The guardian for this session was Maxine Walden. The comments are hers.
I have posted this chatlog from my own disc, not yet having received the autolog. As I have access to the autolog and time allowing I will update the log.
This was an interesting discussion about various aspects of PaB practice. It began, with a nudge from me, about what makes it difficult for us to hold onto the clarity we gain from practice? (among our thoughts are the gravitational elements of familiarity and the resistances to change). As we then meandered into intellectual considerations I tried to steer us toward the direct experience of practice, which we did do at the 45 min pause. Many PaBers then responded to the several questions, comments, ways to think about the practice.
I have edited out some of the intros and preliminary chat.
Maxine Walden: maybe we can turn to PaB issues, thoughts, concerns...?
Mickorod Renard: I notice that like a manic depresed person..I imagine..i get moments of great understandding,,followed by times of no understanding
Mickorod Renard: but as time goes on,,I am becoming more clear
Maxine Walden: very common, I think, Mick. ...ah, yes more clear with experience?
Mickorod Renard: yes
Maxine Walden: others find a similar experience as Mick describes?
Mickorod Renard: I am feeling much airier now...and am hoping I acan sustain long periods of a more lieberal seeing mind
Maxine Walden: yes, hope that is so for you Mick. Do you have some thought, Mick or anyone,about why we might feel so unclear at times?
Liza Deischer: hi Lila
Mickorod Renard: Hi Lila
Lila Darkmatter: Hello :)
Play as Being 15 minute bell: Thank you.
Mickorod Renard: are u ok Lila,,have you been here before?
Lila Darkmatter: Thank you Mick, yes :)
Mickorod Renard: ahh great
Mickorod Renard: in answer to your question max..I am not sure why
Mickorod Renard: breaking the mould that one finds oneself in takes time
Maxine Walden: yes, so much familiar drawing us back...
Mickorod Renard: peeling off the layers of lenses
Calvino Rabeni: It is an excellent question
Mickorod Renard: I find there are several elements of this too
Liza Deischer: I try to give up hope
Liza Deischer: hi Wol
Wol Euler: hello everyone, sorry I'm late
Mickorod Renard: being relaxed is good Liza,,but having confidence is good too
Maxine Walden: hi, Wol
Liza Deischer: hope is something different than confidence to me
Mickorod Renard: yeaaaa
Maxine Walden: Wol, we are just wondering among other things about the elements that draw us away from the clarity we gain sometimes
Liza Deischer: welcom back Wol
Wol Euler: ah
Mickorod Renard: I think society today has , like a dent in the bed,,formed something that is so easy to roll back into
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: a nice image
Calvino Rabeni: :) metaphor
Calvino Rabeni: And society has buried some treasures
Maxine Walden: interesting image...almost like a gravitational pull
Mickorod Renard: its imposible to change the mattress..
Maxine Walden: buried treasures, Cal?
Mickorod Renard: but we may have to live/sleep on the edge
Calvino Rabeni: yes, you can dig them back up
Mickorod Renard: but the edge may be better for ones posture
Calvino Rabeni: with a little shovel work
Mickorod Renard: he he
Calvino Rabeni: buddha-mind is a buried treasure
Maxine Walden: :)
Liza Deischer: how do you shovel Cal?
Calvino Rabeni: or I might say, that which is symbolized by an infant jesus at this time of year
Calvino Rabeni: Innocence and potential
Calvino Rabeni: Buried under layers of cynicism and mistrust
Mickorod Renard: yea
Wol Euler: I infer that you meant "buried" in the sense of an avalanche, not intentionally?
Calvino Rabeni: and rules and recriminations
Calvino Rabeni: Well, in that metaphor, some people might do things that bury the treasure more
Calvino Rabeni: not just an act of nature
Calvino Rabeni: Or we bury it in ourself
Calvino Rabeni: LIke the psychological theory of ego-defenses
Calvino Rabeni: Trying to protext the treasure inside
Calvino Rabeni: From a world that appears hard
Maxine Walden: For me it feels useful to consider that there are states of mind we all know and at times inhabt which resist change, growth and the new...resort more to 'tradition' with perhaps cynicism for any change
Wol Euler nods.
Maxine Walden: the 'gravitational' pull toward the familiar
Wol Euler: and towards the norm. We are herd animals, we like to be like each other
Calvino Rabeni: Tradition can be a help and a support, as can ritual. I think of it as a distiniction between living intelligence and dead intelligence
Calvino Rabeni: we have some choice about those states of mind
Calvino Rabeni: that you mentioned, max
Calvino Rabeni: somewhat limited choice though
Calvino Rabeni: some are available in the moment, but others through practice
Maxine Walden: agree, Cal, and sometimes more choice than other times, perhaps, depending upon how balanced (or not) we feel
Maxine Walden: or do you have another thought?
Calvino Rabeni: over time, practice can make more choice available
Calvino Rabeni: that is, I believe cultivation works
Mickorod Renard: I do too
Calvino Rabeni: but one is aways poised on the edge of what is possible
Calvino Rabeni: insignts are ephemeral
Calvino Rabeni: If clung to, they turn into something else
Maxine Walden: wondering as we talk if we can think of having a bit of a practice during the next pause...maybe around some aspect of these issues...
Calvino Rabeni: I will take any proposal :)
Liza Deischer: thats what i mean with letting go of hope
Mickorod Renard: I think that is why we sould remind ourselves that PaB is an exploration, as much as anything else
Mickorod Renard: not an indoctrination
Calvino Rabeni: Letting go of the hope for an insight to be permanent - that makes sense
Liza Deischer: yes, exactly
Calvino Rabeni: The risk is, when you change it to make it permanent, it loses is life and is no longer true
Calvino Rabeni: It gets attached to the hope, whereas, in the beginning, it was free
Maxine Walden: (trying to offer some focus for the next pause): wonder if we can try to observe during next pause, what we are aware of being able to let go of and what not, what seems to hang around .
