The guardian for this session was Eliza Madrigal, who decided to overlap the earlier session just a tiny bit for clarity's sake.
Bruce Mowbray: May I suggest a real-world application here?
Sharry Ragu: please do
Bruce Mowbray: [bell's going to ring in a moment....]
Bruce Mowbray: I'll try to squeeze it in before the bell....
Eliza Madrigal: In SL we can see when someone makes a change... they may show up as a cat or diff gender... we dont see that in RL but I think it happens...
Pema Pera: :)
Eliza Madrigal: Oh, sorry Bruce. Listening :)
Baeric Constantine: Eliza, I can show pictures of it happening the same in the physical realm as in the virtual realm
RawVegan Serenity: i agree with Eliza
Adams Dubrovna: Time for me to go. bye everyone and thanks
Pema Pera: bye Adams!
Bruce Mowbray: If we approach others with the intention of being present, attentive, and receptive . . . rather than focusing (sorry, Darren) on some particular thing, our chances of compassion and equinimity are enhanced.
Darren Islar: bye Adams
Pema Pera: /me nods at Bruce
Darren Islar: /me also nods
Eliza Madrigal: /me smiles
Uns Mistwalker: yes bruce...if one is choosing to privilege compassion and equanimity.
Bruce Mowbray: Are we in the PaB session now? Or the time session? Or both...!
Fefonz Quan: /me trice that
Sharry Ragu: equinimity.. yes, I like that word
Darren Islar: /me was just saying a light focus is always there, like 'focussing' on being attentive)
Eliza Madrigal: we're on the edge Bruce
Yakuzza Lethecus: bruce: should there be a difference ? :)
Eliza Madrigal: Yes Darren, the word 'intention' can be heard as focus also...
Bruce Mowbray: cool. I break bread with the Edge.
Pema Pera: :)
Bruce Mowbray: /me muses: In a sense, EVERY space is liminal.
Bruce Mowbray: a threshhold.
Eliza Madrigal: mmm...
Bruce Mowbray: always going through the "doorway" into the next moment.
Pema Pera: yes
Eliza Madrigal: arising...
Pema Pera: but strangely the doorway can also allow a kind of abiding
Bruce Mowbray: Did anyone here notice a profound different between 5:59 slt and 7:01 slt?
Yakuzza Lethecus: hi qt
Qt Core: hi all
Bruce Mowbray: I mean 6:59 and 7:01.
Eliza Madrigal: Say more about 'abiding' Pema?
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Qt.
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Qt :)
RawVegan Serenity: no sorry
Pema Pera: hmm . . . .
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Pema Pera: a doorway suggests movement
Pema Pera: and a moment of time has a sense of movement in one way
Pema Pera: but can also have a sense of rest
Pema Pera: we normally say that we move through time
Baeric Constantine: alternative a doorway suggests passage to a new realm that may incur movement or may not
Pema Pera: but we can also rest in time
Bruce Mowbray: A doorway also suggests potential for a new (fresh) experience.
Pema Pera: abiding may not be static -- perhaps it can be used in a way beyond the dichotomy of static versus dynamic
Fefonz Quan: A doorway can also suggest allowing me to rest here, while inviting others/appereciations/Time to get inside for a while
Eliza Madrigal: resting in time... yes that seems like an edgy balance of relaxed and aware
Eliza Madrigal: Ah, nice Fef
Uns Mistwalker: and in that sence, i think pema...timeless
Pema Pera: /me considers again a cat resting on the carpet, but ready to jump through the doorway when a bird appears :-)
Eliza Madrigal: somehow not 'divided' in attention
Darren Islar: /me is pondering about resting in 'time'
Sharry Ragu: /me is thinking it is way past her bedtime
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Darren Islar: :)
Eliza Madrigal: Night Sharry, see you again
Yakuzza Lethecus: night sharry
Darren Islar: a doorway to dreamland:)
Pema Pera: bye Sharry!
Uns Mistwalker: goodnight Sharry.
Qt Core: 'night Sharry
Baeric Constantine: I think I shall take my leave too people.
Sharry Ragu: thank you all, have fresh moments! :))
Darren Islar: I'm going to
Pema Pera: hi Zen and bye Baeric
Yakuzza Lethecus: bye gearic
Darren Islar: see you all :)
Eliza Madrigal: Bye Baeric and Darren :)
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Zen :)
Qt Core: Bye Darren
Fefonz Quan: bye Sharry, Darren (again :)), Baeric
Baeric Constantine: thank you for the doorways to awareness of the magic of time :)
Eliza Madrigal: /me smiles
Baeric Constantine: thake care all
Zen Arado: Hi all
Baeric Constantine: ciao
RawVegan Serenity: HI
Uns Mistwalker: hi zen.
