The Guardian for this meeting was stevenaia Michinaga. The comments are by stevenaia Michinaga.
I arrived with Archmage Atlantis and his new guest, Blonde Starsmith sitting quietly. Susi Alcott arrived and the group began to talk....
Susi Alcott: good morning/evening Blonde, Arch and steve
stevenaia Michinaga: hello Susi, I am rezzing, can;t see much ATM
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
stevenaia Michinaga: you are up late
stevenaia Michinaga: or early
Susi Alcott: can play to be your eyes; the pavilion is just as it's been a while :)
Susi Alcott: this time it might be more to say that late
stevenaia Michinaga: well I do see this
stevenaia Michinaga: have you been here before Blonde?
stevenaia Michinaga: *here
Blonde Starsmith: sorry, no I have not
stevenaia Michinaga: smiles, was that a sneeze Susi?
Susi Alcott: ?
stevenaia Michinaga: your burst of "things"
stevenaia Michinaga: the animation coming from you from time to time
Susi Alcott: that earlier meeting ?
Susi Alcott: grins
Susi Alcott: starpower
stevenaia Michinaga: no just a moment ago, an SL "sneeze"
stevenaia Michinaga: that
Susi Alcott: hm
Susi Alcott: might I not know about that...
stevenaia Michinaga: well it appears to be random and interesting, how are you Arch?
Susi Alcott: as I dont have any animation...but this star burst...
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, that is what I mean
Susi Alcott: or poofer...donno exactly how it's called
stevenaia Michinaga: now that it;s spring has the snow melted?
Susi Alcott: well; not here in Finland
Blonde Starsmith: Snow only in mountains here in California
Susi Alcott: ah yes; that poofer is stars and some other kind of particles; also a present from a friend
Archmage Atlantis: how am i?
stevenaia Michinaga: have you been here before Blonde?
Blonde Starsmith: No
stevenaia Michinaga: we record our conversations and post them to our wiki, is it ok if we include your comments?
Blonde Starsmith: surely
stevenaia Michinaga: thank you, what( or who) brought you here this day?
Blonde Starsmith: Arch asked me to come
stevenaia Michinaga: yes Arch, how are you?
Archmage Atlantis: If a friend dies in one's arms, if a young person dies without our care
Archmage Atlantis: How should I be?
stevenaia Michinaga: a sign of love in the first case
stevenaia Michinaga: the second, I have no answers
stevenaia Michinaga: If you believe in reincarnations, there are other ways of thinking about a lossed one
Susi Alcott: feels need to ask for this 'if', if you speak about something that has happened or something that could happen
stevenaia Michinaga: hello Calvino
Susi Alcott: Hi Cal
Calvino Rabeni: Hi everyone!
Blonde Starsmith: one is never lost... one just changes its relationship to the whole
Susi Alcott: ah yes; claiming that I know of the eternal life to spirit and of reincarnating, I'd take it to be honor if a friend would die on one's arms
Susi Alcott: but sure would feel very bad when somebody dies cuz nobody has cared, and would wish him/her to get much better life in his/her next incarnation
Susi Alcott: but I think that still people do die for that reason ...
Archmage Atlantis: Does honor come without suffering?
Blonde Starsmith: but if it that person's path to die so that you may learn caring, then the one gets progression and you receive learning
Susi Alcott: that I don not know, but as I also believe in choice when it comes to death, that is the reason that I'd feel honored to escort one to step foreword
stevenaia Michinaga: nods
stevenaia Michinaga: that is a very nice outlook
Susi Alcott: yet; that is not to anybody else to say how you should be in either cases
Susi Alcott: so...would you please answer to steves question how are you ?
Archmage Atlantis: Dl any of you know the story of the taino?
Susi Alcott: would also want to hear if you speak of option or true happening
stevenaia Michinaga:
Susi Alcott: you sure are also entitled to not-to-care of our questions and not to answer in that case
Blonde Starsmith: stevenaia, since I am new I do not know how this discussion is held
Blonde Starsmith: or is it just stream of consciousness
stevenaia Michinaga: usually one leads to another
Blonde Starsmith: ahhh...
stevenaia Michinaga: our intent is exploration
stevenaia Michinaga: the nature of reality
Blonde Starsmith: I can only answer questions or add to
Blonde Starsmith moves the conversation to her thoughts for discussion and a lively conversation begins
Blonde Starsmith: for my thoughts are centered on radiant acquiescence to the Creator
stevenaia Michinaga: through discussion, and periodic meditation
stevenaia Michinaga: can you explain, what that mean, Blonde?
