Yakuzza Lethecus: so, now the wave of visitors should start :)
Mickorod Renard: maybe,,although I have found this particular session has become quieter
Yakuzza Lethecus: stims session yesterday was really full
Yakuzza Lethecus: 17 ppl
Mickorod Renard: was it?
Mickorod Renard: wow
Mickorod Renard: I must read the logs more often
Yakuzza Lethecus: i don´t find the time for reading the chatlogs
Mickorod Renard: I do not find the time to come on as much as I did before
Yakuzza Lethecus: and i still should read more in general
Yakuzza Lethecus: i even tried to convert eos book into an audio book with mixed success :)
Mickorod Renard: wow
Mickorod Renard: that would have been very clever
Mickorod Renard: so did you try and do the voice over yourself Yaku?
Yakuzza Lethecus: no no, text to speech software
Mickorod Renard: ohh,,amazing
Mickorod Renard: I didnt know it existed
Yakuzza Lethecus: such software exists from the beginning of my computer experience with my amiga and workbench :)
Mickorod Renard: he he
Yakuzza Lethecus: but the quality was always below all usefullness
Zon Quar: the pronunciation is quite difficult to crasp though
Yakuzza Lethecus: until the last couple of years
Yakuzza Lethecus: it´s still scary and buddist names pronounced by the engines are really funny
Mickorod Renard: yes, I know it had been used ,,like for eg with ste[hen hawkins etc
Zon Quar: lots of audio books on inet too
Mickorod Renard: yes, I must get into some audio books
Zon Quar: i usually read those when running or walking
Mickorod Renard: since I have changed all my lamp bulbs for energy efficient ones I find it hard to read the words now
Qt Core: if it wasn't a conscious choice going green should not inpact (so) much your habits, mick
Mickorod Renard: I have just started reading a silly boys type of book,,just to give my brain a bit of a rest
Qt Core: as in ok green bulbs but same light power
Yakuzza Lethecus: hello aubergine
Wol Euler: sounds interesting, mick. what is it?
Zon Quar: what is silly boys type of book..lol
Mickorod Renard: yehh,,I will go blind in the name of environmental friendliness
Mickorod Renard: are you familiar with what we do here Aubergine?
Aubergine Mint: yes, sort of
Wol Euler: shes been to a few sessions alredy, mick :)
Qt Core: sometimes i ask that myself, mick ;-)
Mickorod Renard: ok, I can give you a notecard
Aubergine Mint: I have one
Mickorod Renard: yes? ok thanks Wol
Aubergine Mint: thanks
Mickorod Renard: great
Wol Euler: yw
Mickorod Renard: yes, I do too Qt
Zon Quar: omg..i htought u knew what u were doing
Mickorod Renard: have we had any more news on the retreat in malta?
Wol Euler: that's the great big dirty secret of life, Zon: we are all making it up as we go along
Mickorod Renard: Zon,,this is exploration,,
Zon Quar: lol..good im at the right plce then
Mickorod Renard: we wont know until we find it
Zon Quar: and then we will find we were looking for that what we already had
Wol Euler: often, yes, like Dorothy.
Qt Core: that is if we recognize It wjen we find It...
Mickorod Renard: yes, exactly,,but it was burried under lifes complications
Zon Quar: and we like digging
Mickorod Renard: yeh,,but maybe the 9 seconds is like comming up for air
Mickorod Renard: perhaps we should forget the digging and just stay in the air?
Zon Quar: hm..could be boring
Qt Core: isn't the opposite mick
Mickorod Renard: in some respects this reminds me of that issue Stim brought up once in Wok
Mickorod Renard: that we are busy going,,or trying to get to
Mickorod Renard: without appreciating now
Zon Quar: we need to dig and breath at the same time
Mickorod Renard: I keep saying to myself things like,,when I have done this,,or when I have that,,I can move on
Wol Euler nods
Wol Euler: putting off living.
Mickorod Renard: but miss the actual now,,and its good points
Mickorod Renard: yes
Wol Euler: it's a feeling like "you haven't earned this yet"
Mickorod Renard: yes, I always put off having children,,thought I needed to save up more
Mickorod Renard: but in reality, that was a silly thought
Wol Euler nods. Though the poor manage it quite well somehow.
Mickorod Renard: yes, exactly
Zon Quar: and stay poor...
