The Guardian for this meeting was Lia Rikugun. The comments are by Lia Rikugun.
I came with a boxy avatar but didnt know how to change my appearance back..
Riddle Sideways: Hi Freud
Freud Jungsten: osiyo
Riddle Sideways: was in SL, so better come to session
Riddle Sideways: hey Alf
Lia Rikugun: haha no its lia
Lia Rikugun: :)
Riddle Sideways: Ha, got me
Riddle Sideways: ah, Alf would never try to sit
Lia Rikugun: let see if i can change my appearance again
Riddle Sideways: How did you get an
Riddle Sideways: Alf suit?
Freud Jungsten: Nice posture.
Lia Rikugun: it is in your inventory
Lia Rikugun: but i forget where
Riddle Sideways: really?
Freud Jungsten: That looks painful.
Lia Rikugun: hello druth and brian
druth Vlodovic: hi
Brian Roop: hello all
Freud Jungsten: osiyo
druth Vlodovic: we have another boxbot :)
Riddle Sideways: Hi Druth and Brian
Lia Rikugun: have you two been here before druth and brian?
druth Vlodovic: I have
Brian Roop: once
Lia Rikugun: ok great
Lia Rikugun: oh i found it its in "my inventory > library >clothing> cardboard boxbot..."
Lia Rikugun: (what happens if i take it off?)
Riddle Sideways: just found it there too
Riddle Sideways: trouble 'wearing it'
Brian Roop attends to his breathing, prescinding from the chatter around him
Lia Rikugun: i dont seem to be able to come back to my previous appearance :)
Lia Rikugun: well its boxy then
Riddle Sideways: lol
Riddle Sideways: Hi Ara
Freud Jungsten: Do you not feel boxed in?
druth Vlodovic: hey ara
Lia Rikugun: hello ara
Brian Roop: hello ara
Arabella SpiritWeaver: hi brian hi all
what is a philosopher?
Freud Jungsten: So a question from a conversation I had in one of my RL classes this morning......
Freud Jungsten: What is a philosopher?
Freud Jungsten: Anyone have an opinion?
Freud Jungsten: And a follow on questions.... are philosophy teachers/proffesors necessarily philosophers?
Riddle Sideways: hmmm, some one who does a lot of philsophy
druth Vlodovic: I'd say philosophising is more an activity than an ideantity
Riddle Sideways: 2nd ques is probably a trick
Riddle Sideways: those that can't do= teach
Brian Roop: it would depend on the nature of the course
Brian Roop: someone teaching the history of philosophy shuld understand it at least from the outside
Brian Roop: without necessarily practicing the art
Freud Jungsten: lol... we came to the conclusion that being unable to think is a requirement for teachign universtiy philosophy... but we came to the same conclusion for other topics as well... smiles
Wol Euler: hello everyone
Arabella SpiritWeaver: looking at the different termollogies about to philosophise and who philosphers are i would say they are people who want to know the full truth about us and the world we livce in, where they look they find what the need to know and then teach what they know to others ..... maybe???
Brian Roop sighs
Riddle Sideways: Hi Wol
Arabella SpiritWeaver: i cant spell to save my life
Lia Rikugun: hi wol
Freud Jungsten: osiyo
Brian Roop: osiyo, wol
Freud Jungsten smiles
druth Vlodovic: I'd say philosophising would be more about analysis and thought, so doing philosophy and learning it would have to be done seperately
Riddle Sideways: you ok, wol
Riddle Sideways: the trick pillow
Wol Euler: gah, the lag monster is chewing on my butt.
Brian Roop: do we need to consider what philosophy is, or what it should be?
Lia Rikugun: wol does not have a tshirt for me
Freud Jungsten: So what makes on e a good philospher vs a bad one?
Alfred Kelberry: oi :)
Riddle Sideways: Second Bozy approachs
Riddle Sideways: x
Alfred came and we both looked the same :)
Lia Rikugun: haha hi alfred
druth Vlodovic: uh oh, trouble :)
Wol Euler: hello alf
Lia Rikugun: lets fight!
Alfred Kelberry: lia my sister! :)
Arabella SpiritWeaver: i dont think you can have a good or bad philospher
Riddle Sideways: ah, Alp has a sharf
Lia Rikugun: HAHAHA
Brian Roop: do we mean good and bad in a moral sense, or as a metter of competency
Alfred Kelberry: yep, a scarf :)
Arabella SpiritWeaver: cause they are just observing what they feel is right.....
