Wol Euler: agreed
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): You have a radiance much the same as the card behind you ;)
Wol Euler smiles.
FcSeeker: your words heal my wounds *
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): I'm glad
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Good to see your hearts again :)
FcSeeker: ...I was dragged so strongly among people with troubles...
Wol Euler listens.
FcSeeker: you see; for several years back, I was advised by the upstairs office, that I should think more of myself; to save myself more of so much work ...
FcSeeker: my home was arranged (needed to move) to be sheltered from publicity and so...
FcSeeker: but it happened again that a friend told about me to a friend and so on...and soon my so called home turned to be 'a railway station' again...
Wol Euler sighs.
Aggers (agatha.macbeth) nods
Wol Euler: you should learn to say "no", dear FC
Wol Euler: it's a useful word
Wol Euler smiles.
FcSeeker: and then I have to move to live in apartmenthouse in very restless area...
FcSeeker: well; even them bones in my fingers started to change; to be 'swollen'...thinking you know what kind of illness that is...
FcSeeker: donno it in english...
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): arthritis?
Wol Euler: creaky in the joints, and stiff and painful?
FcSeeker: I believe you know by that description
FcSeeker: yes
Wol Euler: arthritis, yes
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): My mother had it
FcSeeker: **
FcSeeker: well; that illness is based on that one donno how to say this urgent 'no'...
Aggers: Stress related...
FcSeeker: so; I started to command myself more and more, and I got to the state that I was not such slave anymore whole days and each day
FcSeeker: so my finger bones healed
Wol Euler: smiles.
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): :)
Wol Euler: excellent
FcSeeker: but still I was not present any well, but now few days there's been that I've found myself to exist a moment now and then
FcSeeker: but I'm still more than confused that 'what's the next' in my life...
Second Life: Riddle Sideways is online.
FcSeeker: as the life threw me in the middle of almost all of the troubles what comes to base living; them troubles I've been able to avoid for decades already
Aggers (agatha.macbeth) nods
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Conversations here are recorded when ON AIR. Please see
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
FcSeeker: ah yes; I felt that there's the special mission for me and or to us; my spouse and me, that we had to move to this place....
FcSeeker: lol; there's many families with children here, verry many, but only one mom is such that shouts all the time to her children; she's known 'around' of that....
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Thank you.
FcSeeker: but she's stopped that a lot, even we have been here only about two months now
Wol Euler: you calmed her down, perhaps?
FcSeeker: I have been thinking that, cuz ppl use to say to me that I bring peace....
Aggers (agatha.macbeth) smiles
Wol Euler smiles.
FcSeeker: but the change is so strong, that it still is tough to think so....
FcSeeker: she's truly known quite widely...and truly; that shouting took place many many times during the day, but not even each day anymore...
FcSeeker: oh if I could DO such calm people down from their such pains that makes them to shout ...
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): The healing panda
Wol Euler nods.
FcSeeker: smiles *
FcSeeker: maybe I'de need to start to buy little pandas and give them to troubled people :)
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): That would be good!
Wol Euler: heheh
Wol Euler: a talisman
FcSeeker: *yes*
FcSeeker: thankfully the backing and unpacking and packing and unpacking is almost over now; only few boxes are still not unpacked
Wol Euler nods.
FcSeeker: but my new spouse has given me a lot of physical strength that I've been able to do that all, and sure I got much help from friends
FcSeeker: oh so much
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): I'm very glad to hear it
Riddle Sideways: entered chat range (19.98 m).
Wol Euler: yes, me too
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Hello Rid
Riddle Sideways: Hi All
Riddle Sideways: meant not to disturb
Riddle Sideways: but not seen FC is sooooooooo long
FcSeeker: this 2013 year has been truly a year of love that way; I've never before have got so much help to win so many unexpected troubles
FcSeeker: hi Riffle :)
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): We are all just so happy to see FC again :)
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Yay
Wol Euler: hello riddle
...FC does a happy dance...
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Panda dance :)
Riddle Sideways: nice dance :)
FcSeeker: ...I sadly have also forgottan how to jump....
FcSeeker: *sigh*
Wol Euler: up arrow
FcSeeker: ...and that was the first thing I learned to express my joy....
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): You have Move controls?
Wol Euler: sorry, page up arrow
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Oh I use the mouse
Wol Euler: oh, how?
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Move controls
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Where it says Stand
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Hm, different viewer setup perhaps...
FcSeeker: ah; I'm with NIcholas....
FcSeeker: was some button, but I dont remember which...
