The Guardian for this meeting was Lucinda Lavender. The comments are by Lucinda Lavender.
Lucinda Lavender: Hey Bruce!
Bruce Mowbray: Bonjour, Luci!
Bruce Mowbray: brb...!
Lucinda Lavender: ok
Bruce Mowbray: I'm bacl.... I needed to turn off a window fan.
Bruce Mowbray: back.
Bruce Mowbray: How are you this fine evening?
Lucinda Lavender: lighting candles
Bruce Mowbray: wonderful!
Bruce Mowbray: a special occasion?
Lucinda Lavender: well brace yourself.
Bruce Mowbray: yes.....?
Lucinda Lavender: coworker died one hour ago...
Lucinda Lavender: just got the call and am shaking
Bruce Mowbray: Oh my goodness, Luci. I am so sorry.
Bruce Mowbray: Yes.
Lucinda Lavender: hers was an expected one tho
Lucinda Lavender: I am not surprised
Lucinda Lavender: cancer
Bruce Mowbray: mmmm. it is always still a sort of shock.
Lucinda Lavender: oh yes
Bruce Mowbray: I am so sorry.
Lucinda Lavender: and tomorrow I go to a friends memorial
Bruce Mowbray: another friend....
Lucinda Lavender: ...the bridge builder
Lucinda Lavender: yes
Lucinda Lavender: did I tell you before about him?
Bruce Mowbray: Can you handle all of this, Luci?
Lucinda Lavender: well yes
Lucinda Lavender: Calvino is coming over soon
Bruce Mowbray: good. He is a good man.
Lucinda Lavender: just for support
Bruce Mowbray: in RL, you mean?
Lucinda Lavender: yes
Bruce Mowbray: good.
Bruce Mowbray: I learned this afternoon how to "claim" a session.
Bruce Mowbray: So, if you need me to do that tonight, I will.
Lucinda Lavender: all my family is on the east coast
Bruce Mowbray: yes --
Lucinda Lavender: oh! cool! I already did.
Bruce Mowbray: OK.
Lucinda Lavender: but have you done it before?
Bruce Mowbray: I did it for the first time this afternoon.
Lucinda Lavender: cool
Bruce Mowbray: I have already posted the chat log.
Lucinda Lavender: great! I will read about it then
Lucinda Lavender: read it I mean
Bruce Mowbray: It was a good session -- only four of us present -- and a good chat.
Lucinda Lavender: were there any surprises for you?
Lucinda Lavender: brb...getting pizza heated
Bruce Mowbray: Wel. . . I learned that in Japan they grow cubic watermelons.
Bruce Mowbray: that was a surprise.
Bruce Mowbray: I learned that Qt does not like to drink alcoholic beverages... evenb though he lives in Italy.
Bruce Mowbray: that was another surprise.
Lucinda Lavender: laughing about watermelons!
Bruce Mowbray: he he!
Bruce Mowbray: good to hear you laugh, Luci.
Lucinda Lavender: I bet they store better that way...
Bruce Mowbray: yes, that's the idea.
Lucinda Lavender: to save space
Bruce Mowbray: yes. There is a link to a photo of them -- inside the chat.
Bruce Mowbray: I'd never heard of such a thing.
Lucinda Lavender: how great!
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: And in Italy it is cucumber day!
Lucinda Lavender: celebration for them?
Bruce Mowbray: something about the mid-summer and the coolness of cucumbers.
Bruce Mowbray: yes.
Lucinda Lavender:makes sense
Bruce Mowbray: Qt explained it -- but I don't remember all of it.
Bruce Mowbray: anyway ---- I named the session "Cubic Cucumbers."
Bruce Mowbray: [my very first session!]
Lucinda Lavender: nodding and smiling
Lucinda Lavender: in dream circle we often think that the first dream a person brings can be special...
Bruce Mowbray: yes... please say more.
Bruce Mowbray: I've attended that group only once.
Bruce Mowbray: Any my dream was about "options."
Bruce Mowbray: And.
