The Guardian for this meeting was Storm Nordwind. The comments are by Storm Nordwind.
Storm Nordwind: Good afternoon Yaku!
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey storm
Yakuzza Lethecus: actually it´s stormy here in rl
Storm Nordwind: Nice :)
Storm Nordwind: And we have our first snowfall this week
Storm Nordwind: Rather late for here
Storm Nordwind: Excuse me while I just clean up the area! :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: that´s fine with me :)
Storm Nordwind: People have fun in sessions and rez objects, but sometimes they forget to take them away afterward!
Europeans talking about the weather.
Storm Nordwind: So apart from stormy weather, what news from Europe?
Yakuzza Lethecus: well, england :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: tuition raises by 300%
Storm Nordwind: Ah yes I saw that. Frightful.
Storm Nordwind: But at least they don't have to pay it for 4 years as they would in the US. Only 3 years for a Bachelors degree course most place else.
Storm Nordwind: I miss having the instant awareness of world events I was used to in the UK. The outside world could quite as well not exist here
Yakuzza Lethecus: yes, and it´s cheaper in the ok anyway
Yakuzza Lethecus: on the uk
Storm Nordwind: On the other hand, one could reasonably ask, "What would I do with all that extra information anyway?" :) In fact, what DID I do?! ;-)
Storm Nordwind: Seems I have dropped it! :D
Yakuzza Lethecus: it´s snowy :)
Storm Nordwind: Only light :)
Storm Nordwind makes mental note to change the snow texture when it's only snowing lightly
Storm Nordwind: On another topic, how many RL PaB retreats have you been to now?
Yakuzza Lethecus: only those 2
Storm Nordwind nods
Yakuzza Lethecus: i consider going to seattle next year
Storm Nordwind: Oh good!
Storm Nordwind: You enjoy them, and find them beneficial?
Yakuzza Lethecus: well for me everything is exposure, what information i am thinking about is important, pab also is a reminder of what information is important or not, dropping unimportant information ?
Storm Nordwind: Hi there Alfred
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey alf
Alfred Kelberry: hi :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: it´s really an issue for me that i think we learn so many things without noticing it
Alfred Kelberry: snowy today :)
Storm Nordwind: (stormy)
Yakuzza Lethecus: but itt needs the right ppl and the right quality of exposure, sadly i wouldn´t even like to be surrounded by me so i like to sit around places were ppl persue subjects in a more elborated way then i would
More weather and how to measure it.
Alfred Kelberry: it's really warm here, almost like spring :)
Storm Nordwind: Remind me where "here" is Alfred :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: can we switch locations alf ?
Alfred Kelberry: moscow :)
Alfred Kelberry: yaku?
Alfred Kelberry: i've switched locations quite a few times in my life
Storm Nordwind: The attendees at a retreat can always make a difference.
Yakuzza Lethecus: it´s 2.8 degree´s here and i get cold feet :P
Yakuzza Lethecus: stormy and rainy
Alfred Kelberry: 12 here
Storm Nordwind: zero F here right now
Storm Nordwind: No
Storm Nordwind: sorry zero C
Storm Nordwind: I've switched back mentally to Fahrenheit nowadays!
Alfred Kelberry: ha! zero f would be -17 c :)
Alfred Kelberry: stormy, you gave up on metric system? :)
Storm Nordwind: Yes. It gets colder than that here. But Fahrenheit is more useful than Celsius for measuring temperature for human comfort (in my view)
Alfred Kelberry: ok, you've got brainwashed already :)
Storm Nordwind: I grew up with Fahrenheit. Changed to Celsius about 40 years ago. Now back to Fahrenheit.
Storm Nordwind: It really is more useful for that one application. Everything else is better in Celsius
Yakuzza Lethecus: well, that keeps the mind dynamic :)
Alfred Kelberry: wait, england used f before?
