The Guardian for this meeting was Wester Kiranov. The comments are by Wester Kiranov.
At the beginning of the session I met both Geoff Bailey and Repose Lionheart for the first time. Calvino Rabeni joined us soon after.
Geoff Baily: hello
Wester Kiranov: hi
Repose Lionheart: sorry, can't find it...
Wester Kiranov: I don't think I have seen either of you before. Have you been here before or is it your first time?
Repose Lionheart: third for me, Wester...
Geoff Baily: yes my 5th time
Wester Kiranov: Good, then I don't have to explain the basics again.
Wester Kiranov: hi calvino
Repose Lionheart: no, probably not...
Geoff Baily: hi Calvno
Calvino Rabeni: Hello, what's up?
Geoff Baily: Calvino
I asked them about their first experiences with PaB and the 9-second practice.
Wester Kiranov: I was wondering how you found PaB, both Repose and Geoff.The conversation moved on to discuss communication in SL and RL.
Repose Lionheart: Well, an interesting way of interacting
Geoff Baily: Nonduality and the Urban Gru Cafe
Repose Lionheart: my experience is limited
Repose Lionheart: only the moderator at the second session
Wester Kiranov: was that at the same time? the 1 am sessions are usually not very busy
Repose Lionheart: one at i pm, one at 1 am
Repose Lionheart: the 1 am had just the two of us
Repose Lionheart: it was still very interesting
Wester Kiranov: Good. Did you try the 9 second practice?
Repose Lionheart: he was a devotee of jnana yoga
Repose Lionheart: hmmm...probably more than 9 seconds, if i understand what you mean by mindfulness
Geoff Baily: I am trying the 9 second practice, bit too short for me
Geoff Baily: try and check out every 15 mins in real life like here
Geoff Baily: an awareness of awareness
Wester Kiranov: For me, the 9 second practice is about opening up, and also noticing how difficult that can often be.
Geoff Baily: agree Wester very difficult
Calvino Rabeni: How would you say, it is difficult?
Calvino Rabeni: I mean in what ways?
Calvino Rabeni: (Let me count the ways :)
Repose Lionheart: ㋡
Geoff Baily: Perhaps there are parts of me that I find difficult to accept
Calvino Rabeni: How do they appear?
Wester Kiranov: AndI think just doing it and not thinking "OK, I'll do it next time". Allowing your routine to be interrupted. And it's difficult to do it with precision.
Geoff Baily: Anxiety
Calvino Rabeni: How does anxiety appear?
Geoff Baily: How do you find me here?;)
Wester Kiranov: What do you mean?
Calvino Rabeni: It is funny how attention (I've noticed) has a hard time focusing on the actual experience.
Calvino Rabeni: It seems to like to find a label and then move on.
Wester Kiranov: Well seen!
Repose Lionheart: sl can heighten anxiety, Geoff
Repose Lionheart: i'm sitting here like a stone face
Calvino Rabeni: THere's always more to it than that.
Repose Lionheart: hard for you to read me
Calvino Rabeni: Possibly a lot more.
Geoff Baily: True
Repose Lionheart: as you would in rl
Repose Lionheart: can be spooky ㋡
Repose Lionheart: i find you to be a very nice person
Calvino Rabeni: Sure, so we can't do the same reading we would if present physically
Repose Lionheart: true
Geoff Baily: Thanks, ;)
Repose Lionheart: yw
Repose Lionheart: that means your welcome
Wester Kiranov: that sometimes bothers me too. that all your communication has to be explicit here
Calvino Rabeni: There's always these thoughts about how one appears to others.
Repose Lionheart: you're
Repose Lionheart: sigh, it's late ㋡
Geoff Baily: There is the technology of SL to cope with which is a block
Geoff Baily: For me its morning
Calvino Rabeni: Sometimes I think, we kind of have to make an avatar for the others here - to imagine them acting upon is
Calvino Rabeni: Through imagination
Repose Lionheart: interesting
Calvino Rabeni: Yeah, late here too
Wester Kiranov: morning here
Repose Lionheart: time zones count for a lot in here
Wester Kiranov: they count for less than in rl
Repose Lionheart: oh...
