2011.02.05 13:00 - Guilt trips

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Aphrodite Macbain. The comments are by Aphrodite Macbain.


     Holding up the universe

    Aphrodite Macbain: Hello Samuo!
    oO0Oo Resident smiles at Aphrodite, and sends a hug through the ether
    Aphrodite Macbain hugs back
    oO0Oo Resident: for a few moments... the universe feels held ....lol
    Aphrodite Macbain: By virtual arms
    Aphrodite Macbain: four of them
    oO0Oo Resident: what more is there really?
    SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Aphrodite and Samuo :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: Only more arms...
    oO0Oo Resident: Hi SSL :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: Hello SSL
    SophiaSharon Larnia: nice balloon Aph! :) (Aph holds a balloon promoting the Art as Being opening on Sunday at noon) 
    Aphrodite Macbain: Yes- flagrant promotion
    SophiaSharon Larnia: heheh
    oO0Oo Resident: want to join arms with us?
    Aphrodite Macbain: we're holding up the universe
    oO0Oo Resident zooms in
    SophiaSharon Larnia: join arms to hold up the universe???
    SophiaSharon Larnia: sure! :D I think that's what we're doing already isnt it?
    Aphrodite Macbain: Precisely
    SophiaSharon Larnia: laughs
    Aphrodite Macbain: Helping out Atlas and the rest of the gods
    SophiaSharon Larnia: they must be getting tired by now
    Aphrodite Macbain: Yes, time for us to help out.
    oO0Oo Resident: when being recognizes play as web of hug, all is held in relaxation
    Aphrodite Macbain smiles
    SophiaSharon Larnia: :D

    Art as Being project

    Aphrodite Macbain: Samuo - are you going to participate in the upcoming Art as Being project?
    oO0Oo Resident: Oh Aph, I'd like to, but feel a bit intimidated and not sure quite how to do it
    SophiaSharon Larnia: we'll have more exhibits, I'm sure :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: Yes, and everyone is very helpful. I couldn' t have done it w/o the help of Bruce and Storm and Bleu and Sophia
    SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Bruce :)
    oO0Oo Resident: hugs Bruce
    Aphrodite Macbain: Speaking of the devil...
    Bruce Mowbray: Her he is!
    Aphrodite Macbain: Hello Bruce.
    Bruce: *he

    Aphrodite Macbain: or maybe her..
    oO0Oo Resident: lol
    oO0Oo Resident: so appropriate to SL somehow
    SophiaSharon Larnia: (thinking- ty for the balloon, i thought the thingy was 1 pm slt ooops!) i would've been late!
    Aphrodite Macbain: It preceeds the pavilion meeting
    Aphrodite Macbain: The balloon is made by Bleu - she gave me one so I can advertise it
    SophiaSharon Larnia: heheh
    oO0Oo Resident: I write something in a note card, and then the pictures are made how?
    SophiaSharon Larnia:  (Samuo) there's a button to take a snapshot in the sl window, free to take to your computer, $10L to upload to sl
    oO0Oo Resident: ty SSL
    oO0Oo Resident: "her he is"!
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-) samuo!
    Aphrodite Macbain: Bruce- were you adversely affected by the storm?
    Bruce Mowbray: Hmmmmmm. . . . not that I know of. . .
    Aphrodite Macbain: wondered whether it knocked out electricity
    Bruce Mowbray: Yes, it knocked out elec for 84, 000 in Ohio -- but not for me.
    Aphrodite Macbain: Lucky you!

    SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Barcelona :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: Hi Lugh - you look magnificent! (Lugh is dressed in gold and white and looks like the sun god)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Lugh :)
    Lugh Fehr: hellow :)
    Bruce Mowbray: Lugh - - - hello!
    Barcalona Rhapsody: hi all
    Lugh Fehr: het bar (=Hi Bruce? A.M.)
    Aphrodite Macbain: Hello Barcalona GTSY
    Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Barca!
    oO0Oo Resident: Hi lugh Hi Barcalona