Storm Nordwind: Yes
Yakuzza Lethecus: even that we change time reminds us that ,,humans invented time"
Alfred Kelberry: i didn't know
Alfred Kelberry: makes sense then that it's more comfy for you
Storm Nordwind: They still used to give both in TV weather forecasts into this decade
Alfred Kelberry: yaku :)
Alfred Kelberry: i don't really notice one hour change
Yakuzza Lethecus: good morning bleu
Storm Nordwind: People like to measure things on 0-100 scales. Most meters are like that. Fahrenheit fits in well with that.
Alfred Kelberry: bleu!
Bleu Oleander: good morning :)
Storm Nordwind: Good morning Bleu!
Bleu Oleander: like the snow :)
Bleu Oleander: only going to be 70 here today
Alfred Kelberry: yep, fluffy things :)
Storm Nordwind: Down to 30 here Bleu
Alfred Kelberry: it's unusual to see bleu in a usual outfit :)
Bleu Oleander: ooooo chilly
Alfred Kelberry: stormy, is it colorado?
Bleu Oleander: feeling usual today
Storm Nordwind: Yes Alfred
Storm Nordwind: very nice sculpted jacket
Bleu Oleander: ty!
Alfred Kelberry: bleu, you always look special to me :)
Bleu Oleander: didn't make it though
Bleu Oleander: ty Alf
Trailing a class.
Bleu Oleander: doing my "skin" class today
Alfred Kelberry: skin class?
Storm Nordwind: Please remind us of the time :)
Bleu Oleander: tips for making unique skins .... 10:30 am SLT
Alfred Kelberry: ah, that's nice
Alfred Kelberry: is it free?
Bleu Oleander: oh course
Storm Nordwind: I have an RL meeting just prior to that - I hope I'll be back in time though
Bleu Oleander: I'm sure you know most of my tips Storm :)
Alfred Kelberry: using photoshop?
Bleu Oleander: I use photoshop, yes
Alfred Kelberry: can you please share one tip with us now? :)
Storm Nordwind looks at his avatar that hasn't changed in 4 years :)
Bleu Oleander: tip 1 : try it, it's a lot of fun!
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Alfred Kelberry: yoda said something about trying
Alfred Kelberry: i forgot
Storm Nordwind: Tip 2: Always save what you already have as an outfit before making any changes. So you can get back to a known good point if things go awry. :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: well not trying the 90 seconds surely :P
Bleu Oleander: we get attached to our sl appearance just like in rl
Alfred Kelberry: ah! "do or do not - there's no try" :)
Bleu Oleander: great tip 2!
Bleu Oleander: probably should start with that today :)
Storm Nordwind smiles and nods!
Alfred Kelberry: stormy, i've learnt to maniacally press ctrl-s early in life :)
Laziness, attachment and hair.
Storm Nordwind: There may be a fine line between attachment and laziness, Bleu!
Bleu Oleander: in rl too!
Alfred Kelberry: stormy, like shave or grow beard :)
Storm Nordwind: In RL this beard has been there since 1974 :)
Alfred Kelberry: hehe
Alfred Kelberry: that's one big attachment :)
Storm Nordwind: No. It's one big dose of laziness!
Alfred Kelberry: haha
Bleu Oleander: could you drop it?
Storm Nordwind: Sure. But to do so would be artificial.
Bleu Oleander: what do you mean?
Alfred Kelberry: how so?
Storm Nordwind: I don't really have any attachment to it. Or to any other thing I can think of. So to drop deliberately would be closer to attachment than not caring either way. Pragmatically it just seems the easiest low maintenance route! ;)
Alfred Kelberry: yes, i can relate to that :)
Storm Nordwind: People sometimes forget that aversion is as much attachment as desire! :)
Alfred Kelberry: yaku, are you bald in rl too?
Alfred Kelberry: stormy, good point
Yakuzza Lethecus: lol, i get bald if i don´t take care of myself :)
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Bleu Oleander: :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: not bald
Yakuzza Lethecus: yet
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: well, maybe i need a bike with sensors connected to it and an interface to secondlife
Yakuzza Lethecus: so we could all circle while having a session :)
Alfred Kelberry: you can use text chat client to sl
Storm Nordwind: Is this the curious "exercise" concept I've heard people talk about. ;)
Alfred Kelberry: what concept is that?
