2011.02.04 01:00 - Box News

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    Wol Euler was guardian for this session.


    Alfred Kelberry: wait, what? :)
    Alfred Kelberry: woly!!! :)
    Wol Euler grins.
    Alfred Kelberry: um... little sq?
    Wol Euler: hello boxy
    Alfred Kelberry: i missed you :)
    Wol Euler: heheh
    Alfred Kelberry: busy furry girl
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Alfred Kelberry: it's a nano av :)
    Wol Euler: yep :)
    Alfred Kelberry: what made you change it?


    Wol Euler: well, I saw somebody wearing one of these at a club, and thought it looked marvellous
    Wol Euler: so I wanted to try
    Alfred Kelberry: i should be careful not to squish you :)
    Wol Euler: :)
    Alfred Kelberry: cute :)
    Wol Euler: micro-furry
    Alfred Kelberry: i can carry you with me on my boxy shoulder :)
    Wol Euler: alas, no :( I already tried htat with Lugh. Avs can't climb on avs
    Alfred Kelberry: ah, too bad
    Wol Euler: yeah
    Alfred Kelberry: can you try and stand on my head?
    Wol Euler: can't even sit on your prims
    Alfred Kelberry: oh...
    Wol Euler shakes her head
    Alfred Kelberry: well, you can try to stand
    Wol Euler: I can stand on prims, sure, but you are not wearing that info box.
    Wol Euler: that's the difference.
    Wol Euler: things you wear are part of your body
    Alfred Kelberry: meh
    Alfred Kelberry: :)
    Alfred Kelberry: ah, we had a lovely musical evening the other day
    Wol Euler: oh?
    Alfred Kelberry: sun played vuvuzela and violin and guitar!
    Wol Euler: wow
    Alfred Kelberry: lugh played some acid stuff
    Alfred Kelberry: yaku played guitar too
    Wol Euler: cool
    Alfred Kelberry: yep
    Alfred Kelberry: it's like a concert at pab rehersal :)
    Alfred Kelberry: wait, you play violin too, right?
    Wol Euler: *played*, long time ago
    Alfred Kelberry: ok, you can play then :)
    Wol Euler: hello kit
    Alfred Kelberry: kit-kat! :)
    Kit Ciaco: Hi ya!!!!!
    Alfred Kelberry: hey
    Kit Ciaco: Anyone coming to our first flute fest Sat evening???
    Alfred Kelberry: we had a little improvised concert the other day, kit :)
    Alfred Kelberry: not sure
    Wol Euler: what time?
    Kit Ciaco: heheheheheh
    Kit Ciaco: 5:50 SL
    Kit Ciaco: at the wingsong dojo
    Wol Euler: I won't make that, its 4am my time :( sorry.
    Kit Ciaco: bring popcorn.....
    Kit Ciaco: ouch!
    Alfred Kelberry: yes, timing isn't good for europe
    Kit Ciaco: Hmmmm - perhpas I'll hve to do a European version!
    Alfred Kelberry: *pats woly carefully*
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Kit Ciaco: What's the best time for Europe??
    Wol Euler: well, we are nine hours ahead of SL
    Wol Euler: 1pm in SL is 10pm for us
    Kit Ciaco: OK!
    Wol Euler: so early afternoon SL is the latest that is convenient
    Kit Ciaco: So something in the neighborhood of 1 or 2 ish?
    Wol Euler: 2pm SL would be OK
    Alfred Kelberry: we should really use http://ebeats.org/ instead of awkward timezones :)
    Kit Ciaco: I'll mark that on my book and see what we can do!
    Wol Euler: or 12 noon SL
    Kit Ciaco: wait - is that 2 am or 2 pm???
    Kit Ciaco: pm....
    Wol Euler: 2pm sl
    Kit Ciaco: right?
    Kit Ciaco: ok
    Kit Ciaco: great
    Kit Ciaco: Hi, everyone - insideious sself promotion is now concluded....
    Wol Euler: :)
    Wol Euler: hello kit, nice to see you again :)
    Kit Ciaco: Wol - Is it my imagination or are you looking a little squirrely lately?
    Kit Ciaco: Thanks!
