2013.08.29 01:00 - Dignity and Worth

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    eliza posted this session...

    [01:01] DR42 Resident: Hello
    [01:02] carlicann Resident: Greetings DR42
    [01:02] DR42 Resident: Maude, please
    [01:02] carlicann Resident: Ahhh Hello Maude
    [01:02] carlicann Resident: my first time here
    [01:03] DR42 Resident: Welcome.

    [01:03] DR42 Resident: Do you know the rules?
    [01:03] carlicann Resident: There are no rules?

    [01:04] DR42 Resident: Sessions are recorded and posted on a blog. You have to agree to having your words included.
    [01:04] DR42 Resident: If you do not, then your comments will be edited out.
    [01:05] DR42 Resident: Do you afree to the recording?
    [01:05] DR42 Resident: agree*
    [01:05] carlicann Resident: yes
    [01:06] carlicann Resident: ru Gaurdian?

    [01:07] DR42 Resident: We normally have week long topics. This week has been about selecting an Intention, then investigationg how it relates to your SL/RL life. There is no requirement that you expose anything about RL.
    [01:08] carlicann Resident: What do we mean by "selection and intention"?

    [01:08] DR42 Resident: I Intend to meditate twice a day at home.
    [01:09] DR42 Resident: Kind of like a new years resolution, but only for a week.

    [01:10] carlicann Resident: I intend to be more focused and productive... at home and at work... so I made myself a to-do list tool
    [01:11] carlicann Resident: it's working btw
    [01:11] DR42 Resident: great.

    [01:12] DR42 Resident: two weeks ago, the topic was Motivation, then last week it was Intention, so this is kind of a follow-on topic.
    [01:12] DR42 Resident: Have you visited the blog?
    [01:13] carlicann Resident: been on the wiki... have not seen the blog beyond the home page
    [01:14] DR42 Resident: Please read that notecard.
    [01:16] carlicann Resident: Okay...
    [01:16] DR42 Resident: You are OK with what it says?
    [01:16] carlicann Resident: Not really clear what this group is about. Yes OK

    [01:18] DR42 Resident: We choose topics every two weeks, then have discussions based on that topic. Sometimes the discussions are totally unrelated, sometimes aimed at the focus. It's kind of like Philosophy 101.
    [01:18] carlicann Resident: What does this mean to you: It's a thought experiment, to see what is leftover, if we let go of what we have.
    [01:19] DR42 Resident: We recently started having "Music Monday", at the 7 AM SL session we take turns selecting music clips to share.
    [01:20] carlicann Resident: I am also unclear on what this means: Can we form ideas about what “Being” could be, and play with those in our daily lives?

    [01:20] DR42 Resident: Meditation, letting go of the of extras that are tangents, seeing what remains.
    [01:22] DR42 Resident: Being, the aspect of what are your intentions, how do you deal with them, how do they shape your life, how do you set them, for example.

    [01:22] carlicann Resident: So if I let go for 9 seconds... and focus attention on breathing... what is supposed to happen? What questions am I supposed to ponder? Or result to expect?

    [01:23] DR42 Resident: I don't know what would apply for you. I have been sharing what questions arise for me.
    [01:24] DR42 Resident: No expected results, its is more interesting, IMHO, to simply see what results there are.

    [01:25] DR42 Resident: Next week is "Kindness".
    [01:25] DR42 Resident: How is Kindness part of your Being is the obvious first question.
    [01:27] carlicann Resident: okay... on intention... I intend to do the best things for my place of business... my family... and myself... sounds very rational... I really think that way... but is it authentic?
    [01:28] DR42 Resident: Yes, You said you really think that way.

    [01:28] carlicann Resident: But I think the authenticity is really in the conversation... can I recruit others to engage in "what's right for the business"... other wise what I have to think is only meaningful to me
    [01:29] DR42 Resident: What is your intent with respect to "the best things"?
    [01:29] carlicann Resident: Serve our customers best interests ... in a way that also fulfills our employees
    [01:31] DR42 Resident: How would you make sure that the actions you intend fit the workers needs and desire for fulfillment? Same for your customers?
    [01:32] carlicann Resident: enthusiasm... what ideas reasonate with people... either customers or employees

    [01:33] DR42 Resident: I have had a long life of seeing "management" setting goals, establishing rules, only to see the workers act in a rational (for them) way that was totally unpredicted nor desired by their boss.
    [01:34] carlicann Resident: exactly... I think the ideas should be more bottom up than top down... that is not the way things are happening now...
    [01:35] DR42 Resident: It hasn't been that way for a long time. It works, but only as long as the workers are motivated to participate in the process.
    [01:35] DR42 Resident: Getting paid isn't the type of motivation needed.
    [01:36] carlicann Resident: indeed.. it's the worst motivation if that is the priority

    [01:37] carlicann Resident: I am thinking... what I'm really doing is "holding a space" ... creating a container... to let those bottom up ideas percolate... the top down container by default gives people too many restrictions... scope is too small
    [01:38] DR42 Resident: Value the worth and dignity of all people.

