Wol Euler recovered this session from the autologging database.
Yakuzza Lethecus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__Co6...layer_embedded
Zen Arado: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ode-Less-Tra...2938272&sr=1-9
Bruce Mowbray: I remember that conversation, Eden.
Bruce Mowbray: Yaku - that vid of the man going through the hay baler -- Wow!
Zen Arado: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5tYeyChFB0
Bruce Mowbray: GREAT - vid of the dolphin and the labradour!
Bruce Mowbray: The dolphin vid has music background.
Bruce Mowbray: I always enjoy listening to you folks!
Bruce Mowbray: I'm going for a hike now -- Thanks for all the new toys!
Bruce Mowbray: bye for now.
Eden Haiku: Thanks Bruce :)
Bruce Mowbray dies from laughing....
Bleu Oleander dies from laughing....
Bleu Oleander dies from laughing....
Eden Haiku dies from laughing....
Eden Haiku dies from laughing....
Bleu Oleander dies from laughing....
Bleu Oleander dies from laughing....
Eden Haiku dies from laughing....
Bleu Oleander dies from laughing....
Eden Haiku dies from laughing....
Eden Haiku dies from laughing....
Bleu Oleander dies from laughing....
Eden Haiku: Closing her microphone to experience the dropping into written words.
Bleu Oleander: same here
Eden Haiku: Appreciating the appearance of no sound.
Bleu Oleander: usually more here by now
Bleu Oleander: seems a struggle to type
Eden Haiku: As in Pema last chapter.
Bleu Oleander: does anyone come on Sat 7pm?
Bleu Oleander: i'm filling in for Pema
Eden Haiku: http://wiki.playasbeing.org/PaB_Books/Magic_of_Time/4._Appreciation
Eden Haiku: This week I can't, but I think so yes, people go to Satudray 7 PM
Bleu Oleander: i'm on FB
Eden Haiku: All the while Zen and Yaku are talking on voice and I still hear them.
Bleu Oleander: i still hear them too
Eden Haiku: bad boys;(( bad bad boys
Zen Arado: Doshin John Raylor
Eden Haiku: Throwing buses and exploding...
Zen Arado: Doshin John Taylor
Eden Haiku: Using banana guns. Real machos :)
Eden Haiku: They make us die laughing...
Eden Haiku dies from laughing....
Eden Haiku: Well guys, it was a half-drop as I lost only BLue's voice :)
Bleu Oleander: bye Eden
Zen Arado: bye Eden
Bleu Oleander: I can't find it either
Eden Haiku: Have to go now, take care :) Thanks for the fun session Yaku!
Zen Arado: bye Bleu
Eden Haiku: Bye Bleu:) Bye Zen!!
Zen Arado: http://www.facebook.com/#!/doshin.taylor
Bleu Oleander: bye take care :)
Zen Arado: you can do more things on Facebbok than Twitter I think
Yakuzza Lethecus: hi adoro :)
adoro Rhapsody: hi
Zen Arado: Hi Adoro
Zen Arado: Hi Arch
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey arch
adoro Rhapsody: hi arch
Yakuzza Lethecus: wie had a few silly things this evening :)
Zen Arado: already
Zen Arado: I'm struggling with it too
adoro Rhapsody: wowo
adoro Rhapsody: that is chaos
adoro Rhapsody: surprising
Archmage Atlantis: No, that had a pattern
adoro Rhapsody: surrealistic
Archmage Atlantis: chaos has not pattern
adoro Rhapsody: ok
adoro Rhapsody: its programmed chaos
Archmage Atlantis: Agree with surrealistic
adoro Rhapsody: so no chaos
adoro Rhapsody: like a painting of salvasor dali
adoro Rhapsody: salvador
Zen Arado: have to think about that
Archmage Atlantis: And being cranky, so likely to say anything, so asking for forgiveness in advance
adoro Rhapsody: u r forgiven
Archmage Atlantis: Thank you Jesu.....*smile*
adoro Rhapsody: amen
Zen Arado: you have our blessing my son :)
Archmage Atlantis: ad homen en
adoro Rhapsody: go in peace
adoro Rhapsody: my friend
adoro Rhapsody: and say the words u wanna say
Archmage Atlantis: Growing up methodist, I never had the good fortune to be abused.......sigh
Zen Arado: we can take it
adoro Rhapsody: ok
adoro Rhapsody: i see
Zen Arado: can't think of a reply
Archmage Atlantis: Or "I see you".....yet none of us really do
adoro Rhapsody: ok
adoro Rhapsody: u r right
adoro Rhapsody: i mean I understand
Archmage Atlantis: I did say I'm cranky, I hope
Zen Arado: none of us do that either :)
Archmage Atlantis: Got new tests on my DNA today
Zen Arado: oh?