Maxine Walden: Might be a little difficult, but I am trying to have us focus and bring to our discussion some direct does that sound?
Calvino Rabeni: sounds good
Liza Deischer: ok
Mickorod Renard: brb
It felt time to try to go toward direct experience
Maxine Walden: My understanding of our PaB sessions is to try to draw upon our direct experience perhaps even more than our intellectual considerations...
Maxine Walden: we need to have some framework, something of a focus, but these exercises in direct experience help to balance the often very keen intellectual side...
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, an act of balance, to give it a chance
Maxine Walden: exactly, Cal
Calvino Rabeni: put it first for a while
Maxine Walden: right...
Lila Darkmatter: when i drop my role as a 'worker' or whatever, i don't stop working, so maybe while doing pab, ideas about pab sometimes need to be dropped and just play :)
Maxine Walden: interesting, Lila
Lila Darkmatter has obviously been here before
Lila Darkmatter: :)
Wol Euler: good to see you were taking notes.
Wol Euler: hello ara
Liza Deischer: hi Ara
Maxine Walden: hi, Ara
arabella Ella: Hiya!
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey ara :)
Lila Darkmatter: Hello arabella
Aubergine Mint: Hi Arabella
Mickorod Renard: hi ara
Maxine Walden: About to go into the pause, Ara, and try to observe what we can 'let go of' and what may seem more tenacious or 'hanging around'
arabella Ella: ah
Maxine Walden: trying to focus some on our direct experience
arabella Ella: yes
Maxine Walden: So, what is sharable from the pause?
Maxine Walden: What experiences?
Aubergine Mint: what does it mean to "let go of" during such a short time?
arabella Ella: well i dont know how appropriate this is but here goes
arabella Ella: i had to deal with a small family health emergency tonite
arabella Ella: and during the pause i realised
arabella Ella: how easy it is to let go of practically everything ... drop literally everything ... when such emergencies occur
Wol Euler nods.
arabella Ella: everything else fades into obscurity however important it previously seemed to be
Liza Deischer: thats interesting
Lila Darkmatter: yes it is
Maxine Walden: hmmm, yes, ara.
Mickorod Renard: yes
arabella Ella: it is just a reflection now during the pause over my experience these past couple of hours
Maxine Walden: yes, and maybe Aubergiine your question may be answered by some of the responses...
Mickorod Renard: but also it can work visa versa,,over that particular crisis,,a sort of stepping back,,and a chance to viwe from a new perspective
Calvino Rabeni: For me "let go of" means I have an idea, "this is what I do, or am" and give it up. LIke, I will not need to continue with something. And I am still "I" without it.
Maxine Walden: Did that occur for you during the pause, Cal?
Calvino Rabeni: yes, that is what happens.
Calvino Rabeni: There is odd thing about it
Aubergine Mint: is it just that you stop thinking about who you are?
Calvino Rabeni: The things appear just before they can be dropped - so I barely see the things I "cannot drop"
Wol Euler: Aubergine, you'll probably get as many diferent answers as there are people here, of how the dropping actually gets done :)
Calvino Rabeni: it is a part of pheno also, that I don't really "get"
Lila Darkmatter: I'm an alt today, of regular 'pab-er' so I thought about identity within context and what others draw from a person v what one expects from themself.. what it means to shift gears/boundaries
Liza Deischer: The way you put it almost sounds like you are experiencing in toughs
Liza Deischer: thoughts
arabella Ella: for me Aubergine when someone needs my support urgently I just stop thinking who i am, yes
Aubergine Mint: nothing actually drops, you're still who you are
Wol Euler: that is a kind of flow state, isn't it, Ara?
Wol Euler: you become entirely one with what needs to happen *right now*
Lila Darkmatter: who you are isn't caught up in who you think you are then maybe
arabella Ella: yes Wol and it feels so strange to drop all work deadlines for example which seemed to be so pressing
Calvino Rabeni: Thoughts are ore can be, a direct experience too - it is not just "perception"
Maxine Walden: such a change of perspective, of what matters...all of a sudden
arabella Ella: @Lila ... not sure what you mean ... who you are ... who you think you are?
Calvino Rabeni: You ahve a direct experience of having thoughts
Maxine Walden: yes, Cal, that may be
Lila Darkmatter: well, you kind of stop thinking, in an emergency... out of 'your head' anyway... attention shifts outward
Liza Deischer: true Cal
Wol Euler: Aubergine, it probably sounds as though people go into the pause with something in mind, say an aspect of themselves that they have identified, and try to drop that one thing
Liza Deischer: but I would like to know what that experience is about (and maybe Im not very clear :))
Wol Euler: whereas at least for myself, I try to do nearly the opposite: I imagine literally letting go, opening my hands, breathing out, expelling all conscious thoughts
Maxine Walden: (I have about 2 min before I have to leave. Just to mention beforehand)
Wol Euler: and then I often notice that something I had thought was part of me is missing.
Mickorod Renard: yes, I try that too wol
Wol Euler: at least for me, the dropping is done in retrospect. I see that a piece has gone, and think "ah, I dropped the idea that it is uncomfortably cold today"
arabella Ella: i find pauses as both aspects of reflection and relaxation ... as a release in both cases
Mickorod Renard: I find I am able to make observations ,,just observations,,and listenings etc,,without attaching thoughts
Calvino Rabeni: could work either way apparently
Aubergine Mint: sounds like a shift in attention
Maxine Walden: (don't want to interrupt this wonderful conversation; will just go; see you all later)
Wol Euler: mmhmm
At this point I had to leave for another meeting. When I can get the autolog I will post the rest of the session