    Wol Euler grins.
    Alfred Kelberry: yes, she's a tiny furry
    Wol Euler: micro-furry fox
    Kit Ciaco: Well, I just love it!
    Alfred Kelberry: i don't like the word fox
    Wol Euler: ty
    Wol Euler: take it up with the makers.
    Kit Ciaco: no, boxy??
    Alfred Kelberry: makes me think of fox news
    Wol Euler: heh
    Kit Ciaco: LOL!
    Alfred Kelberry: :)
    Kit Ciaco: are you a fox or a squirrel? I'm writing a report....
    Wol Euler: I am definitely a f*x
    Kit Ciaco: Maybe there could be a show called BOX News!!!
    Alfred Kelberry: also, they killed the firefly series after just one episode :(
    Kit Ciaco: Where the news is always at least, ya know, ACCURATE!
    Kit Ciaco: OOOH!
    Alfred Kelberry: box news - i like that :)
    Kit Ciaco: me, too!
    Wol Euler: perhaps it would also only report news that is news
    Kit Ciaco: I'd watch!
    Wol Euler: no more stories about pseudo-celebrities' pets' diets.
    Kit Ciaco: oh - you mean instead of all that editorializing that passes as "information?"
    Kit Ciaco shutting up before I get carried away.....
    Wol Euler: yeah :)
    Wol Euler: I was about to drop into a full-on rant too.
    Alfred Kelberry: i like euro news in this regard
    Wol Euler takes a deep breath.
    Kit Ciaco: sigh....
    Kit Ciaco ohmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    Alfred Kelberry: :)
    Wol Euler: much better.
    Wol Euler smiles.


    Alfred Kelberry: woly, how do you shrink your av?
    Wol Euler: by buying one of these.
    Alfred Kelberry: um
    Wol Euler: it's a specially made av, you can't just shrink yourself.
    Alfred Kelberry: i mean, technically
    Wol Euler: ah
    Alfred Kelberry: cause my boxy has a special shrink script
    Kit Ciaco: a shrink script! WOW! I like the sound of that!
    Wol Euler: okay, there is a particular bodyshape, plus the prim parts, plus an alpha-mask for the bodyshape, plus a special AO that makes it all fit.
    Alfred Kelberry: ah, alpha-mask. must be it.
    Alfred Kelberry: i think it's a new feature
    Wol Euler: yep, introduced in the v2 viewers
    Alfred Kelberry: neat
    Alfred Kelberry: stormy is still in v1 age :)
    Wol Euler: many people are :)
    Alfred Kelberry: tiny woly :)
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Kit Ciaco: Well, I for one am quite smitten with it!
    Wol Euler beams.
    Alfred Kelberry: "if i stare at the lock really hard, it'll melt and burst into flames" :)
    Wol Euler: :)
    Alfred Kelberry: it's from bolt :)
    Alfred Kelberry: i seem to look at you as intensly right now :)
    Wol Euler shrinks under the pressure of your stare.
    Alfred Kelberry: haha
    Kit Ciaco: Just don't become a shrinking violent!
    Wol Euler: heheh
    Alfred Kelberry: oops, the flute pack is gone :)
    Kit Ciaco: hmmmm - I wonder if they are water proof - we shall soon find out!
    Alfred Kelberry: :)
    Alfred Kelberry: oh, i have 994 notifications
    Kit Ciaco: I got 16....
    Wol Euler: ah, the many advantages of V2 :)
    Alfred Kelberry: um, actually, it was a tad over 100, but it showed as 994 :/
    Alfred Kelberry: i removed a few and now it's 97
    Wol Euler: a further advantage!
    Kit Ciaco: lol!
    Wol Euler: v2 is so much better than the other viewers!
    Wol Euler snorts.
    Kit Ciaco averts eyeballs....
    Alfred Kelberry: yes, v2 is awesome!
    Alfred Kelberry: i mean, totally
    Alfred Kelberry: :)
    Kit Ciaco: ;)
    Kit Ciaco: It's an interesting thing to me
    Kit Ciaco: since the day I got here
    Kit Ciaco: on v2
    Kit Ciaco: how so many folks - old timers - hated the new version
    Wol Euler: mmhmm
    Kit Ciaco: and I'm like that with other things
    Kit Ciaco: we do so like our familiars, do we not?