Lucinda Lavender: I think that the specialness is connected to the other dreams weaving together...
Lucinda Lavender: the feeling of that...
Bruce Mowbray: "the other dreams" meaning others' dreams?
Lucinda Lavender: yes...
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Pamala!
Bruce Mowbray: ok.
Lucinda Lavender: Hi Pamala
Pamala Clift: sorry didnt mean to stand on you
Pamala Clift: hello Burce & Lucy
Bruce Mowbray: you cqan stand on me any time you like!
Pamala Clift: smile
Lucinda Lavender: Been here before?
Bruce Mowbray: The think tank was really good today!
Pamala Clift: it did surprise me how many facets came out that I had not supposed
Lucinda Lavender: just wondering if you would need a note card and the information that this is a recorded session.
Pamala Clift: np. I have given permission
Lucinda Lavender: If that is not ok I can delete you name...
Lucinda Lavender: thanks:)
Pamala Clift: I dont say anything all that profound.. smile
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: Have you been thinking about the "body's memory"?
Bruce Mowbray: That seemed like a new idea to you, Pam.
Pamala Clift: yes.. I understand that your body remembers how to type and ride a bike, but not anything outside of that
Bruce Mowbray: ok.
Bruce Mowbray: It is quite an involved study among neurobiologists right now.
Bruce Mowbray: They are discovering that there are quite complex neural networks around the heart and around the abdomen.
Pamala Clift: I havent had any experience that I can recal that would indicate that touching me will bring back a memory
Pamala Clift: as in a massage
Bruce Mowbray: This has, perhaps, given rise to our thinking "I feel it in my heart" and "I feel it in my guts."
Pamala Clift: nods.. yes I do get the feeling in my gut..
Bruce Mowbray: Most of our memories, of course, are not conscious.
Bruce Mowbray: and that's probably a good thing!
Pamala Clift: that is what is what I have been pondering
Bruce Mowbray: The mind doesw a wonderful job of sorting out that stuff.
Bruce Mowbray: does.
Pamala Clift: but if it sorts it out wrong....
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, as with "numbing."
Pamala Clift: and ties it to things that are not so or not related
Bruce Mowbray: yes -- mis-connection can be a serious problem.
Pamala Clift: how reliable is the whole thing
Bruce Mowbray: serious.
Bruce Mowbray: It is a very new science.
Pamala Clift: we tell ourselves stories..
Pamala Clift: and that becomes our perceptions
Bruce Mowbray: Yes.
Bruce Mowbray: All of our conscious memories are "stories."
Pamala Clift: so this is really all fantasy .. real life and pixelated life.. so just make it up and have a good time.. smile
Bruce Mowbray is hoping Luci is OK.
Bruce Mowbray: No -- "stories" does not mean "make-believe."
Bruce Mowbray: Stories means what we have done with experience that is no long here.
Lucinda Lavender: Happy to sit and listen and eat my pizza but also have a place to be with others:)
Pamala Clift: since nothing is really real.. it is
Bruce Mowbray: Luci has had a rough evening, Pam.
Pamala Clift: I am sorry to hear that Lucy.. physical or emotional?
Lucinda Lavender: lost a coworker...
Pamala Clift: in rl?
Lucinda Lavender: yes
Pamala Clift: sigh... my condolences for your loss.
Lucinda Lavender: third death in 3 weeks
Pamala Clift: is it work related? these things seem to come in threes..
Lucinda Lavender: yes I taught with this woman for several years.
Lucinda Lavender: I knew that things were worsening as of last night so I am not as surprised as one might be.
Pamala Clift: death is a hard transistion.. sigh.. I hope it was not too painful
Lucinda Lavender: please feel free to explore the topic at hand...I am quite curious about it and I am appreciating being here...
Pamala Clift: what is the topic atm?
Bruce Mowbray: I think we were talking about memories and "stories."
Lucinda Lavender: yes...
Bruce Mowbray: or is that just a story I am "remembering"?