Freud Jungsten: myabe both?
druth Vlodovic: I suppose a closed-minded philosopher would be bad, other than that I'd have to agree with ara
Lia Rikugun: haha so funny!!!
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Arabella SpiritWeaver: how can you have a closed minded philospher??
Lia Rikugun: i am sorry i stlole your appearanceactually i dont know how to switch back
Arabella SpiritWeaver: lol
Alfred Kelberry: lia, no, i like having a sister :)
reality versus appearances
Brian Roop: are we going to talk all day about appearances?
Brian Roop: what about reality?
Alfred Kelberry: reality is percived by our senses which create appearance :)
Lia Rikugun: (:))
Wol Euler raises an eyebrow.
Arabella SpiritWeaver: reality mmm but some say reality is what our senses see......
Alfred Kelberry: oh, ara... you look lovely in this white dress :)
Arabella SpiritWeaver: thankyou Alfred
druth Vlodovic: my reality is all inside my head, but my senses keep adding things
Brian Roop: is there any reality at all in second life?
Freud Jungsten: I asked the origional question as we got to talking abut our most useless classes in our undergrad degrees.... and most folks agrred on philosophy.
Alfred Kelberry: oh, woly... you're a cloud to me :/
Wol Euler: we are real, brian.
Wol Euler: the people who speak here, are real peoplle
Arabella SpiritWeaver: but what is rea wol?
Wol Euler: hello mick
Mickorod Renard: hello all
Brian Roop: hello mick
Lia Rikugun: hi mick
Alfred Kelberry: ara, i don't think thsi question has any definitive answer :)
Alfred Kelberry: mick :)
Mickorod Renard: :)
Alfred Kelberry: ara, you look like a bride :)
Alfred Kelberry: perfectly innocent :)
Brian Roop: if all of us but one agrees that our friends here look like boxes, does that one person's disagreement make the conclusion false?
Mickorod Renard: it makes it unconclusive
Alfred Kelberry: :)
druth Vlodovic: philosophy is to teach us to seek new ways of thinking, if it does that it will seem useless but have long term positive effects
Brian Roop: because one person professes to perceive them differently, does that mean we cannot reach a conclusion about how they do in fact appear?
Alfred Kelberry: brian, in a social group terms it makes you either a leader or a madman :)
Arabella is writing a book about "life and love and finding your way through the storms"
Arabella SpiritWeaver: i look how i look to be in costume for the way i want to look, as well as that i am in costume for the book i am writing
Alfred Kelberry: what book, ara?
Brian Roop: i think, and that is not a criticism just a statement of fact as i perceive it, that they look like boxes
Arabella SpiritWeaver: look at art what one person sees isnt what another does reality i think is jutrs what w wish to see
Arabella SpiritWeaver: one about life and love and finding your way through the storms.......
Mickorod Renard: I am colour blind,,yet I am not at odds with people who are not described as colour blind
Alfred Kelberry: ara, is it a novel?
Alfred Kelberry: mick, you would never know if you didn't pass the test :)
Mickorod Renard: or fail the test
druth Vlodovic: thats because you use similar definitions for things that those with colour use
Riddle Sideways: ah so the one disenter would need to be tested
Brian Roop: but no one can explain color to someone who has never seen it?
Mickorod Renard: ara,that sounds like a story about life from the perspective of someone sensitive enough to think about it
Alfred Kelberry: *just found out that ara is not the ara he thought she is* :)
Wol Euler laughs.
Mickorod Renard: he he
Arabella SpiritWeaver: hehe :)
Alfred Kelberry: ok, sorry :)
colorblindness and the concept of color
Brian Roop: so, is the concept of color impossible to explain to one who has never see it?
Arabella SpiritWeaver: well that would be a story i might write one day lol
Arabella SpiritWeaver: maybe brian
Arabella SpiritWeaver: but there is ways
Brian Roop: but it is real nonetheless
Alfred Kelberry: you're a writer, ara?
