Meditated right after bringing the kids to school.
Focused on relaxing my legs and shoulders more. I sometimes do not do the prostrations now, but I did today and it felt good, more complete.
Eos wrote about encounters with birds, yesterday. This afternoon, during lunch, my colleagues and I went to a large greenhouse with an indoors "flowers and birds park", full of multicolored tropical flowers and birds. A few penguins stood out, in their black and white costumes. I felt sorry for them in the heat, but then was told they were from South Africa! an interesting example of well intended but misguided compassion. (^_^) (and also edited 09:58, 12 Sep 2011
Told by my son: "I know those penguins, these are the same types I played with last year."
Overlapped 55 breaths practice with sitting again last night, mostly because I felt a bit excitable and had trouble settling down. Had a funny SL dream with Agatha and Pema in it. hah edited 11:29, 12 Sep 2011
Too busy running around to doctor’s app’ts, X-rays, and blood-work today to get in a decent sit, although our Original Face session at Cal’s was an excellent substitute for it. While dashing hither and yon, it occurred to me that I have been an unwitting co-contributor to the great fraud of our time (and perhaps of all modern history): the arrogant, stubborn, “left-brain” denial that participation IS reality.
After-thought: Thanks for your kind words about my "Day 9" composition. The software I used for that, Stevenaia, was a very old version of Vue d'esprit. edited 01:22, 13 Sep 2011
During the O.F. session I focussed on the spaces between the breathing in... breathing out... Finding calm, solace & peace in the pause edited 17:07, 13 Sep 2011
On walk thinking that stopping is so hard, even stopping is a project. Little 9 second gaps are like punctures in a metal sheet covering brilliant mirror. Find little gaps often enough, and they start twinkling like stars, kira kira :-) The sheet becomes more like a sieve, But actually those little brightnesses are not your creation: that mirror is already there, and in it the metal sheet a reflection. No need to start or stop.
Focused on relaxing my legs and shoulders more. I sometimes do not do the prostrations now, but I did today and it felt good, more complete.
::: Waking up into new world
::: Swaying with the flow
Overlapped 55 breaths practice with sitting again last night, mostly because I felt a bit excitable and had trouble settling down. Had a funny SL dream with Agatha and Pema in it. hah edited 11:29, 12 Sep 2011
After-thought: Thanks for your kind words about my "Day 9" composition. The software I used for that, Stevenaia, was a very old version of Vue d'esprit. edited 01:22, 13 Sep 2011
Thank you little forest.