Pamala Clift: oh that was this mornings discussion at the roadside philosophers.. thought there was a topic here as well
Bruce Mowbray: nope -- just whatever strikes your fancy.
Pamala Clift: well I am still of the opinion that we create our story and a good portion of it is not real..
Pamala Clift: such as.. I am a good student and it will get me a good job
Bruce Mowbray: But what IS real, Pamala?
Pamala Clift: nods.. and smiles.. exactly
Bruce Mowbray: I think it is our stories that create a reality for us -- and each person's reality is slightly different.
Bruce Mowbray: is.
Pamala Clift: so if there is question on what reality is.. create for yourself the best possible story
Bruce Mowbray: absolutely!
Bruce Mowbray: If there IS a "reality" (capital R), then it will catch up with us soon enough.
Pamala Clift: I have lost 66 real life pounds.. and am on my 4th round of my diet.. and right now I am aching.. lol
Bruce Mowbray: One of the experiments we have been doing here (in a separate group called "Time Magic") is to see that every instant . . .
Bruce Mowbray: what we "see" is arising. . .
Pamala Clift: how do you do that?
Bruce Mowbray: no past - no future - just this arising in each moment.
Bruce Mowbray: fresh appearance.
Pamala Clift: ah live in the moment
Bruce Mowbray: yes.
Bruce Mowbray: Perfectly fresh in this moment -- no other reality than that.
Pamala Clift: yes right now I am safe, full, and have friends in my perception
Bruce Mowbray: good. You're getting the hang of it!
Pamala Clift: I do that with those I counsel
Pamala Clift: when they whine about their real life
Bruce Mowbray: yes. Can you say more about that?
Bruce Mowbray: you.
Pamala Clift: what is wrong .. right this second? pretty much nothing.. they are talking to me.. the sun is shining.. etc
Pamala Clift: Hello rain
Bruce Mowbray: yes. wonderful.
Bruce Mowbray: Hello, Rain.
Lucinda Lavender: This is my friend Rain...who is coming in to watch for a bit...
Pamala Clift: glad to have you rain...
Bruce Mowbray: wonderful. Good to have you with us, Rain!
Rain Southpaw: hello!
Pamala Clift: do you perceive your name rain as refreshing or sad?
Bruce Mowbray muses: "Me thinks Pam is asking for a 'story.'"
Rain Southpaw: refreshing, cleansing and what is needed wheree I live
Pamala Clift: smile a perception on her story yes
Pamala Clift: smile good
Bruce Mowbray: If I may ask, Rain, where do you live?
Rain Southpaw: I live in Austin, TX
Lucinda Lavender: hi cal...
Bruce Mowbray: Hello, Calvino!
Calvino Rabeni: Good evening :)
Pamala Clift: Hi Cal
Bruce Mowbray: In Austin, TX, I'm sure that rain would feel good.
Rain Southpaw: qw have a vig problwm = have to conserve water
Bruce Mowbray: get out your buckets!
Rain Southpaw: thank u
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Lucinda Lavender: this afternoon I took out a sponge and washed my cars in the rain
Bruce Mowbray: wow.
Bruce Mowbray: Raining in the northwest, then.
Lucinda Lavender: yes!
Pamala Clift: are you in the nw Lucy?
Lucinda Lavender: yes I am...
Pamala Clift: washington state?
Lucinda Lavender: yes...
Pamala Clift: I am as well.. east or west side of the state?
Bruce Mowbray: [the rainy side]
Lucinda Lavender: Seattle
Pamala Clift: I am on the other side.. smile
Lucinda Lavender: ah!
Pamala Clift: you teach at UW?
Lucinda Lavender: across the street in a montessori preschool
Pamala Clift: ah.. fresh new little minds.. smile
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Lucinda Lavender: yes.. they are:)
Lucinda Lavender: ine looked up yesterday and said..."I love you"
Lucinda Lavender: like it was this matter of fact thing... and they only knew me two days
Rain Southpaw: that is so innocent
Lucinda Lavender: yes...