    Berliner philharmonic

    Barcalona Rhapsody: i have watched berliner philharmoniker orchestra just last 2 hours
    Barcalona Rhapsody: on the internet
    SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
    Barcalona Rhapsody: wonderful
    Aphrodite Macbain: lovely. what were they playing?
    Bruce Mowbray: wow -- great, Barca.
    Barcalona Rhapsody: www.digital-concert-hal.com
    Aphrodite Macbain: Thanks!
    Barcalona Rhapsody: just heavenly
    SophiaSharon Larnia: the link didn't open for me :(

    Bruce Mowbray: hal shold be hall.
    Aphrodite Macbain: Where does it say hal?
    Bruce Mowbray: the last word in the URL, Aph.
    Barcalona Rhapsody: sorry its www.digitalconcerthall.com
    Barcalona Rhapsody: without the stripes
    SophiaSharon Larnia: :) thank you!
    Bruce Mowbray tries the revised URL. . .
    Barcalona Rhapsody: also in japanese
    Lugh Fehr: tnx ill tell my dad about it. he's a big fan of classical
    Barcalona Rhapsody: sure
    Barcalona Rhapsody: its classic concerts
    Bruce Mowbray: Mahler's 3rd Symphony . . . Wonderful.
    Barcalona Rhapsody: yes wonderfull
    Barcalona Rhapsody: also on youtube

    SL Retreat
    Aphrodite Macbain: Is anyone here going to the SL retreat next week?
    SophiaSharon Larnia: I am :) I hope I can make in fri evening
    Bruce Mowbray: I'm going, Aph.
    Lugh Fehr: no thank you

    SophiaSharon Larnia: Hi Qt :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: Ave Qt!
    Barcalona Rhapsody: hi Qt ave Ceasar
    Lugh Fehr: hey qt
    Bruce Mowbray: Hey, QT.

    Of guilt and its purpose

    Aphrodite Macbain: Does anyone want to discuss anything in particular? If not, I have a suggestion.
    SophiaSharon Larnia: listens :))
    Bruce Mowbray listens for Aph's suggestion.
    Lugh Fehr listens to aph
    Barcalona Rhapsody: i listen to aph too
    Aphrodite Macbain: Guilt
    Aphrodite Macbain: Is guilt useful?
    SophiaSharon Larnia: thinks thoughtfully
    SophiaSharon Larnia: (lol)
    Barcalona Rhapsody: interesting
    Barcalona Rhapsody: part of ethical thinking
    Bruce Mowbray: Guilt. . . .
    Aphrodite Macbain: I have been feeling guilty about not being able to truly help a friend but I don't know what to do with that feeling
    Lugh Fehr: is a car crash useful .. well no but it pops out every now and agin
    Barcalona Rhapsody: guilt is subjective
    Aphrodite Macbain: Perhaps I should rephrase my question - is it useful to pay attention to guilt?
    SophiaSharon Larnia: perhaps, if you had actually done something that could've been dealt with another way. Probably not, if it was something someone placed onto you.
    SophiaSharon Larnia: imho
    Aphrodite Macbain: Guilt can be self-generated, it is not always imposed

    SophiaSharon Larnia: nods
    Barcalona Rhapsody: yes or if you place it on yourself you can change your thoughts
    SophiaSharon Larnia: and sometimes guilt is from not knowing the future
    SophiaSharon Larnia: in which we had done nothing 'wrong', but wish we had known what was going to happen later
    Aphrodite Macbain: Guilt can spur us to action...
    Aphrodite Macbain: or make us simply feel horrid if we can't act
    Bruce Mowbray: It can keep us from repeating "bad" actions.
    Barcalona Rhapsody: but it can also make us inactive
    Aphrodite Macbain: how Barc?
    Barcalona Rhapsody: a sort of learning effect
    Barcalona Rhapsody: when u are lame of fear
    Barcalona Rhapsody: or inactive
    Barcalona Rhapsody: i dont know the right word
    Barcalona Rhapsody: still stiff or inactive
    Aphrodite Macbain: traumatized? frozen?
    Barcalona Rhapsody: yes frozen
    Bruce Mowbray: numb?
    Barcalona Rhapsody: maybe numb
    Barcalona Rhapsody: comfortably numb
    Aphrodite Macbain: guilt can make us numb?
    Barcalona Rhapsody: maybe
    Lugh Fehr: the action part is useful but it doesn't need guilt to happen. guilt if anything takes away your power of beliving in your self positively
    Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: a very compassionate person would feel guilt about not being able to help someone
    Aphrodite Macbain: Compassion engenders guilt Sophia?
    SophiaSharon Larnia: no, sorry, i meant a compassionate person could find themselves in that loop
    Bruce Mowbray: I think that one of the major "reasons" for guilt is to numb us emotionally.
    Aphrodite Macbain: I personally find guilt does the opposite Bruce; it sharpens me
    Lugh Fehr: its like saying "you're a looser, you're a looser, you're a looser" and now go out there and do the best you can :P
    Lugh Fehr: Are guilt and shame the same?
    oO0Oo Resident: distinguishing between shame/guilt/regret/powerlessness
    Bruce Mowbray: Guilt feels to me like a combination of fear and grief.
    SophiaSharon Larnia: yes theres a grief component to it
    SophiaSharon Larnia: in some cases, i think it may be more grief than guilt
    Aphrodite Macbain: how so sophia?

    Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Chi.
    SophiaSharon Larnia: yes Samuo
    Aphrodite Macbain: Hello Chi
    SophiaSharon Larnia: Hi Chi :)
    Barcalona Rhapsody: hi chi
    Lugh Fehr: heyy chi
    Aphrodite Macbain: Darren- GTSY
    Chi Aho whispers a gentle hello to all
    Qt Core: hi Chi
    Lugh Fehr: quite so bruce
    Bruce Mowbray: a gentle hello to you too, Chi.
    Barcalona Rhapsody: dont feel guilty for being late
    Darren Islar: hi everyone :)
    Barcalona Rhapsody: hi leaping panther
    Lugh Fehr: hey darre
    Qt Core: hi Darren
    Barcalona Rhapsody: hi dar
    Chi Aho: hi darren
    SophiaSharon Larnia: hi leaping panther, Calvino
    Darren Islar: hi Cal :)
    oO0Oo Resident: Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Cal.
    Chi Aho: Hello, Calvino

    Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Darren - - - We're talking about guilt. . .
    Bruce Mowbray: especially the guilt of not being able to help someone close to us.
    Darren Islar: thanks
    oO0Oo Resident: one can feel a lack in oneself, to meet what one feels needs to be met, but... sometimes things cannot be 'solved' by us
    Aphrodite Macbain: yes, that's what I'm feeling. And also the guilt of being afraid to really help
    Barcalona Rhapsody: hi cal
    Calvino Rabeni: Good day (or evening :) )
    SophiaSharon Larnia: well, maybe thefeeling is grief from powerlessness, interpreted by the heart as guilt
    Aphrodite Macbain: Cal - we're talking about guilt and its uses
    Calvino Rabeni: thanks Aph
    Barcalona Rhapsody: and its misuses
    Aphrodite Macbain: yes barc!
    oO0Oo Resident: so then to love oneself...even within all that
    Aphrodite Macbain: yes- good antidote. And to be compassionate to yourself
    SophiaSharon Larnia: yes :D so very hard
    Lugh Fehr: is guilt not expecting your  limitations in a dream of omnipotence
    oO0Oo Resident smiles and continues to hug universe
    Barcalona Rhapsody: sure thats the art of keeping the middle
    Aphrodite Macbain: Aph joins arms
    SophiaSharon Larnia continues to hold up her arms lol
    Bruce Mowbray continues to accept hugs from universe.
    Aphrodite Macbain: I have to leave you all as I have another appointment. I will still post the chat.
    Aphrodite Macbain: Bye
    Barcalona Rhapsody: ok dont feel guilty
    SophiaSharon Larnia: aww Aph, nice to see you :)
    Qt Core: bye aphro
    SophiaSharon Larnia: bye
    Barcalona Rhapsody: bye aph
    Lugh Fehr: often guilt has two sides to it and the alternaitive is anger
    Bruce Mowbray: @ Lugh -- a great phrase to remember: Not respecting your limitations in a dream of omnipotence.
    SophiaSharon Larnia: it's a stage towards acceptance of a situation
    Lugh Fehr: is guilt anger at your self?
    Calvino Rabeni: No I wouldn't say that; it doesn't feel the same
    Darren Islar: I think it's a survival mechanism
    Lugh Fehr: yes its true it dosn't feel the same
    SophiaSharon Larnia: nods thoughtfully
    Calvino Rabeni: anger expands outward and confronts ... guilt contracts and slinks away
    Bruce Mowbray: guilt and shame are cousins, Cal?
    Calvino Rabeni: I think guilt and shame have some different attributions Bruce .. and some similarities
    Darren Islar: aggression - depression
    Lugh Fehr: but still anger is agressive and to bypass the natural urge to protect your self is hard so maybe it twists in the feeling of guilt
    Lugh Fehr: but i have hurt my self in cases of extreme guilt and a thought of self hate. he hee

    SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Aubergine :)
    Darren Islar: hey Aubergine, thats a long time ago :))
    Aubergine Mint: hiya

    Barcalona Rhapsody: but guilt may always give negative energy
    Calvino Rabeni: guilt can be atoned for through action (how it feels I suppose) . and is more contextual - something can be made amends for
    Calvino Rabeni: shame feels like - about how one IS and can't be as easily resolved
    Lugh Fehr nods at calvino
    SophiaSharon Larnia: (sorry still using radar)
    Calvino Rabeni: Guilty because I DID something unacceptable .. shameful because I AM something unacceptable
    Barcalona Rhapsody: ok that may be the difference
    Lugh Fehr: so is shame a more aggravated form of guilt?
    Calvino Rabeni: shame has a deeper sense of identification
    Barcalona Rhapsody: even as fame ?
    Qt Core: shame when only you is involved guilt when others were impacted ?
    Calvino Rabeni: harder to "drop" or to make amends
    oO0Oo Resident: if there is a continuum, I think 'regret' is most helpful, and even then, perhaps not entirely what Aph was experiencing
    Calvino Rabeni: Others are involved in shame ..
    oO0Oo Resident: yes Cal
    Barcalona Rhapsody: ok
    oO0Oo Resident: certainly judgements are involved
    SophiaSharon Larnia: nods
    Lugh Fehr: and after all, is it usefull?
    Barcalona Rhapsody: nods
    oO0Oo Resident: more or less heavy handed
    Barcalona Rhapsody: maybe for education of children
    Lugh Fehr: and usefull for what anyway?
    Barcalona Rhapsody: a bit of guilt and shame can be helpfull
    oO0Oo Resident: seeing cause and effect, one can learn to refine, without guilt or shame
    Chi Aho: useful as social control mechanism
    Barcalona Rhapsody: oh, i dont like that
    Barcalona Rhapsody: but it is true

    SophiaSharon Larnia: rl interuption, have to go. Have fun everyone!!!
    oO0Oo Resident: SSL :)
    Lugh Fehr: byes sophia
    Chi Aho: Western societies turn on guilt; in the east shame is used to control people
    Qt Core: bye ssl
    Barcalona Rhapsody: bye ssl

    Chi Aho: I am looking at it from a sociological perspective
    Calvino Rabeni: It's useful to groups for cementing responsibility and membership to a group .. remember it evolved in deep history and biology, before humans attempted moral reasoning with their intellectual capabilities
    Barcalona Rhapsody: but TAO says there is no guilt
    Chi Aho: ok
    Barcalona Rhapsody: and u dont have to (feel) shame
    Chi Aho agrees
    Calvino Rabeni: In a way, Chi's statement makes me reflect on the different relationship East and West has in relationship to Being and Doing
    Qt Core: so taoist feel guilty if they feel ashamed ? ;-)
    Calvino Rabeni: where shame is about Being, and guilt about Doing
    Barcalona Rhapsody: maybe only religions have guilt
    Lugh Fehr: i think shame and guilt are total car crashes of the human system, its only possible because all the components are there,  like a car crash but still is not a desirable thing at all
    Barcalona Rhapsody: and good living to set you free from guilt

    Aubergine Mint: sorry, need to go, bye
    Lugh Fehr: bye mint
    Barcalona Rhapsody: bye gin