Calvino Rabeni: THe communication medium is part of the experience too, not a reason it can't happen
Repose Lionheart: in some ways, yes
Geoff Baily: yes i feel that too
Repose Lionheart: yes
Repose Lionheart: just different here
Wester Kiranov: without sl i wouldn't be talking to any of you at all
Repose Lionheart: new rules
Calvino Rabeni: Actually I find it easier to connect with people in SL - when tired, than I do in RL when tired
Repose Lionheart: very true
Repose Lionheart: yes!
Calvino Rabeni: No one can tell when you "space out"
Geoff Baily: Its a real learning experience
Repose Lionheart: hehehe
Geoff Baily: ;) coffee any one?
Calvino Rabeni: In RL people are super tuned in to subtle signs
Wester Kiranov: thanks, i've still got some ;)
Calvino Rabeni: Sure, a double :)
Repose Lionheart: and in sl?
Calvino Rabeni: The signs aren't there, it is more imagination
Geoff Baily: what would this session be like if we TALKED rather than typed
Geoff Baily: much more info
Calvino Rabeni: excelent question I think
Repose Lionheart: yes
Calvino Rabeni: I would be somewhat resistant to it
Geoff Baily: at the Urban Guru Cafe one can talk
Repose Lionheart: yes, me too
Wester Kiranov: you do get different info in voice
Calvino Rabeni: How does that work out for your experience?
Geoff Baily: much more info but many more assumptions!!!!
Wester Kiranov: but i also find it more difficult to interrupt in voice
Repose Lionheart: had a young av tell me when i recently arrived in sl that
Repose Lionheart: sl was anonomous, accelerated, and intense
Geoff Baily: You can type and talk at the same time
Calvino Rabeni: Sounds like "too much of modern life" to me! :)
Calvino Rabeni: Three qualities, already exaggerated
Wester Kiranov: maybe you can type and talk at the same time - I can't ;)
Calvino Rabeni: We tried it awhile back in a meeting.
Calvino Rabeni: A bit awkward.
Geoff Baily: typing gived more time for reflection i think
Repose Lionheart: yes, interesting in realtion to truth-telling
Repose Lionheart: relation, too
Calvino Rabeni: How's that Repose?
Wester Kiranov: sorry guys, I have to wake up hubby. brb
Repose Lionheart: we, we're anonomous
Calvino Rabeni: OK
Repose Lionheart: so we can be more easily who we truly are
Repose Lionheart: that truth is not always good
Repose Lionheart: some are cruse
Repose Lionheart: but many not so
Repose Lionheart: sorry -- crude
Repose Lionheart: it's complex i think
Repose Lionheart: anonimity tends to accelerate relationships in sl
Geoff Baily: no two people. one can talk and someone else comment
Repose Lionheart: yes
Geoff Baily: at the same time!
Calvino Rabeni: It works if there's a main speaker, and the listeners can send questions.
Calvino Rabeni: There needs to be some gating for the voice so everyone doesn't go at once
Geoff Baily: or comments
Calvino Rabeni: Someone could do a script for that
Wester Kiranov: back
Repose Lionheart: wb
Calvino Rabeni: The text mode is useful because it can be easily stored and reviewed
Calvino Rabeni: as a memory aide
Geoff Baily: Yes I have been reding some of the previous sessions, i like this format for the purpose we are using it for
Calvino Rabeni: I have concerns that the medium is bad if overdone
Wester Kiranov: I also find voice confusing when there are a lot of people
Calvino Rabeni: Same here
Calvino Rabeni: Too much stimulation
Geoff Baily: Overdone? Calvino
Repose Lionheart: writing forces things to greater clarity
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, I meant, our media and technology train our brain and affect our consciouness by developing habits
Geoff Baily: yes too true
Calvino Rabeni: It is not at all true, that a message doesn't involve the medium
Geoff Baily: true that we fall into habits of doing things ;)
Calvino Rabeni: So practically, say, if someone spend hours in a VR like this, but didn't have close physical relationships and conversations in RL, I belive they would develop in a kind of limited way.