Pamala Clift: would be nice if that is how we all are
Lucinda Lavender: it was said with seriousness almost like an adult
Bruce Mowbray: I worked with adults with mental retardation for 13 years.
Bruce Mowbray: and I've had that same experience.
Pamala Clift: well with their hold being they feel it.. with out reservation
Lucinda Lavender: ah!
Bruce Mowbray: And I've often thought -- I wish normal adults could be this frank and free with their loving.
Calvino Rabeni: I need to adjust my browser - see you soon
Pamala Clift: waves\
Lucinda Lavender: and that seems sook see you soon...
Bruce Mowbray: ok, Cal.
Rain Southpaw: he recognied u perhaps
Lucinda Lavender: soo simple for them
Lucinda Lavender: it was a girl. and she was looking at the way I looked I felt
Lucinda Lavender: she was looking at my jewelry too as she said it
Lucinda Lavender: it made me think that when we wear things that inspire a breautiful feeling we end up connected to it as she perhaps was also.
Bruce Mowbray: That's abeautiful idea.
Lucinda Lavender: something happens in the seeing...
Bruce Mowbray: connected to Beauty.
Rain Southpaw: She saw your Soul
Bruce Mowbray: I agree, Rain.
Lucinda Lavender: perhaps seeing and in the speaking
Bruce Mowbray: I love to think that long before there were any humans around, that Nature was already Beautiful. . .
Bruce Mowbray: and that we were born out of that Beauty.
Rain Southpaw: YES
Bruce Mowbray: There was already symmetry, and balance, and depth, and repetition. . .
Bruce Mowbray: and we were born into that and out of that.
Lucinda Lavender: it does inspire me to wear stones and shapes
Bruce Mowbray: yes.
Rain Southpaw: I am resonating with u Bruce
Lucinda Lavender: so others can view it
Bruce Mowbray: It is said that an infant stares at its mother's face -- because it recognizes the beauty there.
Lucinda Lavender: for me it was the blue eyes...
Rain Southpaw: yes, the stones have a lot to say to us - they r sentient beings
Bruce Mowbray: ahhhh!
Bruce Mowbray: Are there more things in heaven, and earth than are drempt of in your philosophy, Pamala?
Bruce Mowbray: heaven.
Pamala Clift: a child imprints on its mother.. that becomes beauty.. that is where norishment and comfort is associated with
Bruce Mowbray: yes!
Lucinda Lavender: currently I am wearing the blue chalcedony stone that reminds me of my conductors eyes...he died last saturday...
Bruce Mowbray: It is biologically adaptive for the infant to do so.
Pamala Clift: my philosophy is not limited that I know
Bruce Mowbray: Oh my.
Bruce Mowbray: Your "conductor" . . . ?
Lucinda Lavender: That was what the child was looking at ...
Lucinda Lavender: yes...killed in a car crash in a thunderstorm.
Lucinda Lavender: look up there is also a youtube channel now
Lucinda Lavender: we sang requiems!
Lucinda Lavender: so today I was thinking about how much the singers need to get together and sing
Rain Southpaw: oh yes
Lucinda Lavender: Pamala would you like to share where you are from?
Lucinda Lavender: Have you ever heard of George Shangrow?
Pamala Clift: I am very bad with names.. so no I don't remember him but I am reading about him..
Pamala Clift: I am south of Spokane
Lucinda Lavender: ah...
Pamala Clift: in a little town
Bruce Mowbray: Do you not see? How he shines ever brighter, soaring on high, stars sparkling around him?
Lucinda Lavender: yes!
Bruce Mowbray: what wonderful truibutes.
Bruce Mowbray: tributes.
Lucinda Lavender: yes, I am so deeply touched
Lucinda Lavender: to hear how universal his impression was
Bruce Mowbray: a beautiful photo, too. So happy!
Rain Southpaw: what an honor to have known him and sing with his conducting prowess'
Pamala Clift: you know .. this might sound wrong.. ...but I have watched some grow old slowly and deteriorate in agony.. and I am not thinking this was a bad way to go..
