Moon Fargis: morning cal
Moon Fargis: brrrrrr storrm came on the great idea of a, snowstorm...
Calvino Rabeni: Hello Moon.
Moon Fargis: got some warm socks on ?
Moon Fargis: :)
Calvino Rabeni: Care for some tea?
Moon Fargis: ofcourse not, my inventory is full of it, sluroing white tea atm in rl :)
Moon Fargis: <- teajunky
Calvino Rabeni: Same
Calvino Rabeni: Am I levitating?
Moon Fargis: yep
Moon Fargis: ^^
Moon Fargis: feeling high ?:)
Calvino Rabeni: Levity
Calvino Rabeni: Your rotating wheel?
Moon Fargis: ahyes got replaced now by this witergarden
Moon Fargis: they attach to the same spot
Moon Fargis: ahno
Moon Fargis: there it is
Moon Fargis: strange
Moon Fargis: must have changed that
Moon Fargis: ahyes, all about the wheel:
Moon Fargis: (being lazy this morning :)
Moon Fargis: btw was it yu with the knowledge of egypt star mentiond ?
Calvino Rabeni: I don't think it was me.
Moon Fargis: ok:)
Calvino Rabeni: Voice chat invite, eh?
Moon Fargis: hm?
Moon Fargis: who ?
Calvino Rabeni: Popup from Xango Soulstar. Spam perhaps.
Moon Fargis: might be
Calvino Rabeni: I'm thinking of building a wheel.
Moon Fargis: ah a dharma wheel ?
Calvino Rabeni: It will calculate the Changes.
Calvino Rabeni: Slide rule of the Yijing.
Moon Fargis: aha
Calvino Rabeni: Good day / eve, Boo, wherever U are.
Calvino Rabeni: Bolo
Moon Fargis: dont see him )
Moon Fargis: btw
Calvino Rabeni: Gone now
Moon Fargis: i atatched not the normal wheel
Moon Fargis: see that small bracelet on it ?
Moon Fargis: on the back
Moon Fargis: ehh the
Moon Fargis: gem
Calvino Rabeni: I see a small rectangular lump on my poor computer
Moon Fargis: ok :)
Moon Fargis: this one takes exactly 9 seconds for a full circle
Moon Fargis: done thah long time ago for pema :)
Moon Fargis: so everyone who stared at my wheel and have the 9 sec, have a measuring
Moon Fargis: but well..since now its 90 seconds it doesnt fit
Calvino Rabeni: Hmm, an hourglass timer could be fun, for 90 seconds.
Moon Fargis: hmm well there was several stuff i the history
Moon Fargis: of pab
Moon Fargis: we hadl ong time a bell here
Moon Fargis: wich made a *gonnnng*
Moon Fargis: wich lastes exactly 9 seconds
Moon Fargis: i also made a watch
Moon Fargis: to wear
Moon Fargis: wich makes a gonnng
Calvino Rabeni: This ice and tree behind me is impressive. I just realized it is part of you avatar
Calvino Rabeni: What is your favorite aspect of PAB?
Moon Fargis: ah sorry was away for a sec
Moon Fargis: ah morning nymf
Nymf Hathaway: Hi Moon... magical environment creater :) hello Calvino :)
Moon Fargis: ^^
Moon Fargis: favorite aspect of pab , would say the people :)
Nymf Hathaway: Thank you :))
Moon Fargis: yw ^^
Moon Fargis: *slurps the rest of his tea in rl*
Moon Fargis: 0.8 litre cans are always to less :)
Nymf Hathaway: Just woke is doing its thing :)
Moon Fargis: (
Moon Fargis: ahyes, if youre intrested in warmer areas, we just opend a new sim yesterday, egypt theme with beaches and temples
Nymf Hathaway: Thanks Moon...for the video as well:)
Calvino Rabeni: TY Moon
Moon Fargis: ^^ ill head there now, still lots of stuff todo there
Moon Fargis: was nice to seeyou again ^^
Nymf Hathaway: Have a beautiful day :)
Nymf Hathaway: Same here :)
Moon Fargis: you too ^^
Calvino Rabeni: Care to discuss anything, Nymf?