Yakuzza Lethecus: well, i heard some ppl talking about chariot races in combination with an external trainer
Bleu Oleander: when I feel the urge to "exercise" I just lie down until the feeling passes :)
Storm Nordwind laughs
Alfred Kelberry: dropping, bleu? :)
Storm Nordwind: You're going to the wrong kind of clubs Yaku! >;->
Bleu Oleander: :)
Alfred Kelberry: what's the source of this urge?
Bleu Oleander: media
Storm Nordwind: we both live in a country where 'guilt' is a marketing tool
Alfred Kelberry: any ad's goal is to make you feel bad about your current condition (you have an old car, your toothpaste sucks, etc)
Storm Nordwind: Oddly enough - talking about beards - when I bought this skin 4 years ago, it came with all sorts of different beards, from bushy to none at all. I just stuck with the one that looked best. I have no clue where the rest are - somewhere buried in dusty unsorted inventory no doubt
Alfred Kelberry: laziness... :)
Storm Nordwind nods and confirms
Yakuzza Lethecus: there is a home spinning bike club in secondlife :)
Bleu Oleander: dusty and unsorted inventory of life, second or otherwise :)
Storm Nordwind: what is a "spinning" bike Yaku
Storm Nordwind: ?
Alfred Kelberry: my rl inventory is pretty well sorted :)
Bleu Oleander: peddling and going nowhere
Alfred Kelberry: bleu, i like it
Storm Nordwind: Ah - I've not heard the term before (but I guess I don't get out much!)
Bleu Oleander: or "spin" much
About making it easy to join groups in SL.
Yakuzza Lethecus: e8718bb0-0511-ca3f-43b8-f7f210656aca <- groupkey
Alfred Kelberry: yaku, you do spin biking in rl too?
Yakuzza Lethecus: no i don´t
Yakuzza Lethecus: i don´t excersise
Yakuzza Lethecus: i think about it often :P
Bleu Oleander: what's a group key?
Alfred Kelberry: to me spin biking (as blue described it) looks more of an adventure than exercise
Storm Nordwind: A group key is a way that you can instantly join a group
Bleu Oleander: ah, do you copy and paste it somewhere?
Yakuzza Lethecus: yes, you can
Yakuzza Lethecus: still i never used it before either
Alfred Kelberry: how?
Yakuzza Lethecus: just search ,,the key"
Yakuzza Lethecus: and you end up at the group
Alfred Kelberry: ah, ok
Yakuzza Lethecus: there are also group url´s with the key, how to use those storm ?
Alfred Kelberry: i thought maybe some kind of a quick paste or command that takes a guid
Storm Nordwind: Touch the Kira Cafe thing I just rezzed and you'll get instructions ;)
Alfred Kelberry: stormy, have you been to bhutan?
I want to check whether the small sample of people there would like snow in the next few months.
Storm Nordwind: Quick question... I have to go on the hour... what do you all think of snow on the ground around the pavilion this year like we had last year. Was that too northern hemisphericentric? :)
Bleu Oleander: I liked it
Alfred Kelberry: i don't remember, but i like it :)
Bleu Oleander: my only chance to see it
Storm Nordwind: haha Bleu!
Alfred Kelberry: bleu :)
Alfred Kelberry: fly over here in january :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: hehe, i would like to have some sun and sand :P
Bleu Oleander: gives a sense of seasons
Alfred Kelberry: yaku :)
Storm Nordwind: Don't want to do it too early - OCtober is normally first snow here (except this year) - but I remember in the UK January was usually the first
Bleu Oleander: well .... have to go exercise :D
Storm Nordwind makes a note to have summer sun and sand :)
Bleu Oleander: take care everyone
Yakuzza Lethecus: take care everyone :)
Storm Nordwind: Yes, I have to go to a meeting too
Alfred Kelberry: bye!
Storm Nordwind waves
Bleu Oleander: bfn!
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