Blonde Starsmith: yes
stevenaia Michinaga: (a question)
Blonde Starsmith: to live by the will of the Creator joyfully accepting all conditions of that path
Blonde Starsmith: having no expectations of outcome
stevenaia Michinaga: "Creator"?
Blonde Starsmith: that's only a name... unknowable essence, God
Blonde Starsmith: that which none of us can know
Susi Alcott: you tell that knowing or assuming ?
Blonde Starsmith: that is my truth
Blonde Starsmith: all that we need to know is already inside us
Susi Alcott: so; if I may ask; how come you can then know if your thoughts are centered on the Creator ?
Blonde Starsmith: that is my truth
Susi Alcott: so that is your belief imho
Blonde Starsmith: I have sought and examined and mediated and prayed ... finally following synchronicities and symbols and I found that I knew what I needed to know the whole time
Blonde Starsmith: I once did not believe of a higher power... to my complete satisfaction, I was proven wrong
stevenaia Michinaga: It does sound similar to what we do here, find what we know
Blonde Starsmith: I am awake and aware
stevenaia Michinaga: but we don;t seek a "Power"
stevenaia Michinaga: sorry, i don't
Blonde Starsmith: power?
Susi Alcott: neither do I
Calvino Rabeni: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: a hight power
stevenaia Michinaga: *higher
Blonde Starsmith: ahhh... even defining this unknowable things as a power... is impossible
Blonde Starsmith: Creator is
Susi Alcott: in case I seek something, that is that what's there for me to do or allowed to do, wanted or expected to do and such
Blonde Starsmith: Universe was created out of love, We were created because we were loved, our purpose is to know and love the Creator
Blonde Starsmith: all this is inside us, but first we must love ourselves
Susi Alcott: when there is this Creator; why he/she would have the need to be loved, if his/her love has been able to create all out of his/her love ?
stevenaia Michinaga: I do believe in the power of love, but that is something we all can have
stevenaia Michinaga: have to give as well
Blonde Starsmith: this is your seeking. Independent investigation of the truth
Susi Alcott: no
Susi Alcott: I just disagree with you
Blonde Starsmith: no one can answer those questions... except yourself
Blonde Starsmith: I honor that
Blonde Starsmith: your path to truth is different from mine... neither are good or bad.. just different
Blonde Starsmith: and when all begin to honor the path of another there can be shring of knowledge between souls
stevenaia Michinaga: and that is much of what we do here, agree, disagree, seek, learn about others, understand :)
Archmage Atlantis: We know our own truth......
Blonde Starsmith: I never argue. Only answer questions or add
Archmage Atlantis: Cannot a creator create different beings with different truths
Blonde Starsmith: It is not in me as see all things with honor
Blonde Starsmith: Ultimately there is only one truth to be discovered. Oness of all things
Susi Alcott: well; at least I cannot answer to the question what your meant creator can create or not
Susi Alcott: I neither cannot understand oneness; how come there could be different thoughts; even opposite, if there would be only one ?
Blonde Starsmith: oness does not disallow much diversity
Blonde Starsmith: it is the glory of all things
Blonde Starsmith: that create the whole
Blonde Starsmith: brb... sorry
Calvino Rabeni: If there were a creator of the animals and other beings, even those apparently ugly, would be the bearers of honorable messages
stevenaia Michinaga: looked up oneness on Wikipidia, it was confused
Archmage Atlantis: Anyone see tonight's game
Blonde Starsmith: there is a great oneness that wiki may not be able to put into words
Susi Alcott: well; then I must be blind
Blonde Starsmith: it is that you find inside
Susi Alcott: maybe because it's not true ?
Blonde Starsmith: which cannot be defined
Blonde Starsmith: you will have to seek that truth to your own satisfaction
Susi Alcott: do I have to ?