adoro Rhapsody: wow
adoro Rhapsody: and ?
adoro Rhapsody: do u have DNA ?
Archmage Atlantis: More confusing than wow
adoro Rhapsody: oh i am sorry
Zen Arado: why confusing?
Archmage Atlantis: Nothing to be sorry about, confusion is part of learning
Zen Arado: life is confusion
adoro Rhapsody: said confucius
Zen Arado: :)
Zen Arado: he started it?
Archmage Atlantis: Zen, my family name goes back to the first boats from England
Zen Arado: what is it?
Zen Arado: or maybe you shouldn't reveal that here
Archmage Atlantis: My mom's mitrochodria go back to Ireland and Scotland
Zen Arado: my RL name comes from Scottish/English border
Zen Arado: like me you are Ulster Scots?
Archmage Atlantis: Don't know
Zen Arado: Hi Qt :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey qt
Archmage Atlantis: That name came over in the early years of here also
adoro Rhapsody: hi qt
Archmage Atlantis: Guten morgen, QT
Zen Arado: would be interesting to trace one's genealogy
Yakuzza Lethecus: du kannst nur mit mir auf deutsch reden, qt ist italiener
adoro Rhapsody: verstanden ?
adoro Rhapsody: buena sera Qt
Yakuzza Lethecus: i just said in german that qt is italian, arch
Qt Core: 'sera adoro ;-)
adoro Rhapsody: or is that spanish ?
Yakuzza Lethecus: sera is correct :)
adoro Rhapsody: ok
adoro Rhapsody: thnx
Qt Core: got that even if i don't know ther german language
Archmage Atlantis: +smiles+
Zen Arado: Que sera, sera
adoro Rhapsody: what will be will be
adoro Rhapsody: doris day
Qt Core: not really, there is an ' before as it is a shortened form for buona sera
Zen Arado: is a good philosophy
Archmage Atlantis: The borders are inventions
Zen Arado: you must be quite old Adoro :)
Qt Core: but language barriers aren't, Arch ;-)
adoro Rhapsody: i am an ancient sage
Archmage Atlantis: Yeppers
Zen Arado: :)
adoro Rhapsody: i am in my second life time
Zen Arado: me too
Archmage Atlantis: My male DNA is Levite.........oy vey
adoro Rhapsody: wow
Zen Arado: how on earth do they know that?
Archmage Atlantis: Comparison
adoro Rhapsody: yes, surprising
Archmage Atlantis: Like all science
adoro Rhapsody: interesting
Archmage Atlantis: I think I have another 30 chromosomes that no on has mapped yet.......
Archmage Atlantis: So, max nix
Zen Arado: I have junk DNA
Zen Arado: from a study that came out last week
Zen Arado: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/20/sc...gene.html?_r=1
Archmage Atlantis: Me too, Zen
Archmage Atlantis: We all do
adoro Rhapsody: so we are all junks a bit
Zen Arado: but this has been reactivated
Zen Arado: it might lead to a cure for my disease
Archmage Atlantis: I think that is why we have "junk" dna......to reactivate when needed
adoro Rhapsody: junk on demand
Archmage Atlantis: Bacteria mutate constantly, not to mention virus
adoro Rhapsody: junk as a self service
Zen Arado: but if you can work out which one is causing a disease it can be beneficial
adoro Rhapsody: thats life
Archmage Atlantis: God as a virus.......that would be a good scifi book
adoro Rhapsody: sure
adoro Rhapsody: god is like opium for the ppl
adoro Rhapsody: so for junks
Archmage Atlantis: The idea of God/gods yes, that is opium
Zen Arado: I don't know anything about God
adoro Rhapsody: me neither
adoro Rhapsody: never heard about it
Archmage Atlantis: But what happens with us, that is as close to real as we get
adoro Rhapsody: what happens when ?