druth Vlodovic: some people with limited colour blindness have lived a good long time without knowing, or so I have heard
Mickorod Renard: I was using the idea of colour blindness to highlight the notion that seeing something diferently to most doesnt need t change ones ability to live with the rest of the world or nor does it make me believe everyone else is wrong
Arabella SpiritWeaver: well not sure i can call myself one this is my first book so only the future will tell if i am if the future really exists that is
Wol Euler: my boss's father didn'T find out until he was in his 70s
Wol Euler: (that he was colourblind)
Arabella SpiritWeaver: i know of someone who was color blind
Brian Roop: i apparently have trouble with certain pastel shades
Arabella SpiritWeaver: green he would see as red and blue he would see orange he didnt know till hlate in life that this was so
Brian Roop: in my teens bought a shirt i thought was gray and it turned out to be lavender
Mickorod Renard: mine is only a deficiency,,not total,,but its significantly bad to cause some problems
Alfred Kelberry: druth, yes. in fact, who knows what red is really look like? it's what your brain sees. but when you were shownon red light as a kid and being told it's red, so it's red for you :)
Mickorod Renard: yes, i often pick up pink shirts instead of blue
Wol Euler: I have a friend who's completely colourblind, sees only gray tones
Wol Euler: so black and white films are in colour for her :)
Mickorod Renard: wow,,that is rare
Brian Roop: well no, i would say they are in b/w for her
Brian Roop: she just doesn't see the difference
Alfred Kelberry: for her, they're just normal movies :)
Wol Euler nods.
Mick used to paint
Mickorod Renard: I tried painting in greys only for a while,,to circumnavigate the frustration,,then settled for expressionism
Arabella SpiritWeaver: i know of a man who is half blind in one eye and fully blind in another and instead he can see other peoples auras most things are in that color
Arabella SpiritWeaver: you paint as well mick???
Alfred Kelberry: interesting
Mickorod Renard: I used to
Arabella SpiritWeaver: why did you stop?
Mickorod Renard: that is a comlex issue
Brian Roop: maybe we are touching on the idea of "normal"?
Arabella SpiritWeaver: aah sorry to hear that
Mickorod Renard: complex
Mickorod Renard: I set fire to them all
Mickorod Renard: :)
Arabella SpiritWeaver: oh my
druth Vlodovic: ikes!
Lia Rikugun: really?
Alfred Kelberry: wow
Wol Euler: drastic.
Arabella SpiritWeaver: aaah mick
Alfred Kelberry: mick...
Mickorod Renard: I think 2 survive
Arabella SpiritWeaver: bad period huh
druth Vlodovic: I was just thinking how interesting it would be to see colour paintings done by someone paritally colourblind
Lia Rikugun: hello kiki
druth Vlodovic: hi ki
Kiki Walpanheim: hi all
Brian Roop: hi kiki
Lia Rikugun: nice to meet you kiki, have you been here before?
Arabella SpiritWeaver: hi kiki nice to meet you
Riddle Sideways: hi Kiki
Alfred Kelberry: oi, kiki
Wol Euler: helo kiki, nice to see you again
Mickorod Renard: well,,its an interesting thing,,as creator one has the right to distroy too,,I think
Mickorod Renard: :)
Kiki Walpanheim: nice to see you again too
Mickorod Renard: Hi Kiki
children's creativity
Alfred Kelberry: mick, how about babies? :)
Kiki Walpanheim: hiya
Brian Roop: intellectual property, you can do with at as you see fit
Mickorod Renard: that is the exception..but then life is a gift given from another source
druth Vlodovic: babies tend to have their creative efforts destroyed by parents overly concerned with cleanliness
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Brian Roop: and good order
Alfred Kelberry: they're afraid they won't fit in
Brian Roop: they get stuff out, but they never put it back
Brian Roop: should the same be true of creative works?
Arabella SpiritWeaver: true mick
Alfred Kelberry: it's still there, just cluttered behind various social concepts
Arabella SpiritWeaver: and druth
Mickorod Renard: I do tire sometimes of my sons creative mess in his bedroom
Alfred Kelberry: meditation is a tool to unclutter this mess and see your "creative" self :)
Alfred Kelberry: mick :)
Mickorod Renard: :)
Alfred Kelberry: kids are mindful without any meditation :)
Arabella SpiritWeaver: aaahhhh but that is a self expression see it as that he is there you get to cuddle him if he is young..... or say hi to him if he is a teen...... think about for a moment that your son has been taken away from you, the one you love the most been taken and gi9ven to someone esle......
Mickorod Renard: I actually had a period where my artwork involved setting fire to it as part of the process
Brian Roop: shhhhhh
Mickorod Renard: oops
Alfred Kelberry: *looks up at the bell*
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Mickorod Renard: yes Arabella,,that is a dificult notion,,the frustration of certain aspects of parenthood knowing also that the breaking of the tie will be so painful
"love - is risk, is blind, is the only pure thing"
Brian Roop: love is risk
Mickorod Renard: love is blind
Alfred Kelberry: ara, yes... i think a concept of detachment (or dropping) in the context of kids or loved ones is puzzling :)
Mickorod Renard: :)
Arabella SpiritWeaver: love is the only pure thing in this world sorrry i will be quite for a whiel.....