FcSeeker: maybe it'll 'come back' one day
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Page Up-Up makes you fly it seems
Wol Euler: page-up for me
Wol Euler: if you hold it, yes
Wol Euler: but if you just briefly press it, you jump
Riddle Sideways: Ta-Da all jump
Wol Euler: /me grins.
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Man I never knew that
FcSeeker: ah yesssssssssss ***************************
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Conversations here are recorded when ON AIR. Please see
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Wollie is so instructive
FcSeeker: to me it's e-button :)**************
Wol Euler smiles modestly.
Aggers (agatha.macbeth) nods
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): This is one giant leap for pandakind
Riddle Sideways: jumping makes the legs grow :)
FcSeeker: but yes; I was a bit surprised that 'my' pillow and my 'art' was still here....
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Thank you.
Wol Euler: we kept them for you
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): We were waiting for you to return
Riddle Sideways: knew you would return
FcSeeker: thinking it's more near 2 years that I've been able to log in ...
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Who knows, maybe Fael will come back too one day
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): And Boxy
Second Life: Vorder Forder is online.
Vorder Forder: entered chat range (19.10 m).
Riddle Sideways: oh dear critical mass of missing avs
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Hello Vorder
Riddle Sideways: Hi Vorder
Vorder Forder: hello:)
Wol Euler: hello vorder
Vorder Forder: nice to see you all
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Wow, I'm beginning to wonder if we should post this on the wiki
Riddle Sideways: yes, nice to see ya'll
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Everyone's arriving
FcSeeker: hi Vorder *
Vorder Forder: hi FcSeeker
Riddle Sideways: was this the 1300 session extended
Riddle Sideways: or inproptu
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Well there wasn't *actually* a session
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): we all turned up after the hour
Wol Euler: whispers: tuesday 1pm is Maxine'
Wol Euler: dream workshop
Aggers (agatha.macbeth) nods
Riddle Sideways: what a nice surprise
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): It certainly was
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): I couldn't believe it when Wol said FC's here
Wol Euler: yeah
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): I had to run to the pavilion in case you disappeared!
Riddle Sideways: wonder if it was intention
Riddle Sideways: nice to have Radar
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Absolutely
Wol Euler: or a backdoor into the Listener :)
Wol Euler grins.
Aggers (agatha.macbeth) ponders a backdoor listener
Riddle Sideways: sometimes would be nice
Riddle Sideways: or distraction
Wol Euler: I usually manage to ignore it, but some names leap out
Riddle Sideways: FC's
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Will this one certainly did!
Wol Euler: /me nods.
FcSeeker: (has tears in her eyes)
Second Life: Vorder Forder is offline.
Riddle Sideways: and hearts in the air
Wol Euler smiles.
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Have a heart
Riddle Sideways: ty
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): It's raining hearts hallelujah...
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Conversations here are recorded when ON AIR. Please see
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Thank you.
Riddle Sideways: was watching a movie last night of what one person can do if they use their heart
Wol Euler: my dears, it's late and I am jetlagged still. I'm going to move on
Wol Euler: goodnight, take care, be happy and healthy and calm
Wol Euler smiles.
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Bye Wollie, schlaf gut
Wol Euler: lovely to see you again FC
Riddle Sideways: is good too
Riddle Sideways: by
FcSeeker: by
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Which film was that Rid?
Riddle Sideways: Gandhi
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Oh of course
Riddle Sideways: not seen it since 1980
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Ben Kingsley?
Riddle Sideways: yes
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): /me nods
Riddle Sideways: atenbrough directed
FcSeeker: that is so great story what he did *
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Yes
Riddle Sideways: yes
Riddle Sideways: just to know what is RIGHT and do it and get others to also do it
Aggers (agatha.macbeth) nods
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Tricky
Riddle Sideways: yes
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Oh did Vorder go?
Riddle Sideways: poofed
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Maybe his connection again
Riddle Sideways: may I ask... does FC come into SL as another avitar sometimes?
FcSeeker: have not logged in with any other avitar either for near 2 years
FcSeeker: and before that I also logged in almost only as Fc
Riddle Sideways: was just wondering
FcSeeker: that brings this story to my mind;
Riddle Sideways: oh goody, was hoping for a story
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Yay
FcSeeker: as I got to know a person in SL, who thought me to be completely other person, and it took loooooooooong time for me to convince that person *
FcSeeker: there was so much similar phenomenas taken place in my and this other person's life
FcSeeker: even this other person is male in USA and I am female in Finland
FcSeeker: and for some reason I happened to tell about such phenomenas in my life
FcSeeker: so; at first these thoughts of my new friend was very shocky
FcSeeker: but when she told about those I understood
FcSeeker: and finally my new friend also understood that I am me and that other person is he :)
FcSeeker: well; this other person happens to be the representer of the same consiouness realm from which I have been born
FcSeeker: but still it was suprising to hear of those phenomenas
FcSeeker: but it's also with my new spouse
FcSeeker: as when I asked one of my long time friends to come and listen to his music, because my friend is also a musician
FcSeeker: he like paralized/went to shock, and took a while before he could explane
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Conversations here are recorded when ON AIR. Please see
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
FcSeeker: as he told that my spouse is EXACTLY like my friends long time friend, what comes to singing and playing guitarr
FcSeeker: by time we met also this 'twin', and all understood quickly that they are even twin flames in spirit
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Thank you.