Zen Arado: here now is real
adoro Rhapsody: ok
Zen Arado: or is it?
adoro Rhapsody: what is "here" ?
Archmage Atlantis: Close enough Zen
adoro Rhapsody: in SL or in RL ?
Archmage Atlantis: We are sitting in a circle
Zen Arado: it's all we have anyway
Archmage Atlantis: around a fountain
adoro Rhapsody: ok
Zen Arado: it's all amind construction
adoro Rhapsody: of course
Zen Arado: I am constructing each one of you
Zen Arado: from limited information
adoro Rhapsody: so reality is in her and now in this virtual SL site ?
adoro Rhapsody: here
adoro Rhapsody: this
Archmage Atlantis: Only you can answer that question adoro
Zen Arado: but it is changing all the time
adoro Rhapsody: ok its my reality as i make it
adoro Rhapsody: so reality self service
Zen Arado: but can you choose?
adoro Rhapsody: i dont know
adoro Rhapsody: it looks like i cannot choose
Zen Arado: can you choose not to know?
Archmage Atlantis: yes, one can chose to be, or to not be
adoro Rhapsody: thats the question
Zen Arado: that is the question
adoro Rhapsody: isnt it ?
Zen Arado: snap
adoro Rhapsody: Qt ?
Qt Core: yes ?
adoro Rhapsody: but war is not the answer
Zen Arado: to any question
Zen Arado: so how do we stop it?
adoro Rhapsody: just by stopping
adoro Rhapsody: swiching to an other item
Zen Arado: we stop fighting
adoro Rhapsody: ok
adoro Rhapsody: no chaos busses and banana shooters arch ?
adoro Rhapsody: i think arch is sleeping
Archmage Atlantis: That is part of living
adoro Rhapsody: ok
adoro Rhapsody: 30 % of living is sleeping
Qt Core: too sleepy to follow the discussion, i should go sleep
Yakuzza Lethecus: sleep well qt
Archmage Atlantis: Don't mess with me youngster
Qt Core: bye all
adoro Rhapsody: bye qt
Zen Arado: bye Qt
adoro Rhapsody: have good sleep
Zen Arado: sleep well
Archmage Atlantis: I follow the Betty White lead
Archmage Atlantis: No excuses, no backing down.......change the def of true as a last resort
Zen Arado: she is a news commentator?
Zen Arado: I have to go - getting late
adoro Rhapsody: wow, who said that ? change def of "true" ?
adoro Rhapsody: bye
Archmage Atlantis: Oh c... I have to go vote at PI
Zen Arado: nice talking to you all
adoro Rhapsody: bye
Zen Arado: bye
adoro Rhapsody: letting go
adoro Rhapsody: is TAO
adoro Rhapsody: hi samille
Samille Laurent: hello
Samille Laurent: what is this place?
adoro Rhapsody: yakkuzi can say
adoro Rhapsody: i am new here
Samille Laurent: oh
Samille Laurent: Yakuzza, is this your place?
adoro Rhapsody: maybe he sleeps
Samille Laurent: lol, I don't know
adoro Rhapsody: we had a boring discussion
Samille Laurent: lol, ok
adoro Rhapsody: and its late for europeans
adoro Rhapsody: and he is an european
Samille Laurent: Oh, really.. he's from europe?
Samille Laurent: ok
adoro Rhapsody: yes just like me
Samille Laurent: oh, cool
Samille Laurent: what part are you from?
adoro Rhapsody: netherlands
Samille Laurent: neat
adoro Rhapsody: and u ?
