Wol Euler was guardian for this session.
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Bolonath Crystal: hi susi :)
Susi Alcott: Hi Bolonath
Susi Alcott: Hello Wol
Wol Euler: good morning bolo, susi
Bolonath Crystal: namaste wol
Bolonath Crystal: my computer is very slow today, sry
Susi Alcott: wol wearing special dress today :)
Wol Euler smiles
Wol Euler: just for you.
Susi Alcott: ?
Wol Euler: (a minor joke, not to worry)
Susi Alcott: ah
Wol Euler: well, my day has just started. Please excuse me for a moment while I get a cup of coffee
Susi Alcott: ...and you know what :)
Susi Alcott: it finally also rezzed....for long time I saw only 'a lingrie' :)
Wol Euler: back
Wol Euler sips and smiles.
Bolonath Crystal: wb :) enjoy your coffee
Wol Euler: ty
Bolonath Crystal: yw
Susi Alcott: well; there was one week that almost half of the people came almost nude to Hikari meetings
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: huh, and I was worried about arriving here in latex panties and bra :)
Susi Alcott: has huge chat lag
Susi Alcott: well...something such I saw
Wol Euler giggles. Yeah, I logged on too late, didn't have time to wait for rezzing before I TPed here
Susi Alcott: and noticed of this chat lag that I also lost others lines
Wol Euler: that probably means that your internet connection is flaky today, susi, you are losing "packets" of transmission
Susi Alcott: and yes; that dress IS beautful :)
Wol Euler: perhaps log off, restart your modem, reboot your computer, and try again?
Bolonath Crystal: didn't help much with me
Wol Euler: :(
Bolonath Crystal: i had a system crash earlier
Susi Alcott: that's what I've needed to do for a while almost each day; sometimes several times
Wol Euler: wow
Wol Euler is utterly unable to prevent herself from saying "We poor Mac users miss all the fun."
Bolonath Crystal: did somebody attend yesterday's pm meetings?
Qt Core: hi all
Bolonath Crystal: namaste qt
Wol Euler: hello qt
Wol Euler: yes, bolo, I was at the 1pm
Susi Alcott: Hello Qt
Wol Euler: ooh, a colourful qt -- but who am I to talk :)
Bolonath Crystal: did you see any effect of the newsblog? many new visitors?
Qt Core: spring attire ;-)
Wol Euler: not a one, bolo :)
Bolonath Crystal: wow
Susi Alcott: did you see me here then also Wol ?
Wol Euler: I think you were there, yes.
Wol Euler: I know I've seen you quite recently, and I haven't been in often
Qt Core: after all, wol, some of us have to add some colour agaist this two plain white ones ;-)
Wol Euler: :)
Bolonath Crystal: *g*
Susi Alcott: ok; have got also guite a time lost :)
Wol Euler: does anyone have a topic for today?
Wol Euler: wheeeee!
Bolonath Crystal: well, maybe some of you can tell me a little about thai theravada buddhism?
Qt Core: just a sec while i fire up wikipedia ;-)
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: I know only the name, Bolonath
Bolonath Crystal: i'd prefer personal experience, qt ;)
Bolonath Crystal: first time i got in touch with buddhism was in sri lanka, somewhen in the 80s
Wol Euler: the crashing silence suggests that there isn't any to be had today, bolo :)
Bolonath Crystal: yes, i suppose so
Wol Euler: Bertram might have been able to offer some, but he is seldom here in the morning
Bolonath Crystal: yes, he's working. i meet him mostly at 1pm
Wol Euler nods.
Qt Core: i know very little about buddism, having read just a couple books many years ago (but having a few others unread around)
Bolonath Crystal: (and i talked with him about it already *g*)
Qt Core: so, probably the one asking is the one that knows more...
Wol Euler: heheheh
Qt Core: like professors in schools ;-)
Wol Euler laughs.
Bolonath Crystal: i'm at the moment reading a book from bikkhu buddhadasa
Wol Euler: mmm?
Bolonath Crystal: this is a thai monk
Bolonath Crystal: this book is not sold anywhere. "only for free distribution" it says
Susi Alcott: I thought that I didn't know even the base of any buddhism which is 'official', but after hearing Isen as he teached 'the beginners', I learned that I knew
Wol Euler: very noble
Wol Euler: (not being sarcastic, I approve)
Qt Core: (it remind me about Perelman and his rejection of the 1 million prize for proving the pointcare conjecture
Qt Core: brb
Wol Euler: yes, what a fascinating story that is
Wol Euler: wonder if I can find an english-language link for the log...