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey zen
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Zen, we've been talking about 'abiding'... resting in time...
Zen Arado: sounds good :)
RawVegan Serenity: Doorways symbolise the unknown yet familar
RawVegan Serenity: oops
Eliza Madrigal: interesting Raw, go on?
Eliza Madrigal: oops?
Bruce Mowbray: In RL, rituals are used to signify passage through life's "doorways."
RawVegan Serenity: Well Its part of the human experience that we must pass through portholes
RawVegan Serenity: to achieve anything
Zen Arado: bumpy transitions?
RawVegan Serenity: we pass through time
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Conversations here are recorded when ON AIR. Please see
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
RawVegan Serenity: birth
RawVegan Serenity: death
RawVegan Serenity: many things
RawVegan Serenity: and there are many portholes (doors)in reality
RawVegan Serenity: So we are familar with the act of passing through
RawVegan Serenity: However
RawVegan Serenity: None of us know
RawVegan Serenity: what is behind that porthole of life
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Thank you.
RawVegan Serenity: time
Pema Pera: /me nods
RawVegan Serenity: birth
RawVegan Serenity: death
RawVegan Serenity: so it is familiar yet unfamiliar
Zen Arado: if we smooth the transitions somehow - no doorways needed?
Fefonz Quan: why should we smooth them? they are the stuff life is made off
Eliza Madrigal: what if we're the portal..
Pema Pera: yes, Raw, you seem to be anticipating the next Time chapter that I just posted:
Pema Pera: :)
RawVegan Serenity: well then we must go from physical to a huigher plne
RawVegan Serenity: plane
Fefonz Quan: A great title Pema, seems as relevant as always
Eliza Madrigal: Thank you Pema , can't wait to read this :)
Bruce Mowbray: Perhaps rituals are needed to provide continuity and support as we pass through life's doorways into potentially "bumpy" new-ness.
Pema Pera: sure!
Pema Pera: they help and also accentuate
Bruce Mowbray: Maybe what Darren was calling "focus" is a sort of ritual we use with awareness practice.
Uns Mistwalker: the issue of not knowing what is beyond this life is an epistemological one.
RawVegan Serenity: Does anyone else feel that rituals hold back humans
RawVegan Serenity: in their quest
Zen Arado: was thinking of the Metta Sutra - 'Those who achieve the way will be freed fro the duality of birth and death'
Fefonz Quan: yes, i do sometimes RawV
Pema Pera: nice point, Bruce!
RawVegan Serenity: ooops im personalising everyones experiences with my own
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Bruce Mowbray: Rituals done for their own sake do hold us back -- can even harm us.
RawVegan Serenity: i dont mean to generalise
RawVegan Serenity: yes
Uns Mistwalker: Rituals make culture.
Eliza Madrigal: not at all Raw... interesting questions...
Fefonz Quan: if rituals become just another pattern, repetition of behavior - they can be drawbacks
Zen Arado: aren't rituals dsigned to smooth difficult transitions?
RawVegan Serenity: yes they do make culture i agree
Uns Mistwalker: (and vice versa)
Zen Arado: but Bruce said that already
Uns Mistwalker: agreed fefonz, and zen
RawVegan Serenity: however culture alawya a good thing
RawVegan Serenity: deoending on the culture ?
Pema Pera: sorry to leave a bit early, but it's getting close to midnight for me
Eliza Madrigal: what if no quest...
Pema Pera: thank you all for coming here!
Eliza Madrigal: Bye Pema :) Night
Bruce Mowbray: bye, Pema -- and Thanks!
RawVegan Serenity: and how they operate
Zen Arado: bye Pema
Uns Mistwalker: thank you Pema, i have benefitted!
Qt Core: bye Pema
Fefonz Quan: bye Pema, looking forward for the 3rd chapter to read!
RawVegan Serenity: ooo my typos
RawVegan Serenity: bye pema
Pema Pera: bfn, and nice to meet so many new faces!
Fefonz Quan: I would say, like any other tool, rituals can be used to benefit from or to harm
Pema Pera: glad you're enjoying these meetings
Eliza Madrigal: /me nods @ Fef....