Samille Laurent: I'm from the US
adoro Rhapsody: wow
Samille Laurent: lol
Samille Laurent: I think I've only met one person from the Netherlands...
Samille Laurent: have u been to the US before?
adoro Rhapsody: not yet
adoro Rhapsody: and u in europe ?
Samille Laurent: Yes, but only to England...
adoro Rhapsody: ok
adoro Rhapsody: same language
Samille Laurent: haha, yea
Samille Laurent: how long have you been a part of SL?
adoro Rhapsody: just a few weeks active and a few years passive
Samille Laurent: haha, ok...
Samille Laurent: a little complicated...lol
adoro Rhapsody: maybe
adoro Rhapsody: but last weeks i enjoy this site of Play as being
Samille Laurent: oh
adoro Rhapsody: discussing philosopic issues
adoro Rhapsody: like TAO
Samille Laurent: oh, wow ok
adoro Rhapsody: or symmetry
adoro Rhapsody: u r new here ?
Samille Laurent: yes, quite new.
Samille Laurent: I started, I think 2 days ago..
adoro Rhapsody: how do u like it ?
Samille Laurent: umm... so-so, to be honest... I still confused as to what there is to do...
adoro Rhapsody: ok
adoro Rhapsody: and what there is not to do
Samille Laurent: haha
Samille Laurent: Well, tell me
Samille Laurent: you're experienced...
adoro Rhapsody: it looks like ruins of a lost empire
Samille Laurent: more than me, at least
adoro Rhapsody: i see very much land left
adoro Rhapsody: not in use anymore
Samille Laurent: ok, so exploration of the land is one thing...
adoro Rhapsody: i call it ruins of a lost generation
Samille Laurent: hmm, ok
adoro Rhapsody: much virtual sodom and gomorra
Yakuzza Lethecus: ah, sry samille
adoro Rhapsody: mind youu all we say is recorded here
Yakuzza Lethecus: you have never been here before ?
Samille Laurent: haha, it's ok
Samille Laurent: wow... alright
Samille Laurent: recorded for who?
Yakuzza Lethecus: everything here is recorded and i can of course delete you out of the log if you wish
Yakuzza Lethecus: for the website
adoro Rhapsody: its published on the interenet
Samille Laurent: by the way, I did see the recording "thing", but I wasn't sure...
Samille Laurent: thanks
Yakuzza Lethecus: all logs are posted on wiki.playasbeing.org
Samille Laurent: ohhh, ok.
Yakuzza Lethecus: if necessary i can delete ur name out of it :)
Samille Laurent: So, I can say "Hey, wasssup!" to people, lol
Yakuzza Lethecus: it's not my place i am just a guardian today :)
Samille Laurent: lol, it's okay Yakuzza. I'm not worried about it.
Yakuzza Lethecus: jep, a few might even read the logs :)
adoro Rhapsody: can i do the greatings to my grandma ?
Samille Laurent: lol
Yakuzza Lethecus: you can try :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: not sure if it works :)
adoro Rhapsody: Hi Grand ma all is good here in Sl !
adoro Rhapsody: yes i eat enough here
Samille Laurent: Does your grandma use the internet. I'm sure mine are "clueless"for lack of a better word, of the internet
Samille Laurent: If so, big ups to Grandma!
adoro Rhapsody: and its great here and we hav a lot of fun here
adoro Rhapsody: its just like holyday here
Samille Laurent: haha
adoro Rhapsody: holiday
Yakuzza Lethecus: ah, and i am from germany :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: i am just checking the chat from when you arrived :)
Samille Laurent: lol, cool
Samille Laurent: I tried to learn a little German, lol
adoro Rhapsody: gute nacht
Samille Laurent: Mädchen… is one word I know, lol
Yakuzza Lethecus: :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: but you never took classes ?
Samille Laurent: Ich bin Fur?
