The Guardian for this meeting was SophiaSharon Larnia. The comments are by SophiaSharon Larnia. This session was attended by Pema, Bleu, Bruce, Barcalona, Alfred, Lugh, myself, and later, Yakuzza and Freud
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Pema :) Hi Bleu :)
Bleu Oleander: hi Pema!
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Barcalona
Barcalona Rhapsody: hi all
Bleu Oleander: hi Barca
Bleu Oleander: hi again Sharon :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: :) different look than a few minutes ago :D
Bleu Oleander: always .... hehe
SophiaSharon Larnia: :))
Barcalona Rhapsody: i always think of "blue hour" when thinking of Blue Oleander
Bleu Oleander: (shamelessly plugging my art of being session tomorrow am)
Barcalona Rhapsody: blue hour is the hour before sunrise
Bleu Oleander: oh nice .... like "blue hour"
SophiaSharon Larnia: ahh i was about to ask... my favorite time of day
Barcalona Rhapsody: so promising
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Bruce
Pema Pera: in Germany they talk about a blue hour also in the evening -- die blaue Stunde
Barcalona Rhapsody: and a bit mysterious
Pema Pera: hi Bruce!
SophiaSharon Larnia: ah
Bleu Oleander: hi Bruce
Barcalona Rhapsody: sure
Barcalona Rhapsody: hi bruce
SophiaSharon Larnia: did someone claim the log? I can do it
Barcalona Rhapsody: blue hour is like a twilight zone
Pema Pera: thank you, Sharon!!
Bruce Mowbray: Hello, Pema, Bleu, Sharon, and Barca!
Pema Pera: I had come in to see whether anybody would replace Bert, not expecting there would be so many of us!
SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
Bleu Oleander: is this normally Bert's session?
Barcalona Rhapsody: ok
Pema Pera: and I'm afraid I have to leave soon -- it's past midnight here in Tokyo
SophiaSharon Larnia: ooh ok Pema :)
Bruce Mowbray: Pleasant dreams, Pema!
Bleu Oleander: ah yes very late for you
Pema Pera: but nice to meet you, Barcalona!
Barcalona Rhapsody: bye
Barcalona Rhapsody: ok
Barcalona Rhapsody: we ll meet again
Pema Pera: I'm not gone yet :-)
Barcalona Rhapsody: some day
Pema Pera: "soon" :-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: lately I havent been able to stay up past ten in my time zone haha
Bruce Mowbray: ha ha!
Barcalona Rhapsody: ok
Pema Pera suppressing the urge to say "in nine seconds!"
SophiaSharon Larnia: :D
Bleu Oleander: :)
Barcalona Rhapsody: wow
Barcalona Rhapsody: last minutes or seconds
Pema Pera: so much can happen in nine seconds . . . .
Barcalona Rhapsody: sure
Barcalona Rhapsody: but time is going to matter less and less
Bruce Mowbray: . . . . I was surfing through some "Space Collective" sites this morning and came upon this quote from Marshall McLuhan. . . .
Barcalona Rhapsody: when u are older
Bruce Mowbray: "Nothing is now unconscious if your data search commands are powerful enough."
SophiaSharon Larnia: hmm
Barcalona Rhapsody: ok
Barcalona Rhapsody: search and u will be find
Pema Pera: hmmm indeed . . .
Barcalona Rhapsody: found
Bruce Mowbray: He wrote that in the 60's -- and I'm playing with the idea. .
SophiaSharon Larnia: search and maybe what you thought you were looking for was something else
Bruce Mowbray: applying it to Internet, Virtual Reality, meditation, etc.
Barcalona Rhapsody: ok
Barcalona Rhapsody: social media
Barcalona Rhapsody: cloud
Bruce Mowbray: yeah, cloud computing is a good example. . .
Barcalona Rhapsody: being as a service
Barcalona Rhapsody: pema as a service
SophiaSharon Larnia: what is cloud computing?
Barcalona Rhapsody: its hard to define
Bleu Oleander: heard the term, wondering the same
Bruce Mowbray: If one expands the old concept of "database" to "whatever's available," then . . . .so much depends upon our "data commands. . . "
SophiaSharon Larnia: like a broad catagory
Barcalona Rhapsody: data is not information is not knowledge is not wisdom
Bruce Mowbray: Cloud computing - very roughly - is when the applications (software) reside in cyberspace and not on your harddrive.