Nymf Hathaway: Oh yes :)
Nymf Hathaway: Anything is fine :)
Calvino Rabeni: What are you learning that is new?
Nymf Hathaway: Nice question.... being dependant that would be
Calvino Rabeni: A change in living situation?
Nymf Hathaway: Always have been active... taking charge and now broke my foot :( and need help for everything :(
Nymf Hathaway: Thats not like me... so a real challenge :)
Nymf Hathaway: And you...whats your lesson for this month?
Calvino Rabeni: hmm
Calvino Rabeni: Some changes with meeting new people - it broaden's one's horizons. In RL as well as the Kira group
Nymf Hathaway: people show you new ways to think and experience life
Calvino Rabeni: It used to feel compartmentalized, now it feels like
there is a movement of knowledge between the different people and groups
Calvino Rabeni: Is it me, or a characteristic of the times we live in?
Calvino Rabeni: That's one thing I wondered
Nymf Hathaway: oooh nice thought: Is it me, or a characteristic of the times we live in?
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, perhaps there is some kind of phase transition happening
Calvino Rabeni: Or perhaps it is just, I have time to develop the relationships
Calvino Rabeni: I would like ot have some objectivity
Calvino Rabeni: Kira / PAB for instance, seems poised between being a network and being a community of practice
Nymf Hathaway: I haven't been here for a the recent changes within the Kira/Pab group I didn't experience :(
Calvino Rabeni: What is your perspective over time?
Nymf Hathaway: But.... changes in life is all we really have... next to the certainty of death in the end
Nymf Hathaway: I stopped with Pab due to the fact I like to discuss relity more than metaphysics
Nymf Hathaway: reality
Calvino Rabeni: Somewhat frustrated perhaps?
Nymf Hathaway: No:)
Calvino Rabeni: Can you give an example of discussing reality to you preferences?
Nymf Hathaway: I am not frustrated easily...long before I get there.. I will be gone :)
Nymf Hathaway: a sec please
Calvino Rabeni: Nipped it in the bud.
Calvino Rabeni: Proactively
Nymf Hathaway: Back, my daughter needed me for a sec :)
Nymf Hathaway: well... just the world around us would be nice... and yes that includes almost everything :)
Calvino Rabeni: But not so much, metaphysics
Nymf Hathaway: Less I would say
Calvino Rabeni: It is a kind of virtual reality
Nymf Hathaway: yes indeed
Calvino Rabeni: Just the right amount gets made up as needed.
Nymf Hathaway: Is it this quiet lately...or just coincidence?
Calvino Rabeni: It varies, at this time slot sometimes a lot of talk, but only a few people
Calvino Rabeni: Moon did not seem talkative.
Calvino Rabeni: On other nights (my time) at this slot, there were 2.5 hour busy discussions
Nymf Hathaway: Thats great
Nymf Hathaway: You are in America?
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, and you?
Nymf Hathaway: Netherlands
Calvino Rabeni: Good place to be
Calvino Rabeni: My own thoughts rarely tend to metaphysics
Nymf Hathaway: Yes it is... we have an islamatic discussion lately
which makes it at times harsh but other than that... I love it
Calvino Rabeni: I heard about some of that
Nymf Hathaway: sadly enough :(
Nymf Hathaway: Media provides attention to those who shouldn't get it :)
Calvino Rabeni: True. I recommend a fast.
Calvino Rabeni: Actually media ecology is interesting
Calvino Rabeni: I think most of my thoughts are culturally embedded rather than in a metaphysical background
Nymf Hathaway: Agrees... although the som of it makes you think it has to change
Nymf Hathaway: Free speech for example... we have a long long tradition in it... but where did responsibility go?
Calvino Rabeni: We have known that for a while.
Calvino Rabeni: One idea is that there are dynamics that will seek a balance between freedom and relationship
Calvino Rabeni: Over a long period of time, perhaps.
Calvino Rabeni: A viewpoint of technological determinism may say something else.
Nymf Hathaway: Freedom and relationships... can you give an example?
Calvino Rabeni: People have psychological drives for connection with others, at some cost in indepence.
Calvino Rabeni: Depending on their age, their interest varies.
Nymf Hathaway: Agrees
Calvino Rabeni: Technology creates freedom from need to cooperate in groups.