RawVegan Serenity: yes i agree fef
Eliza Madrigal: "there is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so" Shakespeare
Zen Arado: yes but we seem to need them
Fefonz Quan: they can be a too-easy points for attachment, exchanging them for the real exploration
RawVegan Serenity: if it wasnt for ritual hand washing disease would be widespread
Eliza Madrigal: ah, but too much handwashing creates 'superbugs'
RawVegan Serenity: yes
Zen Arado: I hate weddings but everyone slse seems to love them
Fefonz Quan: you
RawVegan Serenity: hate seams a string word zen
RawVegan Serenity: whats the reason ?
Fefonz Quan: you've just been to the wrong weddings Zen ;-)
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Zen Arado: ok strong dislike anyway :)
RawVegan Serenity: haha i wrote string
Eliza Madrigal: I had aversion to rituals for a long time...
RawVegan Serenity: lol
Zen Arado: they go on so long
Bruce Mowbray: /me loved the wedding but hated the marriage.
Eliza Madrigal: very inconvenient when one is a mother responsible for gift buying and such...
RawVegan Serenity: haha bruce
Fefonz Quan: hehehe Bruce :)
Uns Mistwalker: It is Eliza.
Eliza Madrigal: the thing is, when it became a choice...
Eliza Madrigal: when I began not to partake just because of outside expectations...
Eliza Madrigal: then there was joy there
Eliza Madrigal: not being 'trapped'
Uns Mistwalker: Yes. And in those who noticed you not partaking?
Bruce Mowbray: agrees with Eliza - - one of the reasons I've chosen to be a hermit, mostly.
Eliza Madrigal: well... it can be funny. People see one person not doing something, and they think "Oh, you can do that?"
Eliza Madrigal: "just step out?"
Zen Arado: if it was my own wedding I'm sure I would enjoy it - so I'm selfish I guess
Uns Mistwalker: so liberating for some of them too!
Eliza Madrigal: then you do it again.. and it becomes more a dance I guess
Uns Mistwalker: the function of weddings is to make it clear two people are off the market.
Fefonz Quan: Zen, you would be surprised at how many people miss the enjoyment of their wedding, due to the stress, pressure, expectattions etc.
Zen Arado: and to 'solemnise, make everything official and serious?
Uns Mistwalker: I agree, fefonz
Eliza Madrigal: well, also that the families may come together and bless the occasion
Eliza Madrigal: and by doing that they 'get on board'
Uns Mistwalker: yes...makes it clear that by God, if this goes bad, there'll be consequences!
Zen Arado: because it is supposed to be a lasting arrangement
Eliza Madrigal: hahahah
Zen Arado: :)
Eliza Madrigal: what about other rituals?
Eliza Madrigal: like, when in Windhorse we heard about teens perhaps staying in the forest for a few days...
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Conversations here are recorded when ON AIR. Please see
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
Bruce Mowbray: Some of the cultural "uses" of weddings are important (announcing them "off the market," for example, but I prefer to see the ritual (wedding) as an assist through the "doorway" ...
RawVegan Serenity: Unfortunately our species is very different from how it started.
RawVegan Serenity: Look at pomp and ceremony that surrounds modern weddings
Zen Arado: thinking that some of these portals are also seen as a kind of test of commitment
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Thank you.
Bruce Mowbray: absolutely so, Zen.
Eliza Madrigal: Sure
Bruce Mowbray: even a "trial" -- like a visionquest.
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Zen Arado: so the transition is made bumpy deliberately
Eliza Madrigal: Bye Fef :)
Uns Mistwalker: yes, 'Justice' is operationally defined as adequate performance of the ritual.!
Bruce Mowbray: bye, Fef
Fefonz Quan: good bye all, have a good weekend
Eliza Madrigal: You too!
Yakuzza Lethecus: take care fef
Zen Arado: bye Fef
RawVegan Serenity: bye
Uns Mistwalker: goodbye Fef
Fefonz Quan: _/!\_
Zen Arado: a hurdle that must be overcome
Eliza Madrigal: In marriage or anything else, it still comes down to moment to moment choice... one can have all the trappings and have run the gambut....
Eliza Madrigal: it really only matters what is 'active'
Bruce Mowbray: @ Zen, yes, the transitions is intentionally made bumpy -- but symbolically so. and its bumpiness is understood in that cultural context.
Eliza Madrigal: and maybe rituals can be tools to that end?
Eliza Madrigal: like touchstones...
Zen Arado: yes
Bruce Mowbray: agreed with Eliza.
RawVegan Serenity: what if one person in the marriage keeps on travelling through portholes and other doesnt
Zen Arado: depends what kind of portholes they are I guess:)
Uns Mistwalker: /me smiles....the boat sinks.
Zen Arado: :)
RawVegan Serenity: every heard the line i can change?