Geoff Baily: Agree
Repose Lionheart: yes
Calvino Rabeni: On the other hand, I've noticed some positive effects of doing SL, transferring to my RL activities
Repose Lionheart: me, too
Calvino Rabeni: And vice versa
Geoff Baily: Yes tho I've only been here for a short time
Calvino Rabeni: Do you have opportunities for conversation in RL, that has the positive qualities of what we experience here?
Repose Lionheart: Not often
Calvino Rabeni: I actually think, positive experiences in this medium may raise the standard in RL
Calvino Rabeni: Possibly.
Calvino Rabeni: I had to work at it in RL, but the more I did, the more I liked it
Repose Lionheart: i agree, Calvino
Repose Lionheart: yes
Wester Kiranov: :)
Geoff Baily: Like everything else it depends how one uses it. A car can be lethal or a mode of transport
Wester Kiranov: or lifesaving
Calvino Rabeni: But the contrary could also happen, like low quality experiences in SL degrading RL
Calvino Rabeni: I guess that is saying the same
Calvino Rabeni: I agree, the way of using things is important
Repose Lionheart: yes, it could
Calvino Rabeni: I think, people are not used to being aware of that.
Wester Kiranov: true
Another question by Repose brought us to the kind of people this group attracts...
Repose Lionheart: are all avs accepted here, Wester?
Calvino Rabeni: In a recent discussion the idea was proposed, that people typically speak without awareness of basic things. Like how they sound, whether their language matches the language of the listerner, and etc.
Wester Kiranov: I think so. If they really misbehave badly we may have to do something about it, but we haven't had to so far.
Wester Kiranov: (to repose)
Repose Lionheart: so, furrys, tinies, kids, etc?
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Wester Kiranov: Most avs that have no interest here don't stay long. I suppose they find it boring, all that talking.
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, they are self-selected
Geoff Baily: think its important that its an open meeting
Wester Kiranov: We had a couple of disruptive speakers though.
Calvino Rabeni: If they are not interested in awareness, they will leave or not get it
Repose Lionheart: hmmm...
Calvino Rabeni: There's no particular requirements about a belief system
Geoff Baily: yes but they were dealt with as part of the group process
Wester Kiranov: Sometimes people think they know what it's all about and try to convert us to their standpoint.
Geoff Baily: mmmmmm interesting
Wester Kiranov: But anyone who is willing to open up a bit is very welcome.
Calvino Rabeni: I think, evangelizing is kind of off limits - not part of the "contract"
Wester Kiranov: yep
Geoff Baily: ;)
Calvino Rabeni: And being judgmental.
Repose Lionheart: i have no soap to sell ㋡
Calvino Rabeni: It's ok to have judgments though.
Repose Lionheart: yep
Geoff Baily: Whar suits me may not suit you
Calvino Rabeni: Being judgmental I mean, when people insist that others convert to their belief
Wester Kiranov: it's quite impossible not to have judgments I think. and very different from being judgmental
Repose Lionheart: yes
Calvino Rabeni: Yeah
Geoff Baily: I think part of this here is to explore different viewwpoints on the 'world' we live in
Calvino Rabeni: exactly so
Wester Kiranov: definitely
Geoff Baily: and difference is important
Repose Lionheart: sl certainly gives a greater parallax on rl
Calvino Rabeni: do you mean, variety of viewpoints?
Geoff Baily: why do evangilizers evangilize?
Calvino Rabeni: lots of reasons
Repose Lionheart: ahhh...wish i knew
Repose Lionheart: fear, maybe
Geoff Baily: an interesting phemenonon for investigation?
Calvino Rabeni: from believing it is better for people, to fear about hearing their workd contradicted.
Calvino Rabeni: very interesting
Calvino Rabeni: The style here would be to try to catch it happening, to have more than just speculation.
Calvino Rabeni: But speculation helps I think.
Calvino Rabeni: Grounded speculation
Wester Kiranov: or look for the evangelist inside.
Geoff Baily: One reason is they thing there is AN answer and they have it
Calvino Rabeni: that is a good one
Repose Lionheart: intereating thought
Geoff Baily: They think they have the answer (evangilists!)
... and then to the difficulty and the worth of not settling for answers but keeping on questioning.