SophiaSharon Larnia: ok
Barcalona Rhapsody: so u r no owner
Barcalona Rhapsody: only user
Bleu Oleander: kk, thanks Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: So, one could do wordprocessing, spreadsheets, etc. through Google rather than on one's own computer. . .
Barcalona Rhapsody: sure
Bleu Oleander: are some web design programs like that?
Bruce Mowbray: yes -- but the possibilities far esceed spreadsheets and wordprocessing, of course.
Barcalona Rhapsody: a bit like sl
Bruce Mowbray: exceed*
Pema Pera: information is processed elsewhere in cloud computing -- like water, gas, and electricity, information becomes a similar commodity
Pema Pera: hi Alfred
Bruce Mowbray: Hello, Alfred -- speaking of clouds!
Barcalona Rhapsody: hi alfred
Alfred Kelberry: hi :)
Bleu Oleander: hi Alfred
Barcalona Rhapsody: cloud of the bpx
Barcalona Rhapsody: box
Alfred Kelberry: i ain't no cloud :)
Barcalona Rhapsody: sorry
Barcalona Rhapsody: but u look a bit like a cloud
Alfred Kelberry: *tries to rebake*
Pema Pera: well, as announced, I'll get some sleep -- bye for now!
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Alfred
Bruce Mowbray: You look fine now, Al.
Bleu Oleander: bye Pema
Bruce Mowbray: Sleep well, Pema!
Barcalona Rhapsody: sleep wel pema
SophiaSharon Larnia: waves at Pema :)
Alfred Kelberry: night, pema
SophiaSharon Larnia: puts me in mind of an akashic like data base, if applied to something on the line of consciousness, or consciouness energy, if you entertain the possiblity of such things.
Alfred Kelberry: akashic?
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, Sharon. . . thepossibilities are infinite, seemingly.
Barcalona Rhapsody: your imagination is the only limit
SophiaSharon Larnia: am looking for a link on google one sec lolol
Alfred Kelberry: um, what's the topic?
Bleu Oleander: hey Boxy ... you're in my space :)
Alfred Kelberry: :)
SophiaSharon Larnia:
Alfred Kelberry: sorry, you look interesting :)
Bruce Mowbray: no topic, Al. . . I just threw out a quote from Marshall McLuhan. . . and was tossing around (playing with) thaose ideas:
Bruce Mowbray: "Nothing is now unconscious if your data search commands are powerful enough."
Bruce Mowbray: those*
Bleu Oleander: you probably like my scarf :)
Alfred Kelberry: um, that too :)
Alfred Kelberry: "data search commands"?
Bruce Mowbray: Bleu conducted a most interesting workshop yesterday on how to modify one's avi.
Bruce Mowbray: and she's putting into practice what she taught!
Bleu Oleander: was a lot of fun :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: I would think not only your search commands, but your awareness would have to be 'awake' enough too :)
Bruce Mowbray: yes, it was fun, indeed.
Alfred Kelberry: thank you, sophia
Barcalona Rhapsody: maybe we awake here too
SophiaSharon Larnia: after all I can sit in front of a tv and not process a word of it
Bleu Oleander: how true!
Bruce Mowbray: good points, Barca and Sharon. . .
SophiaSharon Larnia: if doing something else that is
Barcalona Rhapsody: thnx Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: but what if "cloud computing" means that WE don't have to be the processors of that information?
Bleu Oleander: if just day dreaming
SophiaSharon Larnia: ahh
SophiaSharon Larnia: ok
Barcalona Rhapsody: ok
SophiaSharon Larnia: WE are the collectors maybe :)
Barcalona Rhapsody: we are free todo other things we like
Bruce Mowbray: --- that we can participate communally (or somehow) in the processing/reception/utilization of the information.
Bruce Mowbray: This, it seems to me, is happening all the time.
Alfred Kelberry: sophia, akashic records is like a tree of wisdom from avatar :)
Bleu Oleander: yes, already happening
SophiaSharon Larnia: oh. Alfred, the relation is coincedental :D
Barcalona Rhapsody: we dont need to produce information
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Lugh!
Barcalona Rhapsody: anymore
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Lugh
Bleu Oleander: hi Lugh
Alfred Kelberry: oi, psy guy :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: I havent been around lately, so, Lugh, have you been here before??