RawVegan Serenity: ever
Uns Mistwalker: Have spoken it myself....
RawVegan Serenity: people say it to each other all the time
Uns Mistwalker: goes with
Bruce Mowbray: I think it wasthe purpose of patriarchal marriage (husband dominated) to ensure that the wife didn't continue going through portholes.
Uns Mistwalker: (but i ain't a gunna)
Eliza Madrigal: :) Bruce
RawVegan Serenity: hey hes got a point
RawVegan Serenity: lets not get all feminst
Eliza Madrigal: well, and also people lived far shorter periods...
Uns Mistwalker: Many want to change, but are ill-equipped.
Bruce Mowbray: What is the "line I can change...."?
RawVegan Serenity: i personally feel that womens lib was a bad thing and im a woman
Eliza Madrigal: well, things go off track Raw....
RawVegan Serenity: sure do
Eliza Madrigal: but the essential point, was choices
Uns Mistwalker: Raw...the problem, I think, is simply there has been no complementary Men's lib.
RawVegan Serenity: lol
Eliza Madrigal: and that got lost... became one thing instead of another...
Eliza Madrigal: or both and exhaustion
Zen Arado: us poor opressed males...
Eliza Madrigal: not evenness
Uns Mistwalker: We do oppress, Zen...but typically do not see the ways in which we ourselves are oppressed.
Eliza Madrigal: parallels to some of what we've been discussing re the priority of Rest
Bruce Mowbray: /me feels liberated by whatever "libs" happen: gay lib, women's lib, Black lib, fish lib....
Uns Mistwalker: ad lib
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Eliza Madrigal: haha
Zen Arado: :)
RawVegan Serenity: wait the whole human race is opressed
Bruce Mowbray: say more, Eliza.
Eliza Madrigal: hm...
Zen Arado: priority of rest?
Yakuzza Lethecus: /me sneaks out, i hope for more attendance in the voice session then last week :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: bye everyone
RawVegan Serenity: bye
Eliza Madrigal: Bye Ya :)
Bruce Mowbray: yes... about that, please.
Uns Mistwalker: from my point of view....the biggest oppression is the notion we exist.
Zen Arado: bye Yaku
Qt Core: bye YAku
RawVegan Serenity: yes uns
Uns Mistwalker: bye Yakuzza...thanks so much for bringing me here.
Bruce Mowbray: bye who ever is leaving.
Eliza Madrigal: Uns, yes that is a bit of what I was considering too... that we set ourselves up 'against'...
Zen Arado: is equality always a good thing?
Eliza Madrigal: not if it is dull
RawVegan Serenity: women where always equal to men
Uns Mistwalker: equality does not mean sameness
Eliza Madrigal: we trap one another.... flatten life...
Uns Mistwalker: yes eliza
Zen Arado: not physically though Raw
Eliza Madrigal: Right.... it is about stuckness and roles
RawVegan Serenity: its just they did not realise
RawVegan Serenity: i agree
RawVegan Serenity: equality does not mean sameness
RawVegan Serenity: thats my point
RawVegan Serenity: no we where not the same
Zen Arado: we can't force everyone into a mold
RawVegan Serenity: but we were equal
Eliza Madrigal: and also, we make decisions 'for a time' and it is easy for others to stick us into that time...
Zen Arado: not allowing us to change
Eliza Madrigal: like still wearing the same hair from 1970 because it was the best, then :)
Eliza Madrigal: we can appreciate that hair... and STILL change
Uns Mistwalker: yes, Eliza...a particular issue parents are prone to.
Zen Arado: is change so important ?
Eliza Madrigal: indeed
RawVegan Serenity: yes but is it a change for the better eliza
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Conversations here are recorded when ON AIR. Please see
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Thank you.
Eliza Madrigal: seems change is life... for better or worse ;-)
RawVegan Serenity: very true
Zen Arado: novelty maybe I was thinking of
RawVegan Serenity: adaptation
Zen Arado: like being bored with what is and wanting to escape
RawVegan Serenity: are you zen ?
Zen Arado: sometimes
Uns Mistwalker: bored = needs not being met
RawVegan Serenity: whys that?
Zen Arado: but not as much as before
Zen Arado: don't know
Zen Arado: stayin present more
RawVegan Serenity: do you ever feel your self in the moment zen
Eliza Madrigal: :)
RawVegan Serenity: ha
RawVegan Serenity: i was just asking that
Zen Arado: appreciate my life more
Eliza Madrigal: lovely, Zen
Zen Arado: not sure Raw
Eliza Madrigal: yes, there's the rest
Zen Arado: they say if you are you don't know it
RawVegan Serenity: The Zen ill share this with you the only way i can live my life is in the moment
RawVegan Serenity: for now
Eliza Madrigal: /me musing that the abiding seems the stance of appreciating arising...