Calvino Rabeni: it is quite common in all walks of life, to think that there's AN answer
Calvino Rabeni: In a way,we are not here to make answers
Geoff Baily: To give, and that gives them power
Calvino Rabeni: but to keep turning it back to questions
Calvino Rabeni: To form a conclusion is to stop thinking
Geoff Baily: no answers, more questions? ;)
Calvino Rabeni: It is empirical. Any Answer might be further questioned
Wester Kiranov: any answer produces new questions
Repose Lionheart: the answer in the question
Calvino Rabeni: People get impatient to "get to the end of it"
Wester Kiranov: if you're willing to let it give you more questions
We stood on the shoulders of giants for a moment.
Geoff Baily: Newton said 'the bigger is the island of knowledge the greater is the shoreline of uncertainty'
Calvino Rabeni: good quite
Calvino Rabeni: quote
Wester Kiranov: that's a nice one
Repose Lionheart: nice quote
Geoff Baily: longer*
Geoff Baily: the shoreline...
Repose Lionheart: Coleridge: The mark of a mature mind is its ability to tolerate ambiguity
Calvino Rabeni: Or, consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds
Geoff Baily: dappled things!!!!!
Repose Lionheart: true believers don't allow much ambiguity
Calvino Rabeni: Yes
Wester Kiranov: that's nice too. Now, let's start thinking for ourselves again ;)
Calvino Rabeni: Hopkins was onto somethings
Repose Lionheart: yes, like that one about consistency!
Repose Lionheart: hehehe
Repose Lionheart: good idea, Wester
Wester Kiranov: brb
Repose Lionheart: I believe we should positively embrace ambiguity
Calvino Rabeni: agree with tat
Repose Lionheart: is that not what this processs is about a bit?
Geoff Baily: The idea that 'all is change' is not easy to live with
Calvino Rabeni: During the pause I was aware of an attachment to ideas - like - Hey' I'm onto something, let it continue. And a fear of letting go of it, as if it was hard to come up with. But when I let go of it, it seemed clear that holding on like that wasn't necessary
Calvino Rabeni: A trust, perhaps, that
Calvino Rabeni: hmm, what I careed about would not be lost, if it were real
Repose Lionheart: interesting...
Geoff Baily: ;)
Calvino Rabeni: Is creativity a lot of work, or is it natural?
Repose Lionheart: yes, i believe that
Wester Kiranov: back
Geoff Baily: fundamental
Repose Lionheart: well, are you Taoist or Confucian?
Calvino Rabeni: I have Taoist influences
Geoff Baily: confused
Repose Lionheart: in other words, depends on your perspective
Repose Lionheart: i'd say natural myself
Calvino Rabeni: But sympathetic to confucin ideas, as well as parts of nearly every "way"
Repose Lionheart: ahhh..."Confucian by day, Taoist by night"
Calvino Rabeni: Perspective is such a basic, interesting thing
Repose Lionheart: old Chinese daying
Repose Lionheart: saying
Geoff Baily: nice
Repose Lionheart: yes
Calvino Rabeni: what did that mean?
Repose Lionheart: well, two opposite perspectives
Calvino Rabeni: Kind of like - the day is for work, the night is for love?
Repose Lionheart: combined in lived experience
Repose Lionheart: yes!
Repose Lionheart: sort of like that
Calvino Rabeni: Social sphere - confucian. Personal sphere - Taoist
Repose Lionheart: yes
The conversation moved on to different cultural backgrounds, and being aware of your own background. We shared our own backgrounds and got to know each other a bit more.
Repose Lionheart: the Chinese embrace ambiguity
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, more than westerners.
Repose Lionheart: yes
Repose Lionheart: think that's true
Geoff Baily: ;)
Geoff Baily: perhaps they find us difficult to understand!
Wester Kiranov: probably. and we all look the same ;)
Repose Lionheart: hmmm...never really thought about that
Repose Lionheart: not sure what i think about that
Calvino Rabeni: Chinese have a very long idea of history
Repose Lionheart: yes
Calvino Rabeni: In which there were many influences brought together
Repose Lionheart: yes
Calvino Rabeni: Europeans I think have more of a mind for that compared to Americans.
