-Appreciative of your drawing Aph, thank you.
-Reading Maxine reminds me to genuinely look into the edges of kinds of fatigue. I used to see fatigue as a cue to slow down, but it can also be a cue to lean in more, or to focus in a different way.
-wishing spaciousness, ease, and clarity to Cat edited 00:02, 10 Mar 2013
Appreciating the simple recurrent beauty of eden's poems and Eliza's prose. I hope you both submit some for the poetry reading on April 6!
Being mindful of my breath,
I shrug off thoughts that carry sadness.
They are just thoughts" I point out,
"but, I argue "they comment on reality-
things as they are
and point to an inevitable truth." edited 04:26, 10 Mar 2013
Stream of consciousness
in the winds of change
pain moving around and around
love insists there is forgiveness
hate says no
life goes along
in the merry way it has
up and down around and around
till my head
not knowing
which way to go
and hate
arguing in the background
do not see
the baby falling
hard to the ground
blood on the wall
the floor and the door
spilling across the way
nobody to see
nobody to pick up the pieces
love and hate with their backs to each other
no words left to say
no eyes left to see
pain as it crawls across
the bloody floor
leaving marks for all to see
wondering were everyone has gone
wind blows
shifting the leaves
across the floor
covering the marks
left by pain and suffering
blowing gently
trying to heal
wounds made deep
moving on as is his wont
leaving behind
wounds deep
in the heart and soul
opened anew
to love and hate
fighting in the background
not seeing
that soul
has died
a long time ago
in a place not so very far away
soul took flight
to see what there was
and heard
love and hate
and cried
and died
for nothing
was left but
funny, whenever I think the mantra I keephearing Storm's voice :)
I tried saying it out loud a few times, though quietly, not a lot of private around here
I've started drawing my daughter's cards for amusement, which gives interesting results at times :)
Catrina, wishing that our witnessing could bring that soul alive again,
Love eclipsing the hate and the pain
Feeling received, seen, known, even in great pain
Can offer rescue, solace, re-enlivenment
As the dark slowly diminishes, to let the quiet light of love and life re-enter
-Appreciative of your drawing Aph, thank you.
-Reading Maxine reminds me to genuinely look into the edges of kinds of fatigue. I used to see fatigue as a cue to slow down, but it can also be a cue to lean in more, or to focus in a different way.
-wishing spaciousness, ease, and clarity to Cat edited 00:02, 10 Mar 2013
Being mindful of my breath,
I shrug off thoughts that carry sadness.
They are just thoughts" I point out,
"but, I argue "they comment on reality-
things as they are
and point to an inevitable truth." edited 04:26, 10 Mar 2013
in the winds of change
pain moving around and around
love insists there is forgiveness
hate says no
life goes along
in the merry way it has
up and down around and around
till my head
not knowing
which way to go
and hate
arguing in the background
do not see
the baby falling
hard to the ground
blood on the wall
the floor and the door
spilling across the way
nobody to see
nobody to pick up the pieces
love and hate with their backs to each other
no words left to say
no eyes left to see
pain as it crawls across
the bloody floor
leaving marks for all to see
wondering were everyone has gone
wind blows
shifting the leaves
across the floor
covering the marks
left by pain and suffering
blowing gently
trying to heal
wounds made deep
moving on as is his wont
leaving behind
wounds deep
in the heart and soul
opened anew
to love and hate
fighting in the background
not seeing
that soul
has died
a long time ago
in a place not so very far away
soul took flight
to see what there was
and heard
love and hate
and cried
and died
for nothing
was left but
Meditated in the evening. Allow the body to settle to the rhythm of the breath. See what happens.
::: Dark forces on the rampage
::: Stopped by lightsabers
I tried saying it out loud a few times, though quietly, not a lot of private around here
I've started drawing my daughter's cards for amusement, which gives interesting results at times :)
Love eclipsing the hate and the pain
Feeling received, seen, known, even in great pain
Can offer rescue, solace, re-enlivenment
As the dark slowly diminishes, to let the quiet light of love and life re-enter