    Chi Aho: Qt, I think feeling ashamed or not, all depends on the person; some people can do atrocious things and not feel the slightest shame or guilt
    Qt Core: sure, chi
    Calvino Rabeni: (that is to take a bit farther the idea that shame is about what one IS and guilt about what one DOES) .. the interesting thing in that is ... maybe if the West had more shame, it would have more "Being" ... they correlate
    Barcalona Rhapsody: its also a matter of experience
    Calvino Rabeni: Then that would be a "useful" aspect of shame .. if it causes one to reflect more on what one "IS", one's being, and seek for transformation there
    Darren Islar: h....... not sure Cal.....
    Lugh Fehr: in one of the sutras, it says "life is easy for a shamless one in the past."  i interpreted that as a bad thing being shamless but its a formula: no shame = easy life
    oO0Oo Resident: What happens in us when a loved one is dying, and we have been staying up attending them, and we ourselves are tired, and perhaps hungry, with our own myriad needs, and we are in that energy, of wanting to be of help and to our loved one, and their family, but feel we cannot be/do enough? So, then guilt takes the form of those thoughts: "I am not able to do enough" "I cannot fix this"
    Darren Islar: to me guilt and shame are very close
    oO0Oo Resident: the pain added to pain
    Calvino Rabeni: I see that, samuo (o00o)
    Darren Islar: if guilt is not seen, it tends to become shame
    Calvino Rabeni: The "seeing" may turn it more into a Doing, Darren
    Darren Islar: a personalized idea of guilt
    oO0Oo Resident: shame is a way of leveraging that dynamic
    Barcalona Rhapsody: so guilt and shame can be reduced by self respect
    Calvino Rabeni: thus shifting it from Shame / to guilt
    Darren Islar: yes, but when it is not seen
    Calvino Rabeni: awareness can break up identification and make its pieces actionable
    Barcalona Rhapsody: nicely said cal
    oO0Oo Resident: awareness, or willingness to go inner, rather than outer
    Darren Islar: children have a way of surviving by using guilt, since that is the only thing they can do something about
    Darren Islar: that can turn easily turn into shame at a very young age
    Lugh Fehr: do animals other that humans feel guilt and shame?
    Calvino Rabeni: Animals have behaviors that are analogous to guilt and shame and empathy
    Chi Aho: I doubt it Lugh, unless they have some kind of moral code; when we violate that we really violate ourselves, damage our own character, the moral dimension of personality
    oO0Oo Resident: contextual
    oO0Oo Resident: hand in hand, from inspiration to action, then refining with knowledge that we are not perfect beings in a perfectable world
    Calvino Rabeni: Myths capture the idea that awareness has a whole arc, a journey that goes inner and then outer (or the other way around)
    Darren Islar: hmmmmmm, shame creates guilt, but maybe that guilt is something you can work with
    Calvino Rabeni: what the feel of it is a different way of feeling
    Darren Islar: so you can get closer to 'shame'
    Lugh Fehr: ohh no! brb hopfully in 5 mins
    Calvino Rabeni: but the structures can be located by scientific experiments with behavior and biology
    Darren Islar: ?
    Calvino Rabeni: There's a fascinating and in-depth lecture series on the neuro biology of behavior in humans and animals .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPYma...DDC3D&index=17
    oO0Oo Resident smiles at Cal ty
    oO0Oo Resident: voracious learning comes to mind
    Calvino Rabeni: That sounds true and existential, sam (oO0Oo)
    Calvino Rabeni: Voracious learning ... smiles .. yes the lecture is for students at stanford university .. an environment of ferocious learning
    Chi Aho recalls some studies indicating that chimps have a sense of fairness
    oO0Oo Resident: cool
    Calvino Rabeni: That video lecture is hard core, but full of many such studies
    Calvino Rabeni: even rats have something like compassion and justice ... in much less complex ways than humans
    Chi Aho: Recall the ape who saved a small child that had fallen into the gorilla cage?
    Chi Aho: (it) protected the child from others and left it safely for humans to pick up
    Korel Laloix: If only humans protected human children.......
    Calvino Rabeni: There are many direct experiences of animal social and moral intelligence ..
    Calvino Rabeni: and anecdotes
    Lugh Fehr: yeey i am back! and i also got chineese food
    Korel Laloix: What sort?
    Calvino Rabeni: then science needs to look for objective measurable repeatable patterns and good structures of interpretation, to make the ideas acceptable in that way
    Calvino Rabeni: it makes an impersonal story out of something everyday and personal