Repose Lionheart: in some ways, yes
Calvino Rabeni: Historical perspective
Repose Lionheart: oh, certainly
Repose Lionheart: i live in Southern California
Wester Kiranov: it might have something to do with the felt age of your own country
Repose Lionheart: as historically weightless a culture as exists ㋡
Calvino Rabeni: Wester, how about you?
Wester Kiranov: what about me?
Calvino Rabeni: What culture / region shapes your outlooks?
Repose Lionheart: felt age -- interesting concept
Repose Lionheart: think i agree
Wester Kiranov: I'm Dutch, so European
Repose Lionheart: ahh...interesting
Repose Lionheart: history of tolerance
Calvino Rabeni: Countries have their own mythology that goes mostly unaware
Repose Lionheart: oh, yes
Calvino Rabeni: RIght, tolerance
Geoff Baily: true
Repose Lionheart: we'll slowly become citizens of a single world
Calvino Rabeni: Part of where I come from - USA - there is a kind of blindness to culture and class differences, based on the myth that everybody here is an immigrant.
Repose Lionheart: yes
Repose Lionheart: the underpinnings of every republic have been oligarchical
Repose Lionheart: so, a blindness to class distinctions results
Calvino Rabeni: Part of the myth is that the continent was "empty" - a blank slate - of course that wasn't really true
Repose Lionheart: no, not true at all
Calvino Rabeni: A cultural myth like hitting the "reset" button
Wester Kiranov: It's good to be aware of your background and how it shaped you
Calvino Rabeni: and leaving conflicts behind
Calvino Rabeni: People moved to this country because they were dispossessed from their own.
Calvino Rabeni: Or perhaps in search of more freedom.
Calvino Rabeni: They felt cramped.
Repose Lionheart: mindfulness of cultural backgrounds...
Repose Lionheart: good thing
Calvino Rabeni: Many people seem to have forgotten their ancestors
Calvino Rabeni: as if modernity meant, it is no longer relevant
Wester Kiranov: as if your background will go away if you ignore it
Repose Lionheart: many rejected their pasts, some were torn away from them, all lost them here in America
Calvino Rabeni: it won't of course
Repose Lionheart: it only goes away if you don't ignore it...
Calvino Rabeni: that is the myth, including equality
Wester Kiranov: :)
Repose Lionheart: yes
Calvino Rabeni: the idea of political equality I mean, as an agreement
Calvino Rabeni: got confused with sameness
Repose Lionheart: yep, i see
Calvino Rabeni: I have certain ideas of the Dutch - stereotypes perhaps, but I like what I see
Repose Lionheart: yes
Repose Lionheart: haven for nonconformists
Repose Lionheart: tolerant
Calvino Rabeni: Some good work in comparative religion, for instance
Wester Kiranov: yeah - we've had some political things lately that I'm not happy with
Repose Lionheart: yes
Calvino Rabeni: What is the change?
Repose Lionheart: we, too, in the US ㋡
Wester Kiranov: Some very intolerant politicians
Wester Kiranov: A muslim hater with 10 seats (out of 150) in parliament
Geoff Baily: Fear creates divisions between people i think
Repose Lionheart: yes
Calvino Rabeni: And divisions create fear
Repose Lionheart: and bad actors take advantage of that
Wester Kiranov: And this guy know how to create and cherish fear
Geoff Baily: WALLS
Repose Lionheart: yep
Calvino Rabeni: The Bush presidency in the USA was all based on fear
Calvino Rabeni: it was demoralizing for a lot of people
Calvino Rabeni: Glad it is over for now
Repose Lionheart: Yes, that's for certain
Repose Lionheart: yes!
Geoff Baily: ;)
Calvino Rabeni: But I am interestd in the muslim theme in Europe.
Calvino Rabeni: I was remembering the scandal a couple years ago about the cartoonist
Wester Kiranov: the danish cartoons?
Calvino Rabeni: Yes that one
Geoff Baily: Rerun of old history and conflicts going back a long longtime
Calvino Rabeni: The pictorial representations were not acceptable to muslims
Geoff Baily: Last weekend the Swiss voted to ban the building of minarets!