Zen Arado: I know the theory but the practice is lacking a lot of the time
RawVegan Serenity: If i start to fantasize about a future that might be when i come back to reality i feel some kind of angst
Eliza Madrigal: when we move away from that centerless center then we get exhausted, restless.....
RawVegan Serenity: yes
Zen Arado: I know
RawVegan Serenity: its good to be here
RawVegan Serenity: right now
Zen Arado: but old habits die hard
RawVegan Serenity: thats all we have
Eliza Madrigal: they don't have to die...
Zen Arado: yes it is Raw
Zen Arado: mine do :)
Eliza Madrigal: :)
RawVegan Serenity: aww
Eliza Madrigal: you know what's fun....
Eliza Madrigal: to make a (hah yes I'm about to say this) project of going 'back'
RawVegan Serenity: back to where
Eliza Madrigal: into all the things you let die...or cut off
RawVegan Serenity: oh no lol
RawVegan Serenity: im not into that
Eliza Madrigal: hahah... well, what I mean is that sometimes we actually give them charge
Eliza Madrigal: by closing a door
RawVegan Serenity: ahhh i see
Uns Mistwalker: yes, the 'disowned self' can be pretty noisy
RawVegan Serenity: so you are saying by closing that door on them
Eliza Madrigal: :)
RawVegan Serenity: we allow them to shape our lives
RawVegan Serenity: because they have no part in it
Eliza Madrigal: perhaps, in some cases...
RawVegan Serenity: interesting
Eliza Madrigal: the absence of something still shapes a space?
Bruce Mowbray: "Going back" and opening doors for things we'd cut off is one way of healing -- and maybe we're able, now, to benefit from those things -- whereas when we first encountered them, we were not ready.
Eliza Madrigal: yes
Zen Arado: if we give them attention we can make them too important maybe
Uns Mistwalker: it is not truly an absence
RawVegan Serenity: i think you may be onto something
Uns Mistwalker: but rather a refusal to attend to the ways in which something persists.
RawVegan Serenity: depending on if that thing was toxic
Eliza Madrigal: just seeing them can be like an exposure...
RawVegan Serenity: sometimes we shut the door on the toxic then fine leave it there
Eliza Madrigal: a snapshot
Zen Arado: this idea of becoming open and vulnerable keeps coming up I notice
Zen Arado: or maybe it is my influence?
Uns Mistwalker: I think it is the fountain of strength, Zen
Eliza Madrigal: for me it seems to have to do with equanimity and evenness
Eliza Madrigal: hmm, yes
Zen Arado: it often gives an appearance of weakness to others if you do it I think
Zen Arado: ?
Uns Mistwalker: Yes it does.
Uns Mistwalker: (especially for males)
Eliza Madrigal: or gives permission
Eliza Madrigal: disarms
Zen Arado: I often say 'I don't know' but don't see many others do that?
Uns Mistwalker: /me smiles....careful with that.
Zen Arado: find that easier than I used to
Zen Arado: people afraid of losing credibility?
Bruce Mowbray: /me recalls the joke about males not asking for directions -- being lost but not admitting it.
Zen Arado: he he
RawVegan Serenity: its not a joke bruce
Eliza Madrigal: it is contextual too
RawVegan Serenity: lol
Uns Mistwalker: or just having a low tolerance for the feeling of not knowing.
Eliza Madrigal: "I don't know" in one setting is brave.. in another it can be shying away
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Conversations here are recorded when ON AIR. Please see
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
RawVegan Serenity: and that the should protect
Bruce Mowbray: fear of being out of control....
RawVegan Serenity: Its the basic staple that men should be the leader
Zen Arado: perhaps it's because I have been practciing 'not knowing ' for a while
Eliza Madrigal: that's "most intimate" Zen ;-)
Zen Arado: :)
Zen Arado: of course Eliza :)
Zen Arado: so that's why I do it
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Thank you.
Zen Arado: :)
Uns Mistwalker: That stance of not-knowing is very helpful in the practice of psychotherapy.
Eliza Madrigal: Have you ever read Rumi's "To Have Without Holding"
Zen Arado: no Eliza
Uns Mistwalker: /me can't keep up with the ways Rumi's work gets sliced up commercially.
Eliza Madrigal: Oh, not Rumi...