Mickorod Renard: well,, I wonder sometimes about the definition of poor
Mickorod Renard: sometimes we are less well off with money than we would be with apreciating life
Zon Quar: true
Mickorod Renard: to many having a family is more valuable,,not for everyone mind
Wol Euler: "Money is the husk of many things but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; acquaintance, but not friends; servants, but not loyalty; days of joy, but not peace or happiness."
Mickorod Renard: that was nice Wol#
Zon Quar: anyway..if i need to suffer..i rathere suffer with money than without it
Wol Euler smiles. I found that recently, liked it and saved it.
Qt Core: i had many discussion with people asking me why i don't go searching for bigger paycheck
Mickorod Renard: had to read it again,,lovely reminder
Wol Euler: what do you tell them?
Qt Core: that at my point i would have to do the big step, go from doing to managing, probably, i don't want and i would dislike it too
Wol Euler: mmhmm, that is worth knowing.
Mickorod Renard: yes
Qt Core: so less, not even less, just the same money but better life
Mickorod Renard: horses for courses I say
Qt Core: and i hardly contest the rule one knows how to do wuold surely know how to manage the ones that do
Mickorod Renard: I think its good you stick to your guns Qt
Qt Core: i can't even manage myself ;-)
Mickorod Renard: I stood in the garded in rl the other day,,dropped as much thought as posible,,and became swamped with a feeling of,,being alone with my surroundings,,it was wierd
Mickorod Renard: garden*
Wol Euler: was it a good wierd or a bad wierd?
Mickorod Renard: indifferent,,;)
Mickorod Renard: bit of both
Wol Euler: were you comfortable with that feeling?
Mickorod Renard: I dont think I was,,it felt alien..also,,I felt detached and yet as one in material make up
Zon Quar: a transition expereince
Mickorod Renard: maybe someone spiked my drink
Mickorod Renard: I think it was sometimg like a transition experience
Aubergine Mint: what is a transition experience?
Zon Quar: go deeper in aloneness
Mickorod Renard: to me,,anyway,,it felt like all my atoms were in the same consistancy as everything else
Zon Quar: yes..alone..all one
Wol Euler points to Aubergine's question. Could someone answer please? I don't know either.
Calvino Rabeni: oops, caps lock :)
Mickorod Renard: I am unsure
Zon Quar: when u turn form ur senses inwards
Mickorod Renard: but I felt some sort of transition in nature of my presence
Mickorod Renard: thought it was spooky
Zon Quar: there is a transition of consciousness
Calvino Rabeni: how did it end? Did it linger past the moment?
Wol Euler: ty, zon
Mickorod Renard: it did,,I needed to snap out of it conciously
Mickorod Renard: maybe I am just going crazy
Zon Quar: lol..no
Mickorod Renard: but wondered if its part of that connection we may be looking for
Zon Quar: i think so..u know the zen saying...
Zon Quar: whan i started my hourney
Zon Quar: journey montains were mountains
Zon Quar: then..mountains were not mountains anymore
Zon Quar: after enlightemnet
Zon Quar: mountains were mountains again
Mickorod Renard: I see
Mickorod Renard: has anyone else felt these things?
Wol Euler: I think so, yes.
Zon Quar: all kinds of funny things..lol
Mickorod Renard: he he
Mickorod Renard: but that makes great sense Zon
Calvino Rabeni: Zon, you know the ox-herding pictures?
Calvino Rabeni: Lovely illustration of your point.
Zon Quar: yes 10 bulls
Mickorod Renard: can that be found on net Calvino?
Calvino Rabeni: http://www.google.com/search?q=ox+herding+pictures
Mickorod Renard: thanks
Calvino Rabeni: After enlightenment - back to the marketplace with people
Calvino Rabeni: No escape :)
Calvino Rabeni: In service, though, I think
Mickorod Renard: I may have to look at that later
Zon Quar: i lkie the 10th picture
Zon Quar: where the searcher returns drunk and celebrating
Zon Quar: to teh market palce
Calvino Rabeni: Barefooted and naked of breast, I mingle with the people of the world. My clothes are ragged and dust-laden, and I am ever blissful. I use no magic to extend my life; Now, before me, the dead trees become alive.
Calvino Rabeni: -- That from the text of the 10th picture
Mickorod Renard: sorry, I missed Yaku leaving
Zon Quar: yes..monastry is not the end point
Calvino Rabeni: You might say "magic" refers also to "technique" - like, the things we do to practice.
Mickorod Renard: there must be some point where a leap of faith is needed?