Calvino Rabeni: surprising
Wester Kiranov: yes, surprisingly
Repose Lionheart: ahhh...was wondering how that vote came out...
Repose Lionheart: probably fair to ban church bells, then ㋡
Geoff Baily: There is an uproar all over Europe now
Wester Kiranov: I think 57% voted for the ban
Repose Lionheart: fear
Wester Kiranov: There was a poster with minarets looking a lot like missiles, I have heard
Geoff Baily: The Right wing politicians are very happy
Wester Kiranov: (I like the way the light changed here around sunset)
Calvino Rabeni: Where do you live, Geoff?
Repose Lionheart: Yes, saw the poster, and that is what they looked like...
Geoff Baily: France tho I am English
Repose Lionheart: oh...
Calvino Rabeni: OK, thanks for that info
And we found out a bit more about the time of day in SL.
Geoff Baily: midday here
Repose Lionheart: yes
Calvino Rabeni: I am still guessing what timezone this sim is tied to
Geoff Baily: just collected the fallen leaves in the garden
Repose Lionheart: california
Calvino Rabeni: Where is it sunset now in the world?
Repose Lionheart: west coast north america
Wester Kiranov: But the suncycle in SL is 4 hours
Calvino Rabeni: NO
Repose Lionheart: oh, i see
Calvino Rabeni: Oh, I did not realize that
Calvino Rabeni: no wonder
Repose Lionheart: neither did i
Geoff Baily: interesting, where are we now??????
Repose Lionheart: not sure
Wester Kiranov: where? in what sense?
Repose Lionheart: can't remember if i changed the background setting or not
Wester Kiranov: the SL sun has just set
Geoff Baily: if you collapse the lines of longitude and latitude to a point we are at the centre of the earth!!!!!
Calvino Rabeni: The birds are tied to the time
And got back to the virtuality of SL.
Calvino Rabeni: I wish the sun were more intense here.
Geoff Baily: all the time zones meet there
Calvino Rabeni: The whole world of SL feels indoors
Repose Lionheart: true
Geoff Baily: not for me
Calvino Rabeni: I would like to feel more intensity from it
Repose Lionheart: you miss shadows?
Geoff Baily: i feel we are somewhere away from earth at a point in space?
Calvino Rabeni: Like I have a plot here. At "midnight" it is not dark.
Repose Lionheart: true
Calvino Rabeni: Not dark enough for things to feel mysterious
Repose Lionheart: yes, true
Calvino Rabeni: I like the mystery of night
Repose Lionheart: no real shadows or reflections here too
Repose Lionheart: makes the sun feel less intense
Repose Lionheart: wait though
Calvino Rabeni: maybe a powerful computer could do it?
Repose Lionheart: in 50 years, this place will be something!
Calvino Rabeni: Also, no mirrors
Repose Lionheart: yes, no mirrors
Repose Lionheart: have one
Calvino Rabeni: yes, it will be the golden app for supercomputers
Calvino Rabeni: Ah well. Not me, it is an old laptop
Repose Lionheart: yes
Geoff Baily: i wish!
Repose Lionheart: great things happening in the research labs now
Repose Lionheart: B2B
Calvino Rabeni: I'd say, this isn't just off-topic chat.
Repose Lionheart: google it ㋡
Calvino Rabeni: If there is a reflection going on
Calvino Rabeni: I want the natal controller
Calvino Rabeni: hooked up here
Time for a bit of fun.
Calvino Rabeni: I would like to really "onigokko"
Calvino Rabeni: Kind of a group in-joke
Wester Kiranov: why don't you?
Repose Lionheart: oh...what's that?
Wester Kiranov: onigokko
Repose Lionheart: i see ㋡
Wester Kiranov: stop
Calvino Rabeni: you can participate if you have the script
Wester Kiranov: always good to stretch your legs
Repose Lionheart: yes ㋡
Calvino Rabeni: kind of breaks things up
Geoff Baily: i have it but cant find it?
Calvino Rabeni: Play is in the name of the group
Repose Lionheart: yes
Geoff Baily: whereis is it
Calvino Rabeni: In Objects folder
Geoff Baily: ok
Calvino Rabeni: You have it, Repose?