Brian Roop: in the measure that love is pure, one risks pain
Alfred Kelberry: "Love is real, real is love..." :)
Riddle Sideways: bye all, gotta go
Lia Rikugun: bye riddle
Wol Euler: bye riddle
Mickorod Renard: bye riddle
Alfred Kelberry: *looks at lia* heh, boxy girl with a pink tail :)
Lia Rikugun: hey bro
Lia Rikugun: ;)
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Mickorod Renard: I sometimes wonder whether some folk do a risk assessment on love
Alfred Kelberry: *plays with lia* :)
Alfred Kelberry: hehe
Mickorod Renard: there are those who risk,,and those who love something that wont let them down,,like perhaps a mountain
Lia Rikugun: hih
Alfred Kelberry: mick, i think you do when you date a girl or decide to get married :)
Mickorod Renard: that is risk
druth Vlodovic: to open yourself is to risk
Alfred Kelberry: hmm, what does buddhism say about risk?
Mickorod Renard: I think the richness is in the risk,,but it will be painful
Arabella SpiritWeaver: the love i speak offf is that force that contains us all.......
druth Vlodovic: even loving a mountain is to open some part of your heart and make yourself open to the world
Mickorod Renard: that is safe
Arabella SpiritWeaver: lol not that you can put a name to that the closest name i can give is love
Alfred Kelberry: mick, "will be painful" part is transient, as in nothing stays the same
Alfred Kelberry: druth, yes
Brian Roop: friends, i must go
Brian Roop: thank you for this time with you
Alfred Kelberry: bye, brian
Lia Rikugun: bye brian
loving someone, something stable, less stable
Mickorod Renard: I wonder how many of us who love a mountain or love something somewhat permanent ad so on,,have been hurt by love of someone less stable
Mickorod Renard: bye brian
Wol Euler: bye brian, take care
Agatha Macbeth: Evening all
Wol Euler: hello aggers
Lia Rikugun: hi agatha
Alfred Kelberry: mick, "less stable"?
Agatha Macbeth: Ah, boxes x 2
Lia Rikugun: :)
Mickorod Renard: I recon its a journey to taste love of the instable type,,and learn to become unnafected by selfish loss
Arabella SpiritWeaver: ah to be hurt a pain of desire a thingwe call love but we end in the fire........
Arabella SpiritWeaver: lol sorry
Alfred Kelberry: i like it :)
Mickorod Renard: he he ..thats a good one Ara
Arabella SpiritWeaver: ty!
Alfred Kelberry: "burn, burn, burn... the ring of fire..." :)
druth Vlodovic: to just love
Mickorod Renard: I was just thinking,,a rare moment for me,,,and realized that one uilds a love for the subject one paints,,then when its over the realisation is that the painting is a far cry from the real thing
druth Vlodovic: without loving *something*
Yaku arrived,stayed shortly to leave with Mick to WoK
Mickorod Renard: hey yaku,,wasnt it wok tonite?
Lia Rikugun: hi yaku
Wol Euler: hello yau
Yakuzza Lethecus: yeah, i am on my way
Wol Euler: +k
Arabella SpiritWeaver: druth thanks for inviting me here its helping greatly!..... mick thepainting is a form of self it is the cry we can not say and sometimes helps others
Wol Euler: bye yaku :)
Mickorod Renard: wasnt it an hour ago?
Agatha Macbeth: Now I think Mick
Mickorod Renard: yikes,,gotta go
Agatha Macbeth waves
Mickorod Renard: ok,,c u there
Lia Rikugun: byebye mick
Wol Euler: bye mick
Mickorod Renard: bye bye Lia,,and all
Mickorod Renard: x x
Arabella SpiritWeaver: see you mick take care
Mickorod Renard: am tp,ing,,i know I am lazy
Agatha Macbeth: Why not just walk?
Arabella SpiritWeaver: hehee :)
Agatha Macbeth: Oh Micky Micky
druth Vlodovic: does tping out of the cricle mess with the recorder?
druth Vlodovic: when I do it it doesn't say "stopped recording" until I log off
Lia Rikugun: (will leave too, take care everybody, nice to see you!!)