Lugh Fehr: hellow poeple and boxis
SophiaSharon Larnia: lol
Alfred Kelberry: yes, he has
SophiaSharon Larnia: otay ty!!
Barcalona Rhapsody: hi lugh
Lugh Fehr: and what ever you are hehe bleu
Bruce Mowbray loves it when Lugh goes native with hooves on.
SophiaSharon Larnia: :))
Lugh Fehr: hehe
Bleu Oleander: :))
Lugh Fehr: hihihi
SophiaSharon Larnia: oh yea now that i look at my screen and not the chat window, I recognize you hehehe
Lugh Fehr: aby topic?
SophiaSharon Larnia: Barcalona, your shirt says, war is not the answer, what is the question?
SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
Barcalona Rhapsody: hi hi thats a good question
Bleu Oleander: peace?
Barcalona Rhapsody: yes
SophiaSharon Larnia: always wanted to ask that, never got around to it
SophiaSharon Larnia: lol
Barcalona Rhapsody: the question for peace
Barcalona Rhapsody: Bruce can tell all about it
Barcalona Rhapsody: he gace me the t-shirt
Barcalona Rhapsody: long ago
Bleu Oleander: peace, flourishing, well-being?
SophiaSharon Larnia: :P
Bruce Mowbray: ;-) - - - Well, I made the t-shirt for the Quaker group
SophiaSharon Larnia: nice
Bruce Mowbray: using a quote from Quaker literature: "War is not the answer"
Bruce Mowbray: btw -- If anyone wants a copy of the shirt, just let me know.
Barcalona Rhapsody: and i thought it was of the baptists
SophiaSharon Larnia: i was born in the early 70's, ive heard it all my lif :D
Alfred Kelberry: war is required for peace to exist
SophiaSharon Larnia: it is?
Bleu Oleander: really?
Alfred Kelberry: how do you know what peace is without war?
Lugh Fehr: i thinck war is required to know what peace it hehe
Barcalona Rhapsody: hey sunset
Barcalona Rhapsody: the blue hour
Bleu Oleander: so using that logic, evil is necessary to know good?
Alfred Kelberry: yes
Lugh Fehr: but still peace whitout war is teoreticly plausible
Bruce Mowbray: darkness required to know light?
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Barcalona Rhapsody: i was looking for inner peace with tao
SophiaSharon Larnia: ok careful now :D
Barcalona Rhapsody: and i found it here in pab
SophiaSharon Larnia: smiles
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Barcalona Rhapsody: thans to u all
Barcalona Rhapsody: thanx
Lugh Fehr: this is really a nice circul
Lugh Fehr: so is their any topic todayin particular?
Barcalona Rhapsody: not yet
Bleu Oleander: how about flourishing?
Lugh Fehr: meaning?
SophiaSharon Larnia: not usually, unless its a theme session, or theres a thread from session to session, which imho seems to be sometimes
Bruce Mowbray: no topic, Al. . . I just threw out a quote from Marshall McLuhan. . . and was tossing around (playing with) thaose ideas: [07:18] Bruce Mowbray: "Nothing is now unconscious if your data search commands are powerful enough." -- I wrote this earlier in the log, in response to the same question from Al.
Bleu Oleander: what is needed for beings to flourish
SophiaSharon Larnia: ohh
Barcalona Rhapsody: ok
Bruce Mowbray: "Flourishing" is a wonderful idea.
Barcalona Rhapsody: yes i remember
SophiaSharon Larnia: haha my first thought was, do you mean on a physical level
Lugh Fehr: pleanty of sun good water and good soil :D
SophiaSharon Larnia: yay
Bleu Oleander: on all levels
Barcalona Rhapsody: and nurturing
Bruce Mowbray: So, with those elemets/resources we bloom, as flowers?
Bruce Mowbray: elements*
Barcalona Rhapsody: when in good earth
SophiaSharon Larnia: tricky i have no conscious at-the-moment awareness of other levels :) But i think trust would be somewhere on the list
Barcalona Rhapsody: in fruitfull earth
Bleu Oleander: compassion?
Barcalona Rhapsody: sure
Lugh Fehr: well i thinck to flower a person needs to go true varios stages starting from birth
Barcalona Rhapsody: attention
Lugh Fehr: some blossomin a life time becouse of good conditions other dont
Barcalona Rhapsody: love
Barcalona Rhapsody: peace
Bleu Oleander: ending poverty?