    Wol Euler: yep
    Alfred Kelberry: tiny woly makes me want to take her in my arms and take a good care of her :)
    Wol Euler: there were *real* old-timers who hated the viewer that I love
    Kit Ciaco: heck, I think I'm still using Word 97!
    Kit Ciaco: the classics endure!
    Alfred Kelberry: word 97?! oh nooooes!
    Kit Ciaco: oh, yes!
    Alfred Kelberry: :P
    Wol Euler: things that work just well enough, do endure
    Kit Ciaco: and I've tried the newer versions!
    Kit Ciaco: that's what is so sad
    Alfred Kelberry: 07 is ok
    Kit Ciaco: that I actually prefer the old rickety 97
    Kit Ciaco: I suppose... but ya know how lazy I am....
    Alfred Kelberry: change is hard :)
    Kit Ciaco: ain't that the TRUTH!
    Alfred Kelberry: truth may be even harder :)
    Kit Ciaco: LOL!
    Alfred Kelberry: :)
    Kit Ciaco: Yes - but WHOSE truth????!?
    Kit Ciaco: hahahahahahaha
    Alfred Kelberry: um... let's say "universal" :)
    Kit Ciaco: I'm reading Shirley Maclaine's first autobio right now
    Kit Ciaco: she has a fascinating description of how her world travels shattered her notions of old truth
    Alfred Kelberry: ah yes... why?
    Wol Euler listens.
    Alfred Kelberry: oh, interesting
    Kit Ciaco: Yes!
    Kit Ciaco: Her husband had spent loads of time in Japan before they met
    Kit Ciaco: and they wound up living there quite a bit
    Alfred Kelberry: neat
    Alfred Kelberry: what time was it?
    Kit Ciaco: and her description of how different that culture was in terms of norms than the US are startling and wonderful!
    Kit Ciaco: ummmm - late 60's I think
    Alfred Kelberry: yes, very different


    Kit Ciaco: I'd love to know how the Japanese culture then and now is different
    Alfred Kelberry: woly can share a few stories :)
    Kit Ciaco: oh?
    Kit Ciaco listening intently for STORIES!
    Alfred Kelberry: .from jp
    Alfred Kelberry: come on, woly :)
    Alfred Kelberry: .from ja
    Wol Euler: [01:29] Play as Being 15 minute bell: Conversations here are recorded when ON AIR. Please see http://wiki.playasbeing.org/ [01:29] Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
    Alfred Kelberry: :)
    Alfred Kelberry: the bell!
    Kit Ciaco: STORIES from Japan!!!!!
    Kit Ciaco: fess up, Wol!
    Alfred Kelberry: yes, please :)
    Wol Euler: I spent two weeks in Japan, mostly in Kyoto, last autumn
    Wol Euler: it was quite wonderful
    Kit Ciaco: Oh, wow! tell us more!
    Wol Euler: It was a typical Wol-ish holiday: I walked around and looked at stuff, and ate some really good food, and talked to a few people. That's it.
    Wol Euler: I visited Pema and his wife Kiremimi, and talked to them about SL and identity and the way that society and social norms develop here
    Kit Ciaco: that's it???????
    Wol Euler: mmhmm
    Kit Ciaco: Oh, THAT sounds enchanting!
    eggsalad Ormstein: how do?
    Kit Ciaco: hey, egg!
    Alfred Kelberry: hi, egg
    eggsalad Ormstein: hi boxy
    Wol Euler: when I visit people on holiday, they always feel some strange need to entertain me. Suggesting trips and activities and visits to exciting things.
    Wol Euler: hello egg, nice to see you again.
    eggsalad Ormstein: hi again wol
    Kit Ciaco: I know what you mean, wol!
    Wol Euler: I turn all Taoist on holiday :)
    Kit Ciaco: and it's nice to just sort of edge into the waves of normalcy with them
    eggsalad Ormstein: My idea of holiday does not involve people
    Kit Ciaco: LOL!
    Kit Ciaco: I confess I agree, egg
    Wol Euler: if there is something that I should do, that the Moment requires me to do, then it will turn up.