Agatha Macbeth: Not sure, to be honest
Alfred Kelberry: bye, boxy girl :)
Agatha Macbeth: Take care Liabox
Lia Rikugun: bye boxy boy
at this moment I left, and will leave the following uncommented..
Wol Euler: no, the recorder will record as long as at least one guardian is here
Arabella SpiritWeaver: whoops
Wol Euler: bye lia
Alfred Kelberry: ok, folks, i'm off
Alfred Kelberry: thank you for the company
Agatha Macbeth: We know :p
Alfred Kelberry: welcome to pab, ara :)
Agatha Macbeth: Bye bye Alf
Arabella SpiritWeaver: sorry got thrown out lolol
Wol Euler: wb
Arabella SpiritWeaver: ty
Arabella SpiritWeaver: i am thinking of doing a painting whilst blindfolded when i get home tonight who'd be intersted in seeing the video of that????
Wol Euler: heheheh
Agatha Macbeth: Picasso?
Wol Euler: I'd be c urios to see the result, certainly
Arabella SpiritWeaver: shoud be fun lol
Arabella SpiritWeaver: to see if i keep the brush on the papper should be the funniest thing
druth Vlodovic: lol, I've seen how fast paint
Arabella SpiritWeaver: aaah that is speeded up
Arabella SpiritWeaver: by 30 lolo
druth Vlodovic: oooh
Qt Core: Hi all
Wol Euler: hello qt
Agatha Macbeth: Buona sera Qt :)
Arabella SpiritWeaver: sorry guys i am gonna have to go i really want to go home and do this painting will be on tomorow with luck and thanks so much for the great time here i really appreciate this :) you dont know how you have helped me today
Qt Core: bye, have fun with the painting
Agatha Macbeth: Paint happily Arabella
Arabella SpiritWeaver: i wil :) ty
druth Vlodovic: have fun ara
Arabella SpiritWeaver: not sure it will be happy though
Wol Euler: paint well, then )
Agatha Macbeth: Wait til you take off the blindfold to say that...
Agatha Macbeth: I haven't seen that jumper in a long time Qt
Qt Core: since last winter ;-)
Agatha Macbeth: Yay!
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: it must be cold tonight in Italy
Agatha Macbeth: Winter draws on
Qt Core: not really, around 12/15 C in the day
Agatha Macbeth: Wonder what it's like in the Alps?
Qt Core: snow above 1800
Agatha Macbeth: Whoa
Agatha Macbeth: The skiers will be happy anyway
Qt Core: yes, some places announced earlier opening
Agatha Macbeth: What's the name of the big ski resort up there? I can never remember
Wol Euler: St Moritz?
Wol Euler: Davos?
Qt Core: Cortina ?
Agatha Macbeth: Isn't St Moritz in Switzerland?
Qt Core: yes
Wol Euler: oh right.
Agatha Macbeth: I was gonna say
Wol Euler: nevermind :)
Agatha Macbeth: Kurt Cobain?
Qt Core: Not a skier myself so i don't rem,ember the names ;-)
Agatha Macbeth: Well i only watch it on TV (occaisionally)
Agatha Macbeth: My skiing memeories tend to be stuck in the era of Klammer and Zurbriggen :(
Qt Core: same here but with Tomba and Compagnoni ;-)
Agatha Macbeth: Ah - Tomba the bomba!
Agatha Macbeth: I remember him
Agatha Macbeth: Wasn't he a policeman?
Qt Core: yes, a Carabiniere
Agatha Macbeth: Oh, with the rifles - wow
Qt Core: most of the skiers in italy are policemens or park guards
Agatha Macbeth: :)
druth Vlodovic: I've got to go
druth Vlodovic: thanks guys, it was interesting
Agatha Macbeth: Bye Druth
Qt Core: bye druth
Wol Euler: bye druth, take care
Agatha Macbeth: Yeah, bye Kiki :-)
Qt Core: what was the topic, it seemed to be paintings ?
Agatha Macbeth: Speed painting apparently
Wol Euler: blindfolded sped painting.
Wol Euler: +e
Agatha Macbeth: Blindfold
Agatha Macbeth: Jackson Pollock would dubtless be proud
Agatha Macbeth: +o
Qt Core: (suppressed a bad joke)
Wol Euler: or ray charles
Agatha Macbeth nods
Qt Core: painting/drawing is my second worst art ability
Agatha Macbeth: Worst is a relative term :)
Wol Euler: :)
Qt Core: non c'e' limite al peggio (italian saying, there is no end to the worst/bad)
Agatha Macbeth smiles
Agatha Macbeth: The worst in may case...