Barcalona Rhapsody: respect
Barcalona Rhapsody: starting wealth
SophiaSharon Larnia: is 'flourishing' a humanized concept
Bruce Mowbray recalls a quote . . . "The time came when to remain a bud was more painful than to bloom."
Alfred Kelberry: i think passion is one of ingridients for flourishing
Lugh Fehr: heheh ture bruce
Bleu Oleander: flourishing from a human perspective, sure
Bleu Oleander: what about other consious creatures?
Lugh Fehr: i thinck all that we pass true is all to flourishing becouse thtas the only way to go you cant realy escape it
Barcalona Rhapsody: but a flourishing economy ?
Bleu Oleander: eco-system
Lugh Fehr: life is the only guru
Barcalona Rhapsody: thats right
Barcalona Rhapsody: sustainable flourishing
Barcalona Rhapsody: everlasting flourishing
Bleu Oleander: what is that, how would that look?
Barcalona Rhapsody: is that possible ?
Barcalona Rhapsody: cant stop moving hands
Barcalona Rhapsody: now i do
Lugh Fehr: hehhe
SophiaSharon Larnia: smiles
Bleu Oleander: :)
Bruce Mowbray: When I was a child, I visited the New York Life Insurance Company in New York.
Bruce Mowbray: There one entire floor was devoted to a computer that was a database of all of that company's insurance records.
Bruce Mowbray: an enormous floor space. . . . and I was so impressed (14 years old -- 1957).
SophiaSharon Larnia: yes huge i imagine
Bruce Mowbray: Now, right here on this desktop, I have several times the computing ability of the New York Life computer. . .
Barcalona Rhapsody: well i can imagine
Bruce Mowbray: that, I think, is a sort of "floroushing."
SophiaSharon Larnia: ah
Alfred Kelberry: bruce, then later on you bought apple ii? :)
Lugh Fehr: i cant even imagin a computer that big !! thinck of all the hardware probs that could go wrong
Bruce Mowbray: flourishing*
Barcalona Rhapsody: or on your I-pad
Bleu Oleander: tech = flourishing?
Barcalona Rhapsody: no thats only a window
Bruce Mowbray: yes, Lugh. . . and now iPhones can do the same. . .
SophiaSharon Larnia: \i see your connection
Barcalona Rhapsody: no artificial flourishing
Lugh Fehr: heheh crazy aint it
Barcalona Rhapsody: nat nature flourishing
Lugh Fehr: what is aritfital?
Barcalona Rhapsody: not
Bruce Mowbray: But (from an earlier thread in this chat) if we then turn to cloud computing, the whole thing flourishes even more -- exponentially, in fact.
Barcalona Rhapsody: artificial
Lugh Fehr: yep what is it?
Bleu Oleander: nice circle Bruce
Barcalona Rhapsody: nice
Barcalona Rhapsody: mmmm
Barcalona Rhapsody: i love it
Lugh Fehr: a bees nest is batural why arent peoples creations natural
Barcalona Rhapsody: ok
Barcalona Rhapsody: u r right
SophiaSharon Larnia: somehow, flourishing of being and flourishing of human ingenuity to me don't necessarily follow :)
Barcalona Rhapsody: lugh
Bleu Oleander: nods
Bruce Mowbray: Humans are the too-making and story-telling species. . . so extentions of our tools and stories are quite human things to do, I think.
SophiaSharon Larnia: but since the question is so big i cant wrap my mind around it atm, i d k
Bruce Mowbray: tool-making*
Barcalona Rhapsody: but a flower flourishes of its own
Bleu Oleander: needs bees though
SophiaSharon Larnia: they follow in the sense that all is being
Barcalona Rhapsody: or by god or by nature
SophiaSharon Larnia: interelated
Bruce Mowbray: Perhaps, Sharon, it is not because the question is so big, but rather than we live INSIDE that question - and so it's difficult to wrap our minds around it.- because we ARE it!
Lugh Fehr: well i thinck people really are like flours they need the soil as in the earth they need the sun as in the cosmic cpower and the water the spirit whit is givin by the cosmic power to the soil the father the son and the holy spirit hehe amen
SophiaSharon Larnia: nods nods
Barcalona Rhapsody: agrees
SophiaSharon Larnia: what would live outside the question
Bleu Oleander: gotta go .... have a great day everyone :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: bye Bleu!