    [01:38] carlicann Resident: it's like the culture is telling ppls.. "focus on this little scope.. and you have no resources"
    [01:39] carlicann Resident: I wish to tell ppls... here is the big picture... you have the expertise... help our business solve the bigger challenges
    [01:40] carlicann Resident: yes... worth and dignity... I agree... very important
    [01:40] DR42 Resident: Some people are not equipped or trained to deal with that amount of flexibility.

    [01:40] carlicann Resident: Hello Stevenaia!
    [01:41] DR42 Resident: I always looked at my boss as someone I could have work on a problem for me.
    [01:41] stevenaia Michinaga: Hello
    [01:41] DR42 Resident: Hi Stevenaia
    [01:41] stevenaia Michinaga: hi Marjoorie, sorry you were all fogg for a moment
    [01:42] DR42 Resident: My normal state...
    [01:42] carlicann Resident: lol
    [01:42] stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    [01:43] stevenaia Michinaga: I am in the mist of a sleepless night, please continue

    [01:43] DR42 Resident: Carl and I were talking about his intent to have "best practices" for work, his family, and himself.
    [01:43] DR42 Resident: Me, too, it's almost 5 AM here.
    [01:44] stevenaia Michinaga: same time here :)
    [01:44] carlicann Resident: worth and dignity... of the worker is the point that Majorie made... it's interesting to consider how that plays
    [01:46] stevenaia Michinaga: yes, what are best practices. Do your best or be something better than you (someone else's version of "Best practices"
    [01:47] DR42 Resident: Carl, the 90 second break is to allow you to sit back, compose a few thoughts, re-focus.
    [01:47] carlicann Resident: yes, 90 secs instead of 9
    [01:47] carlicann Resident: but still on 15 minute intervals

    [01:48] carlicann Resident: I think we as a species learn very quickly from each other... best practices are gleaned and reformulated into something that works hear and now
    [01:48] DR42 Resident: inherent worth and dignity of every person applies to your family and especially to yourself.
    [01:49] DR42 Resident: I think that treating yourself that way is the hardest part.
    [01:49] stevenaia Michinaga: not each to their own ability? sounds riddled with judgement
    [01:50] DR42 Resident: It is more like "Namaste", it recognizes that part of every person.
    [01:50] DR42 Resident: respects it.

    [01:52] carlicann Resident: "We ask for what we need and we offer what we can" is a principle of The Circle Way... I think that's integral to expressing dignity and worth
    [01:52] carlicann Resident: Dignity is getting what we need without having to steal or grovel... thinking out loud here
    [01:53] stevenaia Michinaga: nods, that would be a good approach, perhaps I don;t understand what you definition of Best Practices, what you said makes sence
    [01:54] carlicann Resident: Worth is contributing our talents... and having those contributions accepted and honored

    [01:55] DR42 Resident: Were you refering to the book "The Circle Way" by Baldwin and Linnea?
    [01:55] carlicann Resident: indeed
    [01:55] stevenaia Michinaga: is worth assigned by you or others than?
    [01:55] carlicann Resident: good question...
    [01:56] carlicann Resident: I think worth is created to the individual but not realized until it is acknowledged in the human conversation...
    [01:56] DR42 Resident: Both. Having respect means honoring the worth assigned by others, to me, at least.
    [01:57] carlicann Resident: So... it's better to get the customer's input early in the process... succeed not be trial and error but by co-creating

    [01:58] stevenaia Michinaga: nods collaboration tends to be a "worth building" process
    [01:58] carlicann Resident: omg... I see us making that mistake... alot... not getting the customer's input
    [01:58] carlicann Resident: in our business
    [01:58] DR42 Resident: I need a short break, will sit here quietly.
    [01:59] carlicann Resident: only 1 minute left in this hour
    [01:59] stevenaia Michinaga: there is always the next hour :)
    [02:01] stevenaia Michinaga: thinking here, my cat views my worth in his own way and comes visits and loves on his own terms, acceptance is omnipresent

    [02:02] carlicann Resident: Very nice meeting you Maude and Stevenaia... I need to honor my family and take a cat nap before the work day starts
    [02:02] stevenaia Michinaga: lots of petting, lots of purring
    [02:02] stevenaia Michinaga: bye Carl, nice meeting you
    [02:03] carlicann Resident: kk bye for now! Peace!
    [02:09] stevenaia Michinaga: Night Maude, time to attempt sleep once more.

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