Eliza Madrigal: Marge. Hah, big difference there :)
Zen Arado:
Eliza Madrigal: Thank you Zen :)
Eliza Madrigal: 'learning to love differently'
Zen Arado: to get hurt again and again is so difficult
Zen Arado: maybe it is what we need to overcome selfishness
Zen Arado: beautiful poem Eliza thanks
Uns Mistwalker: a beautiful poem.
Bruce Mowbray: yes, thanks for the poem. I've saved it (am HOLDING it!) ;-)
Eliza Madrigal: /me smiles
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Aph.
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Aphrodite!
Aphrodite Macbain: Hello. Sorry I missed your poem
Eliza Madrigal: I've actually got to go now... sorry to miss YOU Aph again!
Aphrodite Macbain: I'll look it up!
Bruce Mowbray: thank you, Eliza.
Qt Core: hi Aphrodite, bye Eliza
Zen Arado:
Aphrodite Macbain: me too. bye Eliza
Uns Mistwalker: with regard to doing it, you may find "Love: An Inner Connection...based on principles drawn from the I Ching" valuable.
Zen Arado: bye Eliza
Aphrodite Macbain: Buona sera Qt
Eliza Madrigal: I look forward to reading the rest of the log, Night friends :)
Eliza Madrigal: And day :)
Uns Mistwalker: good night Eliza.
Zen Arado: 'It hurts to love wide open' what a line
Bruce Mowbray: Is there any other way to love?
Aphrodite Macbain: Is it possible
Zen Arado: no
Zen Arado: but
Aphrodite Macbain: although I know how it feels safer to love carefully
Qt Core: or not to love at all
Uns Mistwalker: I think it rare to persist in wide-openness
Aphrodite Macbain: must be very sure of oneself
Bruce Mowbray: "be of love a little more careful than of everything." -- e.e. cummings
Zen Arado: guarded hearts
Zen Arado: with padlocks
Aphrodite Macbain: Bruce - did that justcome into your head?
Bruce Mowbray: yeppers, it did.
Aphrodite Macbain: or your back pocket?
Zen Arado: is it good advice Bruce?
Bruce Mowbray: I've loved e.e. cummings love poems for decades.
Uns Mistwalker: one is careful with anything precious.
Aphrodite Macbain: must learn to handle ourselves/the loved one gently
Zen Arado: it always involves a leap of faith somewhere though?
Uns Mistwalker: yes. Aphrodite...
Zen Arado: yes Aphrodite
Qt Core: faith that the other would not (at least) stab you
Uns Mistwalker: and Zen...i have heard it said that to love is always based on insufficient yes.
Aphrodite Macbain: I have just invited a a friend to join us. Bleu Levasseur. Hope you dont mind
Zen Arado: not at all
Bruce Mowbray: Being in love means not needing to have more data.
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Bleu.
Zen Arado: Hi Bleu
Aphrodite Macbain: Hi Bleu have a cushion
Bleu Levasseur: hi everyone..
Qt Core: Hi Bleu
Aphrodite Macbain: Hi Bleu have a cushion
Bleu Levasseur: waiting for everyone and everything to rezz!
Uns Mistwalker: Bruce, we need no more....because we have mentally filled in all the blanks.
Aphrodite Macbain: she's still rezzing
Zen Arado: yes - we often create an unreal image I think
Bleu Levasseur: that's better
Bleu Levasseur: an unreal image?
RawVegan Serenity: ill be back later everonr
Bleu Levasseur: as in how our avi looks..or how we come across?
Zen Arado: that's why we call it a 'romanticized ' view
Bruce Mowbray: bye, RVS.
RawVegan Serenity: got some rl stuff to do
Zen Arado: Bye RVS
Bleu Levasseur: byee
Aphrodite Macbain: Bye
RawVegan Serenity: byew everone xxxx
Qt Core: bye RawVegan
Zen Arado: was thinking more of RL Bleu
Bleu Levasseur: kk
Aphrodite Macbain: Bleu was the first person to introduce me to SL she found me in Africa
Bleu Levasseur: sorry, hard to pick up as i've just come in
Zen Arado: we fill in the blanks in a very optimistic way :)
Bleu Levasseur: haha, yes aphrodite..
Uns Mistwalker: But the truth is the sl there are simply a lot more blanks to fill in!
Bleu Levasseur: the sim is sadly depeleted these days
Aphrodite Macbain: Bleu, these conversations are recorded. Is that OK with you?
Bleu Levasseur: of course
Bleu Levasseur: but ty anyway
Bleu Levasseur: who reads them, afterwards?
Zen Arado: I have to go
Bleu Levasseur: are you on voice?