Lucinda Lavender: we are all changed
Lucinda Lavender: I know what you are saying Pamala
Pamala Clift: just a shock to everyone else
Bruce Mowbray: agree totally, Pamala.
Lucinda Lavender: beyond comprehension for many of us
Rain Southpaw: agreee, too
Rain Southpaw: and we all die
Pamala Clift: I am getting to that age.. and listen to MR. B go to funeral after funeral of his friends.. sigh...
Pamala Clift: becomes the social event at a certain age
Lucinda Lavender: thinking...yes
Bruce Mowbray: same here, Pam. In fact, this is the year of my 50th high school reunion -- and I am amazed how many have already gone.
Rain Southpaw: that's right - I am hearing of so many I have known dying -
Pamala Clift: wow 50th.. congrats
Bruce Mowbray: I'm not going to it, though. . . I will be in New York that weekend! ;-)
Pamala Clift: I think we need a movement to not make it so sad..
Pamala Clift: leaving your nest Bruce?
Bruce Mowbray: ha ha!
Lucinda Lavender: tomorrow I go to a memorial for the bridge builder and there will be folk singing...
Pamala Clift: that sounds like a lovely event..
Rain Southpaw: that's beautiful
Lucinda Lavender: at the daybreak star center...
Lucinda Lavender: native american center
Pamala Clift: I had a friend of mine who is a pilot offer to pick me up tomorrow and fly me to seattle..
Lucinda Lavender: really?
Pamala Clift: but I had no where to stay.. and he would be busy at work
Lucinda Lavender: that is neat!
Pamala Clift: so I told him no
Rain Southpaw: wow
Lucinda Lavender: you can stay at my house!
Lucinda Lavender: my whole family is away...
Pamala Clift: smile.. omg.. wouldnt that be a riot.
Lucinda Lavender: it truly would
Pamala Clift: now you have my mind thinking....
Lucinda Lavender: the offer is there.
Pamala Clift: if I have someone to stay with.. and we can go do things.. I would love it
Bruce Mowbray: You are all welcome to fly to Ohio - - - ! and camp out here at the farm with Bear, Blub, and me!
Pamala Clift: hehe..
Pamala Clift: let me ask if the offer is still available
Lucinda Lavender: cool!
Lucinda Lavender: who knew
Bruce Mowbray: [and won't the neighbors have something to talk about then!]
Lucinda Lavender: the world is ever weaving
Rain Southpaw: chuckles = sounds fun
Pamala Clift: smile.. he isnt online now.. let me text him
Pamala Clift: he is a linden.. smile
Lucinda Lavender: Rain will be here in a few weeks!
Lucinda Lavender: cool
Bruce Mowbray: Oh my. . . Pamala knows the "gods."
Bruce Mowbray thinks: I must try to behave.
Bruce Mowbray changes mind -- That's no fun.
Lucinda Lavender: My kids are all grown so they have empty rooms...
Lucinda Lavender: empty of them...
Pamala Clift: well I sent him a text
Pamala Clift: we will see what he says.. smile.. they said I could have the time off work..
Pamala Clift: so I would just leave them a msg that I wont be in
Pamala Clift: oh giggle.. this could be fun
Lucinda Lavender: cool...
Bruce Mowbray: I love it!
Bruce Mowbray: Hello, Ewan!
Pamala Clift: well he was pouting that I wasnt able to hop on board
Pamala Clift: hello Ewan.. bye rain
Bruce Mowbray: bye, Rain.
Ewan Bonham: Hi Folks...just have to get myself down to earth..
Rain Southpaw: no
Lucinda Lavender: she had an accidental standing event
Pamala Clift: giggle
Lucinda Lavender: laughing
Bruce Mowbray: I seem to be having an accidental levitating event.
Rain Southpaw: lol
Pamala Clift: I am sending you my cell phone number
Lucinda Lavender: good
Lucinda Lavender: where will I find it?
Bruce Mowbray: Wow, Ewan! You're3 all dressed up tonight!