Agatha Macbeth: *my
Qt Core: the absolute bottom of my art talents is music, i could not be proud when i say i've made people cry many tears with my (compulsory) playing music in school
Wol Euler: oh daer :)
Wol Euler: hallo bert
Agatha Macbeth: Poor Qt :(
Agatha Macbeth: Hi Berti
Qt Core: not really, Agatha, poor Qt sister (she was the one who usually cried)
Agatha Macbeth grins
Bertram Jacobus: hy beings ! :-)
Qt Core: Hi Bert
Bertram Jacobus: whaow - i see wol as cloud (!)
Agatha Macbeth: I think we all do
Wol Euler nods
Wol Euler: lag :(
Qt Core: yes
Bertram Jacobus: why is that ?
Wol Euler: bad connnection tonight, for whatever reason
Agatha Macbeth: The Lindens have her clothes :-)
Wol Euler: yeah
Bertram Jacobus: hm. okay. poor you
Agatha Macbeth pictures Philip Linden in an Avid outfit
Wol Euler laughs.
Bertram Jacobus: i left the sim to change ma chlothes ...
Wol Euler: that would look so much better than his usual.
Wol Euler: or even his new.
Agatha Macbeth: True
Bertram Jacobus: and returned then
Wol Euler: actually, I'm going to clear ca che and reboot. back in a few minutes
Bertram Jacobus: i don´t know lindens, chars or persons from that company ...
Qt Core: i hope that not finding 95% of my shirts/jacket is due to lag :-(
Agatha Macbeth: The cloud will be back!
Bertram Jacobus: sometimes a change of the viewer also helps i heared qt
Agatha Macbeth: Well my Inv. all seems to be here
Agatha Macbeth: Not sure one viewer is a ny better than another where lag's concerned
Agatha Macbeth: *any
Qt Core: other folders seem ok, so i still have hopes, we'll see at next logins
Agatha Macbeth: Do you still get those spam IMs at login?
Bertram Jacobus: spam IM ?
Agatha Macbeth: Qt was getting grief spammed a while ago
Bertram Jacobus: from a special person ?
Qt Core: no, disappeared in a couple weeks
Agatha Macbeth: From Nazis I think :((
Bertram Jacobus: what ?!
Qt Core: a short name starting with blank spaces, very strange
Bertram Jacobus: how could THAT be ?!
Qt Core: yes, the messages was against jews and blacks i think
Bertram Jacobus: why do you think "nazi" ?
Bertram Jacobus: oh
Bertram Jacobus: very strange
Agatha Macbeth: Well, as long as it has stopped - no worries
Bertram Jacobus: and you have no idea why that reached you qt ?
Qt Core: no
Bertram Jacobus: strange ... ;-)
Agatha Macbeth: Yay!!!
Bertram Jacobus: yeah wol - you made it !
Wol Euler: am I visible?
Qt Core: i was very 'quiet' as a sl user
Bertram Jacobus: at least better then before ;-)
Agatha Macbeth: Sure are :p
Qt Core: in those weeks
Wol Euler cheers
Agatha Macbeth: Just waiting for the clothes now...
Agatha Macbeth: I *think* I know that dress :)
Bertram Jacobus: no top, grey bottom - rest ok - ok : all ok, but bare top, grey bottom *giggle*
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: Serene sensations, petit noir
Bertram Jacobus: in perfect paradise that could be fixed perhaps fast ...
Agatha Macbeth makes a note
Bertram Jacobus: you could try to tp there and come back then - how do you see yourself wol ?
Qt Core: have to go, bye all
Bertram Jacobus: bye qt
Agatha Macbeth: Ciao Qt
Wol Euler: bye qt
Qt Core: have fun... and or clothes ;-)
Wol Euler: Aggers, Bert just gave me a LM to an "intentional community". want ot have a look?
Agatha Macbeth: Yay :)
Bertram Jacobus: okay - then i come too - if you don´t mind (?) ... :-)
Agatha Macbeth: Yay x 2
Wol Euler: well, of *course* with you, bert.
Wol Euler: shall we?
Agatha Macbeth: Yep
Bertram Jacobus: ty - but - what does "intentional community" mean plz ? :-)
Agatha Macbeth: Maybe we' will find out
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Yaku
Agatha Macbeth: Just waiting to be TPed by Wol
Yakuzza Lethecus: well i get there too
Agatha Macbeth: :)
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