Zen Arado: bye all
Aphrodite Macbain: No
Bruce Mowbray: bye, Zen.
Bleu Levasseur: bye zen
Bleu Levasseur: ty bruce
Qt Core: all the world at ;-)
Aphrodite Macbain: but they have been meeting for the past hour
Bleu Levasseur: ah
Bruce Mowbray: actually. some of us for 2 hours!
Uns Mistwalker: I've been here for over two hours now...and i think i was late.
Aphrodite Macbain: Bruce- this is the person I was telling you about
Bleu Levasseur: heavens!!
Qt Core: when you can even find out something more about pab
Bleu Levasseur: rl too busy , generally, to spend that long on sl !
Bruce Mowbray: almost two and a half hours, actually.
Aphrodite Macbain: It's a very engaging group
Bruce Mowbray: Hello, Bleu - Aph's friend.
Bleu Levasseur: hi bruce :)
Bleu Levasseur: good to chat properly to people on sl
Aphrodite Macbain: Bleu, Bruce is also a good friend and has taken me through some technical challeges
Bleu Levasseur: rather than 'hi' and 'bye' from most
Bleu Levasseur: good on yer bruce!
Bleu Levasseur: says she, in her best monty python voice
Uns Mistwalker laughs...
Bleu Levasseur: sorry brucee, you must get fed up with people doing that
Bleu Levasseur: promise nit to, ever again
Uns Mistwalker: then says bye.
Bleu Levasseur: bye uns
Aphrodite Macbain: Qt are you living in Italy?
Bleu Levasseur: didn't mean to type brucee either, sorry
Qt Core: yes
Aphrodite Macbain: mmm. where?
Qt Core: near Milan
Bruce Mowbray: np -- Bleu. That's why this is my favorite sim -- we play, we get serious, we play with words, we use words with great focus and intentionality -- We do the FULL spectrum here.
Aphrodite Macbain: the Full monty
Bleu Levasseur: blimey ..i log on to sl to chill!!
Aphrodite Macbain: you can chill here too!
Bleu Levasseur: but love talking properly to people and playing with words
Bruce Mowbray: we also chill here. Come back here at 1 p.m. slt and you'll see chillin' like you've never see it before!
Bleu Levasseur: used to be able to do that at millpond, many moons ago
Bleu Levasseur: talk etc
Bleu Levasseur: i may well be asleep by then, bruce..
Bleu Levasseur: i am knackered!!
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Bleu Levasseur: and in london it will be 9 o clock
Aphrodite Macbain: she's in England - that's why she talks funny :-)
Bleu Levasseur: p.m.
Bleu Levasseur: :PPPPP
Bleu Levasseur: la la la
Aphrodite Macbain: hahah
Bruce Mowbray: I stayed up late to watch the Persiods last night -- and slept late this morning because of that -- came here late too, unfortunately.
Bleu Levasseur: i am exhausted after 2 weeks holiday
Bleu Levasseur: pooh
Aphrodite Macbain: Persiods?
Bleu Levasseur: we were in countryside til the day before
Bruce Mowbray: meteor shower.
Qt Core: have you seen some Bruce ?
Bleu Levasseur: no chance of seeing them/it in london
Aphrodite Macbain: oh of course - what time did you watch them?
Bruce Mowbray: yes I saw a few last night. Will be going on into the field tonight also.
Bleu Levasseur: light pollutoin ruins most things in the sky
Aphrodite Macbain: You are in the best place to watch them
Bruce Mowbray: I watched until about 2 a.m.
Bleu Levasseur: who is, aphrodite?
Bruce Mowbray: yes -- new moon and clousless sky here.
Aphrodite Macbain: Wer they beautiful?
Bruce Mowbray: no city lights, either.
Aphrodite Macbain: Bruce lives in the country in Ohio
Bleu Levasseur: kk
Bleu Levasseur: i was in the hills/coast til wednesday evening
Qt Core: clouds, light pollution and humidity, not the best conditions here :-(
Bleu Levasseur: we timed our holiday a bit wrong!
Bruce Mowbray: yes, I regard them as beautiful - - and fleeting.
Bleu Levasseur: i', rubbish at seeing shooting stars
Bleu Levasseur: i'm*
Aphrodite Macbain: get all teary?
Bleu Levasseur: everyone else sees them, but i manage to be always looking in wrong place
Aphrodite Macbain: they are so distant and yet very present -
Aphrodite Macbain: most of the bodies w see in the heavens are 1000s of light years away
Bleu Levasseur: one of life's treasuress
Bruce Mowbray: One must open her "view" to maximum aperature. . . taking in the whole sky.
