Perhaps because of the 'space' available during the weekend, a bit less crowded with events than the workweek,
I find myself thinking of what quiet inner space fosters: the safety to meander around the edges without having to choose among various points of view -- the safety to just explore. And doing that allows one to notice the gravitational pull of some viewpoints and the repulsion from others. And also the 'logic' of loyalties, as those of a working team --powerful draws not based on thought, but upon more ancient tribal loyalties which derive from deep within the fabric.
Sat with Bertram and the crew this evening after the PaB session. It wasn't as rocky as I expected, I managed to keep my thoughts together (or apart, depending on your metaphor) for a good eight minutes. One step at a time.
30min with med. buddy, emotions rather than thoughts arose, creeping on in this petty pace from day to day :-/
is stillness the same as quiet? it doesn't seem to have the soothing effects people describe
Yesterday was a hard day and gratitude did not come easily but reflecting on it this morning I realize that I am grateful for the difficult days, they show me how strong I am. Stronger than I ever thought I could be
::: Startles the space traveler
::: Collapses the worlds
I find myself thinking of what quiet inner space fosters: the safety to meander around the edges without having to choose among various points of view -- the safety to just explore. And doing that allows one to notice the gravitational pull of some viewpoints and the repulsion from others. And also the 'logic' of loyalties, as those of a working team --powerful draws not based on thought, but upon more ancient tribal loyalties which derive from deep within the fabric.
is stillness the same as quiet? it doesn't seem to have the soothing effects people describe
Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming / by James Hoggan, with Richard Littlemore
* edited 16:04, 25 Feb 2013