    Darren Islar: I need to go, see you :)
    Korel Laloix: ciao bello
    Qt Core: bye darren

    oO0Oo Resident: So, say I'm in this situation, where my friend is dying, in a drawn out way, and I have come to visit and want to be supportive to my friend, and the beleagured family, and I feel I am not able to meet all my needs, nor those of the people around me. Then I also feel something like guilt about not helping enough. Please... what is your advice to me?
    Korel Laloix: You can not be all things to all people.
    oO0Oo Resident listens
    Korel Laloix: Just being there and being you is what people appreciate.
    Calvino Rabeni: self forgiveness .. doing symbolic acts ... resolving to take that feeling and put it into something else in the world
    Lugh Fehr: btw i thought of something: dont really have to do whare you guilty for not being taller?
    Lugh Fehr: if not why be guilty about you physical character

    Chi Aho: Advice would be to accept the fact that it is you who is responsible for having this negative feeling, not the circumstances which you may be blaming
    Chi Aho: are*
    Calvino Rabeni: that makes me nervous
    oO0Oo Resident: QT? Bruce?
    Lugh Fehr: i dont think you should forgive yourself...you've done nothing wrong
    Calvino Rabeni: yes lugh, but ... if one thinks one has done something wrong, one has an opinion to be either changed or forgiven on its own terms
    Korel Laloix: There is nothing wrong with negative felings though.. they have their place in a healthy mind.
    Korel Laloix: Just in moderation.
    Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Zon.
    Zon Kwan: hey all
    oO0Oo Resident: Hi Zon :0
    Lugh Fehr: hey zon
    oO0Oo Resident: :) *
    Calvino Rabeni: and maybe it can't be "defined" away
    Calvino Rabeni: maybe it can :)
    Calvino Rabeni: it's worth a try
    Lugh Fehr: yes forgiveness can be helpful
    Qt Core: got distracted, need to go. Bye all
    Chi Aho: c u qt
    oO0Oo Resident: Qt :)
    Lugh Fehr: bye qt
    Korel Laloix: Forgivenes is highly underrated.
    Korel Laloix: Just difficult to do sometimes.
    Calvino Rabeni: Perhaps because it cuts both ways?
    Korel Laloix: And it is directly agains our animal nature.
    Calvino Rabeni: If I wanted to forgive someone for doing violence to me .. I'd need to also forgive myself for being weak?
    Bruce Mowbray: self-humbling, yes.
    Lugh Fehr: very true cal
    Korel Laloix: No...I disagree.
    Lugh Fehr: somtimes its harder to forgive yourself for being weak
    Bruce Mowbray: forgive myself for being vulnerable?
    oO0Oo Resident: well... there's a piece in here about really feeling the depth of affectedness, or attachment, or vulnerability
    Korel Laloix: When you are a victim. and you are helpless.. it is purely their fault.
    Bruce Mowbray: say more, Korel.
    Korel Laloix: I grew up in a very abusive home.
    Korel Laloix: Not my fault.
    Korel Laloix: I eventually fixed the problem.. but it took years.
    Calvino Rabeni: There's something good about a reality check ... the sorting out process of ascribing fault ..
    oO0Oo Resident listens
    Bruce Mowbray likes "reality check."
    Korel Laloix: I think as you say.. ascribing fault is important.
    Korel Laloix: But you can't let it consume you.
    Calvino Rabeni: true
    Korel Laloix: The blame game can consume you.
    Korel Laloix: Not sure if I used the word consume correctly, though.
    Lugh Fehr: but is it their fault for being mean? doesn't that corrode their live ?
    Calvino Rabeni: something to go through and move on?
    Calvino Rabeni: where does it come to rest, if anywhere?
    Lugh Fehr: wow alph really set the ball rolling today :)
    oO0Oo Resident: reality check... popping out of thoughts/storyline, and into the present moment
    Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
    Bruce Mowbray: She'll be editing all of this later.