Aphrodite Macbain: These are in the here and now
Bleu Levasseur: seeing things like that
Aphrodite Macbain: nice metaphor Bruce
Bleu Levasseur: one's not too good at that, bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Our planet actually passes through the tail of a former comet -- and that's the Persiod Shower.
Bleu Levasseur: always on the lookout for other things, like owls
Bleu Levasseur: there are many beautiful things at night, to see
Bruce Mowbray: The Milky Way is clearly visible here.
Qt Core: (envy)
Qt Core: :)
Bleu Levasseur: you are fortunate to be able to see the sky whenever you want to, bruce
Aphrodite Macbain: N views from Milano?
Aphrodite Macbain: no view
Qt Core: from the big light bulge that Milan is ? no
Bleu Levasseur: same for london
Bleu Levasseur: high level of light pollution
Qt Core: end even going into the mountainst you have to choose well
Bruce Mowbray: Our nearest big city is 45 miles away -- can see just a glow on the horizon.
Qt Core: even with rigid low pollution laws, yes
Bleu Levasseur: we need to go about an hour out from where we live
Bleu Levasseur: and we are in greater london, not inner london]
Bruce Mowbray: Folks, it's getting hot here - and I want to get out with my dog before it's too HOT to do that.
Qt Core: the opposite here, nearest black enough place at at least 100km
Bleu Levasseur: 18 degrees here
Bruce Mowbray: and I've been sitting for 1 1/2 hours in both SL and RL....
Bruce Mowbray: so I shall say, Bye to all!
Aphrodite Macbain: Giveve bea a pat for me and let him jump in the stream
Bleu Levasseur: whew..too long, patient dog!
Aphrodite Macbain: Bear
Bleu Levasseur: bye bruce
Qt Core: bye Bruce and Bruce doc
Qt Core: doig
Qt Core: ok, dog!
Aphrodite Macbain: haha
Bleu Levasseur: hahaha. glad i'm ot the only one, qt
Aphrodite Macbain: Qt are you the Guardian today?
Qt Core: no
Bleu Levasseur: tell me about being guardian
Qt Core: but as the funtain don't complain someone already claimed the log
Aphrodite Macbain: As far as I can understand it, there are people responsile for facilitating these discussions and then ensuring the conversations are logged onto the wb site
Qt Core: nothing weird, one of the guardian should claim the log and post it on the web, nothing more, nothimg less
Bleu Levasseur: ah, ok thanx
Bleu Levasseur: why do you want it on website?
Aphrodite Macbain: It's interesting to read the log - some wonderful insightful poetic statements are made here
Qt Core: so pabbers not able to go to all the sessions (none is) can read them
Bleu Levasseur: kk ty...
Aphrodite Macbain: Pabbers are Play as Being attenders
Bleu Levasseur: you would need a lot of time to do that
Qt Core: 4 session a day 7 day a week
Bleu Levasseur: haha, wondered!
Qt Core: 1 and 7, both am and pm
Aphrodite Macbain: so there always is a discussion going on wherever you live
Aphrodite Macbain: in the world
Bleu Levasseur: i'm not online that long, usually
Qt Core: yes, this is a dangerous place, for rl productivity ;-)
Aphrodite Macbain: Yes but when you are on line, there is likely to be a PAB discussion. Bookmark it if you like
Bleu Levasseur: i wouldn't say dangerous
Bleu Levasseur: we need all sorts on sl
Aphrodite Macbain: It is very distracting from RL
Bleu Levasseur: i've always managed to be diciplined about time on sl
Aphrodite Macbain: It's easier for me as I work at home.
Bleu Levasseur: always put rl first
Qt Core: i just switched most of the tv time to online activities
Aphrodite Macbain: yes - and you have alot of responsibility there I know!
Aphrodite Macbain: in RL Bleu
Bleu Levasseur: haha...had a wonderful time
Bleu Levasseur: don't watch tv either
Bleu Levasseur: catch up on iplayer tho
Aphrodite Macbain: Well it's time for breakfast here. I'm glad I was able to introduce you to PaB Bleu
Aphrodite Macbain: and I hope we can talk again soon.
Bleu Levasseur: ty aphrodite
Qt Core: have a nice day Aphrodite
Bleu Levasseur: enjoy breakfast, too!
Aphrodite Macbain: Ciao Qt. Ci vediamo
Bleu Levasseur: take care and see you soonxx
Qt Core: Ciao!
Aphrodite Macbain: bye
Bleu Levasseur: and nice to meet you, qt
Qt Core: same here Bleu
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