Calvino Rabeni: I can relate to that
Zon Quar: yes..trust in life
Zon Quar: and there we go.....
Mickorod Renard: yes..;)
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, I was thinking of many tiny "leaps", not something dramatic
Mickorod Renard: I am either held back by my doubts,,or saved from disaster by my caution
Zon Quar: i know the feeling
Wol Euler: heheheh
Calvino Rabeni: So do I. Knowing the difference seems like where the leap is.
Mickorod Renard: yes..grin
Mickorod Renard: as a kid I read superman,,and I often would climb up on the roodf and dare myself too leap
Wol Euler: O.O
Zon Quar: trust doesnt mean blind belief or foolhardiness..lol
Wol Euler: perhaps your caution is a good thing.
Mickorod Renard: he he
Mickorod Renard: in that case yes
Mickorod Renard: but also I am a risk taker when challenged
Zon Quar: calculated risks r good
Mickorod Renard: yes
Calvino Rabeni: There are different ways of risk taking. I take them - kind of like to - but it is calculated
Mickorod Renard: me too
Calvino Rabeni: Like riding a motorcycle fast on a mountain road
Mickorod Renard: hi widget
Widget Whiteberry walks in quietly ...
Mickorod Renard: hey,,are u a biker too Calvino?
Calvino Rabeni: I would trust my body, but not do it going into a blind curve
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, recreational
Mickorod Renard: me too
Calvino Rabeni: I rarely scrape the pegs
Zon Quar: ah..i want to be
Calvino Rabeni: Zen and motorcycle. :)
Wol Euler: hello widget
Calvino Rabeni: Hadn't noticed the bell - no sound
Widget Whiteberry: Hello Wol
Mickorod Renard: sports bike then Calvino?
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, and dual sport
Zon Quar: when u drive fast..u r concentrated..its kind of meditation..u r here and now
Calvino Rabeni: Indeed, I like that
Mickorod Renard: I find biking is the closest thing to taking my head off
Alfred Kelberry: hey, widget :)
Widget Whiteberry: ☆smiles☆
Calvino Rabeni: Hopefully not literally :)
Zon Quar: lol
Wol Euler: wow, you and Widget must be cousins.
Mickorod Renard: yea,Alf
Zon Quar: hi alf
Alfred Kelberry: i know her from the metanomics group
Widget Whiteberry: the extended Berry clan?
Wol Euler: :)
Alfred Kelberry: and we both actually attended the previous meeting on social engineering :)
Wol Euler: aah
Widget Whiteberry: for which I was also late
Mickorod Renard: bye folks,,nice chatting
Widget Whiteberry: seem to be an hr off today
Alfred Kelberry: *and* we both wear scarfs :)
Widget Whiteberry: so that proves it
Alfred Kelberry: hey, you cut your hair, wol? :)
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: often
Wol Euler: one of thte joys of SL
Alfred Kelberry: true
Calvino Rabeni: You're tempting me, Wol
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: go for it. Make a collection.
Calvino Rabeni: Dreads, perhaps.
Qt Core: you have a little scaring nikita like outfit Wol
Wol Euler: I have several hundred but there are only a half-dozen that I actually wear.
Widget Whiteberry: I must go
Widget Whiteberry: that kind of day
Widget Whiteberry: bye all
Wol Euler: bye widget, it was brief but sweet
Qt Core: bye widget
Widget Whiteberry: ☆smiles☆
Alfred Kelberry: qt, right! and i was wondering what is it so familiar :)
Wol Euler: :)
Qt Core: the glasses are the key point
Wol Euler: one of my favourites
Wol Euler: the glasses are wonderful, yes. scripted, colour and darkness change
Qt Core: photocromatic ?
Alfred Kelberry: do you also have a gun hidden... somewhere? :)
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: yes, I do actually.
Wol Euler grins
Alfred Kelberry: uh oh
Qt Core: ok, but Alfred, she is way more dangerpus with a pencil ;-)
Calvino Rabeni: "dangerpus" :)
Wol Euler purrs dangerously
Alfred Kelberry giggles
Calvino Rabeni: Nikita's journey was like the 10 bulls story
Alfred Kelberry: what's this cultivator group? i've seen several pab members wearing it.
Wol Euler: it's actually a role in the pab group, alf
Alfred Kelberry: ah.. someone important?
Wol Euler shrugs. Define important. We are all very important.
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Calvino Rabeni: Perhaps more roles could be added to that group - for purposes of avatar expression
Calvino Rabeni: It only has 2.