Lucinda Lavender: Hello Ewan
Ewan Bonham: Felt like lavendar..
Bruce Mowbray: Lookin' good, dude.
Lucinda Lavender: nice!
Ewan Bonham: Can you tell me how to get a pillow?
Lucinda Lavender: your'e on my team
Ewan Bonham: lol
Bruce Mowbray: Just click on one of the cushions.
Bruce Mowbray: No, not the pillows.... the cushions.
Ewan Bonham: not working
Bruce Mowbray: mmmmm.....
Bruce Mowbray: Pamala, you'll need to tell the Lindens about this.
Pamala Clift: about what?
Bruce Mowbray: The cushions don't work.
Pamala Clift: about this meet up ..yeah I will
Bruce Mowbray: not for Ewan, anyway.
Ewan Bonham: Alright, i am comfortable...
Lucinda Lavender: Ewan...I had the same problem
Lucinda Lavender: I had to click on the background first
Ewan Bonham: Well, at least I am here now..
Lucinda Lavender: do you run both viewr one and two
Bruce Mowbray: My cushion (former cushion) works. Maybe you can try that one.
Ewan Bonham: Thanks, Bruce
Lucinda Lavender: ?nice!
Bruce Mowbray: There you are!
Lucinda Lavender: lovely
Bruce Mowbray: I have a sort of "event" today.
Ewan Bonham: Oh?
Bruce Mowbray: No other guardians showed up for the 1 p.m. session, so I claimed it by default.
Bruce Mowbray: It was my very first one.
Bruce Mowbray: I've edited it now, and posted it on the wiki.
Bruce Mowbray: 'I hope I got it all right.
Ewan Bonham: Yaah! Took the plunge..
Bruce Mowbray: yep.
Bruce Mowbray: Have you claimed one yet, Ewan?
Ewan Bonham: I have not yet..
Ewan Bonham: I was edging into it..
Bruce Mowbray: It was a total surprise for me...
Ewan Bonham: I would like to soon.
Ewan Bonham: And i like the idea of a talking stick..
Bruce Mowbray: Qt and Pila encouraged me to go for it -- and they told me how to do it... and so I took the plunge.
Bruce Mowbray: Cal brings a talking stick to every session, you know.
Ewan Bonham: Oh, really..
Bruce Mowbray: yep.
Rain Southpaw: it's such enjoyment and contentment here
Pamala Clift: Guess what....giggle
Pamala Clift: he says his offer is still good..
Bruce Mowbray: what?
Bruce Mowbray: Coooool!
Rain Southpaw: giggles
Pamala Clift: so that would be way funny
Bruce Mowbray: I went skinny-dipping today and am way tired. . .
Pamala Clift: in real?
Bruce Mowbray: [imagine a 67-year-old man doing that]
Bruce Mowbray: yes, I did. So I will be going to bed now.
Ewan Bonham: Why noy?
Pamala Clift: wow that sounds like childlike fun
Rain Southpaw: sounds great
Bruce Mowbray: it is wonderful.
Bruce Mowbray: My dog likes it too. and he's older than I am -- in doggie years.
Pamala Clift: so is my dog
Ewan Bonham: lol
Pamala Clift: byee bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Lucinda, my thoughts and best wishes are with you.
Ewan Bonham: Bye Bruce and ty
Lucinda Lavender: By Bruce:)
Lucinda Lavender: please excuse my being kind of not present...working on details here...
Ewan Bonham: Oh, what was the topic, Lucinda?
Calvino Rabeni: Well - the RL view has improved, but SL -- it's a hexagonal world, and I'm not sure what to do about it .... rebooting didn't restore nomalcy I'm afraid
Ewan Bonham: Well, my topic is gratitude in each moment.
Ewan Bonham: Helps me to stay presnt.
Rain Southpaw: I am attempting to be more mindful in each moment
Lucinda Lavender: topic was many things
Ewan Bonham: Yes, Rain..
Pamala Clift: the universe works very strange that is for sure..