Wol Euler: http://news.independentminds.livejou...m/6489460.html
Qt Core: back
Bolonath Crystal: wb qt
Susi Alcott: wb
Wol Euler: wb
Qt Core: and i was just trying to compare Perelman and Stallman ;-)
Susi Alcott: hm...as I learned also 'something more' for listening to this Isen (he's very wise man)
Susi Alcott: oh this lag...
Susi Alcott: occured to my mind to ask all of you ;
Susi Alcott: how you take when I say that you all are buddha ?
Wol Euler: in a general, and favourable way: I assume you mean we all have "buddha nature", that the ability to be mindful and enlightened and compassionate is in us
Qt Core: that i have a long way to go before realizing myself
Bolonath Crystal: buddha potential, you may call it
Susi Alcott: ok, but I say it with full meaning my words
Susi Alcott: you all are buddha
Bolonath Crystal: buddha is being. we all are being, there is nothing we have to "become". only to realize
Susi Alcott: I dont recall the words of Isen; only how I learned of them teachings which are 'official'
Susi Alcott: yes Bolo
Susi Alcott: I've so often been sad that something good is said to be buddhism....
Susi Alcott: even it might be that it's more or less teached in buddhism...
Susi Alcott: theres so much people I know that are living the way of buddhism even never studied it
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: though that is equally true of almost all religions, I think
Wol Euler: there is a great overlap between them all, they have the same "core" which is dealing with people
Bolonath Crystal: yes, i think whoever is a good buddhist can be a good everything
Bolonath Crystal: "good"...
Susi Alcott: ah that reminds me how I've been sad that there was such thing that Siddharta couldn't so much/clearly remind people living those times, and might that made a bit lag of it in buddhist teachings;
Susi Alcott: 'love yourself'
Susi Alcott: well...as well I have not much heared Christian preasts asking ppl to love themself
Bolonath Crystal: in hinduism there are attempts of uniting all religions
Susi Alcott: only to notice that Jesus loves 'them'
Susi Alcott: ...if even that....
Bolonath Crystal: i heard christians say, jesus told us to love others as much as ourselves, so we have to love ourself as well
Qt Core: usually love yourself is explained as a corollary (or a foundation) to the love others as you love yourself prescription
Qt Core: ;-)
Wol Euler: though when you get right down to it, many people do *not* love themselves
Wol Euler: don't dare, or think it's wrong, or have been taught that they are not good enough...
Susi Alcott: ah yes; but as the tone how that's said, makes people to think that otherwise
Susi Alcott: and having prefere guilt if loves oneself
Bolonath Crystal nods
Susi Alcott: wanna hear a story ?
Qt Core: many see christianism as a big guilty feeling trip ;-)
Qt Core: yes, please
Wol Euler: please
Susi Alcott: as I once thought that how ever I could help such person, who's only prob---which creates all the rest of them probs---is too strong christianity
Susi Alcott: that happened two days after, that such person called and asked help
Susi Alcott: these words rose from me then;
Susi Alcott: 'I have one request to you; please believe what it is said in the bible;
Susi Alcott: 'God is everywhere'
Susi Alcott: she 'got it'
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: "thou art God"
Susi Alcott: as she had thought that she's not worthy to help his friend ...
Bolonath Crystal: tat tvam asi *smile*
Susi Alcott: end of the story
Bolonath Crystal: a central story in many religions :)
Susi Alcott: sadly people mostly 'disagree' with that
Susi Alcott: if not what comes to one's self, then looking other people
Bolonath Crystal: i thought that it may be a good idea to have a look at all religions and see, where they overlap. there might be some truth to be found there. "though art god" is one of these overlaps
Wol Euler nods.
Susi Alcott: thinking those religions I know, that's the most 'clearly' said in buddhism....