Calvino Rabeni: But can lead to alienation
Calvino Rabeni: Religion is a well-known binding factor for groups
Calvino Rabeni: Economic aid can destabilize traditional cultures
Nymf Hathaway: and where did the self-awareness go to make sure you (as
a person) will prevent such from happening (alienation) because we all
know... we need each other to act and stay healthy
Calvino Rabeni: There may not be as much self-awareness as you might think.
Nymf Hathaway: Are you religious?
Calvino Rabeni: Maybe there never was.
Calvino Rabeni: Maybe it was social thinking
Nymf Hathaway: Really? :))
Calvino Rabeni: Yes
Nymf Hathaway: I cannot agree I think
Calvino Rabeni: When social thinking breaks down, there is a need for individual thinking
Nymf Hathaway: It starts with oneself
Calvino Rabeni: There are two perspectives, one is "is" and the other is "ought"
Calvino Rabeni: Descriptive vs prescriptive, actual vs potential.
Calvino Rabeni: or ideal
Nymf Hathaway: Yes that might be true... thats said more often to me
Calvino Rabeni: Often I've noticed when people are talking at cross purposes, something like that is going on.
Calvino Rabeni: I think if one looked at the PAB chat logs, both of those perspectives would stand out.
Nymf Hathaway: we tend to experience people to ones own thinking...atleast I seem to fall into it often
Calvino Rabeni: That is a temptation... awareness reveals, what a difference in awareness there is between people everywhere.
Nymf Hathaway: Yes thats interesting about people, groups and interactions :)
Calvino Rabeni: I think, most people seek out company of others they already understand well.
Calvino Rabeni: Instead of those who confuse or puzzle them.
Nymf Hathaway: Familiar simularities, you mean?
Nymf Hathaway: yes
Calvino Rabeni: And some seem to think everybody is like them. :)
Nymf Hathaway: That explains the power of majority as well
Nymf Hathaway: yes :)
Calvino Rabeni: It is good to have had relationships with different kinds of people.
Nymf Hathaway: I agree
Calvino Rabeni: I try to keep in mind, who lives over my horizon.
Nymf Hathaway: Thats a great thing
Calvino Rabeni: Figuratively. But I have liked travel.
Nymf Hathaway: I can say I aim for the same... but acknowlegde I am not always successful at it :(
Calvino Rabeni: It can be disturbing, I found, and a certain courage seems to help when I think about it.
Nymf Hathaway: Yes courage is half the winning
Calvino Rabeni: Everybody I think, has some different group of people who are the outsiders.
Nymf Hathaway: Seems all of mankinds real problems are about being Scared... thats the root
Nymf Hathaway: yes
Calvino Rabeni: And they "delegate" some aspects of humanity to those others.
Hathaway: It is said that when we would be attacked by aliens (which I
think is a real idiot idea...why always negative) we would be finally
one on earth... much too late
Nymf Hathaway: Oh yes
Calvino Rabeni: Fear is a fundamental thing.
Calvino Rabeni: But so is eros, the drive to create and expand beyond boundaries.
Nymf Hathaway: Majority thinks more is good
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, that is a theme to be reckoned with.
Calvino Rabeni: What does the majority give up, to let the outsiders seem to be what they are?
Nymf Hathaway: I wonder.... is life (humans in this case) just a circle
on earth..... we discover things... make them science... we loose
data...and a few or more centuries later we seem to pick up where we
have left
Calvino Rabeni: Do you mean, are there cycles of knowledge and ignorance?
Nymf Hathaway: yes and kill knowledge...history is full of it and always fear was the reason for killing it
Calvino Rabeni: For instance there has always been a dynamic interplay
between unification and separation of science and religion.
Calvino Rabeni: It goes one way, then the other.
Nymf Hathaway: Knowledge is still for minorities
Nymf Hathaway: yes seems so
Calvino Rabeni: Yes it seems to be.
Nymf Hathaway: I hope the internet will change this
Calvino Rabeni: And where would the world be if the library at Alexandria had not burned?
Nymf Hathaway: oh yes
Nymf Hathaway: Have you seen the universe clock made by the Greeks?