    (and she has really enjoyed and valued all these thoughtful comments. Thank you!  Aph)

    oO0Oo Resident: something about guilt and shame
    oO0Oo Resident: really carries the storyline in a heavy way
    Bruce Mowbray: reality check is also about checking out others' perceptions of the situation.
    oO0Oo Resident: forgiveness lets go
    Chi Aho: Things come to rest with me when I accept that I am totally responsible for the choices that I make and not at all responsible for the bad behavior of others which may have left me psychologically scarred.
    Lugh Fehr: i find rest in the opposite of what i need rest from
    Lugh Fehr: and i need rest from guilt in a faster time than i need rest from self love and it seems that im spending more time loving my self then hating me, altho today hate was in the majority but not the really bad kind, just a light stink in the air
    oO0Oo Resident: an appreciable nuance Lugh
    Lugh Fehr: sorry o00o. use simpler words for simple guy he hee
    Bruce Mowbray: Are we reponsible for the choices that we have been conditioned to make?
    Korel Laloix: Mostly.
    Bruce Mowbray: conditioned through torture/abuse/shame?
    Chi Aho: unlearning is just as possible as learning
    oO0Oo Resident: good point Chi
    Lugh Fehr: i think yes and no. in one level its yes and in an other its no. we're like onions we have layers
    Zon Kwan: we're responsible but not guilty
    Bruce Mowbray: Thanks for sharing that distinction, Lugh -- and also your story about today.
    oO0Oo Resident: what bruce said lol
    oO0Oo Resident: awareness can be the forgiveness, that melts the solidness of guilt or shame
    Lugh Fehr: hehee :)
    Calvino Rabeni returns from dealing with "cat problem"
    Bruce Mowbray: "that little stink in the air" -- self-hate. wonderful.
    oO0Oo Resident: yes
    oO0Oo Resident: good descriptions
    Bruce Mowbray needs to move on. . . . THANK YOU, everyone, for this excellent conversation.
    Korel Laloix: Ciao bello
    Lugh Fehr: bye bruce tnx for conversations
    Chi Aho: see you, Bruce
    Zon Kwan: waves
    oO0Oo Resident: Ciao Bruce :)
    oO0Oo Resident: me too... ty all so very much
    Lugh Fehr: tnx ooo byebye
    Chi Aho: I too must go
    oO0Oo Resident notes Cal's intentional seating change, and smiles
    Calvino Rabeni: Farewell everyone
    Lugh Fehr: i go too, spend sometime with family. tnx every body. adios
    oO0Oo Resident: keep hugging the tapestry folks
    Calvino Rabeni: who's leaving?
    Calvino Rabeni: adios hasta luego lugh
    Lugh Fehr: up up and away!
    Korel Laloix: do na da go hv i
    Korel Laloix: They don't love us anymore.
    Calvino Rabeni: Such short memories of a good thing :)
    Korel Laloix: brb

    Calvino's quotes and comments

    Calvino Rabeni: "# The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of beauty is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, but indifference between life and death." - Elie Wiesel
    Calvino Rabeni: For each true statement one can find an equally true one opposing it, an equally true one holding and maintaining its stability, and an equally true one pushing to undermine it.
    Calvino Rabeni: The fact that there are brain "mechanism" involved in human moral behavior does not indicate that those can be reduced in complexity or regarded as unintelligent
    Calvino Rabeni: There's a constant, in-the-moment, dynamic relationship between the amygdala in the brain, and the frontal cortex, each moderating the other, modulating it, the result being a more flexible and adaptive (i.e. intelligent) system ..
    Calvino Rabeni: that's exquisitely sensitive to its human social context
    Calvino Rabeni: and as the interactions between these different parts of the brain is discovered
    Calvino Rabeni: the paradigm shifts
    Calvino Rabeni: so that the cortex is seen more as an intrinsic part of the limbic system
    Calvino Rabeni: rather than a seat of a separate "capacity" as Descartes and others decided mind and body, or intellect and emotions, were separate

    Lugh Fehr: hey agin calvino
    Lugh Fehr: their watching a chick flik; onlyso much i could take ;)
    Calvino Rabeni returns from dealing with burnt out light bulbs

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