Bolonath Crystal: oops, my coffee cup manifested emptiness. brb ;)
Susi Alcott: even buddhism is no religion
Susi Alcott: but migth that be cause of that
Wol Euler: :)
Qt Core: as in the end there no Other thing to be loved
Susi Alcott: ah yes; sadly some people have made them teachings to 'be god'
Susi Alcott: as well many have made beauty or money or intelligence ...or what ever but one's self to be god
Qt Core: excluding maybe some devious, mind manipolating sects ;-)
Bolonath Crystal: <-- back
Wol Euler: wb
Susi Alcott: smiles to few people I know that has 'made themself to be god' so that they have not noticed that
Bolonath Crystal: thx :)
Bolonath Crystal: Qt Core: as in the end there no Other thing to be loved <--- i love that statement :)
Susi Alcott: ah...and the 'lates news' I've got of buddhisms is that there's this 'new buddhims for europeans'; that's verrrry judmental teaching they practice
Wol Euler: O.O
Wol Euler: what a strange concept "buddhism for europeans" is
Bolonath Crystal: what is so "european" about it?
Qt Core: good, we aren't very good at being openminded ;-)
Wol Euler: nonsense!
Wol Euler: or rather, far too broadly spoken
Susi Alcott: there Lama even sais that one must never go to Africa cuz all bad comes from there...
Bolonath Crystal: ?
Wol Euler: oh, so it's buddhism for racist nationalist scum?
Bolonath Crystal: mankind comes from there, lol
Susi Alcott: ah well...I have no idea what's there as 'european', but that's how the 'introduce' there teachings
Bolonath Crystal: strange thing
Qt Core: in a weird way it is a great achievment having warped buddhism so greatly!
Wol Euler chuckles
Susi Alcott: ah yes; mankind comes from Africa in the beginning
Wol Euler: not that long ago, either: 400 thousand years was the number I heard
Bolonath Crystal: there were several swaps
Qt Core: but then, again evolving from apes may heve been a wrong thing to do, simpler life as apes
Bolonath Crystal: species shift and evolution happen at the margins of a species' living range. the fittest ones occupy the center zones, so the "most developed" species are actually the losers of evolution
Wol Euler: brownian motion of genes :)
Bolonath Crystal: nothing to be proud of
Bolonath Crystal: so probably our ancestors had no choice but to evolve from apes
Qt Core: that if the evolution go toward the "interior" of the living range or toward a new one
Susi Alcott: ah well; thankfully there's huge much things for mankind to be proud too :)
Susi Alcott: wouldn't like to , but have to go
Susi Alcott: thank you all
Bolonath Crystal: yes, there is light and shadow. as always
Wol Euler: bye susi, enjoy the day.
Bolonath Crystal: om shanti, susi
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Qt Core: bye susi!
Bolonath Crystal: we are shifting to summer time this sunday, don't we, wol?
Qt Core: yes
Wol Euler: yep
Wol Euler: alas
Wol Euler: sadly
Bolonath Crystal: stupid thing *g*
Wol Euler: it is
Qt Core: having PaB an hour earlier in the evening wasn't so bad
Bolonath Crystal: yep
Bolonath Crystal: in the morning, too
Qt Core: but in the end just remembering the change[s] is more troubling that that
Wol Euler bites her tongue and has another sip of coffee
Bolonath Crystal: you don't need your tongue for writing ;)
Wol Euler: heheh
Bolonath Crystal: i tp to the kitchen, preparing tofu tandoori :)
Bolonath Crystal: have a good time
Bolonath Crystal: om shanti :)
Qt Core: bon apetit
Wol Euler: bye bolo, bon appetit
Qt Core: i have to try tofu again, i tried it several years ago and i was disgusted by is lack of taste
Wol Euler nods
Wol Euler: it all depends on how it's cooked
Wol Euler: seasoned
Qt Core: you know as it is classified as soy cheese and i love cheeses maybe i had unreasonable expectations
Wol Euler: heheheheheh
Wol Euler: I can see that being a great disappointment
Qt Core: not that i need it, i can happily survive with italian foods ;-)
Wol Euler: variety is always nice
Qt Core: yes, i've try everything at leas once and i like many things from all over the world
Qt Core: nice spelling and grammar!
Wol Euler: the one thing I really miss from living in London is the variety of "foreign food"
Wol Euler: Germans are not at all adventurous about food
Qt Core: just thinking something like that, thinking about the diversity in bigger cities than the ones in my food range
Wol Euler nods.
Qt Core: but i mostrly tried those cousine/recipes at home making them myself
Qt Core: mostrly ;-) yes some of those had monstrous results, bot in a good and in a bad way
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: I'm afraid I shall have to move on, Qt, I have some errands to run before going to work today
Wol Euler: it was nice to see you again
Qt Core: same here (but not going to work)
Qt Core: have a nice day
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: enjoy your day off, then
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