    Alfred Kelberry: like a fire and then you run
    Kit Ciaco: My best holidat was 2 days at Doe Run Inn - alone with my flutes and guitar and a cigatar
    Kit Ciaco: sigh.....
    Alfred Kelberry: kit :)
    Wol Euler: "cigatar"?
    Kit Ciaco: I wrote 10 or 15 songs those two days
    Kit Ciaco: sigh - it was heaven!
    Alfred Kelberry: yay! a whole album
    Kit Ciaco: yeah
    Kit Ciaco: it's a dulcitar
    Kit Ciaco: with a cigar box for the resonator
    Kit Ciaco: I built it my own little self....
    Wol Euler laughs.
    Wol Euler: sounds endearingly low-tech
    Kit Ciaco: I'm planning on making one to use in SL
    Kit Ciaco: LOL
    Kit Ciaco: it is - and it costs me about 12 bucks to make in rl
    Kit Ciaco: and takes maybe 3 hours or so
    Kit Ciaco: very simple
    Wol Euler: it would probably take longer in SL :)
    Kit Ciaco: speaking of which....
    Kit Ciaco: yes
    Alfred Kelberry: ok, sell them for 120
    Kit Ciaco: you're right!
    Kit Ciaco: speaking of which
    Kit Ciaco: I've been asked to collaborate with a bunch of guys who do high tech music
    Kit Ciaco: and they want to infuse my flutes in their music for an album
    Alfred Kelberry: cool
    Kit Ciaco: it is stretching my spirit and it is wonderful!
    Kit Ciaco: LOL!
    Alfred Kelberry: when do you start?
    Kit Ciaco: I'm in the throes of it right now
    Kit Ciaco: just did one cut
    Alfred Kelberry: :)
    Kit Ciaco: am working on 3 others simultaneously
    Kit Ciaco: it's wild
    Kit Ciaco: all those synthesizers backing a wood flute
    Kit Ciaco: Very creative guys
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Kit Ciaco: But tell us more of Japan, wol!
    Wol Euler: excellent food, nice people, the perfect time of year (the autumn colours)
    Kit Ciaco: Did you get out of the city any?
    Wol Euler: temples, stores, books and magazines, manga and anime
    Wol Euler: not much. A day trip to Fukuoka to eat noodles, and an overnight trip to Tokyo
    Kit Ciaco: Well, it must have been quite a journey!!!!
    Kit Ciaco: the kind that kindles in your heart forever!
    Wol Euler: mmhmm
    Wol Euler: I loved it.
    Kit Ciaco: Is it Japan or China where they do tai chi together in communities?
    Wol Euler: probably both.
    Wol Euler: it certainly exists in Japan
    Kit Ciaco: Did you see them?
    Kit Ciaco: I think that would be the coolest thing to see and be a part of!
    Wol Euler: and the japanese love groups and clubs
    Kit Ciaco: really!
    Wol Euler: mmhmm
    Kit Ciaco: I heard that their boxing matches were among the most violent sports in the world
    Wol Euler: Kiremimi said an interesting thing: The japanese don't look to their marriages to fulfil all their social and intellectual needs
    Kit Ciaco: and they do that sort of as an offset to their normal gentle disposition....
    Alfred Kelberry: woly, they don't have much choice. it's often mandatory to socialize :)
    Wol Euler: they love their partners, but they don't assume that they need to be together all the time for all purposes and events, as we do
    Kit Ciaco: I like that, wol!
    Wol Euler: boxy, that only begs the question "why is it mandatory?"
    Wol Euler: because here it isn't
    Kit Ciaco: "let there be spaces in your togetherness...."
    Wol Euler: I know many couples whose only sociality is with each other
    Kit Ciaco: Yes - and many western marriages expect the partners to provide all their needs....
    Wol Euler nods.


    Kit Ciaco: which is a real recipe for disaster.
    Kit Ciaco: I did a gesture on bowing the other day
    Kit Ciaco: a friend of mine gave melinks to a couple of yt vids
    Kit Ciaco: showing the intricacies of Japanese bowing
    Wol Euler: oh?