SophiaSharon Larnia: nice to see you
Barcalona Rhapsody: bye blue hour
Bruce Mowbray: If one's search commands are penetrating enough, NOTHING would.
Lugh Fehr: bye bleu :)
Bleu Oleander: bye
SophiaSharon Larnia: nods at Bruce :)
Bruce Mowbray: Bye, Barca -- always good to see you here.
Lugh Fehr: bye barca
SophiaSharon Larnia: hmm, I have to go too. I'll post this later :D
Bruce Mowbray: Oh sry--- Bye, Bleu -- not Barca...(!)
Bruce Mowbray: Bye, Sharon.
Lugh Fehr: bye sophia
Barcalona Rhapsody: but i am not leaving yet
SophiaSharon Larnia: bye for now !
Lugh Fehr: oh hehhe
Barcalona Rhapsody: doesnt matter
Lugh Fehr: sory
Bruce Mowbray is having troubles keeping all his goodbyes in order...
Barcalona Rhapsody: hahaha
Barcalona Rhapsody: getting older bruce
Bruce Mowbray will back off with his camera to see who still remains in this scene.
Lugh Fehr: i hear this from alan watts the theet cant bight them selfs so the mind cant understand itself in the same way
Alfred Kelberry: maybe he's just creatively disorientated :)
Barcalona Rhapsody: wow
Barcalona Rhapsody: sound good
Barcalona Rhapsody: sounds
Barcalona Rhapsody: creatively flourishing
Barcalona Rhapsody: chaos is the soil for creativeness
Bruce Mowbray: The teeth cannot bite themselves; nor can the eyes see themselves. . . but we do have mirrors and models, and self-referential devices of all sorts. . .
Barcalona Rhapsody: ancient wisdom
Lugh Fehr: well i guess a baby needs to learn to flourish the youth needs to burn his energy and the men needs to unlearn to flourish
Barcalona Rhapsody: indeed
Bruce Mowbray: and all of those ages exist simultaneously in every person.
Lugh Fehr: yep understanding is possible but not thru intellect
Barcalona Rhapsody: at older age u need to unlearn
Lugh Fehr: yep i agree bruce
Barcalona Rhapsody: agree
Lugh Fehr: the stages of alchmey ahhh
Barcalona Rhapsody: sure
Lugh Fehr: i love them
Lugh Fehr: hihhihihi
Bruce Mowbray: Our metaphors enable us to wander infinitely.
Bruce Mowbray: Everywhere is near.
Barcalona Rhapsody: wandering taoists
Alfred Kelberry: freud and yaku - welcome! :)
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Yaku. Hey, Freud.
Barcalona Rhapsody: hi yaku and freud
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey guys
Lugh Fehr: brb friend at the door
Alfred Kelberry: you appeared at the same time :)
Alfred Kelberry: one would think you're a couple :)
Barcalona Rhapsody: coincidence ?
Yakuzza Lethecus: lol, i just looged on
Alfred Kelberry: hehe
Bruce Mowbray: I will be heading off to Pamala Clift's Think Tank in a minute or two -- The topic today will be sexuality -- and how much time/energy our avi's spend with sexual issues in Sl. . . relative to "other" things.
Freud Jungsten: He is my less evil twin.
Bruce Mowbray: If anyone wants to go, I can give you an LM. . . But I don't mean to break up this party, either.
Barcalona Rhapsody: letting go
Alfred Kelberry: bruce, is it in sl?
Freud Jungsten: Sure.
Freud Jungsten: Please
Yakuzza Lethecus: yeah, that´s why i logged on
Alfred Kelberry: bruce, thanks. i'd like to go :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: still didn´t even remember todays topic
Bruce Mowbray: cool, Al.
Alfred Kelberry: i'd like to see what they say about sexuality of boxes :)
Freud Jungsten: Not that again.
Bruce Mowbray: Anyone else want the LM?
Alfred Kelberry: freud :)
Freud Jungsten: Please.
Barcalona Rhapsody: maybe saas
Bruce Mowbray: If not, I will say Have a grand weekend to all!
Barcalona Rhapsody: s as a service ?
Barcalona Rhapsody: bye bruce
Yakuzza Lethecus: bye everyone
Yakuzza Lethecus: when we´re fast we make 10 lindens
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