Calvino Rabeni: The antikythera device showed advanced technology around 200 bc
Nymf Hathaway: hahhahahah wonderful :)
Nymf Hathaway: Yes... thats just one example
Calvino Rabeni: Lost somehow
Calvino Rabeni: And the evidence only found through complete accident
Nymf Hathaway: It makes you wonder how many time must pass for the world population to think a like
Nymf Hathaway: yes
Calvino Rabeni: What do you mean then, to think alike?
Nymf Hathaway: our nose at the same aim.... discover the incredible eartn, universe and all other questions to be answered
Nymf Hathaway: share food, land and provide each other with a peacefull earth to make sure it can
Nymf Hathaway: and Education.... it should be shared freely...because it reduces fear
Calvino Rabeni: Maybe true - but fear spreads through information also.
Nymf Hathaway: Today we aren't burning witches.... that has a reason of education
Nymf Hathaway: yes true
Calvino Rabeni: But there are still hate crimes unfortunately
Nymf Hathaway: So much depends on the teacher and his government
Calvino Rabeni: and people seem as superstitious as ever in history
Calvino Rabeni: On the average, I suppose
Nymf Hathaway: yes... and those have a reason as well... forensic psychology is soo interesting
Calvino Rabeni: And developmental psychology, when extended to adult lifespan and perhaps culture
Calvino Rabeni: The population of course is much larger than ever before.
Calvino Rabeni: Perhaps the average wisdom and intelligence of humans is a constant over the centuries
Nymf Hathaway: yes.... which makes another question interesting... with
the grow of are the minorities doing...are they
growing as well?
Nymf Hathaway: Smles
Calvino Rabeni: And it's hard to say whether diversity is increasing or decreasing
Nymf Hathaway: smiles that was
Calvino Rabeni: I am not religious, to answer your earlier question.
Nymf Hathaway: I thought so by now :) me neither
Nymf Hathaway: Never have been
Nymf Hathaway: My parents always encouraged us to think by
ourselves...and discuss the thoughts with as many others as you can tune the thoughts
Calvino Rabeni: Same with me.
Calvino Rabeni: I think my scientific cosmos has plenty of room for the religious as well as their concerns, however.
Calvino Rabeni: I am not "anti"
Nymf Hathaway: Oh yes mine as well... although I am very sorry they
never have learned to think for themselves (which doesn't mean every
religious person didn't!!)
Nymf Hathaway: I know enough I admire
Calvino Rabeni: Religious people may think in a more nuanced way about a variety of things, compared to the non-religions
Nymf Hathaway: and I really think for a lot of people...we should be thankfull religion shows them the way
Nymf Hathaway: Nuanced.... not always fanatics are mostly religious ones
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, and religion constructed the social environment that rationalists live in and benefit from.
Nymf Hathaway: true
Calvino Rabeni: I have rationalist or atheist friends who deny that
their cultural assumptions are fundamentally christian in origin.
Nymf Hathaway: It would be interesting to have a look on earth in about 300 years... I would love it
Calvino Rabeni: It is a hard thing to argue with them.
Calvino Rabeni: That is an intersting idea - actually I never *seriously* tried to envision the future.
Nymf Hathaway: well you can call it christian...but be can
christians claim they have a patent on a way of thinking or feeling?
Cannot....thoughts or ways to handle things are private
Nymf Hathaway: They where here long before christianity
Calvino Rabeni: I don't see it that way. There is no patent, but most
people's world is derived from and compatible with their culture.
Nymf Hathaway: sure...we adapt to our environment
Calvino Rabeni: Individuals might think / hope they create culture, but the opposite seems to be more true
Nymf Hathaway: Its only luck or no luck where you are born...nothing more
Nymf Hathaway: Thats why the less fortunate aren't to blame...we should help as much as we can
Nymf Hathaway: Sorry to say I need to log off...can I offer you friendship?
Calvino Rabeni: Yes thanks. Hope to talk again in the future :)
Nymf Hathaway: Same here :)
Nymf Hathaway: Wishing you a good sleep :)
Nymf Hathaway: Bye bye
Calvino Rabeni: I'm off,also. TY, have a great day :)
Calvino Rabeni: Poof
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