    Wol Euler: ah
    Kit Ciaco: it's pretty complex and fascinating!
    Kit Ciaco: how different ways of bowing mean different things
    Wol Euler: they really do bow all the time, everywhere, to everyone -- and in different ways.
    Kit Ciaco: I'm just lucky if I can stratighten back up after I bow down 5 inches!
    Kit Ciaco: yes, and different ways for men and women?
    Kit Ciaco: They actually have training on how to do it....
    Wol Euler: I wasn't there long enough to have spotted that difference
    Kit Ciaco: did you bow, too??
    Wol Euler: of course
    Wol Euler: but I probably did it all wrong :)
    Kit Ciaco: I love the notion of bowing
    Wol Euler: they don't touch, you have to bow
    Wol Euler: and you just get used to doing it all the time
    Kit Ciaco: Oh, I didn't know that!
    Wol Euler: like taking off your shoes, it becomes automatic
    Kit Ciaco: they have much to teach us
    Wol Euler: and us them, about different things.
    Kit Ciaco: is the removal of the shoes more than just to not get the floors dirty?
    Kit Ciaco: agreed!
    Wol Euler: they have no notion of ecology in our sense, of sustainability
    Kit Ciaco: I read some years ago they were building gardens up on top of buildings
    Kit Ciaco: did you see any of those?
    Wol Euler: no, but I did see many tiny farms right inside the cities, downtown
    Kit Ciaco: cool!!!!
    Kit Ciaco: Up in the NorthEast they have alot of small community gardens in the city
    Wol Euler: combine harvesters barely the size of a western car :)
    Kit Ciaco: you get a little plot to grow your own veggies
    Kit Ciaco: pretty cool
    Kit Ciaco: WOW!
    Wol Euler: they distinguish between intentional touching (forbidden) and accidental touching (accepted, ignored)
    Kit Ciaco: I cannot imagine....
    Wol Euler: whereas we don't really, after a certain point it's the same to us, we get offended by people accidentally touching us
    Kit Ciaco: yes
    Wol Euler: like on the buses, you are packed in to a density that would cause bloodshed in the west, then 40 more people get on
    Kit Ciaco: heheheheheheh
    Wol Euler: really :)
    Kit Ciaco: that's a heap of togetherness!
    Wol Euler: but it's OK, nobody minds, everyone knows that there's no helping it, and they just ignore
    Kit Ciaco: I'll bet deo sells good there!
    Wol Euler: oh yes
    Wol Euler: meticulously clean and well.groomed
    Kit Ciaco: you know
    Kit Ciaco: that's interesting
    Kit Ciaco: I don't think I've ever seen a picture of a dirty Japanese....
    Kit Ciaco: hmmmmm!
    Wol Euler: they are extremely rare
    Wol Euler: which is not to say that there are no homeless
    Kit Ciaco: The homeless are clean, too?
    Wol Euler: but anyone who isn't homeless, is spotless
    Kit Ciaco: Ad do they have alot of bikes?
    Wol Euler: hard to say what "a lot" is :)
    Wol Euler: but the short answer is yes.
    Kit Ciaco: I'd like to see more bikes in the US
    Kit Ciaco: but our infrastructure isn't sympathetic to it
    Wol Euler nods.
    Kit Ciaco: More bikes, less french fries, and we might hnot have to worry so much for the healthcre crisis....
    Wol Euler: yep
    Wol Euler: but that would mean changing the way we live
    Kit Ciaco: oh, heavens!
    Wol Euler: bikes aren't the answer unless you live in a dense city
    Kit Ciaco: We can't have THAT!
    Wol Euler: even in LA they aren't the answer
    Wol Euler: and Americans don't like density
    Kit Ciaco: no. that's true enough....


    Kit Ciaco: Well, with the bell, I suppose I should leave.
    Wol Euler: :)
    Kit Ciaco: Thank you for your time, company, and good conversation!
    Wol Euler: me too actually, work awaits
    eggsalad Ormstein: good day, kit
    Wol Euler: thank you kit!
    Wol Euler: enjoy the day
    Kit Ciaco: s'long!!!!!
    Wol Euler: bye egg, bye boxy, enjoy your fridays

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