Qt Core: yeah, i'm thinking about the title of an italian song... "confused and happy" ;-)
Calvino Rabeni: Could be a role.
Calvino Rabeni: Ir "dangerously eclectic"
Wol Euler: that's good, I'll suggest that. There are seven roles already, actually.
Calvino Rabeni: I missed it I guess
Wol Euler: though some are quite specific. None of us will ever qualify as "owner", for example
Qt Core: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ddi_wQteIg
Alfred Kelberry: sfw? :)
Wol Euler: music
Alfred Kelberry: ah, the song!
Qt Core: the song i mentioned before,
Qt Core: "confusa e felice" ([female[ confounded and happy)
Qt Core: confused
Wol Euler: that would be a great group title, you're right.
Qt Core: the singer main characteristic is her strange breathing pattern
Alfred Kelberry: like what?
Calvino Rabeni: I am getting a lot of neurons dedicated to google/youtube/wiki.
Wol Euler: :)
Calvino Rabeni: Should I be concerned :)
Calvino Rabeni: And now SL
Qt Core: she breaths when one may not expect it (but maybe you have to speak italian to notice that)
Wol Euler: perhaps, yes, we wouldn't necessarily notice what to you is an odd speech rhythm
Alfred Kelberry: qt, yes, can not tell by the video
Alfred Kelberry: maybe a musician could explain it better
Calvino Rabeni: Sitting in group, telling stories - it is an age-old thing to do - but now we have the world too, courtesy of http://
Wol Euler: mmhmm
Alfred Kelberry: cal, right. but then you probably free some too, no?
Wol Euler: we can hear everyone's stories. And htey can hear ours too.
Wol Euler: for certain values of "everyone"
Qt Core: but that make hard, very hard to get the good ones
Calvino Rabeni: Mystery will find a way to gets its due.
Qt Core: and/or the relevant ones
Wol Euler: I disagree, Qt. It perhaps makes it difficult to find *all* the good ones, but it works very well at finding *some* very good ones.
Wol Euler: Like the way we all found our way here.
Alfred Kelberry: qt, social bookmarking does a good job so far :)
Wol Euler: or the way bloggers recommend each other, chains f bookmarking (nods to Alf)
Calvino Rabeni: Anyone here read Piet's article on limits?
Qt Core: i sometimes love, sometimes hate the omniscience the web gives you
Wol Euler: not yet, cal, where is it?
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, I am thinking same, Qt
Qt Core: as sometimes it just give you the knowledge about how much of it you are missing
Calvino Rabeni: (will look for link)
Wol Euler: heheh
Wol Euler: actually bookstores do that for me too, qt. "so many books, so little time"
Qt Core: well, my own books too ;-)
Alfred Kelberry: what i like about the net is that it fosters an open society
Calvino Rabeni: Much of the internet has an implicit metaphysics oftranscendance and frictionless
Calvino Rabeni: WHich is a bit one-sided
Alfred Kelberry: cal, a matter of perspective :)
Qt Core: when in paranoid mode i wonder if it is real or just what They want us to believe ;-)
Calvino Rabeni: http://www.ids.ias.edu/~piet/publ/abisko/ab.html
Wol Euler: the buddhists would say that that has always been true, qt.
Wol Euler: ty, calvino
Qt Core: but i can't be paranoid for too much time as i end up thinking that id the world is really that bad i prefer not to know
Calvino Rabeni: "Freedom from identification is something extremely paradoxical"
Alfred Kelberry: wol, i'll remember that :)
Calvino Rabeni: (from the above link)
Wol Euler: hmmmmm
Qt Core: as you end up identified as the free one ?
Alfred Kelberry: qt, "confused and happy" seems to fit you nicely :)
Qt Core: i'm usually not confused, it is just my litle friend the devil's advocate that make me seems so ;-)
Calvino Rabeni: An overidentification with freedom - the yang pole of a dynamic process
Qt Core: sadly rl calls, have to go
Wol Euler: are you sure it does?
Wol Euler: :)
Alfred Kelberry: yes, i shouls go too
Wol Euler: bye qt, bye alf, take care.
Qt Core: bye all
Calvino Rabeni: _/!\_
Alfred Kelberry: nice, i really enjoy pab meets :)
Wol Euler: good.
Alfred Kelberry: cal, didn't know you're an artist :)
Wol Euler: I need to do some geeking on the listener script, so 'm going to stop it now.
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