/The Guardian for this meeting was Benedizione Vita. The comments are by Benedizione Vita./
Benedizione Vita: allo dougI initially missed where Doug was aiming. Relaxing too much (on a certain level) with Tigers around is potentially deadly!
doug Sosa: ah, behind me. hi.
Benedizione Vita: beside you
doug Sosa: somehow reads behind and beside. how are you?
Benedizione Vita: I presently relax and open to warmth where before
there was tightness and anxiety
doug Sosa: good almost always.
Benedizione Vita: in this case in particular
doug Sosa: no tigers!
Benedizione Vita: yes, no tigers
This is my first claimed log.
doug Sosa: i am just back from guatemala. tigers on my mind.
Benedizione Vita: I see
Benedizione Vita: are there tigers in guatamala?
doug Sosa: feels like it. jaguars, pumas, ..
Benedizione Vita: isn't that interesting
Benedizione Vita: it feels like there are tigers, even though there
are only lions and bears o my
doug Sosa: where is that?
Benedizione Vita: the zoo
Benedizione Vita: but what I mean is, the brain fills in the gap
doug Sosa: ah, we are all behind bars so together.. the power of PaB
is to see that we are inside yet not.
Benedizione Vita: fuego
Benedizione Vita: oops
Benedizione Vita: fuego
doug Sosa: fuego?
Benedizione Vita: I just lit myself on fire
doug Sosa: digital or RL?
Benedizione Vita: digital
Benedizione Vita: can you see?
doug Sosa: ah, thought it was a graphic glitch on my screen. jump in
the water.
doug Sosa: used to be able to sit in the water. no more.
Benedizione Vita: hahaha
doug Sosa: you look like a buddhist mony about 1967
Benedizione Vita: I like being on fire
Benedizione Vita: burns away the karma
doug Sosa: doesn't even toast the bytes :)
doug Sosa: where is everyone? I've been gone for two weeks.
Benedizione Vita: do you know how I post the log, by the way?
The few words to which I referred were "404 not found," due to the extra comma in the url, but at this point in the convo my heavy multitasking distracted me for a while.
Benedizione Vita: not sure where everyone is
doug Sosa: no idea.
Benedizione Vita: hopefully I will figure it out
Benedizione Vita: so what are you up to these days? still garden
world? (do you mind if I have that in the log?)
doug Sosa: wouldn't it be wonderful if not, then we could talk about
doug Sosa: no dificulty. it can stay.
doug Sosa: up to? I've got a blog http://dougcarmichael.com/blog,
says it all (ha!).
Benedizione Vita: 404 Not Found?
doug Sosa: yes, gardenworld. the plan for all seasons.
Benedizione Vita: you are a man of few words these days, doug
Benedizione Vita: (it's because there was a comma on the end, but I
thought it was funny)
Benedizione Vita: brb
doug Sosa: how many are there?
Benedizione Vita: how many commas?
Benedizione Vita: there was only one
doug Sosa: no, words "few words".
doug Sosa: hey, hi!
stevenaia Michinaga: hi Doug, Bene
doug Sosa: you guys look like avatar flambe
stevenaia Michinaga: I jsut wanted to make sure the log was claimed
stevenaia Michinaga: and everyone was warm
doug Sosa: i feel like a perfect marshmello, slow toasted.
stevenaia Michinaga: right, not the fire, the heat makes it perfect
stevenaia Michinaga: thanks for claiming the log, I must get back to
doug Sosa: bye.
stevenaia Michinaga: see you soon Doug, hope all is good
doug Sosa: sort of.
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
doug Sosa: i tried to sit in the water earlier. no way.
stevenaia Michinaga: fountain never puts my feet out....
stevenaia Michinaga: now you can, then put the fountain back
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
doug Sosa: ah, wonders.
stevenaia Michinaga: enjoy
doug Sosa: las week i was on top of a volcanoe, 8000 feet. right in.
stevenaia Michinaga: this'll help
doug Sosa: yes, it does.
Benedizione Vita: sorry yall
Benedizione Vita: I am way too many multitasking
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