Repose Lionheart: no, pretty sure i don't
Wester Kiranov: mine is in my animations folder. you need to wear it for it to work
Repose Lionheart: ok
Wester Kiranov: just the music - that's weird
Repose Lionheart: Hmmm...
Wester Kiranov: stop
Repose Lionheart: ahh...relief
Geoff Baily: sorry
Repose Lionheart: no, no problem ㋡
Wester Kiranov: :)
Geoff Baily: just trying it for the first time
Back to the subject of time in SL.
Calvino Rabeni: Repose, we must be night owl types - we live in SLT zone
Repose Lionheart: Geoff, you've been in-world only for a couple of weeks?
Geoff Baily: is that how it should be
Geoff Baily: 2 weeks
Repose Lionheart: Yes, Calvino, I'm a night owl, for sure ㋡
Repose Lionheart: should be?
Repose Lionheart: just curious about your early impresions
Repose Lionheart: of sl
Geoff Baily: interesting. the whole world is here good and bad
And then we had another visitor. We talked a bit about SL in general.
Geoff Baily: hi alice
Repose Lionheart: Hi Alice
Repose Lionheart: Welcome
Geoff Baily: nice to see you again
Wester Kiranov: hi alice. have you been here before?
Alice Draegonne: hi~
Alice Draegonne: yes.
Wester Kiranov: good
Geoff Baily: how are you today alice
Repose Lionheart: yes, good and bad
Alice Draegonne: eden brings me here!
Alice Draegonne: i'm fina.and you..
Geoff Baily: Fine thanks
Wester Kiranov: nice to know eden is spreading the word
Repose Lionheart: join us
Alice Draegonne: my pleasuer~
Geoff Baily: To me a lot of SL seems about materialism and making money
Geoff Baily: but there are also places like this too.....
Repose Lionheart: yes
Calvino Rabeni: :) It can't be very effective for making money
Calvino Rabeni: A lot about sex and play-acting also
Geoff Baily: I hear there are some millionaires. Prob scammers!!
Alice Draegonne: yes,i think so
Repose Lionheart: had a kid av named Skippy tell me the other day that he thought that synchronistic phenomena where heightened in sl
Geoff Baily: ,
Geoff Baily: ??
Repose Lionheart: there are people/avs in here who make up for the seeming materialism
Calvino Rabeni: hmm, what do you make of that?
Repose Lionheart: what Skippy said?
Calvino Rabeni: Yes
Repose Lionheart: I agree
Repose Lionheart: things, processes, are clarified in here
Geoff Baily: yes
Repose Lionheart: and it is as much a part of the world as rl
Alice Draegonne: em..
Wester Kiranov: how real do you think RL is?
Repose Lionheart: hehehe
Repose Lionheart: depends on who you talk to ㋡
Repose Lionheart: smasara
Repose Lionheart: samsara, too
Calvino Rabeni: mascara, it is here
Wester Kiranov: :D
Repose Lionheart: lol
Geoff Baily: haha
Calvino Rabeni: I'd like for that to happen in RL - the pause, I mean.
Repose Lionheart: yes
Repose Lionheart: Alice, are you new to sl?
Alice Draegonne: yes.
Repose Lionheart: Welcome
Alice Draegonne: just 3 days
Alice Draegonne: thank you
Repose Lionheart: Though, I'm pretty new myself
Repose Lionheart: 3 months for me
Alice Draegonne: lol
Wester Kiranov: I still feel like a newbie, but it's been over a year now
Calvino Rabeni: I spent a lot of time exploring at first - have you been doing that?
Repose Lionheart: yes, i've certainly fumbled around a bit
Repose Lionheart: oh, yes
Repose Lionheart: great fun
Wester Kiranov: not really. I tried some other things but I keep coming back here
Repose Lionheart: this place can be bruising, too
Calvino Rabeni: Only recently started building and scripting
Geoff Baily: a little many places are empty of people
Repose Lionheart: yes
Calvino Rabeni: Geoff, that is really true, I find it somewhat disturbing
Repose Lionheart: ahh... you'll learn how to find them
Repose Lionheart: if you stick with it
Geoff Baily: yes ive found the building and scripting too
Repose Lionheart: i've learned to change avs as i change socks ㋡
Calvino Rabeni: I was resistant to buying things
Repose Lionheart: oh?