Calvino Rabeni: And a created avatar, such as Calvino or Archmage, must see the creation through the eyes of the creator, if there is none else
stevenaia Michinaga: hmmm, was meditating on Oneness (seemed appropriate) I saw smallness, simplicity and completeness, not power and creation
Blonde Starsmith: there are no "have to" things
Blonde Starsmith: this is a world of free will
Blonde Starsmith: the unifying factor amongst the diversity of the universe is love
Archmage Atlantis: Waiting outside the ladies room, for the big revelation
Susi Alcott: told me that I have to....
Susi Alcott: that's why I asked; wanted to be clear what you mean
Blonde Starsmith: shall then then mence words... as I have no power over anything but myself
Susi Alcott: well; I have no power even over myself :)
Calvino Rabeni: @arch, i live in a media-free zone; if I want news I fire up an old motorcycle and ride it to the top of the hill; whereupon In an old cafe, I might finds words written in a second hand, rumpled newspaper
Blonde Starsmith: then that is what your truth would be presently
Archmage Atlantis: I really dislike when women and men do not realize the power they have...
Blonde Starsmith: as I at one time felt that... and came to a different understanding
Calvino Rabeni: "women and men"? different meaning than "people"?
stevenaia Michinaga: many of us are a bit of both, Arch
Archmage Atlantis: Yes, we are intersexed friends are different
Susi Alcott: what kind of power you Arch feel people to have that they dont know about ?
Calvino Rabeni: Perhaps the power not to take sides
Archmage Atlantis: Do easy, yet so hard, love
Susi Alcott: as I know only the power of working together
Archmage Atlantis: That we are important to each other
Archmage Atlantis: That we appreciate another's sacrifice
Susi Alcott: I feel very bad when anybody must sacrifice
Calvino Rabeni: No honor without sacrifice
Calvino Rabeni: see - two different visions of honor?
Archmage Atlantis: That we are something more than this existence
Susi Alcott: but know that more than well that some people are forced to do so by some people
Blonde Starsmith: that is there choice to be "forced"
Calvino Rabeni: @susi, I feel bad when people are unable to or prevented from making any sacrifice, that is a sad state of affairs
Archmage Atlantis: Yes, Susi....that is very true
Archmage Atlantis: much of the time
Susi Alcott: I can still honor the one who sacrifice, just that my belief is that such shouldn't happen
Calvino Rabeni: There was a time I had that belief
Archmage Atlantis: If one choses, then it should be honored
Susi Alcott: on my own behalf I claim that I have sacrificed much just because I'm not got the help which was promised
Archmage Atlantis: If one is forced, then it should not happen
Susi Alcott: so; not anyway my own choice
Archmage Atlantis: Ah
Blonde Starsmith: may be that some choices where made in preexistence on this plan
Calvino Rabeni: In involuntary sacrifice should not be called by that name - it is really a theft
Archmage Atlantis: We all chose
Blonde Starsmith: and I am not understanding what you term a sacrifice to be?
Calvino Rabeni: The sacrifice being something freely given to a higher power
Archmage Atlantis: Not the physical
Susi Alcott: nobody lives alone, and nobody is rightful to choose for an other; so; in other words; I cannot choose for people who do effect to my life
Calvino Rabeni: And it must be of some value, and be given voluntarily
Archmage Atlantis: But the consequences of the choice
Susi Alcott: to me it's that way voluntarily, that I have not forced anybody
stevenaia Michinaga: I must go, but please continue
Susi Alcott: _/!\_ steve
Blonde Starsmith: Namaste
Blonde Starsmith: The light within me honors the light within you
Blonde Starsmith: May your path be of peace and enlightenment.
Calvino Rabeni: Namaste also steve
stevenaia Michinaga: come back soon Blonde
Archmage Atlantis: I think it is time for us all to go....the hour is over
Blonde Starsmith: yes
Calvino Rabeni: I'd like to leave with a rumi poem
Archmage Atlantis: Blessings and Namaste
Calvino Rabeni:
Archmage Atlantis: Pls Cal
Blonde Starsmith: thank you for letting me attend
Archmage Atlantis: Tis is the center of the new galaxy
Calvino Rabeni: _/!\_
Calvino Rabeni: Susi
Susi Alcott: yes ?
Calvino Rabeni: _/!\_
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Calvino Rabeni: Take care, see you later
Susi Alcott: U 2
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