Rain Southpaw: and now I will go - thank u all - it's been nice to cross paths with you
Ewan Bonham: Yes, and my peace of mind depends on my appreciating the turns and twists..
Pamala Clift: nice meeting you rain
Rain Southpaw: thank u Pamlala - nice meeting all of you
Ewan Bonham: Hope to see you again..
Calvino Rabeni: Likewise Rain :)
Calvino Rabeni: Stop by again sometime
Rain Southpaw: love to you Lucinda - and yes I will be here again - thank u
Lucinda Lavender: thanks for being here Rain...
Lucinda Lavender: lovely..
Calvino Rabeni: Gratitude really adds zest to the present
Calvino Rabeni: Which feels like a natural state
Ewan Bonham: Yes, we often forget that..
Calvino Rabeni: I've also been sprinkling it liberally on the past and future too
Calvino Rabeni: (rebaking textures, I sometimes think of it)
Ewan Bonham: lol
Calvino Rabeni: Has anyone seen that movie "Inception" ?
Ewan Bonham: No
Pamala Clift: I have
Ewan Bonham: What is it about?
Pamala Clift: it is about going into peoples dreams and stealing their secrets
Calvino Rabeni: Shared dreaming, karma, guilt, anchoring in reality, among other things
Ewan Bonham: stealing?
Calvino Rabeni: I think it was about the main character resolving a very lot with his (deceased) ex wife
Pamala Clift: yes you create an enviroment that they feel comfortable in sharing their ideas.. like corporate espinoge
Calvino Rabeni: She still lived, in his dreamworld
Calvino Rabeni: and he could encounter her there intensely
Calvino Rabeni: as well as bring along other people to objectify the dream reality
Calvino Rabeni: It also featured some delicious classic cliches
Calvino Rabeni: Perhaps it will also in retrospect be seen as coining some new cliches!
Calvino Rabeni: Civilization advances by the quality of its current cliches
Calvino Rabeni: Or old cliches refurbished and freshened up
Calvino Rabeni: For instance - the "last caper" cliche
Calvino Rabeni: in which a criminal does one more job before going straight
Calvino Rabeni: I love that one - it's so existential
Calvino Rabeni: Hi Aphrodite :)
Calvino Rabeni: Good to see you
Calvino Rabeni: Me too :)
Aphrodite Macbain: It's easier to be bald!
Aphrodite Macbain: Nothing's working right now! See you tomorrow amigos
Calvino Rabeni: Adios
Calvino Rabeni: Calvino Rabeni confesses to having been readling Pamala's very nice profile, while making tea
Pamala Clift: smiles and blushes
Calvino Rabeni: And reflecting on the important role of philosophy for wish fulfillment and creating soothing or meaningful stories about our shared dream world
Pamala Clift: smile
Pamala Clift: I think this is so bizarre.. to have so many unique things come together at the same time
Lucinda Lavender: sometimes things happen that way.
Ewan Bonham: I think it is more natural than we think..
Lucinda Lavender: I wonder if sometimes we get stirred up.
Lucinda Lavender: the way I am seeing it is thatI am waiting for the most interesting thing to say but nothing is coming
Ewan Bonham: Perhaps we don't have to wait for something interesting..
Calvino Rabeni: As already BEING the most interesting thing :)
Ewan Bonham: Well, folks it is time for bed for me...
Ewan Bonham: Thank you for your company
Pamala Clift: ty ewan nice meeting you
Calvino Rabeni: Dream well then :)
Lucinda Lavender: goodnight Ewan!
Lucinda Lavender: second life?
Pamala Clift: well can we use voice here?
Calvino Rabeni: What do you do at the roadside?
Calvino Rabeni: Sometimes voice?
Pamala Clift: We always do voice discussions would you like to go there?
Lucinda Lavender: we could now?
Pamala Clift: I will meet you there..
Calvino Rabeni: a tour of the premises might be interesting!
Pamala Clift: smile
Pamala Clift: yes turn on voice