Samille Laurent: lol
Samille Laurent: No, no classes...
adoro Rhapsody: Ich bin gegen
Samille Laurent: I used an internet language site.
Samille Laurent: gegen?
Samille Laurent: what's that?
Yakuzza Lethecus: against
adoro Rhapsody: gegen is the opposite of für
Samille Laurent: oh... I meant to say "woman", lol
Samille Laurent: what's woman?
adoro Rhapsody: frau
Samille Laurent: lol, sorry
adoro Rhapsody: or fräulein
Yakuzza Lethecus: fräulein is a bit outdated
Samille Laurent: oh
Yakuzza Lethecus: for example an unmarried female teacher was a fräulein in the 60s :P
Samille Laurent: lol
adoro Rhapsody: lol
adoro Rhapsody: bitte sehr
adoro Rhapsody: jungfrau ?
Samille Laurent: brb
adoro Rhapsody: Well yakuzza ich lasse ihnen allein mt frau Samille
adoro Rhapsody: und geh schlafen
Yakuzza Lethecus: Gute nacht adoro
adoro Rhapsody: gute nacht
adoro Rhapsody: yak
adoro Rhapsody: bye sam
Samille Laurent: bye
Samille Laurent: gute nacht - good night?
Yakuzza Lethecus: right
Samille Laurent: cool
Yakuzza Lethecus: how did you find this place ?
Samille Laurent: umm.... I just came, lol
Yakuzza Lethecus: ah, random exploring :)
Samille Laurent: I saw little green dots on the map and just came.
Yakuzza Lethecus: nods :)
Samille Laurent: are you here often?
Yakuzza Lethecus: yes, relativly not always behind the keyboard
Yakuzza Lethecus: the offical sessiontime ended 32 minutes ago
Yakuzza Lethecus: but ppl often stay longer
Samille Laurent: oh
Samille Laurent: So, no one is supposed to be here right now?
Yakuzza Lethecus: we are meeting here often enough not the same ppl obviously :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: but every 6 hrs
Samille Laurent: lol
Samille Laurent: oh, ok
Yakuzza Lethecus: these meetings are unfocused
Yakuzza Lethecus: but we also have themesessions
Yakuzza Lethecus: like the time workshop, sounds maybe a bit weired and i have to admit i don't get everything but it's interesting and i enjoy what ppl are able to reflect
Samille Laurent: ok, cool
Yakuzza Lethecus: http://wiki.playasbeing.org/PaB_Books/Magic_of_Time/Time_Sessions
Samille Laurent: those are the transcipts?
Yakuzza Lethecus: http://wiki.playasbeing.org/PaB_Theme_Sessions
Yakuzza Lethecus: yes
Samille Laurent: ok
Yakuzza Lethecus: so everyone has still the chance to get into past subjects
Samille Laurent: that's nice
Samille Laurent: so, this is a SL job for you?
Yakuzza Lethecus: no
Yakuzza Lethecus: i just volunteer a bit once a week
Samille Laurent: oh, really nice of you
Yakuzza Lethecus: there are around 80 guardians so it's nothing special
Samille Laurent: oh
Samille Laurent: wow
Yakuzza Lethecus: and it's only about to inform ppl that it's logged and giving a short introduction
Yakuzza Lethecus: and answer questions as far as possible
Yakuzza Lethecus: but there ain't no guru's around here
Samille Laurent: lol
Samille Laurent: what other languages do you speak?
Yakuzza Lethecus: i try to get into spanish, can't think in it yet
Samille Laurent: lol
Samille Laurent: ditto... well sort of
Yakuzza Lethecus: did you make a landmark here ?
Samille Laurent: no not yet...
Samille Laurent: but I will
Yakuzza Lethecus: just in case you would like to come back, i am going to bed now :)
Samille Laurent: ok
Yakuzza Lethecus: my eyes are closing automatically :)
Samille Laurent: lol
Samille Laurent: I know about that...hehe
Samille Laurent: good nite
Yakuzza Lethecus: take care, cya maybe another time
Samille Laurent: ok
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