Wester Kiranov: I still am ;)
Repose Lionheart: ahhh...
Geoff Baily: ;)
Calvino Rabeni: Do you have alts, Repose, or just switch bodies for one account?
Repose Lionheart: no, just me, Repose
Repose Lionheart: one account
Geoff Baily: 3 alts
Repose Lionheart: like to develop one av
Calvino Rabeni: I'm willing to buy something if I was going to build it anyway
Repose Lionheart: aids in av identification, i think
Repose Lionheart: oh
Calvino Rabeni: Do you have a strategy with it, Geoff?
Geoff Baily: good question.
Geoff Baily: I friends who take me places..........
Repose Lionheart: good
Geoff Baily: Good way of finding out at first
Repose Lionheart: yes
Calvino Rabeni: I created an alt to demo this group for a friend. I was responded to as a newbie. I wanted him to see that happen, or maybe, drive the alt.
Calvino Rabeni: It felt a bit weird.
Geoff Baily: I had thought of that
Calvino Rabeni: It made a good impression though.
Repose Lionheart: yeah, I'll bet...
Repose Lionheart: the "weird" feeling, too
Calvino Rabeni: Yeah, like being in disguise. And I felt a bit of guilt too, in that the people at the meeting had to do the "new person" routine.
Geoff Baily: ;)
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Repose Lionheart: yes, that would feel a bit odd
Geoff Baily: did you tell later?
Repose Lionheart: some mindbending effects in here
Calvino Rabeni: Only much later
Geoff Baily: mmmm
Repose Lionheart: oh
Geoff Baily: what did they say?
I decided to ask Alice a bit about what she thought of PaB.
Wester Kiranov: Alice, have you tried the 9-second practice?
Alice Draegonne: what's that?
Wester Kiranov:
Wester Kiranov: It's pretty much the basis of this group
Wester Kiranov: a way to look at things radically differently
Repose Lionheart: yes
Wester Kiranov: You basically stop for 9 secs every 15 mins, and try to "drop" everything
Geoff Baily: Alice, tell us how old you are
Alice Draegonne: 20
Geoff Baily: Do you like it here?
Alice Draegonne: sure,i like talk wiith you
Geoff Baily: What about?
Geoff Baily: You talk to us about something
Alice Draegonne: everything,i just want to hear you say
Geoff Baily: that you want to
Geoff Baily: What music do you like Alice?
Geoff Baily: music
Alice Draegonne: rihanna
Alice Draegonne: her music is so great!
Geoff Baily: Alice what song do you like best of hers
And then we started to leave this loooong session, one by one.
Geoff Baily: I must go soon thanks for the interesting session all of you.
Alice Draegonne: umbrella, i like it very much
Wester Kiranov: Yes, it was a lovely night ;)
Alice Draegonne: ok, nice to meet you !
Wester Kiranov: I think I will leave soon too - two and a half hours!
Calvino Rabeni: A nice long session, I enjoyed it much. But starting to fade now, so I wll say good night.
Repose Lionheart: Alice, you might like the Vortex
Calvino Rabeni: See you all later, enjoy your day!
Repose Lionheart: By, Calvino
Repose Lionheart: good being with you
Wester Kiranov: see you later. thanks
Calvino Rabeni: bye
Geoff Baily: Bye Bye all and thanks
Repose Lionheart: Bye, Geoff
Wester Kiranov: bye geoff
Alice Draegonne: good night everybody,ok,i'll listen it
Repose Lionheart: You've been here a long time, Wester ㋡
Repose Lionheart: Dawn comes for me
Wester Kiranov: Yes, I'm leaving soon. Bye, thanks. Feel free to stay a bit more but behave :)
Repose Lionheart: hehehe
Repose Lionheart: no, i need sleep
Alice Draegonne: bye, sleep well
Wester Kiranov: namaste
Repose Lionheart: thanks
Alice Draegonne: bye
Wester Kiranov: bye repose, bye alice
Repose Lionheart: by both of you!
Alice Draegonne: bye.
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