FcSeeker: but even more special it was to hear from this new friend, how similar his life has been with my spouse; sooooooooo similar, even born on opposite countries on the planet
FcSeeker: amazing can life be...
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Yes indeed
Riddle Sideways: so amazing
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Twin flames is an interesting concept
FcSeeker: you not heared of such beings ?
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Yes, I have read about it
Riddle Sideways: yes
Riddle Sideways: even in SL there are avi that who just must be an alt for a friend
FcSeeker: wanna hear a story of one such, who even remembers her 'birth' ?
Riddle Sideways: but they swear not
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Please
Riddle Sideways: yes
FcSeeker: so; never mind her name, cuz it's irrelevant, but this is story even I'll use this I, cuz it's more easy to tell with her words
Aggers (agatha.macbeth) nods
FcSeeker: so; "I was walking in line, where was people as pairs; two people side by side, and thay all walked heads down and like zombies
FcSeeker: the line was so long that I cannot know how many pairs there was
FcSeeker: but I looked around and started to feel that I'm not in the right place
FcSeeker: then I saw how people in front of me stepped into a great light and melted with it completely
FcSeeker: and my feeling to be in wrong place grew up even more; I was convinced that I dont belong to the line
FcSeeker: I still didn't know anything to do
FcSeeker: soon I felt, that if I'll take even one step more, I cannot turn back anymore
FcSeeker: then my right foot just took a step beside and I got out of the line, and the being beside, like me, followed me
FcSeeker: ah ...sorry; this was before that step;
FcSeeker: so her words again;
FcSeeker: "I felt that great light to miss me to return to it, and I felt missing also, but my will not to melt with it was stronger"
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Conversations here are recorded when ON AIR. Please see
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
FcSeeker: ...trying to describe that missing:
FcSeeker: you can imagine, that two persons, who's been great friends from childhood up to adulthood, must depart, not knowing for how long
FcSeeker: and need to stay departed for looooooooooonnng time
FcSeeker: but then suddenly get's the change to meet again
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Thank you.
FcSeeker: think such meeting; when hugs such friend, would like to enter the friend or press the friend into yourself ...
Aggers (agatha.macbeth) smiles
FcSeeker: as such kind of happiness takes place, when the 'drop' of the spirit returns...if the incarnation has not experienced enough to grow up to have this Own Will to Exist....
FcSeeker: even then, the great spirit feels only happiness, that a 'drop' of it has grown up to be the new being with own will :)
FcSeeker: ...such a proove of the greatness of human life....
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): /me nods
Riddle Sideways: yes
FcSeeker: but yes; that is only one way to birth....and as much I've met people and got to know the way of their birth, this kind of birth is very unusual
FcSeeker: ah yes...know the way of the birth from thousands of people...yes; for sure meaning the birth of their spirit
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): That's lovely
FcSeeker: only once I've seen such article, which told about this kind of 'twin flames'
FcSeeker: and I read it with great joy at first....
FcSeeker: but then it sadly claimed that all of the people has such twin flame,,,oh I got sad
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Why?
FcSeeker: cuz it's not true
FcSeeker: think how many people may have started to seek something that dont exist, cuz of such article
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): I see, yes
Riddle Sideways: sorry, but must leave now.
Riddle Sideways: great seeing you both
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Bye Rid, take care
FcSeeker: was so good to meet you ****
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Conversations here are recorded when ON AIR. Please see
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): I should head to bed too
FcSeeker: ...better for me also to go...need to wake up again after few hours....
Aggers (agatha.macbeth) smiles
FcSeeker: have good night *
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Please come more often
FcSeeker: *SIGH*; HOPE SO
Aggers (agatha.macbeth) hugs you
FcSeeker: HUG
Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Bye for now little panda
Most of the above came from my chat log and many thanks to FC for allowing us to share it with PaB.
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![]() | Snapshot_003.jpg No description | 233.79 kB | 12:38, 21 Aug 2013 | Agatha MacBeth | Actions |